Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Taylor Swift Makes Another $20M

Money just keeps pouring in to the coffers of Taylor Swift. This time it is Diet Coke who is throwing a whole bunch of money her way to the tune of $20M. Yesterday, Taylor announced the deal and when I look at the video I wish they would have put her cue cards behind the camera so it doesn't look so strange and second, I feel like as soon as they finished taping this one that she was ready for the spot to film and there was no emotion at all.


  1. I wish I had no integrity and could do whatever it takes to become famous. $20mil sounds real nice right about now.

  2. capitalism at its worst. Yeah Taylor encourage your fan base which is mainly 11 year old girls to start drinking diet coke! being the town tease (or tramp or beard)just wasnt enough? diet coke makes you fat and causes diabetes way worse then regular soft drinks btw...

    1. @Derek Harvey

      +100000 likes to your comment.

  3. I love swifty but what's the point of paying her 20 mil. What is she possibly going to do with that money.

  4. Diet Coke is disgusting and Taylor Swift is disgusting. Perfect match!

    1. I wish I could "Like" peoples comments!!!

    2. I call it diet formaldehyde.

  5. And just like that I'm put off drinking Diet Coke. If Bugs-Bunny-In-Drag is their new shill I'm stocking up on Pepsi Max!!!

  6. @JSierra- Beyonce has a $50 million Pepsi deal, let's sell or souls to the devil and become the new "It" group!

  7. Well, I love Diet Coke and I'm not a fat slob. LOL
    Eh, it's always the rich that get richer. 'Tis life!

  8. Am I the only one who likes her. She's pretty entertaining whether it be professional or personal. Did anyone catch that blind about her rant at an airport over harry.

  9. Hate diet soda but if you must the Root Beer is not bad...

    1. Mich, Canada Dry diet ginger ale is the only soda I can tolerate. Mixed with grape juice.

  10. I needed a reason to quit Diet Coke.

  11. Harry Stylez might be having second thoughts about Tater Swift now. 20 mill? Suddenly a little creepy clingyness doesn't sound so bad.

  12. Great so 20 million to Swift and 2.5 million to polar bear exhibit.

    I work at Coke and we were told that they didn't have money in the budget for Christmas bonus. Which is usually a calendar from the 30s anyway but this year nothing.

    I can't get a damn .25 cent calendar from coke but they give her 20 million.

    Fuck coca cola. Give me my calendar!!!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @IMakeNoSense- They have to keep trying to convince people to drink up and kill themselves twelve ounces at a time. Advertising is the reason so many products cost so much. It's so expensive to get people to buy shit they don't need. And unless you can convince people to drink more soda from the payroll department they will keep giving you the shaft. But you can bet your ass the team that closed this deal got a fast bonus. Corporate America sucks.

  13. Lotta I'm down, but as long as it doesn't involve butt sex or getting peed on.

    Skimpymist I do not recall that blind, was it here?

  14. I hate this wonk faced stalker soooo bad!!

  15. I hate this wonk faced stalker soooo bad!!

  16. Having sex with teenagers will make you rich.

  17. Im sure taylor swift is a nice person but there is something about her that i dont like. She really lost me when she was doing that "i cant believe i won face" and i guess now she is just annoying. But 20 mil is a nice payday!:)

  18. @IMakeNoSense - my boss was talking to me yesterday about how upper management went on some pseudo business trip yet they told him they didn't have the budget for raises or equipment upgrades for our group. It's common that the ones making decisions put themselves before the underlings.

  19. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I like Diet Coke. Sue me.

  20. I used to be a complete Coca-Cola fiend - the real stuff, not the diet stuff. Drank probably a liter a day, and loved it. Then I hit middle-age and started to become a lard ass, so I had to quit cold turkey. Now I drink water, tea, lime juice flavored with stevia, etc. I still occasionally cheat with a Coca-Cola, however - maybe one a week. I just think it should be classified as a dessert, instead of a meal accompaniment, due to its 16 tablespoons of sugar per glass or whatever. If you see it like a piece of cake or a doughnut or some other high-calorie occasional indulgence, its fine.

  21. I dont get the swift hate. She works for a living. If diet coke offered any if us 20 mil, im sure we wld all be on board.

  22. the thing is she doesn't need the 20 mil. She knows what influence her celebrity gives her and she is still willing to help sell something an unhealthy product. no moral compass.

  23. I don't get all the Taylor hate either. Like she's the first one to ever get an endorsement deal. Michael Phelps (for example) has been linked with more women THIS WEEK than Taylor has in years (exaggerating a little, but you get my point). She may be clingy, but she's hardly a who're, tramp, slut, etc. that people have been calling her.

    And I'm not a fan of hers particularly...I just don't get all the hate.

  24. I think she's adorable but that lighting made her nose look humongous.

  25. I can't speak for everyone, but the hate has nothing to do with her getting an endorsement or even getting paid $20mil (which is absolutely ridiculous, and yes I am jealous of that). It has to do with not being a fan of Taylor Swift and not liking the image that she puts out there, her attitude, and just her personality in general.

    It really isn't a big deal if someone doesn't like a certain celeb, we are allowed to hate/dislike whoever we want and I can't get why people don't get that. Not everyone is going to like everyone and if Taylor and I went to the same school and she wasn't famous, I would probably feel the same way about her, we would never be friends in real life.

  26. @ Betsy - Do you think Taylor knows Diet Coke is unhealthy? She probably guzzles gallons of it and lives on cup cakes and ho hos and twizzlers. When you are young and have a body like a greyhound you don't think about stuff like "is Diet Coke healthy?"

    Recently on another Swifty post a CDaN poster mentioned something interesting about how she was with Swifty and her mother and Swifty said a really off-color joke that really stopped everyone short. After that I googled "Taylor Swift and her mother" photos and there are a lot of Taylor in evening dress obviously backstage at award ceremonies photographed with her mother. My point is, I think her mother is never far from her side. We might not see her, but I think she is in the wings, pulling Taylor's strings!

  27. Yup JSierra, her celebrity is becoming as much about her attention seeking antics as her talent, and some (myself included) find that off-putting.

  28. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I needed another reason to give up soda, so thanks. No more diet coke for me.

  29. Anonymous2:13 PM

    she is a fuckin diet coke. Bitch b crazy

  30. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Warren Buffet doesn't need any more investment tips, but I bet he takes a good one if it comes his his way.

    It doesn't matter if you don't like someone, but calling someone a bitch, whore, slut, tramp, psycho all the time--it's a bit much. IMO.

    But hey, whatever makes the world go around.

    Off to get a Diet Coke. Yes, I actually like that 'poison.' Meh.

  31. Anonymous2:32 PM

    And for the record, I'm not suggesting that everyone calls celebs dirty names. But there are moments where it goes into overdrive. Not everyone, though.

  32. You only point it out when it is about Swift, Layna.

  33. Anonymous4:24 PM

    No, I don't. I've mentioned several times about several celebs, had several bad arguments about it. And even if that were true--so? For all the Taylor-sniping around here, it has to be expected that some of us would see it differently.

  34. @PuggleWug

    You are usually pretty reasonable PuggleWug, but I just don't understand why Layna isn't entitled to her opinion?

  35. @IMakeNoSense

    Coke not being able to afford bonuses? I don't know how they expect people to believe that. It's ridiculous. How cheap.

  36. Guess her and Beyonce are in the same boat.

    Why can't they give 20 million to a charity? They could make a commercial and let the public vote on the charity that would get the $. I need to call somebody.

  37. @mango maybe not, maybe she is not as smart as I thought.
