Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Taylor Swift Hit On Bradley Cooper

At the Golden Globes, Taylor swift asked Jennifer Lawrence to introduce Taylor to Bradley Cooper. Jennifer did and then Taylor proceeded to turn on the charm and try to get Bradley to ask her out or asked Bradley out or asked him if he would hook up with her for a minute or two in the corner of the room because she had writer's block and needed to finish her next album. Whatever she tried it was not working on Bradley who knows that as much as Taylor might intrigue him that he is just asking for trouble if he goes out with her. Can you imagine the songs she would write about him? I think Bradley will just stick with the nice and easy groupies who flock to him every second and who will not make a hit song out of their night together. Might sell the story to a tabloid, but no songs.


  1. What a loser. Taylor seems like the kind of girl who would poke a hole in a condom.

    1. I feel this way about her too, lol

    2. Bahahahahaha!!! Totally!!!

  2. OK so is Bradley gay or straight? Are these male groupies we're talking about? Get it together Enty.

    1. Maybe he's bi? I believe women do flock in his direction (I'd just throw him some shampoo, personally!) - and he takes advantage of that, but I also believe he was involved with SpyDaddy during Alias.

      Victor Garber is my yesterday, today and tomorrow guy. I'd woulda if I coulda ;)

    2. He's straight. Enty needs to sop trying to make the gay thing happen. It's getting very old.

    3. The other day, someone from LA posted that he was well known to be gay amongst the entertainment community there. That person has as much credibility as you do (as does anyone posting anonymously on this board) so who are we to believe?!?

    4. Sorry, my previous post was in reply to @whocaresnow12, in case blogger still doesn't show that in the non-mobile interface.

    5. The DataLounge boys say he was out and proud in college

  3. Why would that matter Taylor dates plenty of gay guys, Joe, Taylor, Jake....

  4. You know if Bradley Cooper aint interested, somethings wrong.

  5. I wouldn't be surprised if he's an equal-opportunity boyslut, depending on who's available and what he's up for (so to speak). If the rumors that he & Jennifer are an item are true, then Taylor is either the most clueless woman in Hollywood, or the most brazen; good thing for Taylor that Jen was too sick to take her out, although I personally would have to laugh if the latter opened up an institutional-size can of Katniss whoopass on the fool... ;-)

    1. So sorry you got laid off. I was laid off at the end on October. It sucks!

  6. I heard from someone in the know that the men in Hollywood are on to Taylor and I guess this confirms it.

    She has already penned 5 songs about her breakup with 1D's Harry Styles. That didn't take long.

    1. Their relationship wasn't long enough to listen to 5 songs!

  7. I can never say a bad word about Bradley Cooper. Dude is a great comic actor, I thought he gave an Oscar worthy performance in Silver Linings, (even if he is going to lose to Daniel Day Lewis) and he gave one of the best interviews on The Stern Show in recent memory. Really humble guy.

    Taylor Swift on the other hand is getting to old to be High School crazy.

  8. I agree, Emobacca, he was great on Stern!

  9. not shocked that she hit on Bradley, however I am surprised that she & Jen are "friends". To be honest, I didn't think Taylor had any friends.

  10. @Miz, I get the impression a majority are at least bi, so chances are..

  11. I thought for sure she would hit on Rico Rodriguez. Brad's a bit too old for her:)

  12. rhinovodka -- Taylor wrote that song for Hunger Games (the one Katniss sings to Ru) and that's why she was at the Golden Globes. Who knows if they're friends, but they almost certainly have met before and probably were seated near each other. (Though actually, JLaw was probably there with the Silver Linings table).

    1. @Amy, actually the song she sang to Rue was written already in the book by the author. The song she got nominated for was "Safe and Sound" from the soundtrack. They might still be friends though.

  13. I can totally see Bradley being bi and an equal opportunity slut. No famous guy in his right mind is going to want to go out with Taylor (legit or PR set up) unless he really really needs the publicity.

  14. He's gay, but he gives the girls a break ever so often...personally I would tell my friend Not To Go anywhere near him....

  15. But he's not 18 years old.......

  16. Honestly, with the way she declares open season in her songs on absolutely everyone she dates, I don't know why anyone dates her, beard or not, contract or not, attraction to her or not.

  17. No way I would date her. You are just asking for public embarrassment months later. That girl can hold a grudge.

  18. He just saved himself from being a cheesy break up song. I like a good break up song but it's all she's got and they all just blend together. Maybe is she wrote a really good one like You Outta Know. That is a break up song.

  19. I think that when Taylor's songs about John Mayer came out, everyone was like, "WHOA! What a jerk!" but now Taylor has such a crazy reputation that when I hear her new songs, I just don't care. I don't think any less of the guys. She'd have to make them so sensational at this point to cause much embarrassment for any guy she goes out with. I think Bradley Cooper realizes that the media frenzy if they were to start dating would not be to his benefit.

  20. I'm guessing that when she "dates" a gay guy, there are negotiations about how many songs she is required to write about him once it ends - you know, just give the whole thing credibility.

  21. The thing I font get about the JLaw and Bradley rumors isn't wasn't there a BI about him stalking her?

  22. AWESOME if they're onto her shenanigans. Nobody needs HER kind of publicity.

  23. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I find it disconcerting that a young woman would be labeled in such belittling matters. There are few angels in Hollywood and the music industry. Many of these people use sex to get what they want.

    Do they simply not appreciate the kiss-and-tell aspect of Taylor's songs? If so, she's hardly the first to do so. Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" comes to mind. Men pass around their little black books like candy, along with the women/other men within those books.

    It feels like a case of slut shaming when frankly, none of them are in position to do so.

    1. Layna, i agree!!! When men write songs like that, they are 'artistes', but suddenly when she does it its pathetic and bad. Why all the hate for her anyway? I mean im not a fan or anything, but why the backlash against her? I think the men are scared of her!! And one can only imagine the charming conversations that go on in closed rooms with music execs, bragging about their latest conquests. Ugh. Go taylor!!!!!'

  24. Oh well then, Taylor can very publicly declare open season on all of her exes in songs that sell millions, but how dare any one person say anything about her dating at all? Whatever.

  25. I love this because it means JL is NOT with Bradley as was rumored!

    I always get him and Butler confused re: blinds, who is the one who is a pig and goes for the really young ones? (Supposedly. I always read these with a grain of salt....)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. But Carly never told who 'You're So Vain' is about. Well, she told a couple of people. But it's all still just guesses as to the subject of that song.

  28. David Geffen was the subject of You're So Vain.

  29. Yes, there is a big difference between not saying who a song is about for 30 years and spelling it out in the liner notes. The jig with her is up. She's going to be a really hard sell now unless her contracts start saying she has to write positive songs with her bearding services.

  30. I think she is laughing all the way to the bank. I would be .

  31. I dont get the cooper hoopla anyway. He seems nice enough, but a sex symbol? Dont see it.

  32. If you are going to kiss and tell, there will be backlash. At least she can hire someone to follow her around playing a violin when she feels sorry for herself. She could fill that whole breakup boat with dove bars. She'll be ok but bradley cooper making a "no thank you" face at her is pretty funny.

  33. Swifty might be a nutty serial dater but dayum she look fabulous at the GG.

    @Agent - I thought "You're So Vain" was about Warren Beatty?

  34. Swift doesn't kiss and tell who it was though. It's still speculation which guy in which song is what.

    1. She makes it very obvious. Come on, girlfriend is not a literary genius. I doubt anyone heard "dear john" and were like " john krazinski dated taylor swift?"

    2. I just read this. Pretend i said ** lyrical genius.

  35. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Carly has said that Warren was one of three men who influenced "You're So Vain." Not sure who are the other two.

    I think some of the Taylor backlash is coming from her being such an It Girl. She's young, pretty, rich, talented (not the best singer, but can write a good song, even ones that have nothing to do with breakups), and scandal free.

    It feels that the media, and Hollywood and music by extension, is trying to throwing mud at her. They can't get her with drug addiction and falling out of cars while not wearing panties. She doesn't give stupid interviews. I'm sure she has diva tendencies, but that's almost expected for someone in her position. The only thing that they can nail her on is her dating habits.

  36. David Geffen admitted it and said Carly owned up to it years later.

  37. If the rumor is to be believed, Jennifer should have jumped at the chance to throw Taylor Swift at BCoop. It gets him off her back AND gives him a dose of his own medicine!

    Those two might be PERFECT for one another!

  38. Hard to say who I dislike more. I actually wish they would get together. Good times.

  39. She has a song all written called "why you gotta be so gay?" but needed Bradley to date her for a week.

  40. Oh, Swifty. She should just take a break from dating for a while.

    In other news, I offended my boyfriend today when I saw a picture of him from 5 or 6 years ago (before we met) and told him Harry Styles stole the haircut he had back then

  41. Something that would be good for Taylor is to meet a super-clingy guy, and she could find out just how much fun it is -- NOT!

    Be careful what you wish for etc. etc.

  42. Coop's classmates from the New School said he was gay too. Enty is not throwing out anything that hasn't been discussed before.

  43. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Taylor Swift = Priscilla Desert

    BCoop = Topher Hairy Touchus

    Coop is gay. He's been in some sticky situ's, mainly before he hit it big with The Hangover. Lets say his one man legal team wasn't exactly up to snuff in the early 2000's, and some closeted deals had to be...renegotiated.

  44. Is Jennifer Lawrence not dating Nicholas Hoult anymore?



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