Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Taylor Swift & Harry Styles Split

I have a question for you. Do you think Taylor Swift is a starf**ker? Think about all the people she has dated. There was one normal guy and she split with him and complained about him because his friends tried to be her friend and she thought that was strange and that they just wanted to be her friends because she was a star. She really disliked that whole situation a lot. Let us just go through some of the people. John Mayer. Jake Gyllenhaal. Conor Kennedy. Not really a star, but she loved that whole Kennedy thing. Harry Styles. Singer for one of the hottest bands in the world right now. Can you be a starf**ker if you are already a star? Brandi Glanville called that waitress a starf**ker last night in RHBH, but the waitress was not a star. Is it just expected that if you are a star, then that is all you will date and the expression does not apply to you?


  1. I just wish Swifty could find her soulmate and stop making music.

  2. If she were a guy, we wouldn't think twice about this. So she likes to run around with cute boys. Isn't that what a young person would want to do?

  3. Holy crap they all look possessed.

  4. She's getting to be pretty slutty- unless these little sleepovers are hand-holding only.

  5. Anonymous6:08 AM

    She hasthe same dating pattern as an early '90's Julia Roberts.

    LOVE 'EM AND LEAVE 'EM......

    Julia's men were hotter though, except the obvious one.

  6. It's not so much the number of guys that seems odd, but how clingy she is. I get the feeling that if she weren't famous, there would probably be several restraining orders out against her...

  7. Yes, she is. As are most celebrities. They mainly fall into two dating categories: starf**kers, or they date the help (personal trainers, bodyguards, backup dancers, waitresses, etc)

  8. she's a delusional girl with A LOT of money

  9. She's creepy. If she weren't famous, there would probably be a few restraining orders taken out on her.

  10. I work with a lady a lot like Swift. She gets very obsessive with the men she dates. She was arrested once for sitting outside her ex boyfriends house and spying on him, they found bincoculars in her car and a video camera. This lady is in her late 40s and is still spying on guys (but she has gotten better at not getting arrested)

  11. It's not so much all her dating, but all the publicity around each new beau. As we've seen in the past, such as Jessica Lange and Sam Shepard, you can have a relationship not be in the public eye. Swift chooses to make one of these pairings very public. She then goes onto write songs about them. Swifty is not working with a full deck of cards. I think she gets off on all the attention she gets for being a starf**ker.

  12. quelle surprise!!!!

    but i think she's a professional beard or she acts like a teen with her "boyfriends"
    but she can date every one if she wants!
    (i don't hate her because i saw one of her concerts on tv and i thought it was energic and nice)

  13. Oh good grief! A young girl in her early 20's dating a lot. Stop the presses.

  14. I think she is budding Borderline Personality Disorder, or something in that spectrum.

    dating when you're young is not 'slutty'. It's the deep dive into every next dude, straight from the last, that is indicative of a person with problems.
    Not to mention how her songs are thinly-veiled one-sided breakup stories about other public figures. That kind of bridge-burning after being 'so in love'?
    SUPER familiar.

    She gets validation for these songs too, so she's got an extra load to bear, if she really has a personality disorder.

    JMO. I have experience here.

    1. Yah, when you put it like that, it makes sense. That discription exactly describes my formers behavior. He is diagnosed bi-polar but he is oh-soooo much more than that!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Ladies, we crossed here because I take forever to finish a comment. ITA with the ladies who just said what I was typing also. lol

    BTW, personality disordered-folks don't really fall off the cliff usually until they're about 24, then it's ALL downhill from there, seriously. Bad.

    I hope TS finds a very patient fellow, a rock to help her navigate adult life, if my suspicions about her are correct.

  17. Entwood, I think star-f**ckers crave fame for themselves. Since she is already famous, don't you need a new definition for a star who only f**cks other stars ? Why do I have to use ** ??

  18. @rejectedcarebear
    I actually spied on an ex to see if he was cheating (he was living with another woman actually), and the live-in woman confronted me. I never saw him again, but at least I got my proof visually. I wish I had hired a private investigator instead though.

    1. @henriette- I can understand your situation but my co worker doesn't just spy once, she makes it a weekly adventure.

  19. It's not so much that she dates other stars, it's the Indy 500 turnover that stands out.

  20. So you're trying to tell me this wasn't a carefully manipulated pr relationship? How very convenient of them to split right after a relaxing vacation. I don't buy it for a second. She's been a beard for most of her last relationships and this one is no different.

  21. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Remember when T. Swift first came out? She was marketed all sexy in "Our Song" and sang about her senior lover as a freshman in high school? The "good girl" image is a clever fabrication and she has a great PR team. A few kids from my college went to high school with her and they can vouch for it: what we're seeing with this cycle of guys is the real Taylor, a chick who is talented, smart, and fun-loving as the next young woman. I would be totally fine with her owning her sexuality and having fun while she's young, but I find it hard to respect the fabrication.

    1. Anonymous6:35 AM

      I have to add that this particular relationship is certainly PR, as was Jake, but there is plenty going on behind the scenes...

  22. Oh please... Did we really just call her a starf**ker and then put John Mayer's name in there? As if her list even starts to compare to his.
    The term Brandi used refers to people who sleep with stars to get famous themselves - like say, Kevin Federline and J-Lo's little boy-toy Casper. It's not limited to girl's.
    Yeah, she uses it for material for songs. So? It works, right? She's got an audience full of young girls who are looking for songs like that, rather than songs that simply objectify them as sex toys for rappers or girls just waiting for a prince to swoop in and save them.

  23. i think she's in love with love. she likes the initial 'falling' in love part and sucks at what comes after. she gets needy and possessive and then SPLAT, it's over.
    i think she's cute, but she seems very immature to me.

  24. Thanks for breakup news so that I can mentally prepare my eardrums for the deluge of corny love-gone-wrong songs that will not doubt make their way onto the radio.

    Taylor Swift, starfucker? Oh puh-lease. She's in her 20s. If she were headed down the aisle, everyone would be a tizzy about that. The issue is that all of her relations - real and pr-related - are in our face 24/7 thanks to paparazzi and her confessional gag-worthy music. But whatever. The kids love this shit. She's probably one of the most successful musicians of the past year, and I can't knock her for that.

  25. I'm afraid she is going to become jaded.

  26. Yes!!! I've been saying this for ages! But she never gets called out for being a starfucker because of the goody goody image. I'm glad its finally being said by somebody that people will listen to. Thankyou enty.

  27. She's a young girl dating young guys. Conor was what? 18ish? It's rare that an 18 y/o male is in a relationship for the long haul. Especially a "famous" 18 y/o male. Harry Styles is 18, too. For that matter, plenty of full-on adults can't figure out what they want, either. She probably just wants someone she can identify with and get comfortable with, but it's a tough age and a tough demographic.

  28. This is all a publicity ploy, isn't it? I mean, we knew that from the beginning. She may already have a guy or gal on the side. When everyone pretty much knows your celebrity relationships are phony, maybe it's time to stop the pretense. Then again, it makes it easier for paps to get pics of two, rather than just one famous person. And the Tweeners seem to be clueless - so I guess the celebs who have fake relationships aren't doing it for old farts like myself.

  29. @Amber

    That is true. It's better to break it off when it's not working then to end up in a situation of prolonged pain.

  30. I think this Harry whats-his-face and the Kennedy kid are the star-f***ers. She's way bigger of a star than they are.

  31. Quel surprise! Cmon, she in her 20's-this is what you do. You date. Its normal, its just that shes famous. And what woman wouldnt love to have a platform to sing it out to?? Lol. If you saying she only dates famous people, that all she meets. Those are her peers. So no, i dont think she a star screwer or crazy or anything but normal 20 something trying to figure out life. And im not even a fan! Lol

  32. She might be another Halle Berry in the making. Its not the constant stream of new boyfriends, but that she uses her songs to portray each relationship as her being so INLOVE and the dude turning out to be a jerk. So each of the guys get to be a bad boy and she plays the part of the innocent. A few more years of that and she'll be a true believer in her own hype. Nothing will be her fault and the guy will always be at fault. I think the only famous relationship she had that she didn't bash the guy in song was Taylor Lautner, and that was a coupke of years ago.

  33. thanks enty, you just reminded me...(trotting off to watch rhbh...)

  34. She said in an interview that she either falls deeply in love at first sight, or nothing at all, that there's no in between for her.

  35. I haven't figured out her gimmick yet. She writes about these guys after they break up. She writes how they all do her wrong. Then she goes right out and does it again. Writes another song. Never, never, never getting back together. Trouble, trouble, trouble. So I can't figure out what guy would WANT to go out with her knowing she's going to write about them later. And a fairly large percentage of the guys she dates are rumored to be gay at some point after being with her. Don't understand anything about her and John Mayer. Is she a slut? She certainly allows the appearance. And she seems really needy/clingy. I don't understand how she publicly jumps from one guy to the next. She went straight from constantly being with the Kennedy boy to being with Harry, like it was nothing, nothing, nothing. So she confuses me. I've told my teenager to stay away from women like that...at the very least, she'll mess with your head. Way, way, way too much energy spent thinking about this.

  36. please. let's not act like she's actually having sex with these people. you have to fuck the star to be a "starfucker."

  37. I think Taylor thinks every guy she dates is her soulmate.

    All her relationships are very short term. I'm starting to think the rumors about her being all kinds of crazy are true.

  38. Life is so unfair. Here I am, single, and she just keeps on going. lol

  39. Like Whitney Cummings said on LYMI. "I can't wait to hear Taylor's songs when she has real problems"

    I just think it is bat shit crazy she buys million dollar homes next to every guy she has dated. She was looking to buy a home in London I last read. KH.RA.ZEY!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Just in time: http://9gag.com/gag/6262823

    Thanks for the RHOBH reminder!

  42. yodelay, crila---See my comment.

    Even 'set-up', beard relationships can trigger someone who has a neediness or abandonment or PTSD issue.

    My point is, it could have started as a nice bearding, and she still could have gone wack-a-doo over heaven knows what, even if they were just 'buddies'.

    Then when she calls him out for nothing in the inevitable hit, she has millions telling her SHE WAS RIGHT. That's like starting a trail of gasoline to the next one.

    See: Halle.

  43. Gawd Taylor Swift gets on my nerves. Her whole shtick seems so phony and concocted.

  44. Does this remind anyone else of Enty's blind about the diva who portrays herself as just like everybody else, but was really a diva? Her BF called her out in front of their friends causing a huge blowout. I know we thought it was Jen Anniston, but could it really have been Taylor?

  45. Oh good god! An attractive girl in her early 20s dates around and falls fast, so now she's a slut or has a personality disorder? Huh?! Sorry, that was me and all my friends 10 years ago. Now we're all happily married. It's called being young and insecure. You grow out of it eventually.

  46. Okay, the buying homes by the boyfriends thing IS kind of nutso. I'll give her that. :)

    1. I like it!! Kinda like charm bracelet on steroids, lol

  47. And I have said it before, I'll say it again.

    Taylor is not a slut, mainly because she doesn't like it in the butt and that is the only way her guys can nut.

    But we all (myself included) give Miley a bunch of heat for being a hoochie mama, when in reality Miley has always been in serious, long relationships and Swifty here has had like 14 boyfriends in 3 years. That is kindergarten dating. Like when you pick up boyfriends because they give you a rock at recess and dump them because some other boy gave you a prettier one five seconds later.

    1. "Taylor is not a slut, mainly because she doesn't like it in the butt and that is the only way her guys can nut" -- ahahahah! Best comment!

      Yeah, I thought it was pretty well-known that Harry Styles was gay. And that Taylor has been known to beard for people. Hello, Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Lautner, I'm looking at you. Soooo yeah, I don't think she's a slut at all. I think she just often gets into carefully-crafted PR relationships, and exploits them for songs.

    2. @jsierra I was going to say the same thing. Very interesting why one seems to have the good girl image and the other does not

  48. @KTL, I think you are right. I thought Anniston toi, but this fits.

    @Renoblondee, if she said that, then she apparently doesn't know the difference between attraction and like or love. A lot of young women have that problem. They think if they are attracted to someone, they must "like" that person. What's funny is that when it doesn't work out, the guy is automatically the jerk, even if he has been the same all along, and the girl just was blinded by hormones.

  49. harry has been rumored to enjoy the company of older(than him, aka 30+) women.

    taylor doesnt seem his type, but then again, it could just be pr doing their job.

    i agree that her emotional patterns are unhealthy.

  50. If we are gonna call T Swift a starfucker then we will have to call Adam Duritz one too. Some of my favorite songs are about ex-Friends.

  51. Anonymous8:49 AM

    No, I don't buy that. I think she's a case of arrested development. Have you listened to her songs? She's really still a little girl with a romantic fairytale ideal of love that doesn't exist in the real world. She's seeking that ideal with every guy she falls for, and each of these guys find her attractive, but they are more grounded in the real world than she is, so it is unsustainable. She's going to continue to get hurt until she comes down to earth and stops looking for Prince Charming to carry her away to his castle on a white horse.

  52. "They wanted to be my friends because I was a star'

    Well, why else would people want to be friends with you? So you can show them your boyfriend collection?

  53. It wasn't a real relationship anyway. Harry is gay.

  54. You're right Lotta, with the exception of the Kennedy, she's been bearding for pr. I'm starting to think maybe the rumor about her and Mayer is true. Things that make you go hmmm...

  55. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I agree with @crila and @chad. I've known a few people like her--one guy I knew dated a new girl about every month or so, was completely engulfed in the new relationship, convinced EVERY new girl was The One, &c. When a new relationship starts, there's no moderate acceleration for people like that, it's 0-60 in 3 seconds flat, straight into top gear. I think in some ways it is a very immature way to approach love and relationships.

  56. Starfucker? No. That's groupies, the people who live for trying to get backstage, sleep with the band, maybe date them -- but there's no working towards becoming famous themselves.

    Swift was on 60 Minutes recently. She was, from a very young age, obsessed with going to Nashville and becoming a singer. She begged and nagged and nagged, and at 11, went, and went to every record company with her little demo. When this failed, she kept on, and got picked up a couple years later.

    Swift has this laser-like obsessive focus; when there's something she wants, she goes 1000% towards it, and doesn't understand the concept of slowing down or "too much!" I think she dates the same way she does her career. She probably does fall head-over-heels very quickly, and when it fails, she's probably really broken... until the next one comes along.

  57. That's two failed flings in a row with 18 year old boys. It's time she gave up on the high school boys. Time to start going to Junior High basketball games & scouting the next generation.

  58. Wait wait wait. Brandi Glanville called someone else a starfucker? Seriously? Because she did what exactly before she married & divorced Eddie Cibrian? o_O

  59. I doubt very much she's a starf**ker. I think in about half the cases, she's providing a publicity service for male celebs who wish to appear heterosexual.

  60. I think none of these relationships are real just real convenient. She's probably like Prince who "dated" all these hot women when in real life he'd been married for years. It's all PR (although the house buying thing does give one pause).

  61. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I think that sometimes Stars can be the biggest starf(*ers, my definition being that you're sleeping with someone just because they're famous, and want the bragging right/ attention. It's not really the same for a non famous/famous person, but still. I do think that Taylor Swift is one of those, but I also don't give a damn about Taylor Swift or her bullshit p.r relatioships. She's straight, and she does pro bearding, therefore I believe that guy is gay.

  62. KatL -- she's not nice. A good year and a half before she became super-famous with the Kanye interruption she was already SuperDiva in Hendersonville, Tenn., stiffing wait staff (not just not tipping, stiffing for entire meals which the waiter or waitress then had to pay for -- people cringed when she walked into restaurants) and, when actually having to speak to such lowly people, stared off distantly into space instead of looking at them (very much like what one off the Kennedy women described when she crashed that wedding -- I mean, when you think a Kennedy is below you, isn't that sort of a clue right there, but anyway). Someone on her P.R. team got to her pretty quickly because I've since read she tips extremely well now (and presumably pays for the meals as well, though now that she's actually known might be comped by service industry establishments). And she does give a great deal to charities, etc. But from what I understand she's been a creep for a long long time now.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Like I said, heard similar things. Not a nice girl at all.

  63. I've read through most but not all the comments, so I'm sorry if this is a duplicate thought.....I think (because I'm old) that when a guy 'likes' her, she takes it and runs with it. She doesn't take the time to see if/how the relationship develops, she just throws it out there, all public and stuff. Which is usually fine with the guy, because he's usually in the limelight, too, and together they get a lot of press. As in, look at me, people are talking about me, I must be popular!
    Bearding or otherwise, I don't care. The problem is that she'll never meet a 'nice guy' because a truly 'nice guy' will NOT want to be in the spot light, nor have her in the spot light (regarding their relationship, not red carpet stuff). She's painted herself into a corner here...date her and you'll be in the spotlight, for a hot minute, then written about, called gay and be known as the guy who indirectly slept with John Mayer.
    No one wants to go there.....not for real, anyway.

  64. How many "normal" guys do you meet when you are 23 years old and almost constantly on tour?

    I agree...if she were running down the aisle, people would bash that too. It's a non-issue.

    As for her songwriting...well, most songs are written about SOMEBODY, just not anyone the masses care about.

  65. All the 'immaturity' y'all are describing, fit at least 6 PD's.

    And I don't think it's shameful to have one....

    If anyone's curious at all why I think she has one, I'll just say she's like looking into a time portal on myself at that age. Without the public affirmation from the songs.

    I'm different now. The worst, most embarrassing part is right at her age---before you realize, and can't yet control yourself. And she's public, that makes me sad for her is all.

    1. @libby The stigma on bipolar, pd, aspergers, schizophrenia etc. needs to go away. I completely agree that there is no shame. And a lot of people that have progressed this world have this in common. Starf**k this taboo.

  66. I don't think she's a starfucker at all...she's just f*ing nuts...I remember her at 12 on some talent show...she won...she was singing/writing/playing guitar back then...I knew she would be where she is now ... didn't see the crazy though

  67. The waitress on RHOBH is a starfucker. You don't have to be a star, you just have to sleep with them.

  68. She's a woman in her early 20s who is surrounded by other famous people. She's not doing anything out of the ordinary, imo.

  69. She won't be able to go a month without being in a noted relationship.

    1. ngrid, " a noted relationship". You make me laugh :)

  70. Please The Harry Styles thing was a fauxmance cooked up by Taylor's people. These two had NO chemistry whatsoever. That's not to say that Taylor won't write a song or an entire album about how he broke her l'il heart. *sniff*

    @ Agent - Yes - we DO need a word or term for stars who only fuck other stars. Renee Zellwegger was like that for a long while, though I think that her current beau is a "civilian".

  71. I think it is more about the other people being in the same socio-economic bracket as her. I have friends who are from varying circumstances, & as much as I love all of them, it is easier with those who have the same means, you know the places you can go to, you won't be accidentally putting them in an awkward position by taking them out to lunch instead of hosting them (had this situation recently, made sure we paid then had to explain to hubby our friends thought we were hosting lunch on our new deck, he wasn't being cruel, just thoughtless). Taylor is too young & successful to be settling down with a bank manager, & she probably wants someone who can travel, it seems those in the entertainment industry can travel all the time. I think it would be great if she would take time out for herself, but I think that won't happen for a few years.

  72. After john mayer she's been a PR dater. I would be messed up to if the guy who took my virginity and got me knocked up bailed and didn't care less. I don't care what anyone says but after women abort a child they get really messed up no matter how normal and happy they try to act.

  73. She's just immature, and silly. My own daughter doesn't act like this twit. Star F*cker? Not with Mayer the M-Fer in the list. Maybe that's why she picked him, because no matter how bad she gets, he makes her look angelic by comparison. That's crazy like a fox.

  74. I think IF these relationships are real, she's just doing what a lot of young girls do at that age but I think if she's at it still in a couple of years then we can start questioning her mental health but for now she's just a young girl dating around.

  75. @skimpymist
    John Mayer got her knocked up????

  76. @rejectedcarebear
    Does your coworker tell people about this obsession? She should keep that kind of thing on the down low.

  77. There is something very strange about her!

  78. @sasha yes he was her first, got her knocked up, she aborted so that she wouldn't ruin her image as america's sweetheart. I'm pretty sure "I knew you were trouble" is about him. The guy in the video looks just like him too.

  79. I would really like people to stop commenting on the love life of a poor young girl.

    Honestly, we all did dumb shite at that age. Why are so many middle-aged dudes so obsessed with who she's dating? I think that speaks more to the people doing the commenting.

    Ahem. Enty. Stop fueling the madness! LEAVE TAYLOR ALONE!!

  80. Taylor Swift is a Ho/Hoe/Heaux/Whore!!! It amazes me how so many of you jump on the train defending her slutty ways while claiming it's a form of mental illness. Yeah, it's mental illness...whoredom galore.

  81. @blue, I agree. There is no mental illness here.



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