Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Taylor Swift Flies To London - Wants To Talk To Harry Styles

I don't know if Taylor Swift wants to get back together with Harry Styles or if she is having writer's block and thinks that seeing him for a few hours will help her finish her album, but she took her jet to London yesterday and checked into a hotel right by his house. Maybe this is just a case of closure. Maybe they have things that belong to each other. Taylor is not scheduled to do anything in London. Harry is home. They must have been communicating. Maybe she needs to get back together with him and have him really dump her hard this time so she can get some tear jerker songs. This is interesting.


  1. Holy shitepile she is a leech!

  2. Ugh. If a guy was doing that he'd be a stalker.

  3. Does she really have a jet she just hops on whenever she wants? Lock your doors Harry!

    1. @Lotta - she may own a jet, but I also know that rich folks a lot of times buy a timeshare kind of deal - a private jet service that they keep on call or standby. I only know this because a friend's brother is a pilot for this type of service.

    2. @Frufra- Ah, that makes more sense. I didn't think of that.

  4. I hope Harry doesn't have a pet bunny :(

  5. Poor girl. Even casual relationships seem to become epic romances when everyone's watching your every move to see if they can spot hints of your next hit song. Just let her hang out without hanging on her ever move -- geez.

  6. Can't you just leave her be? I think most of the drama in her life is manufactured by the gossip blogs. None of us know what is really going on in her relationships. Most of this is just speculation. Maybe they want to give it another go. Maybe he invited her back. Maybe she is a stalker. I would like to point out she is not doing anything illegal, such as stealing jewelry, doing drugs, crashing cars, violating parole, etc. BLAH.

  7. Or maybe HE called her and asked her to come and see him.

    But no...it must be her, sluttybitchstalkerwhore.


  8. Every step you take, every move you make...
    Every single day, every word you say, every game you play, every night you stay....


  9. But I thought their "relationship" was purely for publicity.

    It's all so strange.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous7:48 AM

    According to many blinds on blindgossip.com he is "suspected" of being in a gay relationship with was it Niall Horan? And that this is purely a p.r bearding relationship. She's just doing this as a p.r stunt, her shtick is getting so old!

  12. Anonymous7:48 AM

    And Dee123 makes a point, what if this was a 23 year old guy doing this to a 19 year old girl?

  13. If her relationships didn't become songs, I be all over leaving her be. But considering she made that cunty tweet after they broke up about being in the studio I'd say she bring it on herself. Sure she's young and bound to have relationships start and end - but making a career out it is pretty tacky. She deserves the criticism - this is my how adults behave...

    1. -my.... Can't type today

    2. Ugh - I meant this is not how adults behave. Damn it - off to find some v8

  14. I think something's really wrong with her. She seems ripe for a restraining order.

  15. She wants her vintage pikachu Gameboy back!

  16. I dunno. Exhibiting this kind of behavior once or twice...maybe? But guy after guy after guy? Something is off with this chickie and the whole world seems to see it. FFS, when people make you the butt of a joke at the Golden Globes, is that not a good (bad?) indicator that people think you're a whack-a-doodle?! I would be mortified!

  17. Sorry - the gal is drawing attention to herself by having all of these relationships set up by publicity and then writing songs about them. I don't pity her in the least, and I doubt anyone here, including Enty, is doing anything that warrants the, "leave her alone" plea. Girl brought all this crap on herself by being a publicity whore.

  18. i can appreciate that this is written for hits, so no hate. but the truth isn't as juicy as you're making it out to be. there's a photoshoot scheduled in london for today, before jetting off to madrid for the Premios 40 Populares (other americans at that show will be pitbull and alicia keyes), then off to paris after that for another awards show. it's a few days of euro promo for her before a return to nashvegas and tour rehearsals/prep. harry isn't programmed anywhere in there...but keep writing as if it is. the more media saturation, the more reach and depth in the numbers. win-win.

  19. Whatever. She is a 23 year old girl who publicly dates a lot of guys (and like many 23 year olds, probably gets overly attached to some of them). I guess this is the new standard for slut shaming.

    And really? Poets and songwriters have been writing about their failed/lost loves and relationships since pen was first put to paper.

    And the "going into the studio"...did anyone think that possibly she was making light of all the mean ass vitriol being thrown at her by so called adults lately. Wait...I forgot...how do adults behave?

    So sick of the Taylor hate bandwagon.

    1. @Lola- I see what you're saying. All musicians who write their songs likely do use personal experiences for their lyrics. The thing about Taylor Swift is that she pretty much outs who these songs are about while everyone else stays mum. (Carly Simon so famously won't confirm "You're So Vain.")

      To include higlighted letters in your albums song lyrics booklet in order to form some sort of clue as to who the song is written about is where she becomes a punchline. I can only imagine the songs about Harry won't be vague and something along the lines of "The Other Direction" or "New Year's Kiss."

  20. Preach sisters, preach! So many good observations here.

    A tiny example of something being 'off' is how she keeps up the 'shock face' routine when people clap after she sings. Her self-awareness is like at nil. Does she have no guidance? Or did the guidance stop way too early?

    I do worry she is doomed to really embarrass herself here before too long. I mean Britney-level embarrassment.

  21. Lola---for the record, I was as bad or worse a 'slut' as Taylor, so my observations come from nowhere NEAR that accusation, I promise.

    I almost became a 'bunny-boiler' myself, see, and i recognize a BIG problem there, that if someone doesn't tell her about, could lead to a really bad time, let's call it.

    Once the issue is recognized, you learn through practice to control yourself. I have. I worry about her.

  22. Lola, I think eyes really started opening when her 23 year old fickleness took up with two 18 year olds in a row assuring maximum tabloid coverage.

  23. I will reserve judgement on this for now, I'm not sure I would be looked at as normal if the whole world had been following all my romantic relationships when I was her age. I still cringe thinking about it. I will admitt some of her behavior is a little suspect but as someone pointed out she's not doing anything illegal and none of us are 100% sure what is really going on.

  24. From the distance of age, Taylor Swift does seem 'clingy'. But remembering how intense those kind of feelings are when one is younger, just makes her seem immature to me. Granted, she's in her early twenties, but she (probably) hasn't had the same opportunity to experience normal relationships that we all did. She's been working, in the spotlight and sheltered from everyday life for years.

    Wisdom and discretion come with age, she's an emotional young woman without a fully functioning edit switch. And she may well be lonely and searching for something/someone to fill a void.

    She's being knocked around by young men who want one thing for a little while before they move on to the next...like most women have. AND having it documented by the press.

    Give her time, she'll wise up.

  25. @Libby, I appreciate what you are getting at but the truth of the matter is that this has gone FAR beyond "telling her about it." There is a big difference between "worrying" and "slut shaming" and it is readily apparent which one of the two "adults" are doing.

    She doesn't seem to stalk exes. She moves on to a new boyfriend (hardly "bunny-boiler"). I knew girls who dated a new guy every week in their 20s. If they were famous and thought they could've made a few million writing songs about it, I've no doubt they would have.

  26. I thought it was well established that she was his beard, so why all the fuss? She's clearly seeking more publicity, and look at that...she got it!

    1. Exactly. She didn't anticipate that people wouldn't care after they split, so she needs to squeeze more PR out of him.

  27. Libby, her mother is the ultimate stage mom living vicariously through her daughter. I had the misfortune of witnessing that dynamic up close due to work; the girl is off and I mean that with complete sincerity and her mother encourages the behavior. It's like a social experiment that is going terribly wrong but no one wants to scrap it because of the money (for the business side) and, most importantly, the fame (for momma).

    Also, isn't Harry dating that BBC DJ?

    1. Could you possibly share some details? I find your statement fascinating. I never considered it as an option.

  28. She's probably going to get her jeans back.

  29. Exactly Cee Kay, but messing with a fanbot's fantasies is landmine territory.

  30. I just don't see what is so special about this guy...

  31. WHY ? He's gay she's crazy....

  32. @Jemtastic, I'd love to hear more about what you saw. :)

  33. Another thing, does any female besides me find it more than a little offensive that the gossip rags seem to be criticizing Swift for "not putting out? He dumps her because she won't put out. She's a prude or frigid because she won't put out.

    She isn't jumping into bed with everyone she dates so she's the bad gu? It's not the sex-driven guy who dumps her because she won't/doesn't want to/isn't ready to have sex? Does anyone else see something wrong with that?

  34. Jemtastic, come back come back, tell us more!

    Yes she's totally bearding and anyone who missed it should pop over to BlindGossip to see the one about her being PISSED OFF at Harry's crappy acting skills.

  35. adsum, I totally agree. If a woman sleeps around, she's a slut. If she doesn't have sex with everyone she dates, she's a prude or frigid. These women can't win.

  36. "she took her jet to London yesterday and checked into a hotel right by his house"

    Maybe it was the Savoy? Or the Ritz? Good lord, she's no longer allowed to stay at her favorite hotel in London simply because a guy she used to date lives nearby? No wonder men think the world revolves around them.

    I'll buy into this sort of lame gossip "story" when they are actually seen together. Until then, it's too long of a reach of speculation for me to buy into.

  37. @adsum, it was to promote a hetero image for Harry and publicity for her, but it backfired on Taylor. Blame the publicists who set this up and managed it. The 'reunion' is all about damage control.

  38. @phoenix Could very well be. Add this visit to London to the Swift is embarrassed about her love life story that came out yesterday:

    “She really wants to make an effort to slow down and not jump from boyfriend to boyfriend. In a weird way all the negative press has really opened her eyes and will be good for her!” said the source.

    Maybe she has bad publicists, maybe she has bad judgement, maybe you cannot or will not give advise to a mega-million dollar cash cow. That's an old story and look what happened to most of them (Anna Nicole Smith, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan).

    Regardless, hopefully she'll learn her lesson. She DOES seem to date men who are either rumored to be gay (Lautner, Gyllenhaal, Styles) and skirt-chasing hounds (Mayer) -- no offense to dogs.

  39. Well, maybe the sex was that good and they just wanted a second round.
    Or maybe he just wanted someone to paint his toe nails with...

    Though, I don't care if she's a serial dater if she does/does not put out, but she definetely looks like a stalker and very childiss. Seriously girl, an 19 year old boy??? I couldn't stand guys my own age, let alone a younger one...

  40. I really don't understand why this girl is constantly given a pass! Where's the "they're just young, living their lives, and are going to make mistakes" when it comes to Miley and Rihanna?

    Taylor is mildly (and I'm being generous with that) talented and needs to find a new way to keep her name out there. This whole "woe is me I've been dumped for the 32nd time" attention whoring has gotten really old.

    The rags aren't saying she "isn't" putting out. They're saying she's doesn't put out often.

  41. I understand that people have off days and deal with stress in various ways but this girl isn't in touch with adult reality. We were sorting through a few details and all of a sudden, Taylor (who has been quiet almost this whole time) pipes up and tells the darkest 'joke' I have ever heard. I obviously won't repeat it but it shocked everyone; mind you, she's laughing hysterically while we all stare on in disbelief.

    I knew something was off for sure when she showed no shame/remorse and instead began to sulk for the remainder of the meeting. Her mom, being the ultimate stage mom, sits there holding her hand, cooing and trying to cheer her up. To say it was bizarre would be an understatement.

  42. Bearding situation and all for PR..nothing to see here...move along.

    If there were more age appropriate guys out there that would go along with these shenanigans then they would get them. Unfortunately anyone closer to her age would not allow the PR machine to control them. Only these manufactured boy bands.

    Really her team needs to do something different to keep her in the news because these relationships make her look like a stalker..That will be the next story they confront like the one about her not sleeping with everyone. Bet me!

    And agreed..At 30 I was hopping from man to man (and I liked it!). Just glad no one was following me arond with a camera.

  43. @TuesdayAdams I'll give Miley a pass. This whole hooha when she cuts and colors her hair - so what? She looks adorable. She's wearing short skirts and shorts? Who care? I would too if I had her figure (and did -- long, long ago). The pot thing -- not optimal, but not unusual either. She too is a girl who has been "handled" since she was very young. If she's acting out, claim some independence by cutting her hair, well, she MUST be a lost soul headed for ruin.

    Rihanna, I think, is different for me because of the whole Chris Brown thing. It's just so hard to understand how she would hook back up with someone who 1) beat the living crap out of her and 2) who had so little respect for her that he felt justified in doing so.

    1. @adsum, totally agree with everything you wrote, different situations with these three.

  44. @Jemtastic, thanks for that insight. It's disappointing because I really like her pre-"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" music and bought into the goody goody image. Too many stories like yours and all fingers point towards Crazy Town.

    It's too bad that she has such a terrible publicity team that they've let this happen, too. I don't know who thinks that a series of 3-month relationships could make her look good.

  45. Looks like lucifer dumped her too.

  46. @Gem That was fascinating! Thanks for sharing.

  47. She made herself and her love life a punch line by making it so public and her songs so obvious. Just because a guy calls does not mean you have to run panting. I'm guessing if he would have gone to her if he cared enough to. Especially after those boat pictures. She could easily not project herself as being so desperate.

  48. She wants him to expand on his comment "You are the prototype of the psycho girlfriend". She had no idea. The psycho girlfriend is always the last to find out these things.

  49. I have experience with her. She visited my random area of the country a few NYE's ago. She was really nice to everyone, kept a low profile and tipped well. She didn't have cameras or anyone following her. She posed with fans for pictures and was really sweet.

    I don't know of anyone that actually conversed with her while she was here though. I think she's a victim of the machine and it's taking it's toll on her. I think her image is so manufactured and she has no idea who she is anymore.

    It seems she's slowly trying to break free from the cutesy image by wearing more daring clothing and tweeting more vindictive tweets. We are going to see a much darker Taylor Swift.

    I think the trip to London is coincidence.

  50. Sorry not sorry-i love a good backlash.

    She needs to find a MAN and stop dating fucking (gay)boys...I mean who does that??? At 18 I never wanted to date an 18, let alone at 23.

  51. I am sure his people and her people worked this "relationship" out and Harry said no more and now Taylor looks bad, so they are trying it again.

    I feel bad for her.

  52. @ Jemtastic - Why do we never see her mother or are given any indication that she has friends, family, staff, assistants, handlers or whatever you want to call them?

    Her self-awareness is like at nil.

    What Libby said. At the Golden Globes she wasn't even able to hide her bitch face and fake a smile when Adele won for Best Original Song. Didn't she think that there was the smallest possibility that she might not win?

  53. Pookie that is exactly what I was talking about earlier!! Enty reports she has no reason to be in London when the reality is she has a photo shoot there, aka every reason to be in London. UGH.

    BTW you can't slut shame someone who doesn't actually have sex.

  54. She's trying to get Harry back because she has a reputation for being a serial dater and her relationships don't last for more than 2 or 3 months. She's 23, so she's got to be sleeping with them. Even if she's not, a lot of people are going to assume and not want them dating their son. I wouldn't let her near my son if I had one. She's gone from good girl to man eater or desperate for love.

  55. they have to renegotiate terms and conditions since he broken the contract early

  56. Lola--I'm late in replying, but I was referring to MYSELF as an almost 'bunny-boiler', and there's a lot of pre- bunny-boiler activities TS seems to be doing.
    If I had her money--I would have bought the houses, i would have been flying right out--all of it. It's super common, actually, but gets very very embarrassing usually before it's caught & stopped.
    I'm worried about her having the kind of mental breakdown I had to have, but was allowed to have mostly PRIVATELY. I don't think that is in any way related to slut-shaming.
    A mental breakdown in public. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, let alone someone who needs to maintain a decent image to eat.

  57. @Jemtastic - I find it very interesting that you judged her based on a dark joke that you didn't find particularly funny. I'm not a fan of hers even I didn't exactly mind her before; now I'm just very sick of her, like most of us I assume.

    It's just that, I have a very dark sense of humor as well. I've been through a lot in my short life, and that has made me kind of cynical. Underneath all of that I'm still a dreamer though, and I always choose to see the best in people and I think others talk kindly about me when I'm not around. If they don't, well at least I really tried to be nice and make them happy. I like being the reason people smile. I'm proud of how far I've gone considering where I've been, and I do see myself as a good person.

    But as I said, my humor is dark. I laugh at silly things too - for some reason I find cats hilarious - but I can tell you jokes (or "jokes" I guess) that'll make your hair curl. I don't mean to offend anyone, so I don't really tell them to anybody who isn't a close friend or something like that, so maybe I'll agree that shows some immaturity in Taylor. She should know better than to just say offensive things out loud, to strangers, and sulk when people find her unfunny.

    But to judge her character based on the joke itself and that she found it funny? I'm not so sure about that. There are plenty of things out there one can argue raises questions about Swifts moral fiber or true character, but I wouldn't say this is one those things.

    Unless of course you tell us what she said. I still think I've laughed at jokes even darker or equally as appalling, and as self-deprecating as I may be I still don't think I'm a bad person.

  58. Can we have a Taylor Swift free February? She's a leech and a stalker and we all know how it's gonna end.

  59. She has a jet, but no cell phone? Interesting

  60. @adsum people say Taylor "is young and allowed to make mistakes" well the same goes for Rihanna. The sad part is Rihanna's behavior is similar to that of domestic abuse victims but she gets no sympathy yet Taylor's attention whoring jumping from high schooler to high schooler sparks so much outrage. That's what I don't understand.

  61. @Libby. Thanks for the clarification of your response. I get that you are concerned for her but that is not (generally) what is going on. What is mostly going on is "adults" are acting like high school girls who are jealous of the popular girl and call her all of the "psycho" "stalker" names in the book. Take a look at the book "Queen Bees and Wannabes" (Mean Girls was based on it) and you will see that how she is being treated is not unusual (except that it is adults, not teen girls doing the attacking).

    Strictly speaking "slut shaming" refers to sex but I am expanding it to mean girls who date around (sex or not). She is being slut shamed whether you want to use that term literally or figuratively and I'm not surprised.

  62. Maybe she bought the hotel next to his house, a la the Kennedy's?
    As far as the slut shaming being related to whether or not she actually HAS sex with these guys, it truly doesn't matter. It's the perception, and she allows us to think she's having sex with them. Regardless of whether or not she does, that's what we think, so that's how we'll remember it. Right or wrong, it's fact. Just like all those girls in high school (after all, isn't this exactly the same thing, except she's 23?). We don't know if they were actually having sex, we only know what they told us, what we think we saw, or what we think we heard. But our memories can ALWAYS point out the girls who were having sex in HS.
