Friday, January 11, 2013

Taylor Swift - Asexual?

Radar has a new report that says Harry Styles split with Taylor Swift because she is asexual and does not want to "put out" enough for someone like him and would rather stay inside and discuss antiques. All that made me think about all night is why she and Jake Gyllenhaal split up. Do you think they clashed over their antique loves? Different periods and all that? She is classical French colonial and he is more of a British 19th century kind of guy? I could see that. Knockdown dragouts while watching Antiques Roadshow. Shaking with excitement when a new Christie's auction catalog comes in the mail. Harry was more interested in partying and having as much fun as possible and enjoying his fleeting boy band fame. I get that and you know it was doomed even without taking into account Taylor's past romances. She is a stay home lets get married and cuddle on the couch while we look at our cats kind of person and Harry is lets get naked in the hot tub and drink booze while we watch porn kind of guy.


  1. A lot of people are not into the party scene and prefer a more quiet lifestyle. So what? Leave the poor girl along.

  2. Maybe she gets annoyed by someone bugging her to do it all the time, and it makes her NOT want to do it.

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    If she doesn't want to deal with constant horniness, maybe she should try dating something other than 18 year old boys.

    1. ^^This and with John Mayer included

  4. I wouldn't be surprised, however I think this is PR damage control by Squinty's team. She probably doesn't like that people are calling her a slut, so her team came up with this.

    With that being said, I still think she's creepy and would love a ban on her.

    1. Yup! This is totally damage control. Even miley cyrus was snickering at her.

  5. Don't believe it, but i could see it. Hence why she beards, doesn't have to worry about a thing.

  6. PR BS like this entire "relationship" was. There's no way John Mayer dated an asexual.

    1. And @chris nailed this. Totally agree.

    2. Just a third in support of PR BS. And I don't give a rat's ass who sleeps with whom, or who doesn't choose to sleep with anyone at all - as long as all participants are consenting, adult humans, it's cool with me. But these fabricated, phoney baloney relationships are just the absolute worst. And the crime is that the public requires this type of parading around in order to decide who they "like best" in the entertainment industry. Why can't we just enjoy the art and STFU about the person's private life?

    3. I see your John Mayer and raise you Joe Jonas, Taylor Lautner and Jake Gyllenhall - all of whom would find "dating" an asexual girl a bonus.

  7. Who can dig up the blind item about this? I know there was one.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      I think the blind is about Taylor refusing to do it, but if she has to, it's missionary w clothes on.

  8. Something is fishy here, considering the POINT both of them made by walking into her hotel together each night and remaining there. Perhaps it's all part of their arrangement? Harry comes off as hetero (if she was his beard as some have suggested), and she gets new material for her next CD. Win-win.

    1. ^^^I agree @phoenix! Set up for sure!

  9. So what, however I think he's gay and should shut-up, I also think it was a PR set-up...

  10. Victorian is the nicest era of antiques to collect. Ornate, marble tops, intricate design features. Not a fan of the Eastlake strain though, unless it is a top quality lock side. Turn of the century oak is #2, because of the variety of designs, beauty of the wood and wonderful carving available.

  11. According to her twatter account - she's heading back to the studio - what a shocker. I can't Stand her and her stage 5 clinger-ness. Ugh

  12. Her public persons has me convinced she is one of the biggest freaks on the's airways the quiet ones

  13. These two are just on totally different paths. Taylor seems to be looking to slow down and Harry is not. It was a total mismatch from the start.

  14. If this is true, and not part of a bearding contract end clause, good for her for NOT putting out. Though I can't imagine her as a pure virgin. She did date John Mayer after all.

  15. I thought she was the answer to an Enty blind that she had an anal sex with John Mayer and he broke her heart. Plus with the constant badgering to have sex, that would turn me off to sex. (I know when my husband start badgering me for sex after a 10 hr workday, it makes me not want it).

    But if she is having sex at least once with all these different guys maybe she should try getting to know someone older, not in the business and work her way up to sex.

  16. I don't know who Harry Styles is, but he sounds like a cad.

  17. Chris & GreenMountainGirl are onto the truth. This squinty hoor's PR team is doing damage control. My dislike of her borders on irrational.

  18. @Syko, she's already gone through enough eligible Hollywood men that they're on to her, so she's restored to raiding the nursery.

  19. @phoenix, you're spot on. The publicity was mutually beneficial and since it had been about nine months since his last hetero set uo, it was time for him to be seen as a callus manwhore once again. That article is damage control for certain

  20. Taylor is almost the exact same person as my boss. She was lucky enough to find a guy who goes to estate sales every weekend and into all the same homebody stuff as her. You will know him when you find him Taylor, chill out and have some time to yourself for a bit.

  21. Count me in on the Greenmountain/Chris theory. She's doing extensive bearding for not a long enough time and now people are calling her a slut so they manufacture this cockamamie story. Not.Buying.It.

  22. With all the serial dating she's done I highly doubt she's "asexual"(I think more Michael Jackson when I think "asexual") and I always thought it was her in those blind items about a young singer with a sweet image that shocks and freaks out her younger lovers by being a kinky wildcat in bed in reality...

    1. As far as I understand, someone can be asexual and still be attracted to the company of the opposite sex. I think they have a lack of interest in sex itself, although I'm sure more extreme cases involve someone not being interested in anyone.

  23. What, I'm never allowed to be serious. If I could build a dream house and spend to the moon on furnishing, I'd have a Victorian bedroom set, w/ a full tester bed, marble top dresser and vanity. For a dining room set, an oak set, griffin carved w/ sideboard and curved glass china and crystal cabinets.

    Empire period is blah, Federal is too dainty, Depression era too flimsy, Inlaid Renaissance Revival type stuff from the 20's w/ the bronze ormolu is tacky, 40's/50's Mahogany too modern, although some of the flame mahogany stuff is beautiful.

    Any of them are a better investment than new anything though, so what you do is buy what you can afford and trade up when you can.

    1. Count- in a seriousness I love some good estate sales! You sir are my comment of the day! :)

  24. I keep picturing her singing, "Our a very, very, very fine house...with two cats in the used to be so hard..) I think Joni Mitchell would have a fit at the very thought, though.

  25. If that blind about Taylor & John Mayer are true, maybe she is asexual because her broke her heart/messed her up. I have to admit, after having my son (which was kinda traumatic for me), sex is never on my mind these days. (And it's been 2 years).

  26. Ugh...grammar "IS true"

  27. @Borg Queen: it's not an Enty blind ,it was a BlindGossip blind item

    i don't believe everything i read in gossips or blind items specially when the writers are anonymous (Enty,Blind Gossip or Star mag...)
    many blind items are out after the release of pics or when the gossip yet was written

  28. She strikes me as a missionary-only on alternating Tuesdays with the lights out kind of gal.

  29. Asexual? I doubt it. I wouldn't be surprised if she's a lesbian.

  30. I'm pretty sure every hetero 18 year old boy is a lets get naked in the hot tub and drink booze while we watch porn kind of guy.

  31. "She is a stay home lets get married and cuddle on the couch while we look at our cats kind of person ... "

    I see nothing wrong with being this kind of person. Of course, I am also 39, and my partying days are well behind me.

  32. I don't believe her relationship with harry was even real. PR stunt all day, and it worked. however, I bet she "put out" for john mayer. that douche.

    1. According to ace from BG, totally staged and faked. They couldn't even stand each other. Break up was suppose to happen before VDay. That's how much they hated each other.

  33. LOL, what a bunch of nonsense. Taylor Swift used to date John Mayer, and his tastes are widely known to be far from vanilla -- she's probably a lot more kinky than the teenage boys she's been dating lately, and that's saying a lot.

    Harry Styles is definitely not gay, though it's possible he's bi. He's recently been in the headlines for having an affair with a 30-something married woman.

    I'm sure this is just a PR stunt to make Swifty look like she got dumped for "good" reasons, instead of just for being clingy and needy.

  34. I don't see how you can NOT put out for John Mayer. He wouldn't be interested in talk about the cosmos or philosophy unless it was gonna get him some.

  35. I think this was a PR setup from the start too, with damage control now maybe because of the ugly tweets sent her way by Jack Osbourne's wife?

  36. I can put out AND talk about antiques! Didn't realize it was that difficult!

    As for style, depends on the house. I like English country but it would look stupid in my south Florida home. And south Florida would look stupid in a Yankee clapboard house.

  37. Totally a PR stunt to counteract the whole 'slut' thing. Tween girls are her target and the mom's want to think of her as pure and not a slut. Harry will be fine. He's a horny 18 yr old. No news there.

  38. ITA with Jerkula, who thought dainty furniture was a good idea?

    On to the blind... I'd be turned off sex after Mayer, too. Hang in there, kid. No one cares if you are a kinky slut or an asexual mannequin as long as you are photographed. :)

  39. There is nothing wrong with being the stay at home type, but Taylor just seems frozen in a high school girl frame of mind. Hey, it made her a lot of money, but she is 23 and while that is young you do start to have a different mindset about relationships, life etc. She really needs a few years off to get a real life instead of living in some PR created Madame Alexander Doll box that they seem to have her in. To my way of thinking her pop star status will start on an inevitable decline fairly soon, but she could maintain a pretty decent country music career if she would just break out of her little girl mold now. In order to write songs people will continue to relate to, you actually need to have some sort of authentic life.

  40. Based on her behavior, I don't get why people think Taylor is looking to get married or settle down at all yet. She seems to be playing the field. Men do it all the time.

  41. I believe what I read yesterday that the two couldn't stand each other and broke their contract they were so anxious to be away from each other.

    She's getting paid very well to beard for these men so IMO this is damage control. Better she be said to be asexual than a professional beard I guess.

    If that blind from last week is true about why she got into the beard business she's far from asexual.

  42. Taylor manages herself, het image was manufactured by no one other than herself, so she knows exactly what she's doing. And what she's doing is manipulating the general public into thinking she's some innocent little virgin lamb so that she can continue to slut shame other women while she partakes in the exact same behavior securing herself in the hearts of mothers everywhere.

    Its all about the bottom line witb cold btch.

  43. It does seem to be a PR move to counter the "slut" image emerging. I think she is just playing the field like most young men & women do. I don't like her music but I think sometimes people are too hard on her for doing something completely natural for someone her age.

    LOL @Count Jerkula. No hard feelings about yesterday's post.

  44. *her
    For ever loving christ these phone keyboards are too small.

  45. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Well perhaps this very sexual 18 yr old who has slept with probably a thousand women already is into all kinds of kinky sex, including threesomes. Perhaps Taylor isn't into that kind of stuff. I guess if you're in the entertainment business that's expected of you and is now the norm.

  46. Wow, @Molls. THOUSANDS of women already? You give him way too much credit...He's only 18. As for the rest of your post, really/? Threesomes are the new norm?

  47. I don't understand how calling her "asexual" to counter the "slut" rumours a positive PR spin. That's just weird.

  48. @DBZ, maybe to a young person it's the opposite of 'slut'? Just a guess....

  49. She didn't want to sleep with him, so she is now asexual? I wouldn't want to sleep with that douchebag, and I am far from asexual.

  50. I also don't think she is a slut. If she wants to have fun, go for it. But, there is no need to lie, and say she is waiting for marriage.

  51. Anonymous11:15 AM

    i smell PURE BULLSHIT! trying to make it seem that girl isnt out here FUCKING. she flies that dick out on private jet, bitch please. shes buying houses near them. She thinks she can just buy love and thats just not going to happen.

  52. @PuggleWug That makes me laugh hard. She dated John Mayer. There is NO way she's still a virgin. He'd have never gone out with her if she kept saying no.

  53. Anonymous11:16 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Anonymous11:16 AM

    god forbid this cute lil country singing girl .... is out here fucking ...smh

  55. Anonymous11:22 AM

    and another thing... ANTIQUES?! seriously...shes flying out and wants to stay in and look at antiques...taylor gets the an all caps BITCH PLEASE

  56. Did Taylor actually date Mayer? For how long? I thought it was just a dinner.

    @ MarkB - I read somewhere (was it here??) that Taylor had an affair with the female guitar player in her band.

  57. Well, I'll say one thing...the Count knows his antiques! Arts and Crafts/Craftsman style, anyone? (And I'm not talking Harry Styles, either!)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I can't believe this is the comment that brings me out of 2 years of lurker-dom, but YES to Arts & Crafts / Craftsman (aka Mission, which term sent Stickley apoplectic).

    3. Robert, absolutely Arts and Crafts/Craftsman style,

  58. I vaguely remember a blind and the popular guess was that John Mayer knocked up Swift. She ended up getting an abortion. I would bet that alone /could/ put a girl off from sex. I never had an abortion, but I'd imagine it to be traumatic on any woman.

  59. I think Taylor will do better with men and relationships, once she gets a little older.

  60. So is she a whore or a prude? The answer seems to change daily.

  61. Fun fact: styles just furnished an entire flat with antiques. There are several write ups about it, so i'm sure discussing antiques wasn't the problem. Pretty sure te problem is that it was PR set up he didn't really want in the first place, hence his lack of anything resembling a smile when the two of them were together.

  62. Although I do think the relationship was all about PR, I don't think Harry is gay. He's been linked to too many women in the UK.

  63. And that proves how effective good PR can be. He's only concretely been linked to two other women, both of whom later admitted it was a set up for publicity. The rest is tabloid bs that's been made up and/or embellished.

  64. I like antiquing and sex! Can't a girl have both?

  65. What if all her lovers have been selfish and she's never really enjoyed it? That is enough to create one cold fish.

  66. Mission Oak is what we always called it. One time I saw an L&JG Stickley 5pc parlor set that was found in a screen porch under grocery bags of mail, magazines and nonsense. Brought $25k.

    I can appreciate Arts and Crafts, but the furniture isn't my thing. Too stark. Some of the accessory pieces are nice, but I'm not into the furniture.

  67. I could see her being not asexual, but someone who makes the guys wait a little while. Either the guy leaves before she puts out, or she does and goes super-clingy.

    Also, 20th century is the best, from the Bauhaus to mid-century to 60's modern. But none of those boomerang tables.

  68. Or she's a parahna

  69. She seems very strange. Gives me the creeps! Not a good vibe coming off her. Probablly nuttier than a fruitcake!

  70. im a big swifty fan and she's cute with her fake romances!
    I still remember the hilarious first date with Jakey G. where they went to PICK UP APPLES *roll eyes*
    jajajaja !!
