Sunday, January 13, 2013

Talk About The Golden Globes

Have at it. Remember if you are still in the pre-show phase when you read this, you drink when you hear the word, "tonight." If you are watching E!, you can also drink everytime someone says the word, "amazing."


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OneGirlRevolution said...

Yay, Argo! I'm glad it won.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Spielberg must be soooo relieved Ben didn't get he Oscar nom.

Kelly said...

Huh. It ended on time. Freaky. Goodnight all!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I'm out before they show that Sofia Vergara Pepsi commercial again. Time to watch Shameless.

LottaColada said...

I'm with you Elizabeth, I liked Argo a lot but did not see that coming! And Les Mis took it in the Musical/Comedy category.

Good night folks!

timebob said...

Speilberg will clean up at the Oscars. Even though HFPA is as crooked as my teeth it's nice to see people recognized for their work.

Elizabeth said...

Loved Amy's line "Good night everybody, we're going home with Jodie Foster!"

califblondy said...

Julia Roberts? Really? She certainly didn't get a very big welcome.

See you manana CDANers. I can't wait to read Enty's blinds from tonight. I'm sure he's going to have some good ones.

Good night, I'm off to watch Downtown Abbey.

car54 said...

I'd like to propose that Tina and Amy be apointed permanent hosts of all awards shows and that Sacha Baron Cohen be banned from all future awards shows.

I am glad to see Affleck win --the problem with the Oscars is that they increased the number of movies that can be nominated for best picture but not the best director or other categories so I'm glad he was recognized.

I'm also happy to see Hugh Jackman win. I like how the GG's separate genres so someone from a musical or comedy doesn't go head to head with actors in a drama.

Also glad to see Game Change do so well--it was early in the year but it was great.

Ms. Good Intentions said...

It's been fun gang!

As someone who rarely finds time to post because of work, I don't think there is a clique at all. There are obviously regulars but I've never found them to be exclusive.

timebob said...

Well that was fun, look forward to Oscar night hope we can break 1,000 comments like last year

g'nite folks

Count Jerkula said...

That is Lindsay's brother not her dad.

timebob said...

Mayor timebob says ALL ARE WELCOME!

Ms. Good Intentions said...

And us...Off to watch Shameless too!!! yippee!

OneGirlRevolution said...

Goodnight to read after 6 continuous hours of telly.

I hate Mondays.

JSierra said...

'Twas a great evening indeed. I am off to watch my Honey Boo Boo child, smoke some pot and drink some wine.

Goodnight all! Sweet dreams and happy Monday to all

dia papaya said...

LOL E Gee Be - I was just asking my BF why the high neck look is back? WHY? It looks shit on everyone! Except the dearly departed Audrey Hepburn. She could wear anything and look lovely.

I still love Ellen Barkin and @Amber! Ha!

OneGirlRevolution said...

LOL, yes, I should have footnoted with:

*nonetheless, everyone is always (usually?) welcome. They are.

(And I am totally hearing the odd, little old lady from Poltergeist saying, "ALLLLLLLL are welcome.")

tinkerbell33 said...

great night good night

csproat said...

Damnit CareBear!...gaaah! Now I need buckeyes!

timebob said...

@Lola stay away from the light :-)

OneGirlRevolution said...

But it's so pretty...

EGB said...

Oh, if I got my feelings hurt every time no one answered me I would never comment! I am the comment killer (last ne to comment in a thread) more often than not, mostly cause I don't check til after work, California time. FWIW, @mybrotherthehero, I thought your cautionary message came across as sweet.

dia papaya said...

Hi mybrothehero! Long time no see. Hope you are well!

dia papaya said...

Hi E Gee Be! We are the two late birds. I normally can't comment until the end of the day or very very early.

And yes, I thought @mybro's message was heartfelt advice. Although when I read it, I thought she was talking about the Park and Rec guy that pretended (?) to be stoned during the GG's. I guess it could be for all.

Night everyone! It's was fun! Can't wait to comment on all the dress pics tomorrow. I don't have a clear favorite. I was underwhelmed by most of tonight's outfits. Although, I loved Alba's fuzzy clutch. Fun!

I hope the Your Turn tomorrow is rate the speeches or guess who was the most stoned? Something fun like that...

EGB said...

So funny, @Dia, I was thinking about you and some of the other west coasties, cause I think a lot of it is really time zone based, anyway Tina and Amy won the night, loved Alba and Salma, and now watching Iron Man 2 for some extra RDJ time!

Sunny said...

No I am the comment killer! Haha! Did you west coasters watch an east coast feed? My dinner guests just left and I am now watching AnnE's speech. AM I IN A WORMHOLE? Is wormhole the right word? What's happening?

EGB said...

Yes, Sunny! It started at 5 our time, started watching the preshow at 3. It's all I planned to do today. But feel free to comment while you're watching, I am totally up and will be listening!

Sunny said...

E Gee Bee
I feel like I am being so dense, and I am sober! So they are looping it?
My man is waiting to watch Shameless with me, but skimming through everybody's comments made me feel like I was there. You had me laughing about people not responding to comments. I actually pandered for an lol at one of my jokes the other day. It was pretty sad. Haha. Goodnight honey!

dia papaya said...

Sunny, where have you been all day??? Did you take your horny butt to Canada to find Ryan Gosling? ;)

And I'm out!

KittensRUs said...

Awful dress. Just hideous. Who does she think she is, Scarlett O'Hara?

LL VCE said...

I'm so happy people are calling out Swifty for the stank eye when Adele won! I burst out laughing when the camera did a close up of her. Guess she doesn't lose awards too often (insert obvious boyfriend joke here)....

LL VCE said...

I lovvvvve Connie Britton too!

Anonymous said...

Enty, I think you have a problem.

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