Sunday, January 13, 2013

Talk About The Golden Globes

Have at it. Remember if you are still in the pre-show phase when you read this, you drink when you hear the word, "tonight." If you are watching E!, you can also drink everytime someone says the word, "amazing."


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Agent**It said...

MontanaMarriot DDL was just shown. Thinking of you........

imahrtbrkbeat said...

I think Tommy Lee Jones should have gotten a separate nomination for his wig.

Ms. Good Intentions said...

I have had a major girl crush on Kate Hudson since Almost Famous and always will but I can't get behind that dress.

JSierra said...

Yup Lincoln is sweeping tonight. As long as my girl Jen walks away with something, I Will be happy.

gossipmonger1 said...

Tina Fey looks the best she's ever looked.

imahrtbrkbeat said...

Is Leo going to pull an Eddie Murphy and lave since he didn't win?

imahrtbrkbeat said...


Kelly said...

Tina and Amy killed it!

EmEyeKay said...

Hi all... on my phone, so can't stay... have fun tonight! xoxo

Tigercat said...

@Erik Sophia V gave major biatch face to the attendant who helped her out of her car.

Alba had some major biatch face on the carpet too.

tinkerbell33 said...

the girls are funny!! awesome
so happy that mr Christoph Waltz

greenmountaingal said...

Thank GOD Maggie Smith won and Sofia didnt!

I wish Leo would've won.

tinkerbell33 said...

^won :)

Humor Me said...

Kerry Washington's dress was gorgeous. E!'s camera did not do it justice.

Kloie said...

It looked like Lea Michele was gossiping about Kate Hudson's dress when she came onstage.

dia papaya said...

Well F her! Let's take her out back. I know people ;)

Lelaina Pierce said...

That dig at James Cameron! Ouch!

califblondy said...

I see Eva's underpants

lilo723 said...

I very strongly dislike Eva Longoria. Why is she even there?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Sam Fox? Wasn't that he chick that sang that Touch Me song back in the 80's?

Betty K said...

Eva looks sad

Mari said...

Hey guys, just got back from Timmy's with doughnuts for my Mum.
Hope all are good!
I was rooting for Waltz & Dame Maggie so no complaints yet....

EGB said...

Ah, I knew that @rej, he's clearly a loyal friend, Jodie foster is at their table too

dia papaya said...

Tina and Amy need to work together more. Great stuff ladies!

candibugbug said...

Miss and Mr Golden Globe look great!

Betty K said...

Sarah polley looks wonderful

a non a miss said...

Yeah, Mel either secured him insurance for a movie (the singing detective?) Or something but Mel really helped him out when he was re starting his career. So RDJ remains loyal. He's a good friend.

candibugbug said...

I love Julianne Moore but her dress still looks like its still on the hanger.

Agent**It said...

Jessica Lange was robbed...

Betty K said...

The fake nomination was hilarious.

hotchacha said...

CZJ... uh oh. Looking strange to me.

imahrtbrkbeat said...

It's not 2003. Ain't nobody trying to hear you sing, Catherine. Stop. It. Now.

Kloie said...

So CZJ is what, 38 now?

The Effervescent Diva said...

Cannot believe CZJ just began to sing from Les Miz... trying to show off her own pipes... over the top...

Ms. Good Intentions said...

Love j. moore!

greenmountaingal said...

I think CZJ is one of the most beautiful women in the world.

EGB said...

Are we supposed to clap when CZJ did that little singing thingy? She looked like we were!

tinkerbell33 said...

darn I wanted Jessica lange to win for American horror story

The Effervescent Diva said...

Thought Tina looked amazing!

Ms. Good Intentions said...

If you haven't seen "Game Change", I highly recommend it...very interesting and in my opinion not to biased in any one direction.

califblondy said...

Shit, I was in the kitchen and heard Catherine singing...WTH?

califblondy said...

I loved the James Cameron diss 'cuz I think he's an ass. Good job Amy.

Lulu G said...

Tina and Amy are great so far. I was watching NBC Red Carpet and I thought JLaw said she had a touch of the flu.

Loved Tracy P and MJFox's son as Mr Golden Globe. He is the spitting image of his dad. Why is that Eastwood chick the Miss Golden Globe?

Kate Hudson talked really fast..

Ms. Good Intentions said...

One other plug...House Of Lies

If you have Showtime, Che k it out. It is very well written, produced & directed. A very clever show that will make you laugh!

Tigercat said...

So glad there are others who gagged when CZJ sang. (I'm petty, I know).

hotchacha said...

Hollywood Foreign Press bosslady... please don't.

imahrtbrkbeat said...

So much bloody plastic in the room. How are the lights not causing these people to melt?! Sidenote: I love Rosario Dawson's dress.

a non a miss said...

Right? She was awkward.

Ms. Good Intentions said...

I thought Jon Hamm and Jessica W broke up?

hotchacha said...

We should also be drinking everytime someone says the word "journey."

Ms. Good Intentions said...

Journey! Yes!!!

imahrtbrkbeat said...

Salma Hayek has "I just had sex" hair.

candibugbug said...

Matt LeBlanc looked like he wanted to jump onstage onto Salma Hayak

hotchacha said...

I hope Salma DID just have sex.

a non a miss said...

Now I know I'm stoned..but are the GG stoned too? What is going on?!

greenmountaingal said...

Salma Hayek's body is amazing.

I like Paul Rudd but he always looks like he needs to brush his hair.

I don't get HBO or Showtime, so I can't comment on these shows, but they look great.

JSierra said...

Bahahaha "Something about breaking bad, I don't know"

Gotta love live TV

Mrswife29 said...

Darcy St. Fudge

Ms. Good Intentions said...

Wait!?! I missed the getting stoned memo?

Who is GG?

Sasha said...

I wish Bryan Cranston would have won.

Betty K said...

Hey homeland... Do better with season 3. Come on.

a non a miss said...

GG golden globes

LottaColada said...

Salma and Paul should make a movie together, someone make that happen

Tigercat said...

I love it that pretty much everything I think in my head, someone else here posts it.

Sherry said...

Me neither Dia. No tv either at Blanc Debris Manor so I have a 3hr drve back to the city.

hotchacha said...

I missed the Homeland speech. Did anyone say journey?

Mama June said...

Yay Homeland! Damn, Claire Danes looks great.

LottaColada said...

@candi, he looked very excited as soon as he saw her

candibugbug said...

Someone move peppermint patty's sidekick closer to the mike

imahrtbrkbeat said...

I'm sorry, John Goodman's face is like "for real? step up to the mic! No one can hear you." Well, at least that's what I was imagining he was thinking.

Oh God, Jennifer Lopez. Ugh.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Ben Affleck played Tony Mendez in Argo? That's the name of David Letterman's cue card guy.

greenmountaingal said...

JLo looks amazing. I'd love to be able to rock a dress like that.

Jason Blue Eyes said...


Ms. Good Intentions said...

@candibugbug...that was the funniest thing that I've heard yet!

lilo723 said...

Is JLos dress just glued on lace appliqués

imahrtbrkbeat said...

Raise your hands if you think that Jennifer Garner pulled Affleck a little bit closer to her when Lopez appeared on stage? And it will stay that way. All. Night.

Ms. Good Intentions said...

@rejected...thanks. Not partaking in the goods at the moment but clearly alcohol buzzed enough to miss the obvious. ;-)

LottaColada said...

Jason and JLo have no chemistry, none. Someone really mis-cast that movie they made together.

greenmountaingal said...

Anyone think Enty should put up a Part 2? The comments are getting loooong to scroll through.

Yay Adele!

candibugbug said...

I wish Adele would switch up the look a little

hotchacha said...

Did you see the shade that Taylor Swift just threw at Adele? Who saw that look?

Kloie said...

Ooh, Taylor Swift bitchface.

LottaColada said...

Squinty looked pissed

Humor Me said...

Yay Adele! So original!

imahrtbrkbeat said...

dammnit. I will never drink Pepsi again.

greenmountaingal said...

I did. Just another reason for me to hate her!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Taylor can now write a song about what a bitch that skank Adele is.

imahrtbrkbeat said...

Kiefer is so toasted already.

EGB said...

When did Kate Hudson become Ellen Barkin? (Who is still gorgeous @Amber!) and neck collars are so youthful! Said no one ever.

candibugbug said...

Damien for the win!

Erik said...

good practice for the oscars, taylor...

EGB said...

Team Damian Francisco!

hotchacha said...

I want Kiefer to dive into the backdrop just for old times' sake.

Bulldog Fart said...


Jason Blue Eyes said...

Was that just Johnny Depp?

candibugbug said...

Kevin C is still hot

Ceci Chapela said...

I wish the director had closed up on JGardner's face as J.Lo came onstage.

Erik said...

That was Tina Fey!

a non a miss said...

I was just bout to post- Costner can still get it.

kj said...

i think kevin costner was surprised, and for him quite humble

Mari said...

Damian Francisco was robbed!

Ms. Good Intentions said...

Damn...Costner got serious...

hotchacha said...

Kevin Costner + 60lbs, a colour-blocked shirt and a hat = Garth Brooks. Just saying.

kj said...

hide the interns they rolled out clinton

Ms. Good Intentions said...


Kloie said...

The hell? Bill Clinton?

Oh, and I just saw my brother's friend, James Wolk, on screen. :-)

greenmountaingal said...

I love Jessica Alba. I think she's perfection.

Kevin Costner needs some eye cream. I like him as an actor, but I think he should remind everyone that he was in one of the worst movies of all time, Waterworld.

BILL!!!! Yee haw!

Amy in MI said...

I thought Swifty was going to cut a bitch..

And yay Bill Clinton!

OneGirlRevolution said...

Bill Clinton! Squeeeeee!

Betty K said...

What a thoughtful acceptance from Kevin c

EGB said...

I'd still do him.

imahrtbrkbeat said...

I'm more interested in seeing who are sitting down not clapping for Big Willy. Homeboy looks good.

candibugbug said...

My husband just asked what Bill Clinton was doing there? He said is he looking for a piece of ass?

imahrtbrkbeat said...

*who is. I went to school and understood reading comprehension. I promise.

a non a miss said...

Who thinks that we'll be seeing Amy Adams in a coral dress at the Oscars?

LottaColada said...

Bill Rodham Clinton!

lilo723 said...

Lincoln put me and my husband to sleep, to be perfectly honest. But DDL was haunting as Lincoln.

Pip said...

Halle Berry's dress is awful. Can Lena Dunam please go back to being a no name rich kid?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I'm still convinced that's johnny Depp

Amy in MI said...

Holy Hell what is up with Anjelica Huston's clown lips! She look like she stole old flame Jack's joker smile!

candibugbug said...

Love Will's porno mustache

LottaColada said...

JLo actually let Casper accompany her to this? FFS Bill Clinton is there!

a non a miss said...

OMG is that a Ron Burgandy mustache on Will?!

califblondy said...

Wiig needs a good hairbrush.

greenmountaingal said...

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I don't find Kristen Wiig funny at all. She's up her own ass too much.

Ms. Good Intentions said...

Yes! Bring on the second

kj said...

will ferrell and kristen wiig. pretty pretty good

Erik said...

Line of the night: "That was Hillary Clinton's husband". LMAO

hotchacha said...

Tommy Lee Jones is NOT amused.

kj said...

tommy lee jones is having such a good time........get him some liquor

LottaColada said...

@greenmountaingal, I find her very irritating.

Ms. Good Intentions said...

Never one to flame but I respectfully disagree...I think Kristen Wigg is hilarious much of the time.

imahrtbrkbeat said...

They're filming Anchorman II in my city. I'm sorry, I just had to share. I'm too psyched.

Tommy Lee Jones is not amused.

kj said...

why does taylor swift look like she has already had years of botox

EGB said...

Yay! Our girl JL!

LottaColada said...

JLaw!!!!! Omg I'm so happy for her

OneGirlRevolution said...

JLaw!!! Yay!

Kloie said...

I love Jennifer Lawrence! But oh god, do not act like you love Bradley Cooper. :(

hotchacha said...

JLaw, you did NOT beat Meryl. She just didn't come because she has too much class. That's all.

lilo723 said...

I hate that JLaw has fallen into the Hollywood trap and is now a skeleton. She's still pretty, but too thin.

califblondy said...

Damn, J.Law is hilarious.

kj said...

kirtsten wiig is hilarious. and she and will should be doing those screwball comedies from the 40s. they would be amazing

Tigercat said...

Glad for JLaw!

Loved the Hilary Clinton's husband line. I dig that Amy P will say anything.

I thought the Will & Kristen skit was pretty funny.

Eeekalicious said...

@Bulldog Fart

Hi Cutie!! Who's a good boy who's a good boy???

I don't think Bulldog Fart likes the Golden Globes.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Danny Huston looks like Laura Palmer's dad.

Amy in MI said...

I think JLaw will put more weight on after awards season, but then again Xmen is filming...

I'm still so happy she won!

OneGirlRevolution said...

Jamie Foxx is looking hot!

greenmountaingal said...

I can't look at Jamie Foxx without thinking of his Prince Albert!

imahrtbrkbeat said...

Did Jamie Foxx really just leave out Kerry Washington on her performance? Odd.

Unknown said...

Thanks for always reppin' Pittsburgh!!

Betty K said...

Homage to Hillary rodham and Leslie Knope the best character on tv.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Anne (WITH AN E!!!!) won.

LottaColada said...

Why is she so surprised? Come on Anne you are not fooling anyone

Kloie said...

Uchhhhhhh Anne Hathaway

greenmountaingal said...

Noooooooooo! Anne! Damnit! Now she's going to win the Oscar & be more insufferable than ever.

hotchacha said...

Anne, take a break. You're off the clock, girl.

Tigercat said...

Have been an Anne H. fan but I'm over her this season. Ugh.

Betty K said...

Insufferable is now spelled Anne

OneGirlRevolution said...

Anne! Aw, good for her. That was really sweet re Sally Field.

hotchacha said...

Play the music. I just can't....

lilo723 said...

My husband said, "Oh great Anne Hatahway is taking the 'over dramatic I won an award' approach like Meryl Streep." He can't stand Meryl Streep or Anne Hathaway. Lol.

EGB said...

Pregnancy is no excuse for those shoulder pads, Kristen Bell

LottaColada said...

Anne tries so so hard to be funny. JLaw got more laughs than that.

Elizabeth said...

Okay, came to defend Anne Hathaway. I've been reading your comments on my phone and I knew it would be brutal around now. Dia Papaya, I stand with you, I like Anne Hathaway and think se's misunderstood.

And yes, I totally caught Taylor's bitchface at Adele and Tommy Lee Jones was not amused at Will and Kristen even though I thought they were hysterical.

Unknown said...

Thanks for always reppin' Pittsburgh!!

OneGirlRevolution said...

How dare you be sweet and thankful, Anne Hathaway.

Bitch. :rolleyes:

greenmountaingal said...


candibugbug said...

Breathy-check semi crying-check semi- laughing-check Misty tearing -check. Speed talking-check. All the makings off the typical over the top dramatic speech

Betty K said...

Sarah Paulson

Anonymous said...

Kevin Costners little speech was adorable.

JLo looks so stupid w Casper

JLaws speech was actually cute

Elizabeth said...

I feel bad for Anjelica Houston. She cannot have meant for her face to look like that.

car54 said...

I'm happy Anne Hathaway won simply because she wants it so desperately.

candibugbug said...

Alright QT!!

kj said...

isnt that the creep that enty was stuck in europe with when he went on a bender? he is just a mess

imahrtbrkbeat said...

I know you guys were talking about the PA and Jamie Foxx, but that story about the feet and QT is certainly creeptastical.

Kloie said...

I think Tarentino might need some more coke. Could someone get on that?

LottaColada said...

God I love how Jeremy talks.

greenmountaingal said...

Jeremy Irons is so sexy. So is DDL. Make me a sandwich!

Ms. Good Intentions said...

Just noted to husband that he clearly just ripped a line...

kj said...

coke mom!!!!

Amy in MI said...

I kept thinking about QT and his girlfriend and her feet

Ms. Good Intentions said...

Speaking of coke...

RedHeadMed said...

I thought Anne's dress was really unflattering. It was pseudo-peplum and her body type was all wrong for that dress. That being said, her hair, makeup, and the dress color was lovely.

hotchacha said...

Don Cheadle, good for you.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Okay...I really like Lucy's dress. Maybe because I really like her.

EGB said...

He wins for most f-ed up award for sure!

Amy in MI said...

Don looks skinnnnyy....that Iron Patriot costume must be confining!

hotchacha said...

Should we be drinking every time winning is a surprise?

If so, can we get some retroactive back-drinking going on?

DocP said...

Lucy's dress is my favorite of the night.

califblondy said...

I hate the out of breath... "I'm so surprised" crapola...Sarah Jessica Parker always pulled that shit. Jeez, Anne, you knew you were nominated, right? The odds were pretty good. It's so damn fake. Giving props to Sally Field was nice though.

I'm probably the last one to believe Debra is Coke Mom, but she looked a little wild eyed, didn't she?

Has anybody spotted Ben A. mingling around J.Lo's table? I saw Jen G. talking to Adele, so that left Ben free to make a move.

Kelly said...

Jesus, Debra is TWEAKING hard!

Count Jerkula said...

Any time Messing moved her head during that, she wobbled and looked like she was about to fall over.

califblondy said...

I'm on it, Hotchacha. Clink clink.

Wasn't Jeremy Irons revealed for being racist here?

Oh shit, two old farts who can't act and have no necks.

imahrtbrkbeat said...

very very very happy for my boy, Don Cheadle. OH DAMN...Sly just scared the shit out of me. His face. Dear God.

thatfunnygirl said...

Sly and Ahnold just walked out on stage and neither seem to be "barely shuffling". There goes the guesses for that blind item.

Count Jerkula said...

Stallone looks like he was just at a wake, and he was the guy in the coffin.

LottaColada said...

Stallone looks pretty mobile to me. No signs of immediate illnesses.

imahrtbrkbeat said...

Right now, I'm so glad that I don't have an HD tv in my room. I'd have nightmares for weeks after seeing Stallone and Anjelica Houston.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

The Intouchables? Kevin Costner and Robert De Niro as Al Capone were really great in that.

Oops..wrong movie.

Ms. Good Intentions said...



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