Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sylvester Stallone Paid Off Half-Sister After She Said He Abused Her

Sixteen years ago, Sylvester Stallone agreed to pay his half-sister, Toni-Ann Filiti, about $17K a month for life and $50K a year for medical expenses and $2M in cash all to settle a lawsuit she threatened to file which, according to The NY Post says that Stallone physically abused Toni and she was sick of it. The family all said she was lying but that Stallone wanted it to all go away. Toni's son says he has heard in detail the abuse his mom went through and that she died last year.


  1. Pretty lady.

    Wonder what the time frame is for the alleged abuse. I would say that Stallone was out of the house from at least the mid-1970's. She looks to be about my age (I'm guessing that's a late 80's early 90's picture). That would put her at early teens at best in the mid-70's.

    1. Patty, Stallone's mom says it was at the height of his fame and lawyers convinced him to pay her off. She also goes on to say get daughter was a drug addict who was taking 65 Oxycontin a day. A lot of he said, she said going on.

  2. The Sisters son also says Stallone wouldn't speak to Sage when he tried to reach out to him before his death. A lot of shady things happening in that family.

  3. I dated a guy who severely bullied his younger siblings, but stopped of course and was close to them as adults. But he never forgave himself, and drank about it.

    This story, and the large settlement make me wonder if some sexual abuse was involved. Pre-internet, it would seem cheaper to swat away a simple 'sibling rivalry' story. Unless he hospitalized her or something.

  4. I meant--'what could be spun as a simple sibling-rivalry story'.

  5. She kinda looks like Kris Jenner.

    $50K/year in medical expenses alone? What was wrong w/her that she needed medical expenses covered like that? This seems weird.

  6. Jackie Stallone should use her psychic powers to reach out to Toni-Ann and find out the truth.

  7. I don't see this thread getting many comments, so I will post of topic here. Wtf did I watch on the season finale of AHS? Shit was not explained that should have been. What a let down!

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      @puggle dude!!! when channing tatum's wife (i forget her name and don't care) was servicing adam levine, it was pretty hot lol. other than that, i was disappointed. they could've tried harder to make kit look older lol

    2. WTF!!!! SPOILER ALERT next time please. Here in Australia we get some shows a while after you. I am sad now

    3. I watched last season and loved it. Tuned in this season for the first 3 shows and didn't like it. It was too dark. I know that sounds dumb since it is a horror show.

  8. Okay, so I'm reading the DM article about this, and apparently she was a pretty big drug addict, and a prostitute before he got famous.

  9. So the mother is dead, the $$$well has dried up for the son to STFU, and this is why it's going public?

  10. His mom died? She was the butt psychic, right?

    1. Oops, just reread this. The sister died, not the booty psychic

    2. PuggleWug - booty psychic or butt psychic? I had no idea such a thing existed!

  11. Is this an answer to a blind about an aging movie start that would sleep with his 1/2 sister? If my brother was sexually abusing me, I would be a mess too. Seems like alot of money to pay a sister off so she wouldnt talk about "being bullied".

  12. @Puggle, I like this AHS S2 Finale synopsis:

  13. summed it up well in a nutshell:

    "Everyone got a happy ending, except for the sooooper-evil people. Even the alien babies story ultimately worked out for the best!"

  14. For some reason I don't believe it..

  15. Anonymous7:58 AM

    There had to be more than just physical abuse for that kind of payday. Not your garden variety brother sister hair pulling kicking each other in the back seat stuff.

  16. I wish that parents would teach their children to be kind to their siblings. Showing by example is the best way, but some kids need to be taught that the younger children aren't there for their own personal amusement.

  17. @PuggleWug: Butt psychic?!?! WTF is a butt psychic?

  18. @phoenix, the article does sum it up pretty well. I just expected more, and it didn't deliver. I wish the alien storyline would have been explained more. All we got was Grace's opinion on why they chose Kip, even though it still made no sense.

  19. Reeses, his mom is a rumpologist. She can read asses, rather thsn palms.

  20. Yeah, I see what you're saying Puggle. I was shocked when Lana shot her son through the head. Did not see that coming.

  21. Puggles. Okey-dokey. I thought you were bullshitting but I guess not! How very odd. Thanks for answering.

  22. @Puggle - I was wondering about why they didn't give any more explanation about the aliens too and apparently Ryan Murphy said that was intentional. During that time period, people claimed to have been abducted, but there was no real information on what happened or why, so he wanted to have that same lack of explanation.

  23. if I remember, she came out of nowhere to be named his sister by wacky other. It is fishy, and I dont know what to believe. Im leaning toward shes a nut, and he just wanted her to go away so threw money at her.

  24. Cathy, that actually makes sense. I did like Jude's ending. Jessica Lange is fantastic.

  25. I believe her. Stallone is a creepy guy who had a lot to hide. Back in the 1970's and early 1980's nobody believed girls who were abused and if it was suspected it was all swept under the rug. At the very least I hope she had a nice life.

  26. when you learn more on the story,it's not very believable in my opinion

    the blind item on Stallone and his half-sibling affair

    there is a diffrence between incest rape and incest affair

  27. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I could see that by being sexually abused by your half brother would make you turn to prostituting yourself and a horrifying drug addiction. I could see him paying her off to shut up. The 50 grand a year for "medical expenses" could have been for psychiatric help. I'd certainly be fucked up if my half brother raped me then went on to be famous. That family gives me a case of the creeps and the sads.

  28. @Puggle and @Reeses - Wow!!! That is a lot of crazy talk. Seems more like a cultish way to get naked pics of someone's bum!

    Stallone has always been a scary dude to me. His mind created Rocky and Rambo! He was obsessed with his muscles and appearance. Something not right in there

  29. Anonymous8:44 AM

    If she was a prostitute and drug addict then that speaks to prolonged sexual abuse as a child.... just saying...

    1. Anna your puritanical assessments of life wear thin. I have known loads of drug addicts, hey I move in refined circles, with no more than the normal proportion of the population having experienced actual abuse .. meaning not very many. I presume nobody will check bsck on this thread for a while, though it would would be nice if you and your prejudices did. Try to get some experience beyond the while picket fence, mmmkay?

  30. Enty can't add. This all suppposedly happened in 1987, which was actually 26 years ago. And yeah, apparently Sly's lawyers said just pay her and make her go away. But by that time the guy had been on top for ten years (Rocky came out in, what, '76?), and sorry, but if it was all smoke and no fire it wouldn't have done a damned thing to his career. Just sayin'.

  31. ARGH! I had to scroll down FAST to avoid the AHS talk! Some of us haven't seen it yet! :-/

    I remembered that blind about the star sleeping with his sister, too, and I think SS was a popular guess. What IS going on with that family?!

  32. I think this is an answer to a blind (there are many) about the actor abusing one of his siblings sexually.

  33. I can't remember these blinds about sibling sex abuse (with all the other sex abuse blinds). Totally gross though.

    Do you think his mom was just like Dina or Kris? She was all over everywhere when he was a big star. Something's broken in that family - ass readings and steroids!

  34. PUGGLE THANK YOU!! Sorry for the all caps, I have been bursting to talk about it all day! The OT haters can suck it.

    I was a little disappointed too, but still loved it. I am obsessed with Kit, I want to marry him and have his babies.

    I almost took the ending as saying that everything that happened at Briarcliff was fake, that Lana made it all up and concoted this elaborate story for profit. But that doesn't really make sense, idk I just felt like there was something in that last scene with Jude and Lana.

    Jessica Lange. Oh Jessica Lange. What an incredible actress. She was flawless this season, she is the actress I want to be. Especially this final episode, she was absolute perfection.

  35. Also, Sarah Paulson's old lady make up was fantastic. The folks over at FaceOff could learn a thing or two from AHS artists.

  36. My God, what a horrible family history and horrible man Sylvester Stallone appears to be. I bought a lot of skin care from his wife on the shopping channel... I hope I don't catch the crazy from it!

    Joking aside, I truly hope Stallone has changed his ways. He's got three teenage daughters that deserve a good life.

  37. @jserra @ puggle- I totally agree! They just wrapped everything up with a nice pretty bow! Lana's old lady make up, posture, everything, was just spot on. Jessica Lange is the bomb and I love her. Can't wait for S3.

  38. Ok I haven't seen AHS yet either and I tried to scroll past everything. I'm actually laughing at the fact that this thread has horror stories, butt psychics and all kinds of other crazy stuff with a dash of Stallone mixed in. What a combo!

  39. LOL this thread does have a really strange variety of topics goin on.

  40. Seriously? Fucking surprise (totally ot) spoilers?


  41. And for the record, could normally give a rat's ass about ot shit.

  42. *insofar as whether people do it or not.

  43. Of course the son is talking about it. He wants the money his mother used to get. What mother would talk to their child in detail about abuse. Yuck.

  44. I'm a long time lurker and first time poster! I read the below story about a former friend of his half sister suing her last year, and one of the comments was that she was refusing treatment for sexual abuse suffered at the hands of a family member, although she never told him who. Makes me believe that he did abuse her.

  45. Oops..forgot the link:

  46. Anonymous12:27 PM

    SOO rocky was a real life Paulie?


  47. Welcome Anon1976

    Lola just scroll past it. You can't get mad when people are discussing a finale from last night because you haven't had time to watch it yet.

  48. ITA Nessa, Lana's old lady makeup was great and Kit looked the same.

  49. Anonymous12:52 PM

    i never feel bad about spoiling AHS because it gives the new episode 3 times in one night. seriously, 10pm 11pm and again at 1am i think

    1. Well fuck you Nessa because it hasn't even screened here yet

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      ouch! i don't wanna offend you @astrogirl but it's just a tv show. i realised after my post that not everyone is in the us, duh. whenever i watched foreign shows i was always up to date too even if it was *gasp* illegal so i apologize :/

    3. Nessa if you had just bought a book and I walked past and told you the ending, wouldn't you be a little pissed off. Thanks for the apology I appreciate it and I take back my profanity

  50. Isn't Jessica Lange gorgeous?
    AHS seriously has some of the best staff. I was blown away by how beautifully some of the scenes were shot the last few episodes and I'm in total agreement with Lana's makeup.
    It's rare that it's done so well.
    Goodness mostly prevailed in the end. Good ending, I think.

  51. @pugglewug - have you been to the message boards at IMDB? Those are usually full of good stuff, especially after a series ends. Go to IMDB, type in the name of the series and go to the very bottom of the page to access the message boards. You have to have a (free) account to post, but please always remember to put SPOILERS in your title if you are going to give a plot twist away in your post!

    @ JSierra - What's weird about AHS being OT is that apparently there is a psychic character? (dunno, don't watch it) and Sly's mom is a self proclaimed psychic, so it's confusing. Other than that, I wouldn't care, I post enough OT stuff myself!

  52. Oh! Wanted to add that Sly's sister looked really pretty in the DM pic, but his mom looked like she went to the same plastic surgeon that LaToya Jackson did.

  53. We're not talking about spoiling Keyser Soze or some movie/show from years ago. We're talking about a show that was JUST on last night, and it's simply bad form to give away spoilers in a spot like this where folks can't really avoid it. It's also kind of rude to not just take it elsewhere when a few people have asked NICELY for that to be done. Some of us don't have cable or simply couldn't watch yet for whatever reason. I don't think we're being unreasonable to ask for a cease and desist here. :-/

    1. AND there are many viewers out there that do not see or record the show according to USA timezones.

  54. Saw Rocky V recently but didn't realize the kid was Sage until the end. Sad. He seemed like a normal kid.

    And Brigit Neilson was beautiful in Rocky 4. Lots of bodies. Lots.

  55. There a number of online sites that provide the means to watch and/or download any show on the day it premiers for free, even those shows which only air on premium cable channels (HBO, etc). They immediately start uploading them right after the first broadcast finishes.

  56. From now on Spoiler Alert will appear before all spoilers to warn the masses.

  57. Just because I've had time to download them/record doesn't mean I've had time to watch and just because YOU might like spoilers doesn't mean others do. As indicated above, there are MANY places to talk about it where spoilers are being one.

    I've watched the entire 3rd season of Downton Abbey already...I'm sure many people would be pissed if I started randomly talking about it.

    It's fucking rude.

    1. Lola I am beyond seething. I don't get why people gleefully spoil it

  58. Lola, who's being rude? I was trying to be helpful, but apparently you'd rather bring down the wrath of God over 1 TV episode no one INTENDED to spoil for you than be reasonable, and that's strictly your problem.

  59. Sorry Phoenix but some shows are blocked for other regions (especially when there is a TV deal in place)

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. astrogirl..

    That is what I mean. I'd rather not promote any site which makes those links available, but they're easy enough to find.


    btw, click Continue when that link opens, then either start the viewing screen, or click on the link just below the viewing screen to download it for watching on your PC.

  63. So you are suggesting that someone illegally download a show so that you can selfishly discuss something? And further, you expect them to do it IMMEDIATELY after you've watched it so that you can discuss it as soon as/wherever you want to? And then you get indignant when you are called on your rude behavior. Unbelievable.

    It is eminently clear who is being rude here.

  64. There is no need to download, it can be watched online, and I only made know the immediacy of it's availability for those interested. You're deliberately twisting my words so you can continue to criticize.

    You're on an angry, disingenuous fault finding mission. 1 episode of 1 TV show that no one intended to spoil for you. Just who the hell do you think you are? Suck it up.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Just to be clear. We are behind the US on most of your shows, some get "fast tracked" but we haven't entered our ratings period for this year yet, so many shows are on hold right now. This site is read globally, plus some US viewers don't have cable, so I ask in future please consider this. I've suffered many spoilers here from GoT to SOA and its very frustrating.

  67. Totally understand astrogirl. I made one spoiler comment without thinking and apologize. I think we'll all try to remember in the future.

    1. I appreciate that Phoenix. I don't mind if people want to discuss, I only ask that you put a spoiler alert to give people warning

  68. Just a suggestion from Nosy Nellie here (who doesn't watch tv!): if you're going to discuss shows others haven't seen, how about putting something like *SPOILER ALERT for show's name* and double space to the next paragraph? Could help to alleviate the situation. My 2cents!

  69. Yes please. ******SPOILER ALERT***********.

    Some of us read fast so the spacing is important.

  70. Clearly I am NOT someone who selfishly commits a faux pas and then not only refuses to apologize but then rationalizes my behavior and attacks people who call me on it.

    And yes I am angry that people deliberately spoil something for others even AFTER they are nicely rebuked for it (which makes anything that followed INTENTIONAL) and asked not to do so.

    I am pretty secure in who the hell I know I am...and after your responses and defensiveness, I'm pretty clear who you are as well...your last sentence says it all.

  71. I feel really bad now! I was once told of the death of a main character on Dexter before I got to see it. I was absolutely livid, and totally understand the anger about this. I don't think I revealed anything about the finale, other than being disappointed. I do apologize for starting a conversation that resulted in spoilers. If I ever write about a movie or show again, I will definitely put spoiler in caps. Again, sorry!!!

  72. Astrogirl had an identical complaint and yet left satisfied - with an apology. No one's apologizing to you because quite frankly, your attitude sucks. And with that I'm done, so blather away.

  73. Jeezus guys it is a TV show, and one episode at that.

    1. JSierra you were talking about the finale, I haven't even watched the first episode of this series yet so thanks for your thoughtful response

  74. You're fine Puggle. It got totally blown out of proportion.


    Della yeah this season did get pretty dark, I was surprised at some of the storylines this time around. But if you can get past the darkness it is definitely worth a watch , a splendid serious that was beautifully written and directed IMO.

  76. *series

    I guess I was thinking about how everyone got so serious about a TV episode.

    Pugs I wish Enty would make a thread for TV shows every day where it could be discussed freely. As others have pointed out, we could go elsewhere but I wanna chat about with my CDAN friends!

  77. Oh yeah JSierra. I enjoyed the first season so much that I was very leery about them introducing a completely different scenario, but actually ended up liking this season a lot better. The storyline was crazy good.

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      @phoenix and jsierra, i liked the first season a lot better but that's just because anything alien related always annoys me lol

  78. Man o man. We love our tv shows don't we...

  79. lmao, I guess so!

  80. Wow this thread got serious! And it had nothing to do with Stallone maybe or maybe not abusing his sister. LOL

  81. lol.. yes.. Stallone may or may not have abused his sister but did support her until she died. I was like.. and that's ALL your going to say? lmao

  82. @nessa, Ryan Murphy gives an idea of what to expect for season 3. Not as dark and no aliens!

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      @phoenix no aliens! wooooo!! thanks for the link :)

  83. Honestly Aatro you can't expect everyone to hold off on talking about something until you have caught up. A single episode is one thing, but an entire series? Numerous people apologized for mentioning the finale and almost everyone agreed to include a spoiler alert so we don't have this huge crisis again, what's with the continued snark?

    Phoenix I felt the exact same way at first, I was not getting my hopes up at all for season two. I hope season three is just as fabulous, and while I didn't mind the darkness I won't really miss it.

    Ahhh I can't wait until October!

    1. You were deliberately being obtuse so I reacted, don't act all coy now JSierra. I already said I didn't care if others discussed things but please be mindful. I don't expect people to hold off all season, but I do hope for a modicum of courtesy. You were asked repeatedly by a few people to stop, so either you don't comprehend or you like to be confrontational. That's fine

  84. Also, jumping for joy over here that my future husband Evan Peters is signed on for season three. He is so dreamy.

  85. Astro I'm not sure what comments you are reading because A. No one asked me repeatedly to stop B. I didn't actually spoil anything, other than old lady make up and C. When people protested, all talk about what actually happened in the show DID stop and changed to arguments about spoilers. You also must have missed my comment almost immediately after yours in which I said I would be including a spoiler alert in any of my posts that may contain a spoiler.

    The one post I did use Spoiler Alert on was me being a smart ass. I said nothing about the show other then make a comment about how yes, this season was darker than the first but worth the watch.

    I am not normally confrontational but lately I can't help it, especially when you are trying to call me out for something that is totally false. I'm not being a bitch, I didn't think any of my comments before were bitchy or snarky. Smart assy maybe.

  86. I haven't read this thread too closely for reasons mentioned so seeing your name repeatedly I may have attributed some things to you that you didn't say. You were being a smart arse and yes it may be just a TV show and it may be just one episode albeit the finale, but it really made me cranky when I saw you making light of it.

  87. On the too little too late OT? Comments posted in reply are showing up at the bottom of the comments box. Therefore, it looks like a continuation of the contention when in reality that issue was settled. They are not necessarily beating a dead horse, it just LOOKS that way.
    Please Be Mindful of this before rebunching panties.
