Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Sofia Vergara Loses Her Dress During Club Fight - Boyfriend Kicked Out

The headline sounds way better than what happened, although if there is some video of the incident that might be a lot of fun. Sofia Vergara and her perv boyfriend, former US Senatorial candidate Nick Loeb were partying at a club. Someone at a table said something and Nick got upset. There was some shoving. Sofia got in the middle of it and got shoved and somehow her strapless dress slipped down and everyone saw her breasts. After security made sure they got a good look, Nick was thrown out of the club. Sofia adjusted her dress, went outside, and took Nick back to her hotel. I guess she liked that he stood up for her. Not sure who would say anything bad about her. They were probably trashing Nick.


  1. Keeping it classy.


  3. Weren't there rumors that she is the head of a drug connected columbian family?
    ami still drunk from Monday night?

  4. Maybe they were making fun of her accent

  5. @Agent - thanks for the link! Their relationship is what I try to model my own after. <3 twuu wuv

  6. Anonymous7:09 AM

    REALLY...FIGHTING in a club at 40+. LMAO@Acutally BEING at a club at 40+.

  7. Anonymous7:10 AM

    They probably went home and screwed like two animals. The club drama probably turned them on.

  8. Honestly, that dress didn't have very far to fall - egads, it's barely covering the bewbies to begin with! And say what you will about Sofia (and it sounds like she's keeping it klassy in her personal life), sister looks damn good for a woman with an adult son.

  9. Is that the dress she was wearing? I think it wouldn't take more than a tug to take that one down!

    CB says her son was there, saw mom's boob flash and left in disgust. Snerk!

  10. At least he defended her...Wow, chivalry is not dead.

  11. Thanks for the link @Agent.

  12. Oh Wow...that dress is awful.

  13. Those are quite the breasts, aren't they?

  14. Sofia you can do so much better than this idiot who takes you to a club where you're involved in a fight in front of your son! Or maybe she does like that case, carry on!

  15. Which Medieval Times serving wench did she steal that frock from?

  16. From the DM link, it sounds like her boyfriend went off for no reason, not that he was defending her. If that version of the story is correct, a guy spilled a drink on her accidentally & apologized. That happens all the time. She posed for a picture with the guy, & her boyfriend blew up despite her begging him to shut it down. Doesn't sound very chivalrous to me.

  17. I think I'm one of few people who finds her extremely annoying. It's like she's always "on." Does anyone know what I mean? I'm not sure how to explain it.

  18. I get ya green- I'm not a fan and she's the main reason I don't watch that show. She's just too much for it to not be an act.

  19. Now see, that is just sexist and racist. NorteƱos have been brainwashed by J-Lo and Charo into assuming that the breasts and asses of Latina women are public utilities of pulchritude. I mean, is the USA a country of morals or not?

    Sofia Vergara has every right to go into a nightclub with her bosoms spillingly uncontained by the barest scraps of fabric, her laughably non-felonius "boyfriend" on her arm, and then throw a huge bitch-fit of outrage when entropy, the malice of nuns or the askance glance of a hummingbird a continent away causes her breasts to explode into the public eye, ka-chunga-chunga-chunga. Oh yes. It's in the Constitution, that right. Somewhere between illegal search and seizure and the one about poll taxes.

    Oh right, it's the Ninth. "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Funny thing, Constitutional scholars have always read that as a vague and somewhat confusing declaration of natural rights, when in fact James Madison tacked it on to assert that wahinis could flaunt their jugs whenever they wished. Which was, y'khow, kind of a thing for him, bless his wig.

  20. The worst pqrt is that her son was there to witness the whole thing (according to Radar anyway). Also, bewbs :-o

  21. Has she had some work done? Her face looks different?

  22. I like how b profane tried to make their post sound intelligent by using big words that dont quite work in the context.

  23. Okay, the Talk is on and they are stating that her ex-boyfriend owned the club and so that is why Nicky boy was so nasty all night long. I hope she dumps him before she marries him! He already cheats like crazy because he is so insecure. What's next, her getting beat?!? Run Sophia Run!

  24. What is CB that reported her son was there?

    Sofia should've stopped at the Hotel party.

  25. Well I'm sure her son has seen her breasts as I'm sure she used them for breastfeeding.

  26. Figured out CB is Celebitchy. Much less PC version of events on that site.

    Isn't 40 a little old to be brawling in a club?

  27. Damn..No pictures of the wardrob malfunction. That would be awesome!

  28. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Pics!... Or it never happened

  29. She better run before he drags her down with him

  30. Check it out.. Sofia's old boyfriend is like a bit player straight out of the Sopranos..

    and this...

    Sofia was infamous down here in Miami back in the day - don't let her "funny girl" personal fool you.. she was/is the epitome of the fameho social climber/golddigger who hit it big...I'd say even bigger than the big-bootied she has way more legitimacy now...

  31. To clarify.. the guy that probably invited Sofia and her current boyfriend (the Loeb guy) is Chris Paciello who was Sofia's boyfriend before he went to prison.

    Probably why Loeb was so surly..rightfully so. Sofia is a cold player disrespectful b--h for even going there considering their prior history.
