Sunday, January 20, 2013

Should We Worry About Britney Spears Again?

It has been quite awhile since Britney Spears had a wardrobe malfunction and yesterday, without Jason Trawick approving her wardrobe, Britney almost had a malfunction for the ages. She wore the above dress and apparently decided that a bra was not necessary and if not for a very quick move would have ended up with an entire breast out of her dress. With her dad busy doing what he does and her bodyguards probably not caring what Britney wears, I wonder if this is the one part of her life where she can rebel a little. She is not going to be able to shave her head or drive somewhere alone or have dates or do anything in her life except for dressing. Maybe this is the way she tries to stay independent. I wonder if she will ever try and escape. Run away. Has anyone asked her if she wants to perform in Vegas 5 nights a week for the next two years.


  1. My god, she is fine. She always made poor choices in clothing.

  2. Stop trying to make her crazy again.

  3. The thought honestly crossed my mind, too, when I read this in the DM. But I hope to God it was just an accident - God knows if you snap enough pictures, you can catch almost anyone having near-malfunctions and making crazy faces.

  4. A bewbie? seriously? The world has seen her vagina. Nobody cares about a bewbie.

    I don't think Jamie will let Vegas tax her with 5 nights a week. I have a feeling it will be 3 nights max, Thur-Sat or Fri-Sun at the most and go ride around the hotel pools in a pope mobile to make the fans happy.

    That or they will try and trick the audience with a hologram of Britney, which the give away will be the hologram actually performs better.

  5. Side note: she has ginormous boobies now, compared to before the children. Are they implants (I'm sure they are, right?), or not? I know I experienced the same phenomenon post children, but I'm not quite as thin everywhere else as Brit Brit :-).

    1. @frufra - I went up 3 cup sizes after my first, and they only shrank down one after I finished nursing. They didn't fluxuate as much with my second, but they're still ginormous. And I've lost some baby weight, but the girls stay the same.

    2. Yeah, Brooke, I could almost see it as being a natural thing, as she is certainly not as thin as she was pre-babies.

      Which I am NOT saying as an insult at all. I think she looks great. I think it's just a fact that having babies changes most of our bodies.

    3. Frufra that is true, except if you are Beyonce

  6. I don't blame her for anything anymore. She clearly has a psychologically challenging condition to live with, and no one around her really seems to give a crap beyond what's in it for them. How long before her extension weave starts showing again too I wonder.

  7. No matter how hard she tries, Britney always looks a mess. I think she shaved her head before bc her hair always looks skanky.

  8. @timebob I like you're thinking about doing three nights a week!

    Britney's Vegas Schedule:
    Thursday - Saturday: Stage Show
    Sunday: Meet a new guy
    Monday: Elope in the early morning hours, hole up in a hotel where dad can't find her, and have sex with new hubby all day
    Tuesday: Get tracked down by Jamie Spears and brought home
    Wednesday: Go to court to get marriage annulled (with the help of a Maloof, of course)

    Rinse and repeat, every week that she's there

  9. For me, calling off her engagement signified that she's a lot more present than I thought. I think Vegas is perfect for her, but it may tempt her to want to go out. As long as going out consists of appearances at clubs for her contract and no drinking, it should be great. I was never a fan before, but now I'm rooting for Brit Brit.

  10. @VIPblonde I think you nailed it!

    You should be her agent :)

  11. Forbes just did an outstanding piece on how long the conservatorship has lasted (coming up on five years) and that it is extreme, intended for Alzheimer's patients for example who truly can't function, and never was meant to take financial control of the career of a starlet who, like it or not, held a fucking job for a year in the public eye. There is something horrifying about how lightly everyone treats this.

  12. @ethorne, I had heard she shaved her head because she thought it would get rid of residual drug consumption evidence. It occurred during the time not long after she split from KFed when child custody was still up in the air.

  13. Anonymous10:21 AM


    Heard she shaved her head so hair samples couldnt be tested for drugs.

  14. I don't blame her hate wearing a bra...

  15. @Amy I agree. She is one seriously ill woman. I wish her all the best.

  16. @Amy I don't think people are taking it lightly. How does one take it lightly? The courts have done a good job of reviewing her progress in a timely manner. Her fortune went from barely a few million to 20 times that in the last few years. She isn't fighting it, she is most likely functionally illiterate. She can't make financial decisions. All she wants to do is drink Starbucks and get hair weaves. She wants decisions made for her. That's why she had nothing to say for X Factor. She doesn't have independent thought. Is it mental illness or just her i.q. I don't know but the situation is working for her and her Father isn't hurting her.

    The court has allowed this to go on for five years. Maybe the court is the one taking it too lightly and should end it based on her income?

  17. Meh. I know a lot of people like her, but I find it hard to "worry" about someone with $200 million smackeroos in the bank.

  18. @Phoenix & @Sysyphus- I know, guess my joke didn't land. ;)

  19. The first sentence was serious though

  20. Timebob, interesting comment. I'm pretty sure that early on in her career, education was low on the agenda. Also, in the few interviews I've seen of her she does come across as thick as two short planks. Nice enough girl, but cotton wool between the ears.

  21. Ooh, and I just read Timebob's comment. I totally agree, she is woefully uneducated. She may have some mental health issues that would perhaps be more treatable if she were more intelligent and able to analyze her situations.

  22. lol, oh sorry ethorne.

  23. What daddy needs to do now is hire a girlfriend/minder for her to hang around with.

    The girl needs to be young, pretty (but not prettier than Brit), college educated (maybe a degree in nursing? psychology?). She needs to befriend Britney and watch out for her but ultimately report back to daddy only when Britney starts veering from the path.

    1. I agree Mango. Someone who can monitor medications and dispense them to her, etc. someone who can monitor her mental staus... I would love the job. I take care of enough crazies now for much less money!

  24. Why would we worry about her? THere are hundreds of millions of other people in the world that need that concern more. Why care about a rich spoiled, stupid, drug addict? Why don't you go help some poor sick people?

    1. Because she has millions of dollars, her mental health issues aren't as important as a poor person's? I'm Concerned for every young mother who is trying to keep their crap together and raise children, however, we can put a face to the issue in Britney, as we "know" her, and have watched her struggles. Decent folks shouldn't have any hesitation in hoping that she succeeds.

  25. If the shaved head to avoid drug test is legit, she's a dummy. They can take hair from any where. I figure she don't have pubes, but eye lash, nose hair, eye brow, ear hair.

    I tell ya, that is when I started feeling really old, when I had to start plucking hairs that seemed to reside deep in my ears. I couldn't grow a friggin beard until past 25 and by 35 the hair on my head started disappearing and showing up all over the place.

    1. I think it was Drew Carey who said after a certain age your hair gets old and like most of the elderly moves South to your ass sowing hair at every stop on the trip

  26. @ Count, the sad, SAD, thing is that the same holds true for women over 35. I never thought, at 41, that I'd be engaged in such an all-out war with excess body and facial hair - oh, the shame. But I'm fighting the good fight, damnit.

    1. Oh I am with you there Frufra. My needle point tweezers get a work out from plunking hair everywhere but my eyebrows!

  27. @Frufra I'm 41 and have *less* body hair than when I was younger. I only have to shave my legs like twice a month. It's always something, huh? Lol

    1. @ Reno - Amen, sister - it IS always something. The joys of aging :-)!!

  28. Brit is not able to care for herself and needs constant medication and baby sitting. While I dont agree with putting a zombie on tour, daddy Spears seems to have done a good job so far.

  29. She had a bewbie job years ago and said it was late puberty. You all remember that right?

    I think Brit obviously has some issues but she seems to be functioning. I wish they would just let her stop working so she can retire to the beach, drink frappes all day in ugly swimsuits and raise her chillrens. but that wouldn't support all the people who sponge off her, so, oh well.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl I didn't remember that. I'll have to google around.

  30. Same here : what used to be lush is no more. Sadly a previous surgery has caused a bald spot and it not on my head.

    1. @Sherry - ain't aging a bitch? I wish I could loan you some of my hormones or whatever it is that makes me have bushy eyebrows and excess arm hair!

  31. Oh yeah Brit, poor thing. She needs to retire and relax. I know everyone says she loves work but how do we know for sure? Does she have her kids or does KFed still keep them?

  32. You know, sometimes you put clothes on and they're fine. Then a couple of hours later, they're going up your butt, sliding down your boobs, lots of things. I bet with that neckline, it was originally tied higher up and over time loosened and she didn't even notice. Shit happens. The no bra thing? You can't really wear a brand with that kind of dress...many women would go braless under the circumstances and think (erroneously) that they look fine. Go walking in any city in the middle of summer and you'll see what I mean.

  33. *bra

    And really, on second look, she's relatively perky for her size.

  34. She shouldn't have bought the dress because her bewbs are too big for it. And it's not really designed to wear with a bra.

  35. Britney, If you need a friend - a real friend while you are here in Vegas - let me know! You need some real people in your life. :-)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Sooooooo, here's a thought.

    She looked good for X Factor because she was on the clock and earning her $15 million. Now she's on her own time, off the clock, and looks any way she damn well wants to. Not everyone wants to live a high maintenance life like Gaga, especially given her background. If she's not working and just meeting with friends like in this case, then maybe she just doesn't care how she looks or what any of us think?

  37. I think she wants her clothes to malfunction. She wants to fall out of her dress and have everyone look. She likes that kind of attention. She is an exhibitionist; that's why she loves the paparazzi - literally and figuratively.

  38. Entwood, I have way too much on my plate of current worries. You take this one to worry about:)

  39. Brit Brit has already done the nip slip and cooch slip thing. Give it a month or so of her being out of the spotlight and we gonna get our first pooper slip. She'll be out in a lil dress, drop her smoke and BOOM!, flash bulbs go off like when Jimmy Snuka leaps from the top rope.

    1. @ Count - especially funny because I have a wrestling obsessed kid who has a Superfly Jimmy Snuka t shirt.

  40. That woman has been put to work like an animal since she was a child, what I loved about the shaving of the head days is that we got to see the real Brit...I pray that she gets her mind right and a complete hold of her life

    1. MTE. She ironically hasnt seemed happy since the time she was at her craziest. Plus she made some awesome music at that time!

  41. Everybody suggesting they get Britney a female minder is right on...wonder why they haven't tried that yet? I know several autistic people who have minders. For example, one woman has a female minder who helps her do things that make her uncomfortable, like go to a restaurant. The minder doesn't have to cut her food for her or anything like that but she will say "How about we have the chocolate cake and split it?" and "I think we should ask for the bill now" and such. The woman seems to think of the minder as a friend. (I am autistic myself but I am high functioning and refuse to have a minder, that would be damn weird to me.)

    Maybe Daddy Spears is afraid a female minder would end up like "Cousin" Allie (I think her last name was Simms). Remember her? Apparently she was no relation to Britney but went around introducing herself as Cousin Allie. I recall the two of them wearing ratty fur coats and sunglasses at some club and looking like trash. Allie used to brag she was going to be a pop singer herself. What a mess that was.

  42. Just poor clothe judgement. Once she start hitting people with umbrella then I'll be worrying lol

  43. She has the neck of an NFL linebacker.

  44. You are right. She shoulda been working the neck for endurance and not for bulk.

  45. I Love Britney, and will always stand up for her. After I saw the MtV interview ''Britney, for the Record'' my whole opinion of her changed.
    She says, ''I have really good days and then I have bad days. Even when you go to jail, you know there is a time when you are getting out. But this (consevatorship) is never ending. When I tell them how I feel, it's like they hear, but they are really not listening. I never wanted to become one of those prisoner people, I just want to be free'' and then she chokes up and says, '' I just want to be happy.''
    That broke my heart and stuck with me. I actually cried. This is a real person with feelings and is a mommy on top of that. Her boys give her unconditional love. I know wht that feels like since my daughter was born. But only then. I wish all the best for Britney. I will always be in her corner

  46. I'd like to be on her side, but I have a hard time respecting people who can't accept responsibility for their own lives. Yeah, she's got mental health issues. Lots of people do. But she doesn't really seem to have any interest in reclaiming her life anyway.

  47. Anonymous10:07 AM

    She has always done the flashing thing, she was the first to do it of all the skanky starlet/reality ughs. She loves it, and yes, with Jason not minding her she's going to happily be flashing her bits. Eh, its her thing, whatever. Remember the pic of them on the golf cart and hes reaching down to cover her bare ass? I don't feel that sorry for her with buckets of money, there are alot more worse of single bi polar mothers that don't get paid 5 million a show to shake their ass and lip sync.

  48. Anonymous10:08 AM

    "worse off"
