Sunday, January 06, 2013

Shocker! Charlie Sheen Dating Porn Star

I know the headline sounds like Charlie Sheen has made a serious commitment. You know, dating someone. I think it is fair to say that when Charlie Sheen "dates" it is more like you expect a date with Lindsay Lohan to go. Cash talks. Charlie spent the holidays with porn star Georgia Jones because nothing says the holiday spirit quite like having sex with a woman who made a bazillion porn films by the time she was 24. I love the photo of Charlie kissing the porn star while holding a lit cigarette and a cigar while she holds a cigarette and a beer. It was that kind of holiday. I will also point out that Georgia had no problems with making out with Charlie unlike Lindsay. You would think that for the $100K Charlie gave her, Lindsay could break her rule and at least give him a peck.


  1. Ick on both accounts. I feel like I need a shower after just thinking about someone kissing that nasty mouth of his. I would require a biohazerd suit to be in the same room with him or Linds.

  2. I just zoomed in on this photo (why god why) and I don't even think their mouths are lined up? Awkward Kissing with Charlie Sheen, yum yum gimme some.

  3. I really dont like him. I have no idea what his appeal is.

  4. but he always is dating a porn star !
    he dated during some years Ginger Lynn (a famous porn star in 90's)

    here Charlie sheen's girlfriends

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Well, at least he is consistent .........

  6. @seaward - maybe that's a porn kiss?

  7. Oh, let them. They all need to date someone on the same level.

  8. @netta - watch him as the bad boy in Ferris Buellers Day Off, Red Dawn, Young Guns....

    He was sexy and smokin' hot!!!! Now, gross and scary. Can you imagine what lives in his mouth? Or does the alcohol kill all the bacteria?

    Don't know. Don't care. Would I for 100K??? It would have to be closer to 1M just in case of disease. Although I would with Robert Redford just like Demi in that movie!

    Wow I am totally dating myself today!

  9. Wait! Is Enty implying Lindsay has standards?! He's so funny!

    Yeah, I get a hard-on when my man leans over and kisses me with a ciggie in one hand and a cigar in the other. Nothing makes me hotter. Mmmmm hmmmm mmmmm!

  10. This photo is so "perfect" and unlike a paparazzi shot. It looks like something you'd see sitting beside a wedding cake.

  11. @dia - don't forget the Three Musketeers and Wall Street

  12. @rickatoo - How could I forget those?!? Wall Street was brilliant and Daddy Sheen was in it too.

    I love Martin. He can do no wrong in my book. Everyone should watch The Way. The movie was great, but I especially loved the behind the scenes special features with Emilio and Martin. So cute.

  13. Charlie knows what he likes. At lest he starts out with a porn star instead of trying to turn some *nice* girl into a porn star for his use.
    I'm not saying she isn't nice, you guys know what I mean.

  14. @Dia i do remember him in those movies. But he has been such a gross mess that it has overshadowed his former self. So im more so talking about his appeal in recent years.

    1. Netta - fully agree on the gross out factor of today. What a waste of talent and looks! I wanted to remember him that way. Not dorky sock guy! Was having a pleasant moment in my way back machine...

      Where's Marty McFly when I need him?

    2. @Dia Lol its ok i still have my childhood crushes that r hard to shake!

  15. I think the best part about this photo is the shoes and socks combo Charlie is rockin.

  16. Is that a fanny pack?

  17. He just keeps looking for love in all the wrong places.

  18. I think he's implying that Lindsay abides by the Pretty Woman rules and doesn't kiss on the lips. Not that she has any issues doing anything else.

    I think I need a shower after reading this.

  19. Charlie seems to be totally oblivious to the fact that he has children.

    I would imagine that this is a highly subsidized vacation for the porn star.

    I'm assuming that a large part of her appeal is the fact that she looks about 15.

  20. Anonymous10:25 AM

    1. Is that a kindle. Charlie can read??? Lol
    2. Shes wearing a shortie jean junpsuit..ewwww
    3. He has old man shoes
    4. I think I saw the outline of his dick..must go Lysol self to

  21. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I agree that it's far better for Charlie to have fun with professionals that know about/do drugs with him than to have him corrupt some sixteen year old Nickelodeon or Disney girl. He knows what he likes, and what's wrong with that. He likes dirty girls. Denise Richards was reportedly a Hollywood escort, and he married her. So whatever floats his boat, and as long as it's a legal adult who isn't being lied, used, corrupted, etc, then I have no problem with it. Still yucky, but hey, it's Charlie (Crackhead) Sheen. Linsday so should have kept hanging around him. She was lucky to get that much out of him.

  22. Oh my God..We watched the Roast of Charlie last night -The Opster picked it not me..And it was just filthy and not funny at all save for one girl towards the end that nobody even knew. I guess she won a comedy contest? I always thought it was a roast with people who knew you but guess not.

    Anyway, perhaps he has some charm. But better he's with a professional than a sweet girl who he could corrupt.

  23. Ew. Just ew. Besides the monster STD's you're bound to catch, his skin looks like it hasn't seen dairy, fruit or vegetables in a loooooong time. He looks so unhealthy and grey. I don't even want to imagine the bad breath caused by his awful teeth. Ew.

  24. The only movie I ever liked him in was Major League. I always thought he seemed like a beady-eyed, nasty manipulating drunk.

  25. Reno I think that is indeed a fanny pack. She needs to invest in one of those under the clothes fanny packs, my grandparents wear them around everywhere. Makes it really awkward when they actually decide to pay for something and they have to lift up their shirts and totally unstrap this contraption from under their boobs.

    It's almost as bad as the time they decided to have a tonsil hockey session in front of their unsuspecting grandchildren.

  26. first i thoguht this pic was of him kissing ashley green from twilight. ew. then i swear i thought enty wrote her name was...GEORGE Jones. like the country singer!!

    but who knows? maybe shes really a level headed lady with good morals and who will be a good mom, proper wife, and inspire him to sobritey.

    okay...probably not.
    but wtf-evuh. shes obviously got a ton of self confidence, just to wear that much denim. in public.

  27. Please don't stone me but I like her weird denim jumpsuit shorts sans the fanny pack.

  28. Doing a cursory search on her IAFD page (imdb for porn)*, it looks like she pretty much does only solo and lesbian scenes. Which I guess is the best way to go.

    It certainly means less secondhand dick smooches.

    *Link is relatively Safe For Life.

  29. She's pretty and good on her for keeping her natural bewbs. Why not? They're both adults.

  30. I think he should go back to Lohan. Nothing about those two surprise anyone anymore, they could make double headlines together, while keeping the world safe from a massive STD epidemic.

  31. Charlie Sheen is a misogynist! Run girl!

  32. Honestly do you think any woman with a normal job would date him? Not gonna happen. No normal woman wants to deal with that shit. Look what happened the last time he dated (and married) someone with a normal job.

  33. I like the denim jumper. And I think it is a bow/tie belt, not a fanny pack. Can see it better on the daily mail.

  34. @ Ingrid, that is correct, IIRC. I've seen her in plenty of GG stuff, never in any BG stuff.

    FWIW, according to Aurora Snow's piece on The Daily Beast a month or so ago, performers commonly use condoms when they are having sex with people who are not in the industry, because people in the industry are tested frequently, and it is common knowledge that it is much easier to get an STD from non-work encounters than it is from work ones.

    So, maybe she's being smart and using protection.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. You guys all sound like a bunch of haters. Charlie is a really nice man. He's kind, he's generous and really funny. If Georgia and Charlie are happy then good for them. If they're not... who the fuck cares? Whether Charlie is in a happy relationship or not you're still going to jerk off to her porn and you're still going to be creepy weirdos so just shut the fuck up already. Thanks. :)

    1. LOL! Yeah your link says you love everybody. Guess that's not necessarily the case.

  37. Nice ass, Charlie Sheena.

  38. That made me laugh out loud. Fuck it and least he doesn't pretend about who he is and what he likes.

  39. 'Ello Charlie Sheena!

    Or should I say Georgia...

  40. You're retarded @jsierra ... I'm not Georgia. My name is Sheena. I write under the name Charlie Sheena... Feel free to go to my website and twitter.

  41. Did anyone else notice his left leg appears to bend backward and is considerably smaller than his right leg? Is that a bruise on his right ankle? a tattoo, varicose veins or a blood clot? The man either looks his age and is older than he acts or is not well.

    I think the best person for Charlie Sheen to date is a porn star. I think he might freak some of the more professional ones out though. I thinks hes probably about as freaky as they come.

  42. @Charlie Sheena

    Leave jsierra alone, she was just kidding. BTW, the word 'retarded' is out of date.

    I'm glad he's nice to his tricks, but he's a father and should act like one. People can forgive a lot of a person, but bad parenting takes longer to forgive and forget.
