Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sheryl Crow Gives An Interview About Lance Armstrong - Doesn't Say Anything

You would think that if a news organization has a chance to ask Sheryl Crow some questions that one of the questions might be, "Did you ever see Lance Armstrong cheating while you were his girlfriend and traveling with him every day and night during the Tour de France?" If you would like to be more kind about it, you could ask, "Did you know he was cheating?" If you really want to put on the feather gloves you could ask, "Did you ever get the feeling that Lance was cheating?" Any of those would have been better than what Entertainment Tonight asked Sheryl which was bubkus. Nothing. Nada. They just let her go free form where she said that the truth shall set you free and that she is glad he admitted it and that she saw some of the interview on Oprah. The only reason they even had Sheryl Crow on the program was because of her connection to Lance. So, if that is the case, why not ask the question. It is just embarrassing.


  1. Serious reporting ET is NOT.

  2. Sheryl Crow is no innocent sweet thing either. Just talk to Don Henley's wife and the Thursday Night Supper Club. Crow has dicked people over too.

  3. Entertainment Tonight is just Kneepads on television, isn't it?

  4. Why should she be on the hot seat? Another example of people being dragged into his mishegas!

  5. ET Extra, and the Insider are just long asskissing fests for celebrities.

  6. @auntliddy
    Maybe because she saw something or knew something? Armstrong was not just doping himself, but bullying his teammates too. The other teammates wives knew what was up.

    1. Agee, but the place to say something isnt on ET! Lol

  7. @Henriette, I want to hear more about Sheryl Crow being a dick!

  8. I dont see why Sheryl should be asked any questions about Lance's doping.

  9. @Henriette, I second that request!

  10. I 3rd that request! Dish, girl, dish!!

  11. I mean, if I were her I would try to stay out of this mess as much as possible, I cant understand why she even gave the interview
    regardless of whether she's innocent or not

  12. Wikipedia has a soft version of what happened http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuesday_Night_Music_Club

    Basically her breakthrough album, for which she won all the awards for, was done in collaboration with the Tuesday Night Music Club, but they never got their recognition.

  13. Everyone should stay far away from the Lance mess. Quite a trail of damage in his wake.

  14. Sheryl was questioned by the Feds about Lance's doping and she denied any knowledge. She isn't going to say squat, and not to ET of all places. Everybody is going to lie to protect themselves now. You don't want the Feds on your ass for lying to them.


  15. What timebob said - she'd be a fool to admit to perjury. That's how the Feds get everyone in the end.

  16. Holy cow. I read a few more articles about what Henriette mentioned. She sounds as bad as Lance.

  17. Ms Cool, that's what I was thinking, too - birds of a feather and all. I'm sure she wasn't an innocent lamb going into the relationship with Lance. She's been in the music biz for a long time.

  18. @ TImebob - I never thought about the legal ramifications.

    I always felt bad for her when Lance dumped her when she had breast cancer. But someone recently told me that Lance left his 1st wife for Sheryl. I thought she was above being a home wrecker and this disappointed me.

    I believe Sheryl saw Lance blood doping and thats why she has stayed silent on the issue.She was one of the few people allowed on Lance's private plane where some of the blood doping occurred.

  19. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I also believe she knew and timebob is right about her keeping her mouth shut the feds take perjury seriously (Martha Stewart!)
    Lance's relationships are all a little blurry as to when they started I think he's a cheater in his love life too. I've heard the stuff about the tues club and agree that if she shafted them it sucks I've also heard she can be ruthless to ex lovers so for Lance's sake he's lucky she testified. For what its worth the older couple that lived across from Lance here in Austin said he's a dick but when she was there she would come and have tea and chat with them

  20. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Like we expect hard hitting journalism from E.T. Obviously if she's not saying " I never saw him dope" then she did, or had knowledge or suspected. Dancing around it in a fluff piece is as much a confirmation for me as anything else. Now she can say, but I gave interviews, I talked about it.

  21. Anonymous7:54 AM

    And Frufra's right, better not to lie to them in the first place because they will make an example of your ass.

  22. Anonymous7:55 AM

    For what it's worth my ex fiance spoke with her a few times and was working on something with her and said that she's known as the nicest, coolest most down to earth normal person.

  23. Anonymous7:56 AM

    in the biz

  24. It's ET, WTF do you expect from a fluff entertainment news program?

  25. when LA came clean (<--totally unintentional pun, but it stays), my first thought was that surely SC knew. this bugs me, and her stock went wayyy down in my book. i get her 'loyalty', misguided as it may have been, but it was incredibly selfish and self-serving. screw lance...but look at all the foundation and sponsor people that got duped in the process...and all that time, w/ all that money coming in--she was mum. f.u. sheryl.

  26. Like her or not, exposing Lance Armstrong was not her job. She doesn't owe anyone that. She wasn't personally administering things to Lance and whatever happened with their relationship is between them.

    Sounds like her start was a little squirrely, but she has maintained her career since then and built on it. You can't do that unless you've really got something. Also and especially with the music industry, you do not want to see how that sausage gets made. Even your most favorite artist had to do some things or step on some people to get where they are.

    I don't know Lance or Sheryl, but I have been lucky enough to see a few small shows with her and she is amazing live and without much support. She is the real deal.

  27. I remember Lance and Sheryl DID announce their breakup two weeks or so before her announcement of having cancer. I always thought it was cleverly done by her. 'Yeah, I'll let a period of time go by after we announce the breakup and before I leak my medical status'. Two weeks later, 'What, did you think I would wait six months?'

    She seems to have always realized the way to handle him is to allow he to expose his douchery himself. If someone's a textbook prick, why waste effort in pointing it out, they'll do it.

    Poor Sheryl always seemed to have lousy taste in men. She was with Eric Clapton (who I love, but he was NOT someone to fall for and expect to maintain any identity of your own) and Kid Rock dumped her for Pamela Anderson, which just boggles the mind.

  28. Also, LC wasn't taking his bike out of the garage and going training. This guy is a user and now admitted cheat. Do you honestly think that he would give her the leverage of knowing about what he was up to?

    Men hide mistresses; hell, other families, he's not gonna hide the best smoking gun a pissed off ex could hope for? Suspicions are NOT proof.

  29. I truly never thought about her being brought up on perjury charges. Good point. It won't do her any good to start telling everyone she knew everything. Luckily it wasn't more hard hitting reporters asking questions. And seriously, wouldn't you HATE having to come back to an old relationship you were clearly over and talk about it again?

  30. I'm sure I've posted this before, but she banged my filthy disgusting cousin while she was with Lance. This would be the equivalent of banging Pete Doherty, my cousin is so gross, I have no words to describe him.

    But long before that she stepped on a LOT of people on her way up, and has completely scrubbed her image in the past ten years. Bitch is no angel. Not even close.

  31. LMS&M - Do you believe your cousin? I mean if he's so ick nast?

  32. @Little Miss Smoke

    I must have missed your original post, so am glad you reposted this.

  33. I think it would take a special kind of woman to be aligned to Lance.

  34. I actually wonder if this was the reason she wouldn't have kids with him. After they broke up they both got married and had kids pretty quickly after.

  35. @JR, you said it wasn't SC's duty to expose him. That might be true in a scenario like an ET interview, but I am sure that her interview with DOJ or whoever was most likely under oath. Therefore, she should have told the truth and what she knows. It's that simple. And the reason why perjury was mentioned. Perjury, "it's illegal!!!" you know?

    I love her music and have heard she's great live. I guess that isn't translating to her being a good person as evidenced from some of the information above.

    And I hate that self serving Dick who calls himself Lance Armstrong. What a joke he is. Disgusting pig. :-) in case you were wondering what i thought of HIM

  36. @mango I believe him for this reason. He, at age 50ish at the time (around 10-12 years ago), was living with his RETIRED PARENTS. My aunt saw the limo pull up, heard them playing music in his bedroom, and actually *heard them*. THEN the next morning, he had the audacity to introduce her to his parents as she made the walk of shame through the house. (TACKY) That is the only reason I know it's true.

    He is (was-he's been out of the scene for awhile) a smarmy back-up musician, good looking with charisma he does not deserve. He's had drug and alcohol problems his entire life, and when he's not shacking up with co-dependent women who take care of him, his parents take him in when he's broke, which is often.

  37. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Sheryl Crow is no angel, indeed. I've met her a few times at press events. She basically ignores her fans but readily admits fame is her goal. I spent a lot of time on her fan forum back in the day doing research and she surprisingly has quite a following of loyal fans who she basically feels so far above that she can't bring herself to mingle with.

    The Tuesday Night Music Club did essentially launch her career but the members of TNMC had no intention of going on tour with her so she started a new band. She gave credit to all the guys on the album and they continue to get their royalty checks but club member, Kevin Gilbert, ended up offing himself due to autoerotic asphyxiation. He was no fan of Sheryl's in the end. She dumped him when her career took off.

    As far as Lance goes, the ink was barely dry on the divorce papers when they hooked up at a Andre Agassi charity event. Their breakup was due to (according to Lance) Sheryl's biological clock, and his reluctance to have more children (she is 9 years older than him). But eventually he proved himself a liar when he hooked up with someone else (after dating Kate Hudson, Torie Burch, and all the other women that oddly resembled his mom and first wife) and had 2 more kids.

    Sheryl may deserve all her fame and fortune due to hard work, perseverance, and catchy song-writing, but basically she's as big a dick as Lance. If you're not someone who can further her career, she has no time for you.

  38. Lol @ Smoke, sounds like something Demi would do. And thanks for the info.

  39. And Don Henley's wife would tell us...??? I know she was his backup singer around the THE END OF THE INNOCENCE era, but I'm pretty sure Don and Sharon hadn't even met that far back, if in fact you're saying that there was more there. Spill! :-)

  40. Sheryl Crow has a thing for stealing men, especially married ones. Rumor has it,she had a long affair with Don Henley that was off and on. Henley's wife has MS.

    The whole BS about her "biological clock" is hogwash because she didn't want Don Henley when he wanted kids back in the late 80s. She just likes dicks like Lance Armstrong.

    She also broke-up with her college sweatheart who wanted to settle down because her career was more important.

    Her song "My Perfect Mistake" was supposed to be inspired by Eric Clapton.

    Crowe likes to look like the victim that's why she picks dicks. She's a smart woman who knows how important image is.

  41. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Threads like these are little goldmines

  42. I think she should have said, cycling? Doping? The prick dumped me when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Yah it *seemed* like it was before her announcement but he probably knew in advance. He's a prick sociopath.



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