Monday, January 21, 2013

School Says Teen Should Get A Breast Reduction

Tammie Jackson is the mother of a 13 year old girl named Gabrielle. Gabrielle is routinely teased at school because of her large breasts. Being a responsible and worried parent, Tammie called her daughter's school which is in Missouri to complain about the teasing and wanting something done about it. The school said they could transfer Gabrielle but that she would always get teased about her breasts no matter where she went and the best idea was for Tammie to take her daughter in to a doctor for a breast reduction. The mother said instead of stopping the teasing a bullying, they are blaming her daughter for having large breasts.


  1. Oh. My. LORD.

    What the FUCK is wrong with people?

  2. Way to stay classy, Missouri.

  3. Wow! Poor girl. And at 13 she isn't even finished growing. But yeah, blame HER instead of doing something.

    1. Like she doesnt have enough going on, being a teen, hormones, being teased, having big breasts, something she has zero control over, without it being suggested she surgcically change her body?????? Idiots.

  4. This is ridiculous. So kids with glasses should get surgery, also if you're not the right size, get a new wardrobe if people make fun of your clothes etc. It's all your fault! Not the assholes that fuck with you. Let's breed more self esteem issues in our country's youth.

  5. Oh man, they crossed the line..

  6. Teased for large breasts? Perfect example of girls who are jealous that they don't have them and boys who are jealous that they can't touch them.

    1. @karen -- yup, it happens. Guys and girls were awful to me in middle school. Then, in college/my 20s, I got the guys who saw me only as a sex object. The women were jealous but grew out of that faster. I still get guys who talk to my breasts instead of my face, in my 40s! It's stupid how a pair of breasts can cause people to judge, be mean or rude, and act stupid v

    2. @seachica

      Me too! It was ridiculous. I started growing boobs in third grade when no one else did. I felt like a freak and the teasing didn't help.

      As time went on guys got nicer and girls got bitchier. It's crazy how a physical feature can make people act.

      I'd gladly give up my jugs for a nice pair if perky B cups.

    3. I was bullied mercilessly at high school for not having breasts! I was called a boy/ skinny bitch/ anorexic etc even though I am just naturally thin. I didn't really grow into my body until I was 18.
      Looking back though it was all the larger girls that called me names. I was small but perfectly formed.

  7. Oh god, this one hits home so closely. The school needs to set the right tone, that bullying isn't allowed. That said, this girl is going to need to develop a backbone. Eventually, she will grow up and realize that she has been blessed with what others pay lots of money for. But unfortunately, at this age, kids will pick up on anything to tease and be mean. If she gets her boobs reduced, the kids will pick up on that. The only way to win is to put up a front that the teasing doesn't bother you, and let time run its course.

    The school administration should know better. Shame on their crap way of handling it.

    1. I'm pretty sure you meant "develop a backbone" figuratively, but I read it literally at first and got an awesome laugh out of it.

  8. Wow. That school sounds like a real winner.

    @karen, right on. Those bullies are just jealous haters

  9. Honestly. smh. Tammy should sue the school to pay for the surgery. I know, i know, suing doesn't solve everything, but it would serve them right.

    1. Dee, it's a public school= taxpayers would end up paying. No. Better way. Prob more to this as Little Entwarded writes the non blind items and is painfully poor at choosing what to copy and paste from previously published articles. School needs to roll a few heads (if the union allows) and enforce suspensions for bullying. And, she should stand up straight and her family better not exploit her.

  10. Unless it poses a great health risk, I don't think doctors would even advise doing a reduction (or implant) at that age. I think Punky Brewster had a reduction at a relatively young age, but not THAT young.

    Although, don't you think that if the school does something about it, it's going to just bring even more negative attention her way? People are assholes.

  11. Let's blame the kid with Down Syndrome or blame the child with the bald head because of cancer. What a sad sick world we live in.

  12. Hmmm, so your child is being teased and bullied because of a physical feature...
    What to do?
    I know! Have major surgery (with the possibilty of very serious complications)! Because that's the problem! The child stands out in some way! No wonder people pick on her!
    Good grief.

  13. shit like this makes ALL schools and teachers look bad.

  14. Dang is it just me or is it harder and harder to be a well adjusted kid? How about reminding these kids they would not like to be singled out for their body like nose, weight, butt etc. and made fun of. If it is easier to blame a girl for having boobs than to teach others human decency, the administrators of the school must be really cynical.

  15. Jeezus -- it's probably jealous girls more than anyone else.

    The school won't do anything - it's typical. It's much easier to blame the victim and try to change the victim's behaviour (bc they are already seen as being weak) than it is to get the bully to change. I totally believe that the school suggested surgery as a solution.

    It doesn't actually say how big the breasts of the girl are - whether Christina Hendricks big or Dolly big.

  16. Seachica, develop backbone you say? Sounds like she'll need to if they're that big... On a serious note, I knew a kid at school who had hers reduced. I think she were maybe 15 (long time ago), because it was causing physical risk. She was quite open about it though, which was good, because talking about her chest was way more interesting than double-physics.

  17. A friend of mine had natural double FFs...and wasnt a big girl by any means. No mattet what she wore she inevitably showed clevage and always got in shit bu the principal. She never tried to show them off intentionally and were quite the burden but she was treated lile a slut by the principal

  18. Sigh. The school's response was ridiculous, but at the same time, what does the mother want the school to do about it? 13-year-olds tease other 13-year-olds. If it's not about boobs it's about something else.

    I used to get teased for my big Italian nose in addition to my ridiculous dorky glasses in addition to my awful teen-aged skin. Do you really think my mom was calling the school about that shit? No. She taught me and my sisters to move on from the haters and to stand up for yourself. And a standing monthly appointment with a dermatologist REALLY helped my situation. LOL.

  19. Oh hell no! I assume the school has a dress code, so as long as the breastesses are appropriately covered, any discipline issues are on them.

  20. And if she were sexually assaulted or raped at school, it would be her fault because her breasts just make boys lose their minds. Fucking school.

  21. So, it might be a little creepy that I just did a google search to try to see a better picture of this girl that doesn't have her chest cropped out (couldn't find one).

    But judging from the cropped picture, maybe the problem isn't her breast size, but what she's wearing. Speaking as someone whose first bra was a C-cup, when you have big boobs you have two choices when dressing: look like a tent, or look like a slut. When you wear a non-fitted shirt that hangs straight down, you look like a tent. When you wear something fitted or tight, even when it's not a "slutty" top, you look a little slurry because of the boobs.

    I'm not condoning bullying in any way, and that school definitely crossed the line. But if this girl slapped on a minimizer and started wearing non-fitted shirts (or as I call them, tents), I bet a lot of this hoopla would stop.

    1. @vipblonde -- the key isn't dressing to cover them up like a tent. It is to dress appropriately for your body type. Big boobs require a v-neck to not look terrible. BUT the neckline has to fit correctly. No stuff hanging over or out. You need some waist definition to show a figure -- otherwise, fabric dangles over your midsection and makes you look fat. And last but not least -- absolutely no bare midriffs or short skirts. You are naturally sexy on top, so following the rule of sexy top or bottom but not both leads to choosing conservative clothes for the rest if your body. Also, I like color blocks better than patterns -- patterns draw attention to your bosom and the perspective is off. No button down shirts that gape open.

      Oh, how I wish I could help this girl out and teach her what I learned the hard way!

    2. She is 13. She should not look sexy at all. I do agree with your tips though. Most of my tops are v neck but not a deep v ot there will be cleavage everywhere.

    3. @Alma Exactly! She's 13. Just slap on a plain old t shirt and call it a day. Sure, it will look like a tent (because of the boobs), but she's 13!!!

  22. @seachica, it's the only explanation I can conceive of. Girls will make fun of other girls because they're insecure themselves. Happy, well-adjusted girls don't go trying to make everyone else feel bad about themselves.

    Boys bully in such a different way than girls. I might have been teased for being a goody goody by the boys in middle school, but it was the girls who were destroying my self-esteem by commenting on my body.

  23. @ClaptonLayla-I have big boobies and got sent to the assistant headmaster once for showing too much. I am 4'11" he was 6'5". Of course he could see down my dress.


    I feel for this girl, I started boob growth in 4th grade and was the tallest kid in the class at 5'5". No one really fucked with me because I was so big. Ironically I stopped growing after that and am still only 5'5".

    I want to tell her to just buck up and deal with it, but everyone is different and some people just cannot handle other people thinking poorly about them.

    1. Wow we could be twins except I stoppedat 5'7 and had big boobs too

  25. I was bullied mercilessly in school due to my looks and when I went to the principal she said it was MY fault and that I deserved it "for being ugly"and that it "would only get worse because I snitched" which it did. They don't care and when they say they have zero tolerance for bullying it means nothing. In reality they just look the other way and don't do anything about it. I still have no self esteem to this day and carry the emotional scars because of the bullying and it's one reason why I homeschool my own kids so that they won't have to endure the torment that I did.

    1. Clearly the only ugly person in this story was your principal. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

    2. This makes me so sad, because I know how it feels. For every negative comment, it takes three positive to make up for it. I have finally become lucky enough to have some good friends who have spent years reminding me of my beauty. I am now 39 and finally believe them.
      It took this long to finally realize I was never ugly. I bet you aren't, either.

  26. Tape em down like they did for Carrie Fisher in Star Wars.

  27. Pogue - That is terrible. I am sure you are a fabulous person!!!

  28. Transfer the bullies, not the victim. Maybe their parents will feel a kick in the ass and start parenting when their little angels are at a third new school in two years and they have to drive them halfway across the city to get there because the bus only goes to the local school. Of course, I know that even good parents can have relatively good kids that act like little monsters when they're not around, but in a case like this, that's where teachers, administrators, and even bus drivers should be able to step up and act as authority figures. It scares me that incompetent, insensitive, lazy, and unkind people like the 'powers that be' at this school have a role in and kid's development.

  29. Had the same problem as a young girl - luckily it was back in the day when a school administration actually responded to the complaints of parents and dealt with bullies. The few remarks I heard after that I usually just gave a snotty sneer to and the one boy that really gave me a hard time - my dad called HIS dad and the problem immediately stopped. Said it earlier today - I thank God I'm not a kid today.

  30. I'll be the unpopular opinion and say it. As a girl who had large breasts from a young age, I can sympathize with this girl. But how the hell is the school supposed to deal with this? Teasing a girl because her breasts are large is no different than teasing a boy for having red hair or anything else. We love the term 'bullying', but this isn't it. Kids tease. That's how it is. That's how it has always been. As a youngster, I dealt directly with the people who gave me a hard time. Going through a school is unlikely to solve anything, because there is no way to prove any one kid is doing it. It would be the same as complaining to a grocery store manager because someone in the produce department made fun of your complexion. If Tammie doesn't want to get children's names from her daughter and deal directly with the parents, then she needs to teach her daughter some kind of self esteem to deal with this, because it will be her entire life. Also, I find it hard to believe the school would say 'your daughter needs surgery'. More likely, it was something like 'short of reduction, there is nothing that can really be done about this'. Which is true. The school is not the problem, the kids are. And expecting the school, as opposed to the childrens' parents, to deal with this is ridiculous. The school is not in control of these kids for more than a couple hours a day. Schools are not responsible for keeping kids from bullying. They are trying to teach the kids an education. Basic human life skills need to be learned from the parents. Like SusanB said, if these boys had their mothers called, they would likely get an earful and the harassing would stop much sooner and easier than if they try to inflict things like detention.

    Flame away.

    1. Depends on how it happened, if she was cornered in the bathroom by a group of girls...they should be punished.

      There really needs to be a line in the sand that we all stand by, do not allow behavior past x-point. "It's how it always was" is a bull honkey excuse to me. Either help change the world or get out of the way of those who want to (and get them some Gatorade as its gonna be a rough fight)

  31. Awww poor girl! I'm glad her mom has her back. Hopefully this media attention will help and not hinder their cause.
    As a medium breasted ( full B ) woman I've never had to deal with that form of harassment. It can't be pleasant though. I'm not jealous of my big breasted sisters either .. I'm happy they have great jugs and wish they didn't have to be subjected to such bs for having great assets. Does anyone harass a CEO over his Porche?
    I do have booty though! The nice thing about that is when people stare I don't notice because they're generally behind me.

  32. Way to teach women at young ages that they should hate their bodies and they deserve mean comments about themselves.

  33. I see Dr.Phil in their future

  34. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Just cut your breasts off then you won't get so much attention!!! Great school. I'd homeschool her. I remember there was one girl in my school that was extremely well developed and the boys were always ooing and aahing about her. Something about big bewbies makes guys turn in to animals in America. Thanks God!

  35. I'm not sure why there's such a strong assumption it's girls who are jealous of her -- I developed at an earlier age, and it was 100 percent boys, and it was flat-out sexual harassment though these days it might fall under bullying. Can't really believe how many people think this is just fine.

  36. Too bad she can't beat the shit out of them like I did. I had assholes bullying me all the time in high school until I nailed the ring leader in the balls in the middle of class. Then, strangely enough, it all stopped and everybody was on my side. Except my brother, naturally.

    Honey, start carrying a chip on your shoulder and never let it go. It only gets worse, not better.

  37. I was teased by the boys for being "so flat I'm surprised you don't go in". I was an extremely late bloomer (didn't even start my period until I was 16 1/2). THAT makes you feel great too. It was up to me to make myself feel better about it. BUT my cousin was very busty and was teased from 5th grade on. It's hard to deal with and you do have to fight to not let it get to you.

    NO the school shouldn't have said get a reduction (although maybe she's athletic and it's a huge issue?) but on the flip side she's going to need to learn survival skills.

    1. Same here. Although they used the clever phrases "you're like a pirate's dream! A sunken chest!" and "you're a carpenter's dream - flat as a board and never been screwed!"
      And the first gyno I went to at 15 b/c I was worried about not having my period dismissed it with "15? Come see me if you haven't gotten it by the time you are 18. Then there might be a problem. But for now you should be thankful you don't have to deal with that every month."
      Yeah... Nothing like carrying tampons in you backpack strictly so your "friends" will quit saying things like "you never seem to be on the rag and you've got no breasts... Are you sure you're really a girl?"

      Body shaming sticks with us all of our lives... Too tall/short, fat/skinny, busty/flat, pale/dark... The stupid thing is? The 1% of kids who *don't* have some obvious physical 'flaw' to pick on? Are insecure as hell too. Because no one ever tells them they are beautiful because 'then they'll just get conceited' so they get even fewer compliments. We are one messed up society,

    2. I was "tabletop" because I was so flat you could eat dinner on my chest... Turned 25 and they grew to a,most DDD. Ten years late but as my mother said, "you've been late to everything your whole life, why did you expect your boobs to show up on time?"

  38. @Butterkwup: Totally agree! No flame from me. If they are laughing at her because of her breasts, ignore them if at all possible. If they are touching her that's a whole different ballgame.

  39. Poor girl. I remember being teased viciously in middle school for my 36 C cup at sixth grade and later for my DD's in high school. I had hips and curves and swam in a sea of size 0 girls who called me a whore and alluded that my big boobs, blonde hair, and "DSL's" were the reason for it. I was still a virgin and was totally harassed for it. I remember thinking I was some huge hideous creature because I wasn't a 0 and couldn't wear cute bras like everyone else.

    When I graduated years ago and got out of that small town it took awhile for my self esteem to recover. I realized they were jealous of my hour glass figure but I still remember how vicious people were. I had one girl accuse me of having my.lips done in 9th grade!! It was ridiculous and I totally sympathize with this poor girl.Just brings back old memories reading about this. :(

  40. @Butterkwup: I agree completely.
    I ended up having a reduction at the age of 23, for ME, because I wanted to. I have never regretted it. My oldest daughter is developing much as I did, and about all I can do is tell her 'wear a bra, every day, rain or shine, no matter what.' If she gets bullied due to the jugs, she will have to learn to deal. It's part of life.

  41. I saw this happen to a girl in middle school, getting hugely leered at and harassed because she developed to D's at 13. Luckily she seemed to have a pretty good sense of humor about it and the other girls didn't rip on her.

    Given what's involved with the procedure, I'd go ballistic if a school official told one of me that one of my daughters needed breast reduction surgery. I don't understand how any woman chooses to undergo that procedure, frankly, although I do appreciate the need.

  42. Grrr....hits close to home for me, too. My high school years (and elementary actually) were filled with comments about my huge breasts that started growing in grade 5. I finally got a reduction at 24 and while I"m glad I did (I could suddenly exercise! and fit into normal clothes! and people started looking into my eyes when we spoke!), it really screwed up my ability to breastfeed normally, which kind of sucked. I really hope my daughter doesn't get my jugs.
    For a school to recommend that be foisted on a 13 year old is fecking criminal. She hasn't even stopped growing. Are they offering to pay also?

  43. I don't completely agree with the school (especially not on the surgery), but lets face it, no matter how much anti-bullying we put into schools there has always been and will always be bullies. Maybe instead of coddling our kids we can make them have backbones and not to take everything everyone says so seriously and to stand up for themselves.

  44. @ButterKwup

    I completely and utterly agree with you! Be freaking parents and stop trying to make everyone else raise your children!!

  45. i hope someone teaches this girl to be true to herself, and love herself no matter what.

    i'm shocked so many others had similar issues growing up and don't feel so alone now! i had very large dd cups until a car crash in h.s. that basically tore off one of my breasts and shattered my chest bones. i woke up post-op in tears not from pain, but humiliation. being 16 with only one boob is tough, so i had to have my entire chest reconstructed. by 12th grade i had implants (medically - not cosmetic vanity).

    it did wonders for my self-esteem, but never got fully used to the stares, other girls gawking/comments, boys asking for a look, changing after cheer practice, etc. in college i became a part-time swimsuit model and booked an audition for s.i. swimsuit issue. didnt make the cut but made me feel great that scars did heal and i was normal again!

    after h.s. one day, a snotty twat bully girl tried to pick a fight w/ me and embarass me in front of everyone by making fun of my fake boobs. i smiled politely, reached into my backpack, and swung a bike lock chain until it connected with her shoulder very hard. she was in a sling for a week and never bullied anyone again. principal commended me for defending myself, and i never let anyoen give me shit about being different anymore.

    i hope this girl - and others - stay strong. beleive in yourself, stand up for yourself, and buy a heavy bike lock chain.

  46. This doesnt shock me at all. Schools have always blamed the victims. I grew up with a speech problem--when kids called me "retard" in class the teachers would smile at them. If I complained--and I soon learned not to--the teachers and principals would tell me I was "too sensitive" needed to grow a thick skin and that I should work harder on my speech therapy so that the kids wouldnt have anything to make fun of. Not once were any of those bullies disciplined. I grew up basically believing I was the problem. If I was this girl's mom, I'd take her out of school and homeschool her. I wish my mom could have homeschooled me but homeschooling wasnt allowed back then.

  47. Completely agree @ ButterKwup.

    People are assholes and always will be. The school can't do anything abt that.

    Also, slightly off topic but the word "bully" is so lame. It's thrown around like crazy these days. I'm sorry but the word itself just seems so...wimpy? I think the second you call someone a bully your just asking for more teasing. It bugs me.

    1. I should prob clarify . Not saying there aren't genuine bullies out in this world. But seriously everyone got teased when they were little. Most people have some asshole in their life that purposely tries to put you down with a smile on their face. That's not a bully to me at all and calling someone that is just asking for more trouble.

  48. So, just to take this to extremes, if a guy gets teased in the locker room for having a small dick, should the school just tell his parents to have him a get a sex change?????
    It is depressing that I am not surprised by this AT ALL.
    Since I don't see a lot of positive behavior modeled for kids in the media (or often by their parents for that matter), stuff like this will happen. You should teach your kids how to handle negative comments, but you should also teach them how to treat others with compassion. The schools cannot do it all but they should at least hold their students to some basic freaking standards of behavior.

  49. I'm guessing the teasing got to the point of bullying, which is why the mother contacted the school. I don't doubt that she is being sexually harassed too. She shouldn't have to wear baggy clothes to avoidgetting harassed, that is ridiculous. The school CAN do something. Growing up, a lot of bullying I witnessed happened during class. The teachers either ignored it, or told those doing it to pay attention, and went on with the lesson. I am sure this is not the case everywhere, but I have heard some downtright horrible things being said to others while a teacher was in earshot. I went to school for a time in a rural, southern town, where sports was everything. Even in middle school, those on the basketball and football teams got away with murder. When I keep hearing stories like this, I get angry at the adults in the situation. Many can do something, but just don't.

    End of rant!

  50. You all need to chill. The comment was probably made by a well meaning staff member.
    That said, just because the student is more developed at 13, doesn't mean that in 5 years, she will be any different from other girls her age.

  51. If this young lady was a her job and her co-workers were constantly commenting on or staring at her breasts, they would be talked to by their manager or HR and possibly fired. So why is it ok for her classmates to do the same thing? If the school is willing to allow this to happen, it will just create adults who will do this because they were taught it was acceptable behavior.

    1. I'm clicking the like button. Your thoughts are spot on.

  52. I know how it feels. I was teased for being flat. There will always be some ignorant people making fun of other for stupid reasons. If there is one thing I have zero tolerance for it's people who make fun of other people, especially for something like this. It's cruel and shows ignorance.

  53. They can't use tax payer money for a boon reduction surgery. Just foolish.

  54. Taxpayer money? What is that supposed to mean? I don't get the joke.

  55. Of course ... this is the way of the world now. Take responsibility? Be accountable? Go the extra mile? Do the right thing? Nope, nada, zippo, zilch.

    1. Exactly what is this girl supposed to be accountable for? The size of her chest? Makes no sense. And its true, if an adult gets beat up,its assault and an arrest. But when its kids, who are even less equipped to deal with this stuff, its all oh, kids willl be kids. I dont buy it.

  56. It was questioned whether the School would also offer to pay for the surgery, it' s a public school.

  57. I need to start reading all of the comments before commenting, dammit!

    1. I know Puggle, it can get exhausting:)

  58. I feel for the other students distracted by her breasts. I was a victim of a large chested classmate during Chemistry class Jr year. Her fine ass also contributed to my lack of concentration.

    It was a class of about 10 dipshit guys, 1 smoking hot girl, and a teacher that may or may not have been juiced up and cokey. I think he gave us all C's so it wouldn't look bad on him.

    It seemed like every time the guy gave us classwork to do, she would go up to his desk and ask him a question. Innocent, except that she'd bend over at the hips and put her elbows on his desk, I guess so he could get a look down her shirt. Problem is it would also put her ass out in the air, so we were all hypnotized.

    About 1/2 way through the year, a couple guys started yelling "BAM!" when she would strike her pose at the teacher's desk. She didn't like it the first couple times, but she kept doing it to get out of classwork.

    1. Your online name is perfect for you

  59. last week we went to the high school open house for incoming students in 2013-2014. a bunch of clubs spoke, the cheer squad did a cheer, and rotc dill team did their rifle drill team thing. when their drill ended, the rifles were pointed AT THE AUDIENCE. there was a collective gasp, and then things went on. at the end i approached the principal and told her that i was bothered by that. she said to me, "that's what you DO with guns. you aim them at things". i told her "yes, i know. that's why it was so disturbing". she looked like she wanted to smack me. and said, "i'll keep that in mind for next year" and walked away.

    1. F*cking weird!!!!i never heard of such a thing!!

    2. People aren't things. If she can't understand that then she shouldn't have a job where she's responsible for the welfare of hundreds of young people. Feel free to share my thoughts with this incompetent she-devil.

  60. Any boy or girl caught making fun of her breasts should have their measurements taken before a school assembly. Girls will have bust measured, and boys will have ther dicks measured, with these measurments made public. Wow how fast this shite would end! Let them feel the embarassment the way this girl does.

  61. Yeah, the American propensity to blame the victim, especially where women and girls are concerned, rears its ugly head again.

    If I were this girl's mother, I'd be talking to a platoon of lawyers right now. "Yes, mom - have your NOT FULLY GROWN daughter mutilated and that will stop all the bullying and teasing, because it is her fault for having big breasts, you know."

  62. Ooh, this hits close to home for me, too. I got 'me in third grade and can't tell you how much fun that was with the a-hole boys I went to school with.

    Her younger brother has a heart condition and has surgical scars and he gets bullied as well. Maybe based on that and the response of the administration, she should switch schools? I wished I had. In the meantime, she'll just need to hold her head up as high as she can and realize that it gets SO much better after middle/high school. :-(

  63. I agree with Butterkrup that while the bullies should be dealt with by the school, that no matter where this girl goes or is transferred, she will have people comment about her breasts. If the size is not just large for her age, but extremely so, the counselor may be trying to be helping by suggesting a reduction as a future option.

    If breast sizes are to extreme, back problems can result and deep gouges in the shoulders from bra straps. Clothes are difficult to buy that fit at any size. A relative had a reduction and regretted having not done it sooner, when she was younger.
