Monday, January 28, 2013

SAG AwardsWinners

Outstanding Ensemble in a Motion Picture: "Argo"
Outstanding Male Actor in a Leading Role: Daniel Day-Lewis, "Lincoln"
Outstanding Female Actor in a Leading Role: Jennifer Lawrence, "Silver Linings Playbook"
Outstanding Male Actor in a Supporting Role: Tommy Lee Jones, "Lincoln"
Outstanding Female Actor in a Supporting Role: Anne Hathaway, "Les Miserables"

Outstanding Ensemble in a Drama Series: "Downton Abbey"
Outstanding Male Actor in a Drama Series: Bryan Cranston, "Breaking Bad"
Outstanding Female Actor in a Drama Series: Claire Danes, "Homeland"

Outstanding Ensemble in a Comedy Series: "Modern Family"
Outstanding Male Actor in a Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock"
Outstanding Female Actor in a Comedy Series: Tina Fey, "30 Rock"

Outstanding Male Actor in a TV Movie or Miniseries: Kevin Costner, "Hatfields & McCoys"
Outstanding Female Actor in a TV Movie or Miniseries: Julianne Moore, "Game Change"


  1. Oh Downton won and then *spoiler alert* tragedy struck :(

    Glad Jennifer won! And Argo! Yay for Benny!!

    1. @rejected, it was a great episode but hard to watch without crying.

  2. The show was better than I thought. It was on time and moved along nicely. I was glad for Jennifer and Tina.

  3. Happy for my (imaginary) best friend Tina!!

  4. RCB, is it what I think it is? I haven't been watching on PBS, so I don't know where you are in the show.

    Am I the only person who can't get behind Homeland? I really did try to like it, but it's just meh to me.

  5. I really enjoyed the "whose dead" as we like to call it in our family. Larry Hagman could still get it from me and he's dead. Jr forever! (Is it too early in the day for necrophilia jokes? *runs away*)

  6. My only disappointment was that Alfre Woodard didn't win- she is so under rated/appreciated. The show was good, everyone looked great and it was presented wonderfully.

  7. @carebear, NOOOO! I am two weeks behind. This is unsettling news.

  8. Oh god, Downton had me bawling my eyes out last night. (*spoiler, maybe?*) I saw it coming, but I kept thinking, There'll be a way to stop it, there'll be a way to stop it.

  9. I really liked Jen Garner's dress last night. I guess I should wait for random photos later.

    Anne Hathaway--who I really like and think is very talented, and I also admire her for not being anything near a Lohan---wore a really terrible dress. Hopefully to make her Oscar dress look that much better, eh?

    I was happy that JLaw won over Chastain. I think Chastain looked like she expected it. JLaw really looked like she didn't expect it, but kept her cool.

  10. Okay, it is what I think it is. I think. Just wait until the season finale, ladies. I'll be able to hear you screaming from here.

    1. @VC My theory is that Mary finds out she's infertile, steals the baby out of Branson's arms, and runs away cackling into the night.
      But I'm not waiting around for PBS after last night. Netflix has the DVDs available starting tomorrow, so to the top of the queue they have gone.

  11. Is there a good place to watch Downton Abbey from the start, at little or no cost to me? I really want to watch, but I'm so late and so poor!

    1. @libby, I'm not positive but I think you can watch on

    2. Hulu Plus has the first two seasons. You can get a week for free, then it's $10 a month. Best way to go if you have a streaming device or fast computer.

    3. Libby, they're definitely on, they post a few episodes at a time.

    4. Libby, you can download Vuze for free (if you pay a fee it works faster, about $20 a year).

  12. PLEASE no Downton spoilers!!!

    1. @Figgy, good luck with that.

      @Libby, the 1st season is on Netflix and most of the 2nd is (was?) on PBS.

  13. Downton Spoiler . Everybody ends up gay.

  14. I did not realize that Oscar voting hasn't even begun yet (it runs February 8th to the 19th, I believe). That sort of does change what I previously thought was possible, gives voters a "cooling off" period to absorb shocking omissions, early award show gaffes (I'm looking at you, AnnE), etc., and not vote early and reactively.

  15. I had a feeling what was going to happen last night on DA. Yeah, had a good cry. Am I the only one who is sick and tired of Lord Grantham? And Lady Mary?

    1. Susan B, it was obvious to me as well. The servants, Maggie and the castle and grounds are my favorites:)

  16. Lord Grantham has turned into a right asshole, and I've never liked Mary. Just wait, though. She's gonna get worse.

    Libby, you can watch the first season on Netflix and all seasons on The site's been redone but that address automatically redirects to the new site.

  17. I had to fly through the comments b/c I'm just catching up on Season 3 of Downton Abbey. LALALALALA. I think we were watching it on Hulu (free) or through Amazon Prime, but we got a Roku on Friday, (which i learned about reading comments on CDAN, thank you!), so we've been watching through that. Such a good show, although the characters are infuriating.

    I have the SAG Awards taped, but from the looks of this list, I'm pretty happy with the winners! Especially Tina/Alec since it's the last season of 30 Rock.

  18. Thanks for the info on DA is on next Sunday as the same time as the Superbowl and I'd rather watch DA early as opposed to waiting until Monday. I'll look for it next week. And it's time to get what's-his-name out of jail - they're dragging that storyline out way too long.

  19. Libby - Comcast OnDemand is airing the entire first and second season of Downton Abbey for quite a while. I watched the first 3 epis last night. I am SO hooked. Your spoilers mean nothing to me because I am so far behind, but on behalf of the almost-up-to-date viewers, perhaps the spoilery chitchat should cease and desist?

    The costumes and set alone are so intriguing. Loving the staff drama.

  20. I'm glad people are starting to put spoiler alerts in - this isn't something new.

    I remember even back on the old usenet alt.gossip.celebrities maybe 20 years ago? a tradition of putting spoiler alerts in this type of group was started so it doesn't spoil the suspense for people that haven't had time to watch the show yet.

    It's just a netiquette courtesy and I'm so glad it is being recognized and followed here.

  21. Thanks for the info, guys. I looked on the PBS site months back, but they didn't have the first season.
    Thanks again!

  22. Vicki- I have zero self control so I already read about that other thing. Sooo yeah, I'm preparing myself now. And yes, Lord Grantham is an asshat, as is Mary.

  23. For those of you who have seen the episode - found an interesting article about it on -

    But definitely - spoiler alert!

  24. I've just discovered this series, been watching it for the past two weeks, I'm hooked, I LOVE it!

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  27. I cheated the last two years by ordering the BluRay of Downton Abbey from Amazon UK when it becomes available in November. The downside is that in the UK the Christmas special isn't included in the season DVD, so I have to wait 3 months for PBS to reach its finale to see what happened. Whatever you do don't read cast interviews on UK news sites. The cast were made to sign 3 year contracts when the show started & those contracts are up at the end of this season. So the actors who are choosing to move on have to be written out of the show. Which is making season three depressing as Hell.

  28. loved last night's show and was very surprised. Not what I expected and I was told to expect something. And boy is Mary turning into a beeyotch!

  29. @ SusanB - Lord and Lady G are my least favorite on the show. He's a stuffed shirt and general all-round asshole and Cora makes me nuts because she has no depth at all. She and Robert deserve each other.

    ***** SPOILER ALERT ******

    This was from earlier in Season 3, but do you recall when Robert told Cora they were penniless? There was no real reaction from Cora. No tears, no accusations, nothing. Sometimes Julian Fellowes does his characters no favors. The writing isn't near what it was in season 1.

    ***** END OF SPOILER ALERT ******

    Elizabeth McGovern has just two head tilts that she considers acting.

    Thanks to Ms. Vicki Cupper I'm a few episodes ahead because I've been watching on that website; thanks again Vicki!

    And now, back to the SAG awards.


  30. Must be only person in world who cannot get into downton abby. Tried a few times; just dragged for me. I am out of step i guess

  31. Does anyone else find Claire Danes totally obnoxious?

  32. I LOVE Tina and I'm happy she won, but I'm more than upset that Amy Poehler was shafted for the millionth time at an award show. At least the losers lounge has some great actors in it! I.e. Leonardo DiCaprio, Steve Carell, and Jon Hamm.

  33. @Little Miss smoke and mirrors - nope, can't stand her either, because I worked with her and saw first hand how she treated people. I've written it before on this blog so sorry to repeat myself, but since you wrote that I couldnt resist :)
    She's super nice to attractive women, not so much. She's unfriendly and just a real b*tch.

  34. I think e have astrogirl to belatedly thank for resurrecting spoiler alert:)

  35. @Mango -
    I just finished Season 3/Episode 4. I'm not a huge fan of Lord & Lady G, either. My husband & I were cracking up at her reaction in that scene you mentioned. And then this last episode!? While that big scene was happening, I was screaming at the TV. I thought all the reactions were very odd, esp Cora's.

  36. Lady G's reaction didn't bother me at all, considering that "penniless" to him is not having an extra footman. Remember that Cora is from "new money" and American to boot. The line (POSSIBLE SPOILER - STOP HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN S4!) where Lady Mary says, "That is the difference between you and me" (speaking to her mum about the difference btw Americans and Brits, and valuing tradition). Cora doesn't see penniless the same way Lord G does.

  37. @raspy whoo! Thanks for the inside info!! ;) She gives off a snooty vibe...guess it's true.
