Monday, January 14, 2013

Sacha Baron Cohen Speech

Not sure which accent he was going with in his Golden Globes presentation, but Sacha Baron Cohen was funny.


  1. Maybe he just forgot how to speak "normally."

  2. I love him. I love that he isn't afraid of seemingly anything, but his delivery is in such a way that it doesn't come off as an attack. Although the Gerard Depardieu line was a bit gag-worthy.

  3. He was speaking in that 'affected' english accent the british love to sound superior. Like the Madonna british faux accent.

    He isn't for everybody but I love him and he nailed all of them on Le Miz instead of the usual gushing love fest which is boring as hell.

  4. Gahhhh I love him so, so much. Every year I have an Ali G marathon and watch the whole series in a weekend. I suppose I should do that again soon! He is HILARIOUS.

  5. He was really funny.

  6. I thought he was hysterical.

  7. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Poor what's her name, his wife, the cute redheaded short Australian girl? Anyone recall the blind "suspected" to be about them where the husband would get completely method in these weird roles and bug the shit out of and humiliate the wife? This would get really old really quickly, but that's how he makes a living, so what can she say?

  8. Haha, pulling back the curtains of Hollywood!

    I find him sometimes obnoxious, sometimes hysterical. This one was great!

  9. I love him. I think he's uber talented.

  10. I think Cohen is very smart but I don't always find him funny. I'll go a step further (why not), I find Russell Brand funnier than Sacha Baron Cohen. There, I said it.

    1. He actually is funnier, but David Mitchell is the best.

  11. He was amusing and much less awful than he can sometimes be. Ot- i loved when adele said she and her hubby were pissing themselves laughing!

  12. I love him and I think he's incredibly hot. "Let's all clap ourselves" LMAO!!

  13. He's supposed to be very shy and only really likes to be in character - maybe that's why he's putting on the accent? Seemed to be in character as a stereotypical British 'luvvie'.

    1. You are correct Miss P he is quite unassuming in real life, my friends husband has known him since childhood.

  14. Yep, definitely funny. Especially when everyone was laughing and Ann Hathaway looked uncomfortable. I'm sure she loved that he brought that up. Haha!
    And Adele's speech was awesome! Her and her girlfriend just having a girls' night out and, hey, she gets an award, too! I loved that she high fived Daniel Craig. Oh and Taylor Swift's face. I wish they would have shown her face during the "Leave Michael J. Fox's son alone" part. What a missed opportunity!

  15. Liked his joke about Crowe' s singing.

  16. I thought he was funny. It seems like he uses characters to work through shyness.

  17. Cross between David Niven and Rex Harrison.

  18. His accent is an imitation of what's known as "Received Pronunciation". I associate it with pre & post war Britain, specifically middle class people who wanted to sound posh. You don't really hear this kind of accent anymore, it sounds so retro.

  19. His wife is Isla Fisher I love her can't be easy being married to Borat

    Sacha is English BTW.

    I liked his earlier
    TV shows which were 30 minutes and he did different characters. Like the Ali G show, that character was hysterical but he would also do other characters including Borat.

    It is like SNL when it was good, even those characters didn't really work over 2 hours in a film except the Blue Brothers and Wayne and Garth. Though I thought Borat the movie was funny.
