Monday, January 14, 2013

Robin Roberts Is Headed Back To Good Morning America

Much more quickly than expected, Robin Roberts is headed back to Good Morning America. This morning she said that doctors told her she could start preparing for a return to the show and next week will probably not appear on air, but will go through the routine of getting up early and doing what she would normally do. I think that with this flu season being especially bad and her vulnerabilities right now, she should wait until after the outbreak hits its peak, but hey, I am not a doctor and have never played one on television. Robin has been off the air since September 20, but honestly it seems like she is on all the time. ABC has been doing a good job of keeping her in the loop and keeping people involved in her return. Plus, her recovery makes for good ratings.


  1. Congrats to Robin!! Lauer gonna sh!t a brick.

  2. I wld err on the side of caution here, take more time to recover.

    1. I agree! I hope that she stays well.

  3. Yay Robin! I agree Enty, definitely wait 'til after flu season peaks.

  4. I got the idea she is prepping for a return, and will not be appearing anytime soon. She has lots of strength to regain- and immunity to gather...

    I too thought about the flu issue- SURELY her medical team & Dr Richard Besser are disscussing this ridiculous idea of next monday.

    So glad to see her shining, smiling face this am!

  5. Definately take more time to recover. My friend had a stem cell washing (so not the technical term)but they remove your stem cells before they do your chemo and then you do aggressive chemo for 5 days and then they put your cells back in.

    She was 30 days in the hospital, 100 days in home quantine, they had to get rid of the plants, animals, scrub the house from top to bottom and then she was home for 1 full yer from work because she is a teacher.

    If I were her no way in hell I would be dealing with the public before at least 1 year. Another friend I have had a donor stem cell transplant and he has had all kinds of troubles, but non of them started until well after the 100 days and he went back to work and the stress of just normal life. He has had rejection problems, and the donor cells attacking his joints to the point of every day he is in pain.


  6. Good luck to her! I think she will be surprised at how much rest she still needs. I would be stir crazy too. Wishing her well!!

  7. So happy for her...but def wait till the flu season is over..

  8. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I agree that she needs more time to recover, minimizing recovery time could just lead to more complications and problems, this is way too rushed. She should wait til she gets completely better, and is a strong as possible. But whatever, that's just my opinion. Hopefully she has no problems and gets back in the swing of things successfully.

  9. Such a class act. The journalism business is lucky to have such a soul. Let her take all the time she needs to recuperate. Blessings and good vibes to her & her family.

  10. I am so glad she is doing well. She can rock the bald look for as long as she wants, too -- she looks great!
