Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Robert Pattinson Dumps Kristen Stewart

A new report in The Sun says that after this weekend of partying with Kristen Stewart, that Robert Pattinson has had enough of Kristen and dumped her again. Supposedly they had got back together in November after they split in July when she cheated on him with married director and father of two, Rupert Sanders. What I saw was two people doing a press tour together who were forced to give it a go and have not really spent that much time together since. Just going through the motions and realizing it is dead. Would not surprise me to see they split. I'm not sure they were ever back together. I think Kristen got along with Robert because he is a hang out only with friends type and Kristen is the same way although she would include her parents and perhaps a touch of pot too.


  1. I fell asleep 4 times reading this story.

  2. I'm sick of these people. Go away

  3. Press is over so no big surprise if it's true.

  4. Kristen and Rob were together. They were seen making out at a private Prince concert for about 100 - that night TMZ saw them leaving and confirmed they were back together.

  5. Just think everyone... in a few short years we will be asking "Kristen who?" At least I hope so...

  6. The last few times I have pictures of Rob, he does not look well.

  7. Isn't this a stunt couple?

  8. Oh no!!! No more Krobert? No more Ribsten? Love is dead.

  9. I am actually surprised it happened now. I figured it wouldn't happen until after the DVD release.

  10. LOL Love it Vicki!

  11. That weird boob trend we saw at the Golden Globes and in this picture needs to stop. Boobs don't look good just jutting out comic book like, and the line across the boob should be reserved for undergarments. And absolutely no "shelving" mid-boob. I'm looking at you, JLaw.

    KS looks so much like Elvis' daughter to me. She has the same sleepy eyes that he had. RP just looks pasty and creepy. He will hit his wall looks-wise very soon, so I hope he's banking his money.

  12. Who cares..........

  13. That's odd since they were just out in LA on Tuesday.

  14. The Sun is about as believable as the Daily Mail for gossip ie it isn't at all believable

  15. LOL Vicki-where did you get your spunk of late?!?

    RP has been look clench-jawed lately (GG after party) but remember that insider chic who broke this down as a contract relationship implemented by the studio...searchlight...or something? I never believed it was fake until her comments and that was right before they got back together just in time to promote and now split just in time to give up after dismal reviews of that bullshit last installment crap-o-la of a story line.

  16. Yay. Sure hope so.

  17. I still have a hard time believing they were ever a real couple in the committed, lovey-dovey sense. I'm not saying they're entirely fake, but I can see the studio investing a LOT -- like, buy them a house to live in together -- to keep the franchise as viable as possible. And, hey, if they got along alright and maybe some decent sex out of it from time to time, it might have been a great arrangement for them, too. That is, until someone got caught with her married director.

    But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

  18. Glitter, "stunt couple", New Jeopardy category.

  19. Yeah, I think they were a PR couple too. Surprised they publicly split so soon though. When is the DVD coming out?

    1. March 2, which is odd it happened now when they don't have that much longer.

  20. @Pink Could have been staged, or made up by PR and passed around the internet as true.

    I've never believed the two were real but I also believed KStew was a gayelle. Now that she's cheated with a married man, I'm convinced she's bi. Nothin' wrong with that but I still don't buy Stewart/Pattinson as a real relationship.

    I don't mind him so much as he atleast seems like a nice person, her though, I don't like. Couldn't stand her before she cheated, don't like her now.

  21. Hothotheat, i had a friend who was there, and he saw a couple making out, had no idea who they were til they came up for air and they were also right next to him. He is a very private person, who has no reason to make this stuff up.

    The sad thing is, I used to be the first to guess blinds years ago and now i have a lot of connections and find out that a lot of these blinds are BS.

  22. Btw, have never seen nor read any of these books & i don't care about these 2, just shocked to hear they were a couple. Sorry, phone posted before I did.

  23. Of course they are not broken up. They are waiting till the DVD and special collectors edition Twilight dvd set is selling good/almost sold out. Then they 'break up'. Like they ever were together xD

  24. If we are to believe the gossip about him, then he has cheated multiple times including a married Emilie de Ravin. I don't care for Kristen as an actress, but it sucks that people tore her to shreds for the whole director thing. I don't think anyone has taken such a hit as much as her. Liberty Ross and Robert got some extra sympathy and the director is hardly talked about. Apparently guys are studs and girls are sluts. It just seems jacked up to me.

  25. And I have never understood his appeal. Mr. smashed face, eyes too far apart, rarely bathe just doesn't do it for me. But I'm sure he has a great personality. Right.

  26. What, are you going to stay with a guy your whole life because you made a movie with him when you were 18?

    Of course they broke up.

    Just this time, he got to the dumping, like a big man, rather than being cuckolded.

  27. If they ever were a real couple, they were BORING. Even in my wildest imagination I couldn't make this relationship interesting. And that goes for Brangelina, too.

    Whatever happened to couples like Gable and Lombard, Frank and Ava, ET and Burton?

  28. Am I the only CDANer who likes KStew? She was awesome in The Runaways as Joan Jett. I didn't make it past the first 10 minutes of the first sparkly vampire movie, but those two had zero chemistry on screen.
    Honestly, he always looks like he's strung out on absinthe or something...deathly pale, totally scruffy.
    Hope this is the end of whatever this relationship was, real or PR manufactured.

  29. are too funny

  30. @Mala Propism (haha - great name!) - I like KStew, but lately she's been getting on my nerves for some reason. She should have told people to piss off after getting caught with that director. Other than that, I think she has talent - and it appears I'm one of the few. She was really good in 'Speak', That other Jimanji flick, 'The Runaways' and 'Welcome to the Rileys'.

  31. @Mala, I used to hate Tom Cruise, but now that I have had friends who worked w/him, I have a completely different view about him. I am Southern Baptist - far from a Scientologist, but just cause the board or media is anti-one celebrity, it doesn't mean you have to agree. However, I will never believe a bad word about

  32. Isn't The Sun a really shitty source for reliable celeb info? Sort of like The Enquirer, I thought.

  33. @pink palace - i have my popcorn and wine ready....

    ill be here waiting for the goss you can spill.....


  34. @BlindItemMe, the problem is most peole won't believe what I have to say, because all these sites post differently to what I know via first hand knowledge and my closest friends to be the truth. One last note on these 2, when they were @ this concert, RP & my froend exchanged pleasantries and my friend told RP - my fiance loves you - to which RP stated - I feel sorry for her. Gotta appreciate the fact he didn't take himself too seriously!

  35. @pink I see your point. I can find some blinds here are conflicting sometims! Besides I really like hearing kindness blinds and just random cool things about celebs anyway :)

  36. @Pink_Palace - what you said is interesting, but I'd like to point out that when people here have first hand knowledge, it's usually taken as fact. It's the people who say, 'trust me' and have nothing to back it up. I'll admit, I get irritated when people say, 'so and so is NOT (whatever), I read about it last week!'. That's not first hand stuff. But if you say, I met him at a club and we talked for a while, then you'll not get grief. I can't remember who posted the pics of herself dancing with Carlton, but that was awesome. THAT was some good first hand CDAN stuff! Post away, if you care to!

  37. @silly girl, i know you probably didn't mean that so harshly, but it kinda came across that way. then again, i feel like harbage today, so i am probably i have read gossip boards and blogs for many years. If i have a fact to add, i might add it, and it won't be hearsay. however, sometimes you might have pics but not be able to share them. I did this at christmas and was kindly asked to take them down. The photos were pretty tame, and i took them, but as harmless as they seemed to me, others didn't see it that way. Your "care to" sounds more like a "dare to," but i am sure you didn't mean it that way.

  38. I didn't mean it snarky at all, Pink! I was meaning that it's awesome when someone can share a first hand story! I don't like when someone says they've read something elsewhere online and so it's fact. I LOVE when people share real life things!

  39. Thanks @SillyGirl! Like I said, i am cranky today. I never thought I would have anything to add about the Twilight franchise. However, there are or were some feelings there in October...

  40. Thanks @SillyGirl! Like I said, i am cranky today. I never thought I would have anything to add about the Twilight franchise. However, there are or were some feelings there in October...
