Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Rob Kardashian Throws Kim & Kourtney Under A Bus

I love it when the Kardashians start fighting among themselves. Maybe they will break up like a band and then 20 years from now people will be begging them to get the band back together and Rob will be an assistant manager at a strip club and bald. Kim will have never married Kanye and still be married to Kris and just ending a life of luxury afforded by Kanye West child support payments and now have to try and earn a living but can't move at all because of all the plastic surgery and botox she has had. Kourtney will have 9 children and be entirely normal. Scott shows up on holidays to get her pregnant again. No one is sure if Bruce is alive or not because they have not seen his face move in 15 years. Khloe? That is a tough one. Part of me says she will be still married to Lamar but only if she ditches the family. She will be married though and have three kids she adopted and named after her favorite My Little Pony characters.

Anyway, Rob said that unlike his sisters he prefers to be married before he has kids because it is the right thing to do. Considering how trashy it looks that Kim will have delivered her baby before she can get divorced from Kris, he kind of has a point. The thing is now was go time for Kim. You know that she bought herself an extra year of trying to become bff with Beyonce because of the pregnancy. At some point they are going to split.Kim does not look thrilled at all with being pregnant so it is probably Kris' idea.


  1. Can't wait to watch Kim get big as a house...and her ass double in size...

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Hey Misch. Think we should start a wager on whether Kim will outsize Jessica Simpson's first pregnancy??!

    2. She's almost there and barely out of her first trimester. I hope her ass deflates like a blown airbag.

    3. They fudged how far along she is. She got preg mid Oct.

  2. That outfit is doing her no favors.

    1. @ Puggle, she looks huge! Her hips look wide as a house!

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Will be worst mother ever, sad but true. Far too selfish and her body is going to change in rapid and unimaginable ways. This will send her into panic mode bc she's so insecure as it is (telling by body language, always touching hair, looking in mirrors, plastic surgery etc). Oh just wait Kim, lol. I see blinds in 2013 that haven't even happened yet with your name written allllll over them. I feel this was all planned bc her star is falling. By the time the Dutchess has her baby, Kim will be having hers and it will be another Reese Witherspoon/Megan Fox overshadowing. Hopefully Klohe will step in to be the mom Kim won't!

  4. I wonder if the baby is actually Kanye's. I didn't think that he liked the ladies, but I also don't see Kim risking NOT getting child support from him by getting knocked up by someone else.

  5. Unlike you Enty, I really hope Duchess Catherine's pregnancy dominates the news so we're not subjected to 9 months of daily stories about Kim's.

    1. Mr too! I love the Royal family and I hope Kate has her baby first and everyone cares about that instead.

    2. I can't wait either. I'm hoping its a ginger baby too.

    3. Anonymous3:58 AM

      Barring the queen, the Royal family love makes zero sense to me. Kate is just Kim with a little more intelligence and class. Same pushy mom, same PR-needing family. Feeling for both these babies.

  6. way he did the deed...

  7. Kanye's been really quick to claim the baby as his. I mean, if she fucked you when she was publicly dating Reggie and engaged/married to Kris, there's a chance the baby ain't yours. Talk about the 'Workout Plan' come to life.

    But seriously, Nick Cannon, Marques Houston and Brandy's brother should all breathe a sigh of relief that they dodged this trainwreck.

  8. I agree with PuggleWug about that outfit. It makes her hips & thighs look like the back end of a barge.

  9. For some reason, this brings to mind a great song:

    "God Bless the child, that's got his own" (written by Billie Holiday and Arthur Herzog, Jr).

    Maybe the kid will grow up and run away.

  10. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Oh and btw I'm new to the boards as a poster. It's weird because I feel like a stalker in a way since I "know" most of the personalities and lives, stories, (drama, hah!) of the CDaN community for about a year now. But from seeing pics, I can say definitely a good group, y'all are my people :) So hi hi hi everyone!!

    1. Hi 10-4; glad you came out of the shadows and commented! We have fun here - the more the merrier!

    2. We're 10-2 with you, welcome aboard!

    3. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Appreciate the warm welcome, so thank you!

  11. I love that he says this, but a couple years ago got that one chick knocked up even though she lost the baby. He's such a brat.

  12. OT (sorry!), I read in previous comments about a juicey blind involving Tarantino from yesterday. I can't find it. Any chance someone can direct me to it?

    1. Puggle, Enty's 10k twitter revealwas about QT.

  13. This coming from the same guy who had a pregnancy scare with Rosa Acosta!

    1. She came out soon after that episode and said that was all for publicity and they never even had a relationship.That episode was staged.

    2. Are you serious? Well I can't say I'm shocked!

  14. *sigh!* So much for a Kuntrashian-free year, huh?

    Welcome 10-4-Over!

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      Aww thx Reeses :)

    2. Same here, 10-4! I've been an on and off reader for yrs, just started posting a little, mostly because I do have a tiny bit of inside (older) things from a previous time working with a charity that uses celebs. However, I was not a big deal, so only dealt with a handful personally, most was thru their people. But, I do still have a couple of friends working there. ;-) Happy New Year, All!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I am perplexed at the fact that we support Kim over Gosselin. Gosselin continues to struggle to get work/ noteriety any the kardashians can affort to give their teen daughters 3k handbags and Lobutins for Xmas. Do we prefer talentless whores over a cranky mother? I'm no fan of either but at least Kate has eight to support.

    Tyra did a show a while back where shegot audience members to answer question and give opinions on 5 people on her stage just by looking at them. The blonde lady got the most negative feedback. Women thought her stuck up men thought her slutty. What was astonishing is that the blonde was rated the highest for thewomen to want to hang out with and the men to wantto marry.

    My point is that our fascination with Kim is along the same lines. We are a dysfunctional society.

  17. I don't know what Kanye is thinking, hooking up with her in the first place. I wasn't a fan of his to begin with, but I don't think hitching your wagon to the Kartrashian train is going to be good for your career in the long-term, but that's just me.

    It's going to be a long 9 months....

  18. I think the entire Kardashian family is trash.

  19. Last night during my New Year's Day din din, my uber straight-laced father-in-law asked me and The Husband if we had heard that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were having a baby? I was shocked that he even knew who these people were and then he said, "That's going to be one classy baby." LMAO.

    I don't know. I always hope popping out a kid makes stupid people see the light of day. Snooki comes to mind. But then I make my weekly stop at Wal-Mart or ShopRite (Don't judge. These are the only 2, yes 2 options, I have in my South Jersey sticks town), and I realize that humanity is screwed.

  20. IF (!) she is actually pregnant (and hey she's looking kinda wide) then I do think it is Kanye's. Just not quite sure how...

  21. This trick and her baster baby. Urgh.

  22. Amen pogue, and rob is equally as trashy. In fact, hes disgusting-pretending to work, pretending he is going to school for law- there just doesnt seem to be any nice qualities about him. So he can stfu.

  23. Why isn't Kim divorced yet? Anyone have the deets?

  24. He's in law school? I wonder how long that will last.

  25. She is looking very wide here. Also, it feels like every picture I see of her anymore she is wearing those same pants!! Is she going to put an elastic waistband in them for her maternity wear? Get thee some new pants Kimmy!

    Hi 10-4! I'm digging your call sign. :)

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Lol, thanks! It's literally what I have my mom do over text--as an acknowledgement that she got my text so I know it didn't fall into a black hole :)

  26. @Susan

    Uh-huh, the things we find out about our partying inlaws!

  27. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Ty Karen! You are on of my fav's on the board btw ;) And drunk day was awesome. Been there before, ugh. I would reschedule all my calls and go home at lunch to sleep it off- after a greasy chow down of course! Btw Nightline last night had a good hangover prevention a Dr invented that is all vitamins. Only caught the tail end but it might be online..just passing it along!

  28. I hate these people sooo very very much!

  29. Since I'm with the people who think he's not really into women, I think this is all a really convenient arrangement for everyone involved. He gets paternity (See! Straight!), she gets at least another year of fame, and Kris keeps the money rolling. I think it's funny as hell for the guy who wrote "Gold Digger."

  30. I really think we should beg Enty for another ban. Six months of her pregnancy details are gonna drive me nuts.

    @10-4, welcome!

    Now I'm gonna go catch up on Reveal Day!

  31. Omg THOSE PANTS. just read on TMZ KKartrashian said she intends to share her pregnancy on her show because she thinks pregnancy is "great and cute." I wonder if she'll feel the same way when she's as big as a house and can't pour herself into leather pants.

    Side note: media outlets are reporting that she's 12 weeks and due end of June. I'm 18 weeks and due June 2nd so technically her due date is July 14th. Wonder if shes planning an early c section so she doesn't get too big.

    1. Yah, I'm between 12 and 13 and due July 20.

  32. @10-4 Hihi...


    I think it's harder to forgive someone who seems to be a bad mother. Bad parenting is one of the things the public doesn't seem to readily forgive or forget.

    I've rarely watched the show when it was on, but putting your kids in a reality show is not most people's idea of the best parenting....

  33. Kim kk's body during and after pregnancy will look exactly how Beyonce's body should have looked while pregnant. Just sayin'

  34. OR.... she's having her baby early to beat Kate Middleton. Either scenario would not surprise me AT ALL.

  35. Her hips look photo shopped they're so wide compared to her other parts. Huh.
    Hello @10-4

  36. I thought Kanye would have more sense than this. I know he's crazy, but he never struck me as stupid. If this picture of Kim is any indication of how she'll look during her pregnancy, it's not going to be a pretty picture. Good!

    Welcome, 10-4!

  37. This "relationship" is based on mutual need. Kanye needs people to think he likes women; Kim needs people to think she is less scummy than she is. However, I personally don't think their plan is working.

    As for the baby, Kim froze some of her eggs this past summer. I don't remember if it was on the show or if I found out via twitter. However, this baby was conceived in a lab. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with people having science help them along with the baby making process, unless, of course, the baby is a prop and a PR tool.

  38. I said it before but I'll say it again, with the Royal offspring, Jessica Simpson banging out another one and now the Devil Spawn of Kim and Kanye its gonna be a looooong few months! I really hope Brangelina don't add to the brood...
    Hey @10- 4 over welcome aboard!

  39. Anyone wanna bet that someone is angling for a weight watchers/nutrisystem/any dieting campaign after the baby is born?

    Still, her butt will never ever be the same again....ever.

  40. @10-4 over. welcome to the comments side!!! Lol
    And maybe, just maybe, motherhood may change that. I've seen people who you'd think would be bad mother and are the most devoted mom you'd see.
    Then again, I also know a woman who had a baby because, you know, that's what you're supposed to do (and she even had to do treatments!!) and she has nannys all day around. You can tell when it is the weekend when there's no nanny because she's in a bad mood. She even says and prefers when the week begins so she can go to work.
    So yeah... I think she'll be like that. Do hope that I'm wrong, though.

    And her outfit, not flattering at all. Then again, she's trashy all around anyways...

  41. @Em, yes, please a ban on this trick! I was starting to get annoyed with all the Kate coverage but please bring HER back! Anybody but this one!

  42. I'm dumbfounded at her ability to secure partners whose names begin with K. It's kreepy

  43. @Popnursing, wow, I hadn't noticed that before you pointed out, so true and freaky!

  44. Rob is certainly a self-righteous little prick, isn't he?

  45. Why am I thinking this is a fake pregnancy and that there will be a fake miscarriage in a few weeks?

  46. Do you think she's going to get an endorsement deal with Jenny Craig to lose the baby weight?

  47. Although he makes a valid point, I don't think Rob has any room to judge. He's just lucky he hasn't gotten any girls pregnant yet (that we know about).

  48. @Laura, I completely agree with you. There will be public sympathy because she lost her baby and Kanye will keep his Gold Digger song up on the charts again (as a snark, once the miscarriage thing wears off). I agree it was probably conceived in a lab. AND she says no morning sickness? I know not all women get it, but her lack of it seems to be going along with the program. Most (it seems, anyway) pregnant celebs have pap shots of them looking unmakeuped and in baggy clothes. She just tried the sloppy route thinking we'd believe she's pregnant. I HOPE I'm not wrong, but weirder, and grosser, things have happened!

  49. This is all fake. One of them wasn't getting attention so they pretend to fight.

  50. They probably used a turkey baster. I can see Kanye being bi but there is no way in hell he would ever spunk inside someone. He probably found a way to have all of his sperm removed just to ensure that he would never get someone preggers.

    Hey 10-4!

    And screw you Rob. Didn't you get Rita Ora prego and she had a miscarriage? Your sister is a whore but at least they have turned that into an empire. You colored some socks and now sell them for $100 each. You have no room to judge.

    Susan Kim is actually the one prolonging the divorce process. She has been refusing to give her deposition, everything else is taken care of except for her being an epic PITA.

  51. MUST SHARE, @bri swartley!! ;)

  52. @AllAboutEve: I'm emailing Enty right now! I'm gonna beg! No more Kim/Kanye! At LEAST for a month or two...

  53. Wow, do her hips look huge in that photo!

    And Enty - can your New Year's resolution be to put more periods in your rants? I've never seen so many run-on sentences in my life!

  54. How old do you think that poor child will be when someone shows him/her mummy's video?

    Poor kid.

  55. Well if her divorce still isn't final by then, technically she will be married when she has the baby. Just not to the baby's father.

  56. I have a friend who is a big fan of the kuntrashians esp kim. My friend is really nice and smart so I dont understand how she can be naive about the bs the whole family is selling. Whenever she raves about Kim, I just put on a lil smile, do an invisible eyeroll and remind myself that she's one of the sweetest persons I know.

  57. i find it confounding (is that a word ?? well it is now:D that young girls want to be like this of trash - they have NO family decency usefulness in society at all..

    and welcome 10-4 and all newbies

  58. Considering Rob has unsafe sex, it's just a matter of luck that he doesn't have kids yet.

    Besides, Rob seems to forget that Kim IS married. It just happens that her husband isn't the father, LOL.

    Ugh, all of them are such trash. Kris Jenner has probably already lined up gigs for the child, including a porn shot 18 years from now. That poor baby!

  59. "18 years, 18 years and on the 18th birthday found out it wasn't his!"

  60. Somebody should remind Kim abortions are legal.

  61. I know I'm just repeating what has been said but UGH that outfit! So wrong for her body. Kanye failed that day.

  62. I think she probably is pregnant. These people have PR and media whoring down to a science. The pregnancy was probably planned right along with "the fairy tale wedding". She didnt stick with the marriage but kept the rest of the program. The nannies will dress the child beautifully and hand it off for photo ops.

  63. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Wasn't he just crying last month that he was fucking Rita raw

  64. Welcome 10-4 and BriSwartly.

    If she isn't pregnant then her ass is growing regardless. I fdor one think in order: Fake and the miscarriage will elicit sympathy, made in a lab and delivered IVF if true.
    Wish they would all go away!!

  65. I have a friend who's bf works @ E! with this particular family. She told me that the Kimye contract included a baby from the very beginning. It's exactly what we think, business arrangement. He wanted a baby for a few reasons. First, so he could keep up with Jay Z & Beyonce. Jay & Bey conceived in Paris while on holiday. These fools picked Rome, planned a whole PR stunt trip and no one cared. Second reason, shoot down the gayfish rumors once and for all (no such luck). Third, he needed the free PR (even if its bad). His recent album, clothing line (ha) & tour have not sold well. If anyone could be addicted to fame as much as Kim, it's him. Kim of course is planning for reality tv retirement. She needed to guarantee a payday, make another attempt to get into the Beyonce/ Goop circle, a last grab for an extra 15 min of fame and lock Kanye down before he could re-neg on the contract. He didn't expect the toll it would take on his career, the divorce dragging on and being dragged into the divorce drama. There's a reason there's no chemistry between them folks.

  66. @Jazzy, that's awesome!! LOVE to hear that we weren't so far off!! Any thoughts on HOW they got pregnant? I don't know why I'm so curious about that. Maybe because it was so calculated?

  67. Good details, Jazzy!

  68. Does anyone think it's ironic that one of Kanye West's biggest songs was "Golddigger?"

  69. Jazzy, thank you for your details. This shit amazes me.

  70. Kim went to the doctor on the show to see about freezing her eggs so I'm sure they just took one, fertilized it, and popped it right back where it came from.
