Monday, January 28, 2013

Rick Ross Shot At - Escapes By Driving Into Building

It almost sounds like a movie, but it actually happened. Rick Ross was driving in Ft. Lauderdale when another car drove up to his and the people inside began shooting. Rick drove his Rolls Royce the other direction and decided the best way to escape was to drive his car into an apartment building. No one was injured and when Rick crashed his car the other car and its occupants drove off.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank for the laugh! Perfect first post for this news item.

      Do you think Enty was laughing a lot when he found this?

  2. Replies
    1. Rapper that took the name of one of Usa's biggest drug king and said drug dealer ain't happy. Get an armored car, you're gonna need it.

  3. He's a correctional officer turned "hardcore" rapper.

    1. @lottacolada, your comment made me laugh out loud. Please tell me you remember the Internet wars between him and 50 cent. 50's videos were hilarious!

    2. @onyx, how can I forget that Fiddy took Ross' baby momma shopping?

  4. Doesn't sound like a movie, sounds like a bunch of idiots.

    Besides, we all know it was Chris Brown.

  5. He took Chris Brown's parking spot dammit.

  6. Gee, Florida. I guess the face-eating zombies have no problem renewing their licenses.

  7. Ah Florida. America's wang. Lol at Chris Brown comments.

  8. I read somewhere that real gang members put a bounty on his head for pretending to be a gangsta while he was really a C.O. Looks like there might be merit to that after all.

  9. Wait what? He decides to drive into an apartment building ? Either he was scared out of his mind ( not so gangsta ) and lost control of the car or he just has no regard for other human life and didn't care there may have been a person on the other side of that wall. Either way this just ads to how hutch I dislike him. Driving a Rolls.. What a douche!

    1. :-D
      you dont drive a Rolls, you are DRIVEN in a Rolls by a uniformed elderly chauffuer. Maybe this will teach Rick Ross the error of his noveau riche ways and get said chauffeur. A chauffeur gets shot at, he's going all Chris Brown on your cray cray ash, believe me!

  10. Ethorne you better watch out, CB may come fiiiiind you! Jk that was awesome though.

  11. It's OK, I'll run him over with my Ford Contour, lol

  12. Alicia, do you REALLY think anyone getting shot at in the middle of the damn street has time to think about anything...let alone who's in the building he's about to hit???

    It's called reacting.

    Holy shit. Seriously.

    1. Yah actually I REALLY do think that ..

      You know Jax it's sad .. Your commentary years ago was funny and witty. Now you've become the CDNA bully. How's that working out for you?

      And way to defend Rick Ross! You're so cool.

  13. He has got 99 Probblems.

  14. Anonymous11:54 AM

    When I become rich, I'm going to have a chauffeur-driven Rolls. Just so all of you can call me Summer's Eve. Douchetastic!

  15. This was a smart decision. I don't know why you are all bagging on him. Should he have just kept driving straight and died. He attempted to shield himself and that was smart. Always find cover.

  16. How the freak do you shoot at Rick Ross and MISS? Jay-Z has 99 problems, Rick Ross has 999 pounds. Just sayin'.
    Whoever it is I know what gang they belong to--TGTCSS, The Gang That Can't Shoot Straight.

  17. PR stunt. He's trying to earn street cred.

  18. Yes I'm sorry.. How could I miss the genius of this ass hat crashing into an apartment building. Taking cover? How's about no! You crash into a building you AND your vehicle are temporarily disabled given your would be assasins perfect opportunity to run out of their car and finish the job. This story reeks of a PR stunt and I wouldn't put it past this posers ass to set this all up to add to his " street cred " . I'll say it again ... Douche!! Ok feel free to superman Rick Ross and try and condescend me some more for expressing MY opinion!!

  19. In FL, the cops are even laughing at him. He used to be a "corrections officer" down here.

    Rapper 50 Cent called the shooting a sham: “Hahaha fat boy hit the building?” he wrote on his Twitter account. “lol it looks staged to me. No hole’s in da car.”

  20. Alicia meh I can see him driving into a building if he was being shot at, just loosing his shit and swerving. But since it doesn't appear that he actually was being shot at, it's a total dick move. ITA about Jax too, I don't understand why you keep posting if you think we are all worthless idiots who mindlessly follow one another like sheep. I may not be all sunshine and rainbows to everyone, but I don't understand what you gain from degrading everyone in each post.

  21. JSierra - I feel you .. I said the same .. If it was real I could see him losing his shit and hitting a building .. I just said " not so gangsta " but it was really in jest and I'm just shit talking RR mostly because I can't stand him. This is the only post I've seen about the " shooting " but I wouldn't put it past him to stage it. The guy acts like he's a Mason too.. I honestly don't think he's even really fat.. He's just full of shit!

  22. They are now investigating him and the building owner wants to sue him. This happened on Las Olas Blvd, not exactly known for drive by shootings. That's how stupid he is. You don't get street cred in that part of town. Good call, Alicia

  23. we are going to Ft. Lauderdale in June!

  24. Alicia I just pictured Rick waddling around in a fake preggo baby bump for some reason.

    So were shots actually fired? Or were they fired into the air as he drove erratically away pretending he was getting shot at? What a loser.

  25. I hadn't thought of the angle that it might be faked. That was a lot of shots for them all to miss. I wouldn't be surprised with this guy.
