Sunday, January 27, 2013

Randy Quaid Might Be Coming To America

This week, Randy Quaid lost his bid to become a permanent resident of Canada. He further screwed himself by withdrawing his refugee application and was not allowed to reinstate it. His only option right now is to hope that a federal appeals court in Canada either grants his residency or lets him reinstate his refugee application otherwise the star whackers might get him. Randy is currently hiding out in Quebec where he is learning how to recite all of the vacation movies in French so he can do live theatre and pay some bills. There is still a $500K warrant out for his arrest in California which is where he will end up going if Canada kicks him out.


  1. He should have tried Russia.

  2. come on Canada you sent us Bieber you keep Quaid & his crazy wife, fair is fair.

  3. @timebob I like your mentality. Following that, since Canada gave us Pamela Anderson, we should give them Paris Hilton just to even out the CDC score

  4. Anonymous9:38 AM

    And why would the so called Starwhackers give a rats ass about Randy and Evi Quaid? Because they're such big stars? Either they are both very mentally ill and/or are on drugs. They're whole shtick is so weird. I love a good conspiracy theory, but I don't think the government and hired hitmen are coming to get me.

  5. At first I thought this was Bill Murray.... Now as a fellow Quebecoise I have to say no, not that I have anything against him but we have enough nuts already and we don't need more. You can also keep Paris, Pam and Justin. Sorry a trade is a trade, its done :)

  6. I thought they were floating around in international waters so no one could get them. Da da dum (ominously)

  7. Agree with timebob.

  8. It's getting so crazy here that he'll just blend right in.

  9. Come on Cousin Eddie, get it together!
    I also think they're mentally ill. :(

  10. If he is dealing with Federal Courts in Canada, I hope he has a few years to kill....

  11. Hey, Canada already has Michael Moriarity so the US can take Quaid back. If he and his wife are mentally ill, Canada is definitely not the place to be regardless of what Michael Moore might have you believe about our healthcare system.

  12. Say what you will about Starwhackers, but there have been some mysterious Hollywood deaths: Tony Scott jumped off a bridge, producer Brian Gerber drove off a cliff, Tarantino's film editor Sally Menke decided to on a hike in the canyons on the hottest day in LA and died from heat, producers Perry Moore, Jeff Rice n Uganda, although Zanuck died of old age and treachery..But OK, I agree: Why would the Starwhackers want Quaid? He probably made up the Starwhackers.

  13. See UK Daily mail for details.They are not MI, They owe a TON of money to creditors. Their known drug usage has also put them in debt to people you don't want to owe.

  14. he PROBABLY made up the star whackers? PROBABLY?

    i'm going to get worried about you, anna......

  15. @nancer. No need to worry. I'm thinking of screenplay possibilities. It would be more interesting if the wacky, debt-ridden actor made up the whole thing but accidentally turned out to be right. With Randy Quaid's Canadian saga added into the plot, the screenplay would be more of a dark comedy.

  16. @nancer: Imagine "Hangover" director Todd Phillips as director, and the movie similar to "Whose Killing the Great Chefs of Europe," but instead of chefs, Hollywood's most horrible people, with Randy Quaid's antics thrown in. He could even play himself, although I Robert Downey Jr. would be funnier as the Randy Quaid character.

  17. correction: "Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe."

  18. Don't know if they're in montreal or not, but they'd fit right in over here. More than half our population is crazies and drug-addicted yahoos. One summer day in Mont-Royal park (our version of Central Park) will prove this.

  19. It's funny this came out today I was just talking to my husband the other day about Randy Quaid and wondering what happened to him. My husband's grandfather is French Canadian so I was saying if it's that easy, we should look into it - JK! Did they say why Canada denied him?

    That aside, I love saying Hollywood Starwackers. There needs to be a movie immediately.

  20. Look for this article, "Mysterious Hollywood ‘Star-Whackers’ Cult Kills Again, Mel Gibson Warned Is Next". It' s good for a giggle .

  21. I have a crush on young Randy Quaid, I don't even give a shit. He was so adorable in The Last Detail. Tall, goofy, adorable smile, cute hair. I even thought he was kind of hot in Christmas Vacation.

  22. I read that is was his wife... the crazy as hell one... that had did the withdrawing his refugee application.

    Randy did not withdraw it. Nor do I think he realize, she had done it, till it was too late.

    I suspect the reason it can't be reinstated, is the local government is tired of dealing with his wife. And would be thrilled to send them both back to the US.

  23. Yes...but Canada did give us Ryan Gosling. He's really hot.

  24. lol bitsnbobs - what a train wreck Moriarity was a a few years ago...I think about him a lot. He was living in a town about an hour outside of vancouver, where I live, and my understanding is a raging alcoholic who gets into fights. Wonder where he is these days...

  25. Its been something like 30 below in Quebec, everyone is dreaming of SoCo.

  26. Timebob and VIPBlonde have the right idea.

  27. They are living in West Quebec, small village by the Gatineau River last time I heard.
