Monday, January 07, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Jimmy Fallon likes to think of himself as just a regular working guy. The briefcase really makes that happen.

Julianne Hough is still on vacation in St. Barth's.
Also on vacation are Jason Statham and Rosie.
Kate Bosworth and Michael Polish at an event.
Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber were also there.
Long time no see Jeri Ryan.
Jenni Pulos shows off her baby bump.
Katie Holmes headed to her last performance of Dead Accounts.
Kim Kardashian. Always keeping it classy.


  1. I just like Naomi and Liev together. Any gossip or snark about them? I have a vague memory that he was a cheater, or am I remember that wrong?

  2. So that's a BI clue about Julianne Hough being on vacation from the over controlling Ryan Seacrest right?

  3. Kim looks like an evil, bloated waxy version of herself in that picture. Not a flattering ANYTHING on her. Gross.

    In other words, she looks as bad as she usually does.

  4. I'm pretty sure Liev is a cheater but I'm also pretty sure he punched Sean Penn in the face for hitting on Naomi.

  5. Gina, I met a lady in Thailand a few years ago that worked him and said he's an asshole. This was way before them, though.

    Oh, Kimmie. You'll always be a piss-stained prostitute.

  6. @Gina-Wasn't there a BI item about Liev kicking someones butt for hitting on her? I don't remember the details.

  7. God, Kim looks really dreadful here

  8. Yeah! What rcg said...

  9. Imagining Liev giving Sean Penn a punch in the face makes me wanna do a happy dance

  10. Kim looks like she's three seconds away from exploding everywhere.

  11. 7 of 9 is looking good.

  12. Julianne on vacation... reveal?

    Kim looks like a puffy blowfish. Those cheeks and lips look horrible.

  13. And should Kim be botoxing if she's pregnant?

  14. Uh boy... I don't think this pregnancy is going to agree with Kimmy.

    That makes me happy.

  15. Going off a constant diet all the sudden will do that to you.

    Is it wrong that I take glee in these first few months when Kim is just looking FAT and not pg? She has no clue how to dress herself at any size! lol!

  16. you beat me to it, califblondy. you get to be president of the schadenfreude club, and I merely your humble toady.

  17. Bunch of great pics and you end with THAT? Yikes.

  18. OMG Kate "The Boz" Bosworth is dating one of those Polish twins? Twin Falls Idaho is kind of boring but it sure does have an interesting cast.

    Jimmy Fallon's briefcase is full of tacos.

  19. Thank you for making that connection for me, Ingrid. Twin Falls, Idaho is a great movie. I was too lazy to look at his IMDB to figure out why he looked familiar.

  20. Kim is looking a bit like Octomom.

    1. I thought for a moment it was her.

    2. I was just going to comment the same thing. Gross

    3. I was just going to comment the same thing. Gross

  21. And the ass explosion begins! Her ass just looks MASSIVE in that pic. Sweetie now is not the time for all those body hugging dresses. You don't have the body for it. Your ass looks like 2 pigs wrestling in that dress.

    Is it bad that I'm taking delight in the fact that Kim is looking a lot worse than she usually does? Oh well it's not like I care.

  22. Kate Bosworth looks like Vanessa Paradis here.

    Kim K is such a klass akt.

    1. I was thinking that was Vanessa Paradis myself!!!

  23. Wish I was on vacation in st. Barth. I'm so tired of the wet cold weather. I can just imagine the sunshine and surf with a tropical drink in my hand....Back to looking for a job. Happy new year to me :^\

  24. I think I've seen pics of Ryan with her in St. Barth's.

  25. All of these Kim descriptions have given me a case of the giggles.

    I did not know Jenni was preggers too, what is in the water in Hollywood land?

  26. Jeri has unfortunate eyelids. It makes her look a little like a hound dog. But she can get them fixed through her insurance because those doopy eyelids affect your vision.

    Nothing you can do about Kim..Except make her disappear..Please somebody!

    Someone earlier mentioned the picture of Angelica Huston on DM. What the hell happened to her neck? She's looking a little Fred Munsterish there. Ugh!

  27. Kim K just looks greasy, bloated and all around gross. Works for me.

  28. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Oh Kim! Kim, Kim, Kim, Kim Kiiiim!!!! stop dressing like a skank and wearing see through clothing. You are going to be a mother, act like one, dress like one.

  29. I wonder if Kim dreams about her sweet, precious baby girl and hopes she grows up to be famous because a semi-celebrity will piss on her.

  30. Anonymous1:51 PM

    @ Rejected Care Bear, relishing the idea of Liev Schrieber punching greasy roidy nasty Sean Penn in the face for hitting on his wife. Replaying it in my mind in slo mo... it never gets old.

  31. For some reason, I can't help but think that Kim K. looks like Javier Bardem in Kim K. drag.

  32. I can only tolerate the Kim photos because of the comments! You guys are hysterical!

  33. I guess the fashion world can expect a line of black leather peekaboo maternity wear any day now.

  34. Yeah, Ryan is with Julianne.

  35. @Sherry, whilst I understand your wish to make KK disappear, her current state means that photogs are going to need to start zooming out just to keep her the same size... Scary.

    1. Yes SingBlue sadly that is the case.

  36. @Gina I only heard rumors that Liev is an asshole but when I met him a few years back near NYU right before the Omen remake came out, he was nothing but nice. I even asked him the correct way to pronounce his name and he told me as he lit my cigarette.

  37. I don't think Kim is really pregnant. I think she's been gaining weight unintentionally and is telling everyone she's pregnant to save face and to get her name back in the papers. The clothes she's been wearing are just absurd. I was pregnant four times and each time when I was over 2 months, wearing anything waist-cinching was incredibly uncomfortable. Yeah, I know every woman is different but I'm short and curvy (read: fat) like her and can bust out of my clothing for gaining 2 pounds.

  38. Ewww, gross, I don't think I'm ready for 9 and half months of KK's "sexy" pregnant boobs.

    My eyes, they burn!

  39. Mama Kris is behind Kimmy dear's clothing decisions. Check out the Dugs (already larger, see Pregnant!) Check out the skirt/stance. Notice the spraddle legged hips and the abdomen jut (see the huge tushie pushie to accentuate the belly? (see, pregnant.)Everybody LOOK at this gravid body. How dast you think she is not with child? too bad she is being coached in late pregnancy body stance.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. i cant wait for KarTRASHian's ASS to have its own zipcode and i pray to all that is holy she NEVER loses the weight

  42. And Kim use to be a stylist. Oh Lord. I hope this train wreck goes away. She looks like cat lady and also, scarily just like her annoying mother.

  43. Gerard Depardieu looks like he ate the incredible Hulk. Looka the size of the man's hands !!!

  44. @chopchop I think the same thing.

    Why does she wear such awful, unflattering clothes? Ugh.

  45. Kim K was a stylist? For people? Who were her clients, the girls invited to the Hustler Christmas party?

  46. @chopchop, I was thinking the same thing...even though Kim isn't close to showing, that initial bloating/swelling at 12+ weeks is uncomfortable. I am more comfortable in pants now at 26 weeks than I was at Kim's stage.

    The Kim comments WERE hilarious. This could be an entire KK monologue...

    I would love to know what her tailor/seamstress really thinks, when she brings in an outfit that probably fits the way it's supposed to, then she has them take it in two inches, shorten the bottom of the coat, and then pair it with a sheer blouse and just a bra underneath. Or maybe that's just a really ill-fitting suit from her Sears line.

  47. y'all are vicious but I'm laughing hysterically

  48. Hosted by KK, sponsered by Cowboys Casino?

  49. Hosted by KK, sponsered by Cowboys Casino?

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. kim right where she belongs ... on the bottom and Kate from Orlando to Alex to...this creepy dude...and the look on her face like he's ... a prize



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