Friday, January 25, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Jennifer Lopez goes without underwear at the Las Vegas premiere of her latest bomb.
Holly Madison was there doing what she does best. Walking a red carpet looking for paychecks.
Her replacement Coco was there and she also took lots of photos with
Jason Statham.
Justin Timberlake in a still from his new music video.
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher make their daily coffee run.
A very cold looking Katie Holmes. Almost looks vampire-ish too.
Will they be relevant ten years from now? Kiernan Shipka and Ariel Winter together at a party.
Not sure I like the way this dress sticks out on Leelee Sobieski.


  1. That's a mean thing to say about those young girls, Enty.

  2. Mila looks kinda scary without makeup, but then again, so do I.

    Wow, Coco is dressed modestly for a change! I hope she and Ice are ok.

    Leelee has a Tilda Swintin vibe here.

    JLo does look good, but the no underwear thing is gross.

    Holly looks really pretty. She has had some of the best plastic surgery I've ever seen.

  3. Oh god, don't tell me the dirndl is back in style (Leelee). I think she's standing that way bc if you stand up properly you look as if you're wearing a bustle. On the brighter side, Kim Kardashian isn't wearing it.
    I love Leelee though. Yay, Coco.

  4. J. Lopez is certainly doing a lot of TV show appearances in which she thumbed her nose up at just a few short years ago - Conan, Daily Show..etc. You can tell she's hates every second of it too.

  5. JLo can still rock that booty!

    Holly looks so much softer preggo

    Coco looks fabulous. I love that woman.

  6. I think Kiernan is pretty talented, so hopefully she's still around.

    I don't know if we'll ever have the whole story about whatever is going out with Ariel Winter and her mom, but I will say this - she dresses much more age-appropriately since she's no longer with her mother. To wit:

  7. JLo, no one wants to see your ass anymore. Go home.

  8. So that settles it. Kiernan Shipka is the reveal for the Girl's Gone Wild blind a couple days back. Team Chloe can finally relax.

  9. Look ate the haunches & saddle bags on JLo! You're getting old, sweetie. Time to hang up the sex kitten schtick, that's a young gal's game.

    And for the record, I don't hate her, still think she's entitled to feel beautiful, sexy, etc. But denying the truth that you're aging is not flattering!

    1. Yes, yes, yes! She looks good, but her aversion to dressing age appropriately makes her look desperate.

  10. @LazyDay : I was thinking maybe Ariel but then didn't the blind mention the girl was out of the country? Correct me if I am wrong. Too lazy to look it up.

  11. I've never seen a single episode of 'Mad Men', but in every photo I've ever seen of Kiernan Shipka she looks wonderful. How nice to see a young girl with taste and elegance; most of them look like junior grade skanks.

  12. Considering you post pics of the irrelevant Ashley Tisdale every fucking week, I think you should shut up about the young actresses.

    Oh J Lo....I hope this movies falls flat. No sexy face, open mouth pose? I am surprised.

  13. i think j.lo looks great!

    in hollywood, it's more like "will they be relevant ONE year from now?"

    it's like people are disposable there.

  14. Jlo is definitely getting older and needs to dress more her age .. but her body still looks amazing. I see nothing wrong with it. JMO.

    Holly is gorgeous pregnant.

    Does Jason Statham ever smile???

    Mila and Ashton look haggard.

    Not sure why, but Leelee has always reminded me of a young Helen Hunt.

    1. Leelee has been compared to Helen Hunt for many years.

  15. MV was also on Katie Couric .

  16. "That's a mean thing to say about those young girls, Enty." - Jessie

    Dat irony.

  17. Sherry, I was just being a wise guy. So much drama in that message board the other day. If that blind was about Chloe G Moretz I hope it's a lie or she outgrows this wild phase. She is a hell of a good actress.

  18. I thought MV was supposed to be good singer -- JLo is as shitty a singer as they come. I still don't believe it's her.

  19. As far as Katie looking cold -- it's freakin' COLD here, she has the right to look cold.

  20. Does Leelee even act anymore?
    Agree that Holly and JLo look amazing!

  21. Does jlo give the borrowed dress back with all her butt juice or does she have it dry cleaned?

    1. Now there's a visual I could have done without while I was eating my snack! Or... ever!

  22. I've seen Kiernan Shipka on talk shows and the episode of In The Actors Studio with some of the Mad Men cast. I think (hope)she'll be just fine in the future. I hope I'm right because seems like a very classy and elegant young lady with a good head on her shoulders. She also does an exceptional job playing Sally Draper.

  23. Cindy, MV is supposed to be a shitty singer (not a good singer). Hence, J LoHo.

  24. Not a fan of JLo's dress... spanx were invented for those slinky things, girl.

    Holly is still rocking the pregnancy glow. She looks good.

    Did Coco lose weight or is it just the pose? Or do I have the wrong Coco?

    Jason. F*ing. Statham.

    I like JT and he looks pretty hot in that picture. Ruined by "let me get a good look at it."

    Mila looks fine, Kutcher, YUCK. Stole my grandma's cardigan, Uncle Frank's hunting shirt, nerdy high school friend's red cords and wth with the shoes?

    Considering it's freezing in the East right now, I can see why Katie would be freezing and pale. The lower glare is a powerful tool.

    Kiernan Shipka - LOVE her on Mad Men and every time she's in Siri's Burn Book, she's wearing something awesome and I get jealous. With her talent, yeah, she'll be relevant 10 years from now.

  25. Anonymous1:26 PM

    if i was that old, twins and looked like jlo id be BUTT ASS NAKED everywhere FTW

  26. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sally draper rocks
    Hope that young girl has a long career

  27. I think both Kiernan and Ariel are super talented so I sure hope they'll be relevant in 10 years.

  28. wtf? I don't see anywhere that Enty insulted those girls - am I missing something? He asked a QUESTION, wondering if they'll still have jobs five years from now. Legit, if you ask many child stars go on to find success as adults?

    I am so BEYOND excited about JT's new album, I can't stand it. I had always been anti NSync and anti his first album, but FutureSexLoveSounds I can still listen to that whole thing from beginning to (almost) end and the title song is one of the hottest songs of all time. Less acting, more singing, Justin!

  29. I love Ariel Winters - she's the voice behind Sophia The First on the Disney channel. She has such a cute voice and always looks so sweet and age-appropriate in her pictures. :-)

    Holly looks great pregnant!

    JLo is gorgeous, as always.

  30. "Parker" has been well reviewed by the New York Times, among other outlets. Maybe it won't be a bomb.

    I'm not going to tell Leelee Sobieski that she looks anything but great. Are you?

  31. Whats with the teen girls in gunt pants. 2 pics of Chloe in em, now this broad. Do they look in a mirror before they go out. Have they seen a fat old man w/ his trousers hiked up to his nipples and said to themselves, "thats the image I want to project" ? Should get a fedora and a Garcia y Vega to walk around with too. If yer gonna play Fred Mertz, you need to fully embrace the role.

  32. @LazyDay: Oh I was there for that exchange over Chloe. I seriously wondered though if it was Ariel..

  33. I think that first comment was intended for Sav, who heard the call and responded. IMO.

    1. Yeah. I hope nothing comes up with Chloe's name for a while. The response is getting very predictable on both sides.

  34. put it away Jlo...geez.

  35. I think its time Mila & Ashton invest in a coffee machine.

  36. Kiernan Shipka is adorable, but it always freaks me out how she looks like she is 35 from some angles.

  37. Ariel no.
    Kiernan yes. I haven't watched MM but from what I have heard she is a great little actress.

    LOL coffee machine.

    I can see into the future and I foresee a new viral video titled "LEAVE CHLOE ALONE!" similar to the Brit series.

  38. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Keirnan is a great actress she's one of my favorite parts of Mad Men. She does look much skinnier than last year though. Maybe she grew out of her baby fat but I hope she's not succumbing to the Hollywood bobble head craze. Stay strong girl! You're a fantastic actress and a beautiful girl.

  39. Kiernan is great on Mad Men so I vote for her.

    JLo looks good and so does Holly, pregnancy agrees with her

    Mila looks bad again, a little make up wont hurt

  40. What the fuck is with the alien worm crawling around under JT's skin? Maybe that's what I'm supposed to be getting a good look at. Regardless, I am sososo fucking excited to have more music from him!!

  41. @JSierra,

    Except in Britney's case there was criticism based on well documented poor decisions and strange behavior whereas in this case it's character assassination based on people gossiping in comment sections. Pretty significant distinction.

    Yeah, I know your comment was said humorously.

  42. I'm very curious what Leelee's legs are doing under that skirt. How on earth is she twisted that far around?

  43. Yeah, I don't see it necessarily as a dig on either Shipka or Winter. Lotsa child actors never graduate beyond their kid roles. Agreed with others though about Shipka, she appears to have a chance to graduate into adult roles. Don't know about Winter...

  44. I'm so happy to see that even the gorgeous Mila Kunis has dark circles under her eyes. They are a bitch to have when it runs in the family, since you can't sleep it off.

    JLo has a fabulous body. I have never been fond of her fashion choices. You can have a nice ass, but you don't have to actually show it, to show it off. I also doubt she is MV. Her singing voice sounds very similar to her speaking voice. Plus she never belts it out. Most of her crap is stuff you can dance to, no strong vocals.

  45. Kiernan is adorable and a great actress. The episode where Henry's mom gave her a Seconal was classic.

    Ashton is such a douche. Ugh.

  46. I saw pics of JLo from this event and another one the day before. Her body may look good in this photo but up close, her makeup is hideous. It looks like she just had a facelift and her face it really tight and stretched. I know it's just the horrid makeup because the prior days photos, she looks glowing and pretty. Whoever did her makeup for this should be shot.

  47. @Sav

    Hang in there, Sav.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Oh for fucks sake.

  50. @seaward - I wondered the same thing about JT. It looks like he has the same prosthetics that Gaga sported for a while. I don't know if I'm digging it. I like the overall look even though he seems to be sporting a little more hair on top than usual.

    Either way, he is man! Love him, his tunes & his dancing.

  51. Kiernan is fantastic as Sally Draper. She has a very bright future ahead of her.

  52. Helen Hunt and Leelee Sobieski have to play sisters or mother/daughter in some movie! They look so much alike.

  53. @Sav

    If a fan can't politely defend their favorite celebrity on a celebrity gossip board without getting ganged up on...I mean, isn't that what the blog is for? A person who expresses their opinion once or twice has just as much right as someone who posts it 25 times.

    Most of the people on here are really nice, the vast majority aren't bullies or wankers, but I think some get caught up in a pack behaviour, maybe without realizing it.

  54. Tuxedo what I said had nothing to do with Sav or Chloe's reputation. I was making a joke about how now Chloe is a joke on here and Sav felt the need to make a snarky comment. But I guess my name is now on Savs Google alert list and I should start to expect this.

  55. @Jsierra

    Do you know what I've noticed?

    When you express your opinion, it is just *your* right to express your opinion. When you are snarky, it is just *your* right to snark. When you disagree with someone, you are the first to post.

    When someone disagrees with *you* though, it is trolling, you're on some Alert list, and you make some comment about "I should start to expect this".

    If someone snarks back at you (usually deserved), it's an attack of trolling!

    You defend your friends on here all the time, swearing and whatever at people.

    I make a simple comment defending one poor poster who got ganged up on, not even mentioning your name, and you make a self-absorbed, back-pedalling post making yourself sound like the victim!

    Get over yourself!

  56. Leelee, Maude called...she wants her dress back.

  57. If Leelee were just a few years younger, she could've been a perfect Katniss. Not that JLaw isn't a perfect one. I just pictured Leelee when I read the book. That was before I knew who they cast in that role.

  58. Kiernan will be huge and Ariel will be the next Lohan. Just wait.

  59. Very few available heterosexual males would turn down J-Lo. Her body won't age well but for now it is a wonderland.

  60. Great bod, wrong dress, Jlo. Everybody can see why.
    She was also looking very tired that evening (not aging, just need some sleep tired)
    Jason Statham s not looking great either.
    Did they pre-game the night before?

    I ll definitely go watch that movie, bad or not. The Statham is a franchise by himself in my couple ;-)
