Monday, January 21, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Apparently AnnaLynne McCord is embracing the new trend of luggage styled like old boxes from your garage.
Amy Adams takes her daughter shoe shopping.
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth on a beach in Costa Rica.
Marcia Cross tries to help her daughter out on the rings.
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher now get the same drinks at Starbucks. Shake things up. One of you get a latte or something.
Nicole Kidman looks pretty good here.
Same with Paula Abdul.
Anna Paquin does the solo stroll with her twins.
You know it is true love when you let your girlfriend take your son out for the day. Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson's son also seems to love guns.


  1. Who is Pete Wentz's gf? Damn I'm so out of the loop...

  2. I bet Jessica Alba already took her daughter shoe shopping IN PARIS.

    1. @Amber... That is all I can think of now when I see candids if Amy, "Did she see Jessica Alba doing this?" lol poor Amy.

    2. So I'm a day late on this (was on vaca, so I'm just catching up now) but I saw you girls comments @amber and lottacolada and for shits and giggles googled Jessica Alba shopping, and BOOM she took Haven shopping a week ago. Lmao.

  3. Adams' daughter is absolutely adorable. Mogwaii needs a haircut.

  4. Damn Mila and her cute jeans!!! I want to raid her closet.

  5. And AnnaLynne looks like that is actually a case of wine. I have flown with a few. Back before my body rejected my love of grape juice!!!

  6. I like how AnnaLynne's carrying her own shit, good for her!

  7. That's cute pic of Miley and Liam.

    Amy adams and her kid are adorable

  8. Maybe I missed it but did Anna Paquin ever release the sex of her twins or their names?

    1. No. They have been silent.

    2. Thanks! Guess I didn't miss it then. Nothing wrong with wanting to protect your little ones!!

  9. Why don't they cut that little boy's hair?

  10. Amy Adams creeps me out.

    Mila is starting to look hot again. Maybe all of her sweatpants are in the wash?

  11. Doesn't Marcia have twins? Why don't we see the other one? Could that be the one where they may be handicapped?

    1. That made me think of that blind too. In the last few photos she only has that one with her.

  12. Anybody else notice how thin Mila looks all of a sudden? No milk in her coffee anymore? There's a pattern to his relationships and now he's doing it with her. Don't make me start the #freemila campaign! Mila, if you're hungry, you better eat girl!

  13. Sherry, I was just thinking that too.

    Amber & Lotta, Everytime with Amy Adams I think is that was Jessica Alba just did?

  14. I wish someone would get the scoop on Anna Paquin's twins! No sex, no name, nada! It's killing me, gah. And somebody should free the Wentz kid, really, Jessica do something!

  15. Amy Adams is creepy.

    Marcia Cross rocks. Kimberly Shaw was the best psycho on Melrose Place.

    Nicole Kidman looks like a Barbie doll here.

    Paula Abdul does look good here.

    I hate saying this out loud, but I think Ashton is so good looking.

  16. He's easy on the eyes, sure. That's his genes.
    Him being a douche is all on him, though

  17. Did somebody photoshop Nicole Kidman's neck out of this photo? Something is amiss!

    Smash - Curly Haired slacker and I are always threatening to raid Kate Hudson's closets, but Mila has been stepping her game up recently. Watch your back, Mila

    1. That's right, Mila! What Sunny said!!! :)

      Amy Adams little girl is adorable.

    2. Sunny- Kate does have great grown up clothes! She is stunning. Mila is laid back and I like it.

  18. OK, the toy gun is a bit iffy, but the Ramones shirt is pretty cool. I bought my son a Residents t-shirt when he was about that age and he was mystified but still chuffed by how random people would notice the eye logo and give him props.

    When my older daughter was first getting seriously into music, it was an extremely bitter time between me and my ex, but I happened to notice that my girl's iPod had a bunch of Ramones tracks on it. "Mom bought you those?" "Yeah." And I thought, hey, at least we agree on something in terms of parenting.

  19. What's so creepy about Amy Adams?

  20. Thanks for posting all the kid pictures, Enty. I think that's a really nice picture of Miley and Liam H. . -- Poor Mila Kunis looks miserable again today.

  21. Damn you, Miley and Liam. Just when I've had enough you release this awesome pic. They are one hot couple! Oh to be 20 again...

    Mila is looking good and that belly looks flat. Whew!

    I like Amy Adams!!! What can I say... I like socially awkward shy people. They have feelings too, dammit! Although, I draw the line at serial killers. I don't like mean people. Well that was random ;)

  22. Yeah, so Mila is pregnant theory has just fell apart. Her belly would be showing already, but it's not.

    And I am definitely not a fan off Ashley. But I would be pissed to see my son with Pete's GF

  23. I'm still not sure I buy the Amy Adam's copying JA..and if Asston is giving Mila a body complex I hope she kicks his ass to the curb.

  24. Finally Mila is looking better! Somebody must have burned all her sweatpants.

    Nicole looks nice.

    I like Amy Adams too, she's a good actress and keeps to herself and I don't believe that blind about her copying Jessica Alba! Most mothers do the same activities with their kids, I also take my kids shoe shopping and to the park and I'm not trying to copy anyone.

  25. In the THR Actress Roundtable discussion Amy Adams said it enraged her when paps tried to take a photo of her daughter. I bet the paps are going to try to get her to lose it on camera.

  26. Paula does not age.
    I love Marcia Cross. I have heard nothing but good things about her.
    That's a nice pic of Miley and Liam, and I do root for them, but I can't help but think of Miley saying that they are "deeper" than most people. Especially since that blind about him being so dumb. Hahahahaha

  27. Yeah, when I was a kid I loved shoe shopping and the ramones. oh wait., no I didn't

  28. Exactly plrtzglrb: The parents are dressing their kids in their favorites..And Ramones rule by the way.

  29. I do like AnnaLyn's bag (the brown purse, not the boxes).

    Ashlee Simpson's kid is unfortunate looking. They are doing that kid no favors with that getup/hair, etc.

  30. Miley is more and more reminding me of Brigitte Nielsen (sp?). I would also use Mr Hemsworth as my beach recliner.

    Mila & Ashton are having the only Sbux drink I can tolerate - iced americano. Gah, I want one now...

    Damn, Nicole!

  31. Say what you (or I) will about Miley but she and Liam seem really happy together. As much as I love Liam and want him for myself, they seem like a really good match and I honestly hope it works out.

    I've seen lots of pics of Marcia Cross's daughters Eden and Savannah, Kneepads plasters their pics everywhere.

    My poor kids are going to be stuck in all the cutesey/wacky clothes that I wish I could wear. I will let them pick out their own outfits, but I am stocking their closets full of everything I want. Sorry future kiddos

  32. Also, I am not a fan of the whole sneaker wedge deal. You either wear sneakers, or wedges. Not both.

    1. @JSierra, I really don't get the sneaker wedge thing either. Why is this suddenly something ladies want to wear?

  33. The last 4 or 5 times I've seen Bronx he was wearing the Ramones T-shirt...forget the hair...change his shirt!

  34. When did Nicole develop boobs?! Miley and Liam look very sweet. Mila's stepped up her game and is adorable. I hope the blind about Amy is untrue, but ... it probably isn't and has such ick factor. I hope Paula is happy - she looks GREAT.

  35. Anonymous3:32 PM

    That pic of miley is adorbs

  36. What that kid loves is The Ramones. I've seen him in that shirt several times.

  37. @holiday next it will be dead kennedys

  38. That Miley and Liam pic is pretty cute. I'm going to try to replicate it with my guy next time we're on a beach.

  39. Lotta I have no clue but I really dislike the trend. It reminds me of those high heeled Chuck Taylor looking shoes, why oh why I ask.

  40. I don't know who you guys are referring to, but if it's Pete Wentz's gf those aren't wedge shoes those are high-tops with flat bottoms. My friend has the same shoes in a different color/pattern.
