Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Whoops. I think Jeremy Piven didn't want to be spotted out in public with Alexandra Burke because it is going to ruin his chances with other women in London.
A very pained looking Katie Holmes. Probably smelled a Scientologist.
John Mayer and Katy Perry take care of their own luggage in Santa Barbara.
The first still from Lovelace was released.
Malin Akerman looks amazing and she is just grocery shopping.
Melanie Griffith about to fill up her car with cigarette smoke.
The very sneaky Mila Kunis. Watch that middle finger.
Starting to smirk. Making it look like she is just pushing the glasses, but nope
there it is in all its glory. Subtle. Ashton would have done it with a huge grin on his face while telling the pap that he used to be a model.


  1. Jeremy Piven looks like Kevin Smith.

    1. @jason - I hope you meant that in a good way. I am SUCH a K Smith fanboy.

  2. Why do women date John Mayer? He's not great looking and he looks like he smells.

    I've always thought that Mila could either use a good night's sleep, a super eye cream or both.

    1. Maybe that's why Katy is making that face. Perry, not Katie Holmes, although,he could stink so bad Holmes smells him all the way to NYC

  3. Im pretty sure Katie is smelling her stinky feet from those nasty shoes she won't retire!

    And ummm what is going on with Melanie's legs? Yikes!

    1. She has weird alien lookin feet!

  4. I love when mila speaks russian, it makes her look down to earth and approachable.

  5. Every time I see Malin I think about how she crashed on my friend's couch for a weekend. And then I send him a link to whatever-picture and say, "Hey remember when she crashed on your couch?" Compelling, I know.

  6. Is this the same Lovelace was replaced in?

    1. @Lotta Yep, one and the same. Now she'll have to hold out until they do the sequel to Requiem for a Dream: Asses to Asses, Dust to Dust

    2. @VIP omg I laugh everytime you say that! I really thought that Malin Akerman was the one they replaced Lindsay with for some reason. *confused*

    3. That's another Linda Lovelace with Malin

  7. Was going to post the same thing, Jason! Thinks to self: "Wow - Kevin Smith looks great!"

  8. And the booties are back. Uh, Katie, there's a Payless store on every corner, for the love of God woman!

  9. When men wear scarves like John Mayer do - instant turn off. He's such an asshat

    1. Thank you J Sara! I have a friend on Facebook who's husband wears this ridiculously girly scarf in all her pictures. I seriously want to rip it off his neck.

    2. Also like to add that the scarf is pink.

    3. Ew- I HATE scarves on guys. So fey.

  10. Love Mila's jeans! She has a very cute figure.

  11. Gah! It's driving me crazy! Amanda Seyfried looks like another actress entirely in that Lovelace pic and I can't think of who it is. [overreacts and completely loses mind]

    1. Yeah...sorry, I just read all the comments below. Doh!

  12. Amber, any info on Malin? I've always thought that she looked really nice and down-to-earth.

  13. Anonymous12:39 PM

    @fubugrass: Amanda looks like a young Susan Sarandon in that pic. Specifically from her Pretty Baby days.

  14. @Layna She does! But that's not who I'm thinking of. >=\

  15. I am so awful---i really like Amanda Seyfried, so I hope beyond hope that this movie is somehow really GOOD, and gets her a nomination for SOMETHING.

    Just to drive Lilo NUTS. I am terrible.

  16. @fubugrass she looks like Heather Graham...

  17. @karen - she was nice, drunk at the time. lol She was performing with her band.

  18. Anonymous12:50 PM

    There are two Lovelace films coming out. Malin replaced Linsday in one. Amanda was always cast for the other.

  19. @Lotta Malin replaced Lindsay in "Inferno," which is a different Lovelace biopic.

  20. @sassy A little, yes! But still not what I was going for. I should just accept that I'll never figure it out and move on with my life, but I CAN'T.

  21. Oh shit there are two of them??? How did that happen? Thank you @LaynaDay and @fubugrass

  22. Malin - looks great & cool to hear she's nice.

    Mila - love her boots.

    Mayer - surprised he doesn't have Miss Perry carrying his luggage. dickwad!

  23. I think she looks like Rose McGowan without the crazy blonde hair of late.

  24. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I can see the Rose McGowan comparison, with her normal brunette hair and original face.

  25. She looks like Rose McGowan and Heather Graham to me. And someone else that I can't put my finger on (I feel yer pain, @Smash).

  26. Does the world really need two Linda Lovelace biopics? And no DTing in either I'm guessing so they're pointless.

    There are also two competing Janis Joplin biopics being filmed which seems overkill.

  27. Noooo! Please don't compare my beloved Kevin Smith to the pivster! OT I watched 5 episodes of Comic Book Men in a row the other day when I was on bed rest for a mild concussion .. The genius of KS tickles me constantly.

    1. @Alicia - yes! I love Kevin Smith. I just read his book Tough Sh*t. Good stuff.

    2. I had no idea he wrote.. But yes !! Thank you..and off to Amazon I go!

  28. I GOT IT! This is gonna sound SOOOO weird but I've figured out who I was thinking of: Kelly Macdonald. Don't ask me why.

  29. Amanda reminds me of a young julianne Moore in that pic

  30. I love Mila. She is my daughters namesake!

  31. Mila looks great, her jeans emphasises are fantastic figure.

  32. The only thing I have to add is that Amanda's hair looks like Jennifer Grey's in Dirty Dancing.

  33. I don't like John Mayer but I am for some odd reason, obsessed with his purple suitcase. I want one! Imagine how easy that would be to find on a luggage carousel? And it looks to be a Spinner. Spinner suitcases are one of the greatest inventions in the last 20 years. I swear I am telling the truth :-)

  34. @libby - You are not awful. You are divine. I'm an infrequent poster but a daily reader. You and many of the other great CDaNers fill my pounding days with laughs. Thanks.

    And I agree: re: Amanda... No reason to make that movie unless Gold Statues follow. The chances of it being a lame charade are too great.

  35. Notice Piven's got the top few buttons undone? (Cue skeksy music) Ooooh, yeaaahhhh.

    Why are John & Katy wearing camouflage? Hunting party?

    Malin A looks like Kate Hudson sucking on a lemon. Huh.

    Mila doing the "what does my belly button smell like" routine. Oops, in public.

    1. @DBZee - your mention of the word "skeksy" made me think of The Dark Crystal. Now I need to watch it again.

  36. I can't even tell that Malin's preggo in that pic. I wonder how far along she is.

  37. Malin is so freaking gorgeous.
    Mila is a pretty girl but it's amazing how much improvement there is when she's sans that dullard.

  38. Love Mila's boots.

    @DBZee, a hunting party-lmao!!!!

  39. Kevin Smith >>>>> Piven any day of the week.

    I agree that guys who wear scarves and other sorts of weird bling are desperately trying to be "hip" and they're not (yes, even Johhny).

    Seyfried reminds me of a early to mid-70's Faye Dunaway in that pic.

  40. Melanie's feet look bizarre. It's like she stuffed cloven hooves into those odd little shoe boots!

  41. @hotchacha - I can't unsee that now.

    So I guess Melanie is the answer to the blind about the actress who never allows herself to be photographed smoking?

  42. I really like Amanda too. I see shades of Kate Winslet in her face there. Which is weird.

  43. @MadLyb - Those are goat feet, right?

  44. @hotchacha - Sadly, yes. Goat feet are fine on goats and weezy old queens, but alas, not on Melanie.

  45. I have some shoes that I got in high school and still wear, but those booties need to be retired.

    And belly buttons smell weird, for the record.

  46. I was just wondering the other day if Melanie and Antonio are still together. I never see them photographed, and then my brain went straight to that crazy Antonio tattoo on her arm. Biggo mistako

    I know we always think the Piv is disgusting, but the recent blind reveal about the thin dressing room walls and his sexay talk really added another creepy layer to that fool

  47. oh Malin i just watched STOLEN with Nic Cage - you can do so much better lol

  48. @JSierra: Not all belly buttons smell weird but mine does big time! Can't believe I confessed that. And ditto on the freakin' booties..Arrrggghhh!
    Oh Melanie...your face was going back to normal and you did it again? Oh, baby. That was just wrong.

  49. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Love Malin she seems down to earth I we disappointed when her sister was hanging with he GDM but maybe it was blown out of proportion by the press and if I was judged by my sisters actions I'd be royally screwed by now!
    Also can't stand guys with the big scarves, a winter scarf looks yummy a big scarf esp purple or pink looks douchy and weird.

  50. Scarves really amp up the douche factor, dont they Russell Brand? Women should view the boy scarf as a danger-"douche inside" signal. Amanda reminds me of Jessica Lange when she portrayed Patsy Cline in Sweet Dreams. Even Suri is sick of Katie' s brown booties of doom.

  51. Why are people talking abouut belly buttons. LMAO love it

    Jeremy is perv and I cant believe anyone would date John mayer

  52. Anonymous5:24 PM

    And only cause sherry fessed up my belly button is funky too.....

  53. Jeremy Pive. Is SUCH a douche. I hate myself for finding him hot.

  54. Malin is absolutely stunning. I recently saw happythankyoumoreplease and I'm in love, aftet previously being completely unaware of her existence.

  55. every time i see katy with mayer i'm surprised its still going on. i find them interesting in an odd way for some reason. mila and ashton are a little less so, but kind of the same. both of these men are so YUCK, and the women are cute and fun.

  56. Am I the only one who finds John Mayer a little hot? Like roll around with hot, not take home to mom hot. And I love Mila. With or without Kutcher, I love her. It would be nice if she made better choices in guys, but that's just my opinion.
    I don't know who Malin is. I can probably google her, but I feel so old when I don't recognize people by their names, or their faces. Ugh.

  57. I really don't like Katy Perry, though, so maybe that's it.
