Thursday, January 10, 2013

Random Photos Part Two - People's Choice Awards

Naomi Watts looked amazing.
Portia de Rossi, Jennifer Aniston and Ellen.
Taylor Swift goes for the sexiest look she has ever had.
Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco.
It's like looking at cell phone bars. Liam Hemsworth, Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson.
Emma Watson
Rumer Willis and Jayson Blair
Julianne Hough
Jay Ryan & Kristin Kreuk
The Wanted who won because One Direction couldn't make it.


  1. cell phone bars, ROFL
    Good one Enty

  2. Max from the wanted should get a bravery award for having sex with Blohan

  3. JL's shoes are fabulous!

  4. JA's dress is awful!

    Why is Rumer invited, ugh.

    1. It is horrible. 2 ugly dresses 2 days in a row. She needs to do something to her hair. I'm getting tired of the same look for years. Change your hair and wear a different color. Put the black ugly dresses away.

  5. Naomi, Taylor, and Kaley's dresses are awesome. Naomi's hair is kinda meh. It looks a bit like the curl/body "fell out".

  6. mynerva - The award is a giant gold-plated Valtrex.

    1. Yes! And a lifetimes supply of condoms!

  7. First time poster......
    Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Max dude looks like that Aruba killer Joran Van der Sloot???

    1. Yes, yes he does! Weird. Good catch, and welcome!

  8. Josh was totally miscast for HG, wonder who he knew or who thought it was a good idea. Totally no chemistry whatsoever. Here it looks like he's using Tom Cruise's shoe lifts. Bleach. The role of Peeta would have been better left to Alexander Ludwig, at least the trio would have looked hot instead of looking like a date that had to drag the little brother along.

  9. @Peggy I don't even know who Max is but based on your comment totally figured it out. SO SPOT ON!

  10. First time poster......
    Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Max dude looks like that Aruba killer Joran Van der Sloot???

  11. little swifty in that ralph lauren = perfection. *love* #allgrownup

    wow, johnny galawhatever is a teeny little man.

    @PeggyToo, omg, YES, max from the wanted totally looks like jvs. #spooky

    jennifer lawrence is such a lovely girl, wth was she thinking w/ that dress?! :(

    poor rumer just can't win. ever.

  12. Jennifer Lawrence looks terrible. I don't really get her appeal. Don't hate me!

    1. Jlaw Is a fashion train wreck, but girl got some acting chops. Check out "Winter's Bone".

    2. Oh, I like her as an actress. I'm just not feeling her as a sex symbol.

  13. Hi Kaley!! You look fabulous! The lipstick is a little too neon, though.

    I love Rumer's dress and I want one.

  14. I was looking at photos of the clothes last night and I'm afraid Taylor got a boob job. Her scars were on full display in that dress. I thought she was the anti Hollywood girl for a while, but she's all in I gueds

    1. *guess
      My autocorrect has taken to "correcting" my accurate spelling for words that don't exist now!

    2. Guess she needs a new boyfriend now...

    3. It's Taylor. I'm pretty sure she would have one on standby. Lol

  15. Hi Kaley! Congratulations on the win for BBT, from a devoted fan.

    How devoted? My parakeets are named Lovey and Dovey...

  16. What was the deal with Olivia Munn not handing over the country award to Taylor? And them playing a One Direction song while she exiting the stage? What's happening - I feel badly for her right now
    (I got this from the DM - didn't see it live. Was it a joke?)

    1. It was so weird. Poor Taylor. I think halfway through Olivia realized she looked like a jackass and said "no I'm not going to be this person" and walked off.

  17. Lay off The Wanted enty. Love them, especially Max even though he has lilo germs everywhere.

  18. I thought Taylor looked hot. It's a first for her.

  19. @peggy - yes! And welcome to the gang ; )

  20. I think Taylor actually looks good here. She's never been sloppy but never dresses right for herself. Like this look, even if she has scars from a boob job which, BTW is reasonable.

    Hate JLaws shoes and yeah, why is her love interest looking like her little brother. I didn't get it either.

    Rumer..another WHY? Oh right, she thinks she's a great actor and shouldn't have to audition.

  21. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Love love love Naomi Watts's dress! All the others are... unfortunate.

  22. @Cleodacat- Totally agree. Josh Hutcherson as Peeta will always erk me.

  23. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I do love Kaley's new hair though. Does everyone's stylist tell them, "white's the big thing this season, wear white!" or some variation of that for sequins too... everyone always seems to do similar themes each season...

  24. I love Jay Ryan! Is he doing something in the US now???

  25. Are we SURE that's Taylor Swift?, she looks stunning. I detest Swifty, so this makes me all kinds of conflicted.

  26. Taylor does look awesome!
    Kaley looks kinda like Kellie Pickler there, and they are both so pretty.

  27. I want swiftys earrings

  28. Julianne Hough's dress is all kinds of wrong, I don't even know where to begin.

    Taylor and Naomi have never looked better. Yowza!

  29. i thought i recall seeing kaley's pic in the reader photos, but does anyone remember what her screen name was? just curious in case she ever comments on here? (PS- she's awesome on bbt!!).

  30. @kim - I don't believe she came forward

  31. Everytime I see "Jlaw" I think people are talking about Jude Law. It's very confusing.

  32. And actually I wouldn't blame her for not coming forward if she IS an actual commenter as opposed to just reader. This way she still gets to have her fun and no one is wiser!

  33. thx amber. i can see that too. but if she does read comments? hope she knows i love-love-love her hair!!

  34. Anonymous1:37 PM

    cellphone bars..that was funny

  35. Naomi looks great but I didn't like the hair.

    I like Rumer's dress, but what was she doing there?

    Ha! I don't know who the kid is, but yes he does resemble Joran van der something!

    Sometimes I think Kaley could be Christina Applegate's younger sister, and that's a good thing!

  36. I love the big bang theory. I did not think johnny galecki would be the one who went on to have a good career from roseanne. I thought glenn quin. :(

  37. Lots of Hi Kaley's as a result of reader photos? Anyhow, work it girl! You look STUNNING!!! WOW

    I like Kristin Kreuk's outfit for some reason? Maybe it's her? But I feel like I shouldn't..?

    Tswizzle looks very mature as if she's trying to ditch the hair twirling image. Would be nice if her music evolved like the style of dress.

  38. So many beautiful dresses in the column today....

    I guess Taylor S. is growing up like everyone keeps telling her to!!

  39. Taylor Swift looking about the best I've seen her.

    Jennifer Lawrence, pretty much the hottest and most talented of her generation of actri.

    By the way, there's a picture of Taylor standing next to JLaw. Taylor's massive - Almost as much bigger than Jen as Liam.

  40. I love Julianne's spin and I gotta say Rumor looks good here.

  41. I am like a child with sparkly things!!! I loves!!! So most of these dresses are cute to me. :) most...

  42. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Julianne Hough's dress is adorable!

  43. @peggytoo yes!!! I think he looks so much like him I did a double take the first time I saw him.

  44. Also love the Julieane spinning photo, I have developed a soft spot for her since reading about her childhood, totally agree about the miscast for Peeta, and seeing the three of them together made it especially obvious, only watched te very end last night, but Mr. Be saw T Swift and said, "damn, who's that?" So operation-look-like-a-sexy-grown up is working!

  45. Taylor looks great! Idk what the hell Olivia Munn was trying to do with Taylor. I never liked her though, she always comes off as a pretentious biotch to me. Taylor handled it well though.

    Kaley, we LOVE you!

    I know Liam is suppose to be dumb as rocks, but he's pretty so I don't care. He's man candy.

    The curly haired one is the only good looking Wanted boy.

  46. I love Rumer's dress. It's fabulous.

    Yes, Swifty looks good here, but could we please have a ban on her? She's creepy and annoying.

    I like Johnny Galecki.

    Jennifer Lawrence, Kristin Kreuk, Julianne Hough and Emma Watson are wearing hideous dresses.

  47. I still don't understand why they cast Josh Hutcherson as Peeta. He's too little. This picture brings back my animosity for that casting choice.

  48. so if you can't make it to the Peoples Choice because you're too busy to be there they may hand the award to someone else? is this a joke?

  49. @Peggy Too

    I like your Avatar. Is that your own cat?

    1. No, my cat has plain old yellow eyes. Just liked the pic ;-)

  50. Naomi bores me. I don't know why. I don't dislike her at all, I just see her in photos or on screen and think "Meh".
    And I can't stand Taylor, but she does look amazing here.

  51. Scars from a boob job? I thought most implants are put in through the nipple, which is where the scarring would be. Either way, I don't see any scarring. I think Taylor Swift looks great here.

    1. The scars aren't visible in these photos. The scars can be in different places, if Taylor needed a breast enlargement to get these A-B cups I'd say she was pretty much just skin before, which would change the entry.

  52. I love Juliette's dress. It's so twirly.

    @Sarah I thought the same about Taylor. They are definitely different breasts.

  53. I like Johnny G. Never read one negative thing about him. That's rare.

    1. I had a crush on him from his Roseanne days, haha. So I will always like him!

  54. Galecki kindness reveal

    Making cllicky links is addicting! Thank you French Girl!

  55. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I actually like Josh as Peeta. In the above photo, he appears out of place, but I didn't get that vibe in the film.

  56. Rumer looks great.

  57. Rumer Willis has a really hot body, at least she got that from her mom. Girl can fill out a dress and bikini. I feel kind of bad every time these girls are pictured, the comments are usually pretty rough, and I think Rumer is cute.

  58. oh Liam. Never stop being hot.

  59. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Liam is so hot. He and Miley are both beautiful people with no particularly exaggerated features... here is hoping they have gorgeous children.

    BBT is the only show my whole family watches together. Love the whole cast.

    Even my mom noticed T Swift got implants, and I can't blame the girl for it. No secret I'm not her biggest fan anymore but girl looks AMAZING.

  60. I don't know you guys. I think Taylor's boobs are just taped up, not fake.

  61. Rumer must sing, bc I saw her with her bf after she had given a concert. I admire her. It can't be easy having a sex symbol for a mother. It seems as if she has a keeper for a boyfriend, too.

  62. @Turkish, we're naming our new puppy Penny. knock, knock, knock, Penny. Like that! HUGE FANS!

    I thought Swifty got a boob job, too! Is it confirmed anywhere? I can't believe I'm admitting to having thought that!

  63. Agree that Taylor looks stunning there.

    Did anyone see Kaley on Ellen the other day? The video of her dog going from hot tub to pool had my husband and I cracking up! And I LOVED the flash mob.

    Jennifer Lawrence & Emma Watson - two beautiful girls but I am not digging the dress choices.

  64. Love Emma's shoes! BBT is also our family sit down show, love it!
