Monday, January 14, 2013

Random Photos Part Two - Golden Globe Photos Part Two

Hayden Panettiere
Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green( He picks out her dresses)
The scene from above.
Jennifer Lopez and Jessica Alba
Katharine McPhee
Debra Messing
Sarah Hyland
Ben Affleck shows off his moves to Sofia Vergara
Halle Berry goes for one of the worst looks of the night.
Ditto for Jennifer Westfledt, seen here with Jon Hamm and
Nicole Richie who also went overboard on the spray tan.


  1. Replies
    1. and hi MV! My apologies for forgetting about you.

  2. Well BAG didn't do too bad I guess. She's an idiot.

    Jessica Alba looked stunning, she was my best dressed of the night.

    The Ben and Sofia pic is fun.

    Halle's dress is awful!

  3. Oh, look! Sofia Vergara's tits are out in a strapless form-fitting gown. I'm just shocked! Shocked I tell you!

    Hayden's dress is nothing I haven't seen before, but it is GORGEOUS none the less.

    Halle. UGH.

    What about Nicole Richie is skin and bones? I think she looks great. Hate the makeup though.

  4. I've liked Jennifer Westfeldt since her offbeat movie Kissing Jessica Stein but she sure looked odd last night.

    I don't know Hyland at all, but she has the oddest face. Her body is tiny with a head that looks like it belongs on a heavier person. Can't figure it out.

    1. She's suffered from kidney disease and had to have a transplant. Her face is consistent with those who suffer from the disease... Often they become very puffy!

    2. She's suffered from kidney disease and had to have a transplant. Her face is consistent with those who suffer from the disease... Often they become very puffy!

  5. Thankfully I tivo'd this mess, had to go back to find Coke Mom; she was tweaking!!

    Enty maybe you could group one set of photos as "2012 Angie's leg wants her pose back" Halle, McPhee, Longoria, Heidi- she should have known better, and Kerr

    JHough needs to stay in her lane, don't try to upstage the winner by wearing a ball gown when she lucky her Beard got her a tix.

    Sorry for the rant!

  6. Did anyone notice the sad moment when the camera focused on the Hamm & Jen W as his nom was read? She glanced at him tentatively and tried a smile. He ignored her totally. Her face dropped. SAD.
    And it only took 1.5 seconds.
    I especially noticed because it's so hard for her to smile.

    1. I noticed that too! Same deal on the E red carpet....

    2. That's sad....I love her.....guess Hammy is a crap weasel.

    3. @Libby, I noticed that too. On the red carpet, Seacreast pulled her up front to get a shot of her dress and Hamm stepped right in front of her. It was such an asshole move! Ryan explained what he was doing and you could just see the jealousy on his face.

  7. JLo looks like she is wearing a flowered sausage casing. She is trying so hard and being outdone completely by Jessica. JA looks lovely, natural and comfortable. JLo go sit down somewhere!!!

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Ha love your flowed sausage acing comment! Genius

    2. This made me laugh out loud!

  8. Halle is either under stress, or the super-skinny gals of Paris made her feel like she needed a diet.
    She looked better heavier. Still scary though.

  9. me, tell me more about Debra M.'s behavior - what did she do that was wacky? I know she looks rough - she and Angelica Huston need to take "aging gracefully" lessons from Jodie Foster and Helen Mirren. Oh, and Glenn Close.

  10. panatiere looks so happy, she had a mega-watt smile anytime they panned to her. it made her entire look altogether prettier. good for her, looks like she had a great time.

    i have this theory that jho is afraid of going outside the nude lip comfort zone for fear of looking chola.

    mcphee brought on the va-va-voom!

    i think sarah mchyland is such a doll, her dress fit her to perfection.

    eww halle. angelina did leg better.

    that is not a good shade of blue on nicole richie. too cool for her warm undertone. #majorfail

    1. So, Pookie, you're telling me we're never going to see JLo in dark lip liner paired with a lip color 5-10 shades lighter? Que lastima!

  11. Hayden, Alba & McPhee looked amazing. Halle & Lopez were trying too hard. Nicole Richie is part black - IDK how much of that is spray tan. And did anyone watch the E! broadcast? When they talked to BAG and Megan Fox she looked MISERABLE. He barely let her talk, and he was giddy as a school girl that he was getting attention. Even my BF was wondering WTF was going on.

  12. I feel bad for Jennifer Westfield, if all the rumors are true. She seems pretty genuine, he seems like a prick. I don't watch Mad Men, though, so maybe he's awesome and I'm missing it.

  13. Sigh...I really want Halle to get some therapy/anger management and make a comeback. Her beauty is timeless and if she would just lasso some humility and gratitude her star would shine so much brighter.

    Nicole's dress is pretty awesome.

  14. I love the colour of Nicole's dress - it's sort of a Wedgwood blue.

    I love Halle's dress - I think it was my favorite, but not the Brangelina leg. I thought her gown really stood out from the solid-colour gowns. I love and wear boho clothing's not for everyone.

  15. Frufra, see that pose Debra is striking on the red carpet, well, she did the same thing on stage. It seemed like she was holding on to her own hips to keep balance. Her eyes were wild too and I'm probably the last one of us to be convinced she's CM.

    I liked J.Lo's dress, I actually liked the majority of the dresses. Halle's wasn't my fave, but it was diff like Lucy Liu's, and both dresses worked for them.

    The Jolie leg needs to stop, just stop.

    1. Oooh, thanks, califblondy! So you're on board with DM as coke mom? (I am too, btw.)

    2. I noticed she was standing like that too. It was weird. So now I see she was like this all night. Really weird.

  16. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I dont think Jennifer WEstfield pretty at all. She has those annoying puffed out squirel that has a face full of nuts and has mono cheeks. The ones that Renee Z has, and that would make me beg for plastic surgery to have them made normal. Hyland is the one with a kidney transplant right? Anti rejection drugs puff and swell your face and the diructics and steroids dont help either. You can be skinny and puffy both. Halies dress gave her a uniboob.

  17. I really hated Megan Fox/Jonah Hill's dialogue last night. So lame. Get it - SHE'S HOT, HE'S NOT AND SHE'S HUNG UP ON HIM! LAUGH IT'S FUNNY!

  18. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Dayuum! Alot of loser looks last night. J Lo should never pose with Alba again, they look like a mother and daughter. Berry trying feebly with the leg pose, and failing. Nicole's dress is aight. Nothing to slow clap over. I could photo analyse Megan and BAG all day. Notice how his weight is shifted on to the leg opposite her, and he's looking and full on mugging someone else? While Megan is leaning clingily for a couple photo, and he couldn't care less, only interested in making eye contact and smiling at someone else, no clue about his wife trying to lean in to him for a good hollywood couple pic.

  19. Hayden looks like she's wearing a wedding.

    I'm so disappointed to see that David Silver grew up into such a turd.

    Nicole Richie will always be fug to the 10th power to me.

    I'm not liking this low cut taped boobs look.

    Jessica Alba looks stunning.

    Halle, even though it was annoying, Angie did it better.

  20. I have decided that every time I read Brian Austin Green's name, I'm going to insert the name "Creepy McCreepster."

  21. @Frufra CM eyes were darting from left to right than she'd twitch her entire body.

    I'd say like when I used babysit and pretend to be wide awake when the parents got home -jerk to sit up and eyes all bugged out.

    But this was on stage and way to obvious to ignore

  22. Thanks Kimberly, I didn't know that about Hyland.

    Westfeldt I feel bad for. She's like the wife that puts her husband through law school and gets ditched after. I like Mad Men but haven't kept up, Hamm basically plays an asshole alcoholic. I didn't appreciate him until I saw him in an SNL sketch where he played James Mason to perfection and they said they had switched characters at the last minute and he had no rehearsal. But I still think he's probably a jerk to Jennifer.

  23. BAG looks like he's trying to twist megan's arm, could he squeeze her hand any tighter. Did anybody else notice the excess brown makeup on the tip of jlo's nose. I laughed so hard cause she thought she looked hotter than anyone but the whole time she literally looked like a brown noser.

  24. I know I am in the minority but I kind of liked Halle's dress, perhaps it would make a better beach dress though.

    I wish Sofia V. would cut her hair or something. So sick of her one trick act.

  25. I LOVE Nicole Richie's gown! It's beautiful!

  26. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Liked the color of Albas, Hayden P looked the best I've seen her and no bruises too! The rest are all either meh or complete fails. The dresses better be better for he oscars

  27. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Sorry too many cold meds " the dresses will have to be better at the Oscars "

  28. A lot of misses in this group. Haydon and Jessica looked great, though. JLo, just stop. I wonder why Hamm and Westfield are still together if they are so clearly miserable.

  29. Ugh JLo is so pathetic with her I'm-so-cool-and-gorgeous compared to the natural exuberance and vitality that is Alba. Funny how high Alba has risen in our estimation of her!

  30. im not a big fan of Halle's dress. Its not ugly but it should of been dressier. Halle's leg is way better than Angie's pale ass crack leg. Lol
    I thought Jlo dress was nice and jessical alba just need a little more boobs to fill out her dress.

  31. The Meg Fox/BAG body language is quite telling.

    Whoa Katharine McPhee!

    Debra Messing's dress looks like a Hefty yard-debris bag. :/

    Who is Sarah Hyland, and why is her head so much bigger than the rest of her?

    No, Halle, just no.

  32. @Silly Girl, I am a *huge* Mad Men fan, and Jon Hamm as Don Draper is fantastic. Outside of that, though, I don't really care for him.

  33. Good God is Affleck doing Gangham Style?

  34. Did Debra Messing think her arms would look thinner if she posed like that? Get some damn sleeves, twitchy.

  35. Did Debra Messing think her arms would look thinner if she posed like that? Get some damn sleeves, twitchy.

  36. I loved Nicole's dress and the color is exquisite! It would look really good on someone with red or platinum hair.

  37. I like Halle's dress. I loved Lucy Liu's dress. Both went against the flow.

    I'm also sick of the leg thing. Sick of it!

    Worst dressed to me was Jessica Chastain with Jennifer Lawrence a close second.

    I haven't seen pics of them here on CDAN so I thought I'd put my thoughts here.

  38. Do you think BAG and MF do role play at home as angie and brad? They look like they're auditioning to be they're stunt doubles.

  39. I really cannot stand the color peach, but damnit Jessica Alba wears it beautifully!

  40. Uggh, can we please stop calling it the Angelina leg? Dress designers long before and long after will put high splits into evening gowns. Angelina's was not that special, her goofy smirk at showing her chicken leg was. I want to be able to wear a dress like that when I am Halle's age. She's thin because she suffers from Type II diabetes and weight management is a method of controlling it. Again, she looks great and far healthier than Angelina who looked like she has returned to her coke-snortcoke-snorting ways.

  41. As someone that had D bewbs even in junior high school, I am fascinated by the perfect under-boob that Katherine and Amy had going on! Just kinda obsessed!

  42. Also, I noticed DM gnashing her teeth some too along with the twitching.

  43. I'm new here, who is coke mom?

  44. Halle is pulling a Angelina Jolie leg moment there.

  45. @erica, it's called the Angelina leg because she did it SO ridiculously. Before that, it was chic, after that it was cheeky. There's a big difference.

  46. Wonder who picked out their dress first Jessica Alba or Amy Adams....very similar shape just different fabric and in the same color family.

  47. I love how Angelina was mocked about her leg and now everyone is doing it (it's still stupid...and I adore Angelina).

    Hayden and Jessica look stunning.

    JLo looks meh (which might not be s meh if it wasn't exactly the same as she always seems to look).

    I love the color of Nicole's dress but it seems more like a style that Judy Dench (or someone of her generation) would wear.

  48. @Renoblondee - right?! I'm in the same boat and I'm super envious of girls who can wear outfits without bras and have their boobs look so great! We will never be able to pull something like that off :(

    Halle's dress was one of the worst I've seen in a while, and that's saying something. If she wanted to go with the high slit on one side, there is no need for her entire hip to be out on the other side. And the print on that fabric? Gross.

    Sofia *yawn* same as always. And the E! reporters said she got a new stylist, but they're dressing her in the same nonsense? I mean yes, we get it, you look great in that silhouette but it's super tiresome to see it year after year, awards show after awards show.

    Poor Jennifer Westfeldt. She seems to be such a sweet person, talented too. But I feel with all the obvious plastic surgery that she's very self-conscious. And I so wished that Jon Hamm wasn't a womanizing asshole since he seems to be friends with a lot of my favorite SNL ladies!

  49. i would still totally kidnap jon hamm and devour him like a cannibal. if he's a drunken dickwad? ill chain him up in my closet and roll him out when needed. yes, im both pathetic and shameless. i too think debra mess is cokemom. why wont enty just spill it already? out with it bacon buddy! we wanna know.

  50. Coke mom = debra messing

  51. Ha ha J-Lo and Alba do look like a mother daughter duo!

  52. What was up with everyone having the same hairdo? JBlow, Jessica Albo, Megan Fox, and Tina Fey all had the same side swept do. Oh and Julianna Margulies too.

  53. What is the Coke Mom blind? I've heard it referenced but can't find the blind.

    JLo's dress looked like "when figure skaters get married." Either that or she recycled her Sexy Doiley costume from Halloween.

    Alba and McPhee looked great.

  54. Wonder who picked out their dress first Jessica Alba or Amy Adams...

    Oh, SNAP! Wasn't there a blind about Amy Adams stalking and copying Jessica Alba? @LSG - Unless that was what you were getting at.

  55. I seriously think that's the worst Nicole Ritchie has ever looked (including her drug days).
    I used to think John Hamm was so hot, but I now he looks puffy & kinda weird.

  56. What's with the "side-shave" on Brian ... going for an "edgy" look ...
