Friday, January 11, 2013

Random Photos Part Two - Critic's Choice Awards

Anne Hathaway
Amy Adams looks great here.
Jennifer Lawrence
Emily Blunt  & John Krasinski
Liev Schreiber & Naomi Watts
Jessica Chastain
Elle Fanning and her big shoes are back.
Marion Cotillard
Emmy Rossum
Bradley Cooper asks to be in a Spielberg movie and then
cops a feel of Ben Affleck.


  1. Cooper totally wants some of Affleck

  2. Marion looks gorgeous.

    Jessica Chastain looks too much like Ron Howard.

    Emily Blunt doesn't look good with that hair color.

    Jennifer Lawrence is ridiculously sexy.

  3. Such a better dress choice than the atrocity she wore to people's choice. She looks great.

  4. Jennifer Lawrence looks amazing.

  5. Oh, look. There's Anne Hathaway looking not-sexy.

  6. Please please please let someone beat Anne. I wouldn't be able to stand her if she won.

    Naomi Watts looks like she's morphing into Nicole Kidman.

    Emmy Rossum looks awesome.

    I'm super excited about seeing Zero Dark Thirty tonight. Has anyone seen it yet?

    1. Glad to hear it, I'm going to a 6:30 showing! Cannot wait!!!

  7. Marion's dress - wow!

  8. I was about to say wow, great group of photos! Then Elle Fanning and Marion Cotillard. Yikes.

    Anne looks very elegant, as does Amy Adams. Jennifer Lawrence makes that dress work! Emmy Rossum, too.

    Heh, it looks like Ben & Brad are about to make out. That time when it looked like you were about to kiss your bro at the nightclub.

  9. Now, now, Entwardo, you need to spell it AnnE, or she'll get pissy.

  10. JL looks GREAT!!!! And she always looks like she's really smiling, not those fake smiles. Elle is really smiling too.

  11. I love Jennifer and Emmy's dresses. they look beautiful.

    I just can't look at Bradley Cooper without disgust after reading what is said about him on here. Such a skeezy guy and it pains me to see that Jennifer likes him so much.

    I am happy as long as Anne doesn't win, but after watching the "Beasts of a Southern Wild" trailer I really want Quvenzhané Wallis to win.

  12. Marion is so lovely. I used to adore Anne but her try-hardness is grating

  13. Anonymous12:39 PM

    i am ALLLLLL on the Jlaw bandwagon
    but i have not been too fond her dress choices, reminds me of bewitched dresses.

    elle and them shoes again smh

    oh brad coop, what a waste of GORGEOUS blue eyes

  14. Emily Blunt wtf happened to your face? All the women look pretty today!

  15. That is an unfortunate place for an indentation on Emily Blunts dress. At first I though she had low man crotch...

  16. What Elle Fanning is wearing is awful but at least she's mixing it up and going out there with her fashion. I myself wore the same black shirt and baggy blue jeans until I was about 21. :(

  17. OMG Vicky! I was about to say the same thing about Emily Blunts dress and her man package.

    Just love love love JenLaw. And now Elle looks like she's having a great time in this picture.

    Emmy Rossum= Reveal? Dress is gorgeous too.

    Not digging the shoes with Marion's dress. I do love Anne's dress but it seems like she need something more on top. She looks much better with long hair.

  18. i was always wondering if the naomi watts/nicole kidman relationship reflected the betty elms/diane selwyn relationship in mulholland drive.

  19. John Krasinski's head looks ginormous.

  20. i am so tired of Anne Hathaway....go away

  21. Marion is just gorgeous.

    Ben looks hot.

    I really like Naomi, can't believe I haven't seen Mulholland Drive!

  22. LOVE Emmy Rossum! Shameless is great!

  23. @ greenmountaingal - yes, I will puke if Ann(e) wins. Puke, I tells ya!

    JLaw looks lovely but I wish she'd worn something a bit younger.

    Is anyone else shocked that Emily B. and John K. are still together?

    I think Elle Fanning is hideous. Not just tonight, all the time.

    I wish Marion Cotillard was wearing Emmy Rossum's dress.

  24. John krasinski looks like Justin beiber in that picture and it pains me to say that because I love me some Jim

  25. According to DM brad coop and jen law are now a couple.

  26. I can't see Amy Adams without thinking "crazy nut job stalker" anymore.

  27. what is written on Ben Affleck's hand?? looks kinda like maybe one of his kids wrote on him.

  28. I think Marion's dress is gorgeous ; Elle Fanning always look so cute ; Anne's dress is beautiful even if she is annoying ; Jennifer Lawrence's dress is just stunning.

  29. Elle- those shoes are horrible! Please burn them now! I can't believe omene would buy those.

  30. Anne looks terrible, not a good look.

    Jennifer Lawrence looks great but after hearing about her and BCoop I think my opinion of her just went down. So disappointing!

    Emily and Marion made bad choices with those dresses but the rest of the ladies look great.

  31. Marion's dress is lovely, I think. I just hate her shoes and handbag with it.

  32. Agree AmeliaM, LOVE Marion's dress but the beige shoes ruin it, makes her feet disappear into her legs. Needs darker shoes.

    Emily Blunt - just wow. Anne H looks good here like the screen siren gown just needs a bit of color since she's so pale. Amy Adams and JLaw also looking nice.

  33. JBE - if you're reading this, I'm very disappointed in you. SHAMELESS STARTS BACK UP AGAIN ON SUNDAY. WOO!

    Emmy looks really good here, and I love her Veronica Lake waves. Jessica C is knocking it out of the park fashion-wise lately, and this is the best I've ever seen Naomi look. That dress suits her small frame perfectly

    Sherry - I love you. I can always count on you to suss out the peen situation, even when the peen is not present (Poor Emily!)

    1. Thanks Sunny. That's the old whore in me!

  34. I don't like that orange on Jessica Chastain. Hard color to pull off with her hair.

    I also object to Elle's Mrs. Roper attire. Girl needs a stylist, stat.

    Jennifer is beautiful, as usual.

  35. Oh, and I love John K. I'll just mentally photoshop the wife out of the photo.

  36. Both those fanning girls need their roots done waaaaaaay more often. Its all I can see when I look at either of them! If it's too much commitment then you're better off natural.

  37. JL's dress is absolutely gorgeous, and Emmy Rossum's dress is nice too.

    Amy Adams looks like she's wearing a blue blanket around her waist.

    BCoop - still getting those creepy vibes off him.

  38. I love Marion's dress, for me it is hands down the winner of this bunch.

  39. Marion s dress is IMHO a total failure.
    Too many things going on in this dress, between the lace, the embroidered flowers and their garish colors, the see through, the belt with a void that looks unfinished, the heavy watch/bracelet and the suede shoes ... less is better.

  40. Anonymous10:51 AM

    OH yeah, check out B Coop manhandling Affleck's pecks. Cotillard and the younger Fanning, can't dress themselves, Marion keeps going for overly fussy embroidered dresses, and Elle is just well, not getting it. All the others are fine. And I am so pleased to see Anne Goaway finally getting her emoting down, gone are the too big fake smiles, and I'm so pretty and happy and talented.. wee!! And now she finally has an I'm serious, I'm talented, I'm pretty, and I'm ok with that, calm look. She was just trying way too hard before. It's gotta be brutal for actresses, it's like their 18th birthday is their sell by date. I would be a nervous wreck at these things trying to look just right while inwardly panicking that I'll never work again.

  41. I watched 200 Cigarettes yesterday, forgot Ben was in it. He was such a cutie. I still hanker for him, just a little, and I do seem to have the right first name for he and I to hook up one day, if he and the 2nd Jennifer don't make it. Marion's dress looks like a coral reef at low tide..very busy. The Fanning girl is too pale, I dunno, she rabbity looking. Those shoes do nothing for me. I'm rooting for Anne, I can't help it, she's still the nerdy chick from Princess Diaries.

  42. Annie, looking like the brittle poster child of early onset osteoporosis as usual.

    I don't get Amy Adams' dress.

    Emily Blunt's overnight maxi pad was the wrong accessory with that gown.

  43. Ugh, nothing can make Emmy Rossum anything less than insufferable. Pretty dress or not, everything about her just grates my nerves.

    I love Jennifer Lawrence. Shame she's with closet case douchebag Cooper.
