Friday, January 25, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Bradley Cooper meets fans in Tokyo.
Your Coachella lineup for this year minus The Rolling Stones.
Ashley Dupre has a baby now. A daughter. Maybe she will run for Governor of New York one day.
A still from this season's Fashion Star aka a one hour commercial for a bunch of stores.
Hilary Swank looking great in Paris.
Jenna Dewan seems to be enjoying her pregnancy, at least in front of the paps.
Jennifer Garner and her eldest daughter.
I can't believe paps actually wait at the airport for Julianne Hough. No one more worthy anywhere?
A very happy looking January Jones.


  1. The Jenna Dewan thing sounds like a reveal... just not sure which blind would fit that...

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  3. Hilary Swank looks fab.

    I cannot believe that Fashion Star shit show got another season.

    I Love the Affleck- Garner girls!

  4. I hope JJ's eyebrows are like that because she was mean to the makeup artist.

  5. Jenna Dewan is cute. She looks so happy and healthy.

  6. The Channing/Jenna thing has been going on for weeks, just tell us!!!!

  7. I was looking at the Coachella lineup this morning. How on earth do the Stone Roses and Blur get the huge font and Metric get the tiny text? Is this 1996? Will Monica Lewisnky be doing readings from her journal?

    1. Metric was my favorite band at ACL this year!

  8. Did jenna not want to get knocked up by channing? She must have mental problems to not want to bear his offspring. I'll be more than happy to step up to the plate :)

  9. I love the Affleck-Garners too!
    I saw a recent photo of Ben w/ Seraphina recently, and she has HIS exact face, really. Adorable beyond words....He better not screw that up.

  10. I used to love Blur. I miss the 90s.

    January Jones looks like a man here.

    What's going on with Channing & Jenna? Sounds juicy!

    Hillary Swank is fug. Bieber looks like a more feminine version of her.

    Ashley Dupre looks weird in the face here. Her baby is cute.

  11. Julianne Hough, January Jones= reveals?

  12. Enty forgot to mention that ashley dupree's baby daddy is a wealthy married man. She knew she was aging, her stock was falling and needed a sure way to lock in some deep pockets for the next 18 years

    1. He's been divorced from his ex-wife for about a year.

    2. Now he is but when they started the affair he was very married. No surprise there!!

  13. If the paps can wait for reality "stars" to photograph, Julianne is certainly worthy!
    January looks great!
    I don't know why, but after I read Channing's interview with (aw crap, I forget who! Rolling Stone? Playboy? something) anyway, he and Jenna sounded like a perfect amazing couple, and I love them!

  14. I guess they don't teach the right AMD wring way to hold a baby in gold diggin 101

    1. Omg...Wrong!! For the love of ....give me a drink!

    2. ...I was just about to say..."poor baby." The mom (whoever she is) is holding him like a sack of potatoes. She's not even supporting his head. :-(

    3. *her (just saw its a baby girl)

    4. I don't have kids, but I would never hold a baby like that!

  15. I love the Stone Roses! And as with most things that were once great, I hate what Coachella has become.

    I can't hate on Ashlee Dupree at all. She had a hard life, tough upbringing and stayed relatively out of the spot light after the whole scandal. I hope her daughter brings her joy and happiness!

  16. Coachella is a music festival? I thought it was just for celebrities to wear expensive trendy clothes and get drunk

  17. Maybe Julianna H called the Papz herself.

  18. I almost didn't recognize smiling January Jones. I doubt Julianne called the paps, but her girlfriend Ryan probably did. He has really been showcasing her.

  19. I honestly dont think anything is happening between Channing and Jenna yet lol My friend hasn't told me anything. this person who called me 3 weeks ago just to tell he shave his head lol. im about to make a call lol

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  21. Anonymous1:34 PM

    holy shit january smiles

    sounds like a dewan reveal
    idk im buying their whole "perfect relationship"
    unless hes gay , he could have been divorced her and slept thru hollywood had anyone he wants
    he stayed , gotta be somethin there

    unless that somethin is blackmail lol

  22. Julianne Hough, Hilary Swank and January Jones all smell like reveals :)

  23. I really like Channing and Jenna as a couple. They seem very down to earth. They also step back and let each other shine for whatever project they have. There baby will be absolutely gorgeous to boot. I refuse to believe anything nasty about them!

  24. Ashley Dupre had Spitzer's raw dog in the butt, she deserves every happiness life can give her.

  25. I know I will get beat up for this but wasn't it not too long ago that a blind item about a gay married actor was seeing some guy and left the curtains open and everyone one walking by saw them? People said it was Jenna and her husband. Not a fan of his acting but to each his own.

  26. I tell ya what, I watched Silver Linings Playbook the other night before bed, and I must say it was an entertaining movie. That is aside from Jennifer Lawrence speaking like a true Philthadelphia pig and the couple zooms on her dumper/ her popping her dumper. Yeah, ya wanted to smash Cooper's head against a cinder block a few dozen times, but that is what them mentals make ya feel anyway.

    I was soooooo happy to see the GirlsGoneWild lesbo scene Dupre did. She is a way better Jersey Slut rolemodel than them Jersey Shore skeezers.

  27. Jenna Dewan seems so sweet, and always seems to have a smile on her face, and I think that's a nice picture of Julianne H.

  28. Will Hollywood please stop trying to make Julianne Hough happen? I saw an ad for her new movie with josh Doucheamel, and all I could think was that they must be the two most dull stars out there on the big screen. Seeing that movie would be like watching paint dry. Pretty paint, true, but still paint.

  29. @ bunny honey Ted Casablanca crossed him out so it cant be him. I still believe that was Hugh jack man.

    @seaschica that's the same thing i said. How im I going to root for this two when I dont even buy it.

  30. Why does anyone feel like Ashley Duprey deserves happiness? I know who she is, but I guess I don't get why we're talking about her.

  31. The Affleck's both seem to be the real deal in their love of their children rather than trying to maintain a public image - like (cough, cough) J-Lo.

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  33. The baby's head is supported . I've used that hold- good when they were small enough and want to see the world.

    My niece has a lovely pic with Bradley Cooper- he was out to dinner with his mom and very graciously posed with her.

    I love fridays.

  34. Agree Seachica, stop trying to shove Julianne Hough down my troath!

    JJ looks weird, what's up with her eyebrows?

    Love the Affleck girls, they're adorable.

    Hilary still looks like an older Justin Bieber

  35. mistang- because life is short and shitty if you go around wishing pain and drama on people.

    Spitzer got a tv show, she got a kid.

  36. Yes, but what I was referring to is the fact that she seems to get sympathy or attention from people. I didn't understand where it was coming from.

    And there's a difference between wishing pain and drama on people and just not wanting to talking about them at all.

  37. @prolixe I got red rain boots in the children's section.

    January looks like Kidman in this pic

  38. @bunny - the beatings will persist until morale improves. :B

    @shocky - thanks! I have ridiculously dinky feet and can still manage kid sizes. I keep seeing black polka-dot boots, "team color" boots, and green (?) boots. I want Angie's red boots from Mr & Mrs Smith!

    @jax - OW! Off to google.

  39. Why did Hillary Swank fall off the face of the earth? Never see her anymore in any movies.


    If any one cares lol

    1. Dragon, love breaking divorce news!!

  41. Isn't Ashley Dupre the hooker (I'm sorry...ESCORT) who tried to launch a music career on iTunes after she was outed as Eliott Spiz. favorite call girl and her "career" went to sh*t?

  42. lol Agent. It's about time she divorce him unless this is for press.

  43. re Dupre: Since her book is a collaboration between the NYPost (which isn't fit to wipe your ass with) and a Publisher (HarperCollins?), I would guess that she had clients at both she has kept quiet about, so they are helping her, OR she fed the NYPost info on clients, so they used some stroke to get the publisher on board. Only other reason I can think of is there have been rumors of Spitzer trying to run for Mayor of NYC (alleged $4-10million war chest) and anti-Spitzer types are trying to keep her in the public's eye to remind them of why he resigned as Governor.

  44. TGIF
    Maybe I am crazy but I thought January Jones was Juliette lewis!

  45. Lol kidding ...JJ's hair and makeup is a mess...especially her eyes and eyebrows !!! Looks like a kid took a brown crayon to her eyebrows.

  46. Actually, Ashley Dupre's voice isn't all that bad. I also admire the way she's settling down and looking after her baby (if she'd just shift it a bit - there). She reminds me of Sofia Coppola.

    Also, she's marrying someone who can support her expensive tastes, so she can retire from the other business. I don't care what anyone says, it takes a lot of courage to come out of a scandal with your head held high, and it takes a special kind of man who will raise another man's child.

  47. Thanks Dragon.
    @prolixe, lol! Thanks also, I needed that.

  48. Anonymous8:21 AM

    wow! I've never seen January Jones in anything but beige cotton stuff, she looks like a different person with the smile and all black! I am liking Julianne Hough more and more, she seems sweet. Good for Ashley Dupre, it looks like a girl, now she will know how horrified her parents were at the thought of their little girl doing what she did. And there's got to be a reveal in the pics somewhere!

  49. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I second Tuxedo Cat's post. It does take a special kind of guy to love a woman like Ashley Dupre, and raise another man's baby at that!

  50. We've all made shitty decisions, perhaps not becoming an escort, but ones we look back on and cringe. Dupre has moved on. Perhaps she can use her past as a way to teach her daughter that she can still shine using attributes other than your body.
