Thursday, January 24, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Mad Men returns on April 7th.

Isabella and Connor Cruise celebrate his 18th birthday in London.
Carmen Electra at the premiere of Movie 43.
Chloe Moretz was there.
Didn't Samaire Armstrong just have a baby? She looks great.
Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed.
At the after party, Gerard Butler partied with Ryan Kavanaugh and Neal McDonough.
Drew Barrymore having some time apart from the baby.
Eva Longoria is always alone lately.


  1. Hmmm, there's Bella:)

  2. Gene Simmons & Shannon Tweed look like they belong in a wax museum.

    Eva Longoria is always alone because she's an annoying ho.

    Carmen Electra looks fab.

    What is Movie 43 about?

  3. I'm thinking the blind item about the barely teen and the 30's something producer was revealed here. Chloe Moretz and Ryan Kavanaugh (38). He dated Kate Bosworth for a while too.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      @just EWW! oh chloe :(

  4. And there's Drew having "time apart from the baby." Wasn't there a blind about someone who just gave up on her baby when the baby didn't act the way the mother thought he or she would?

  5. Wish I could say I was a devoted fan of Chloe Grace Moretz but I've only posted about her maybe 500 times. I keed I keed, sav.

    That Movie 43 looks terrible, I don't know how they got all those actors to act like total jackasses.

    1. Oh Ingrid! You're incorrigible! Hahaha.

  6. Boy it seems like conner got it all in that duo. The looks, personality, even a profession. Poor bella always looks like a schlub. I say shes a late bloomer and will surprise us all with like great art or something!
    Gene simmons, go home and stay there. Its enough with the two of you. Carmen def did something to her face.

  7. Mad Men!!!
    Look how grown up Sally is!

  8. So is Connor his sister's assigned chaperone now?

    Drew having some time apart from the baby sounds.... suspicious.

  9. Yeah, I am leaning towards a sly reveal on Drew

  10. A Chloe reveal! She did do it! Great guessing guys

  11. Movie 43 looks so fucking stupid, but my lover Stephen Merchant is in it. I'M SO TORN.

    1. seaward, Pilkington is my favorite for absolutely no known reason.

    2. Haha Agent, Karl is great. I'm pretty excited to see him act in Derek, but I don't know how long it'll take to make its way to the states.

    3. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Seaward I loved idiot abroad me and the hub were just discussing how the bucket list and the 2nd season of IA are not as good as the first because he was so new to every experience. The morrocan one is my favourite. My husband works with a guy that looks just like Stephen Merchant it cracks me up!

  12. Oh look! There's Chloe!

    I did a triple take at the guy between Butler and McDonough...looks like a 10 years older Clay Aiken.

    Love me some Mad Men but won't be sorry to see Meghan go, if that's what's going to happen. Something about her annoys me.

  13. You've given up when you're wearing a sweatshirt on a red carpet, even if your pumps do match.

  14. Argh! April is so far away, I need some Mad Men for this dreary weather!

    Anyone else a fan of West Wing? I'm watching it on Netflix (positive I mentioned it before, sorry...) and Elizabeth Moss (Peggy Olson on Mad Men) plays the daughter of the prez. I pretend she is not a $cio.

    Bella Cruise - I'd be on that if Tom actually acknowledged them as his children more than once in a blue moon. Nicole, too.

    Gerard, the schmuck, cleans up nicely.

    I refuse to believe that about Drew. REFUSE.

  15. Me too prolixe. Me too.

  16. Mad Men, or as it's called in my house: That Show Where A Buncha Retro Dudes Disrupt A Perfectly Good View of Christina Hendricks.


  17. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Happy to see Neal McDonough. I have quite a bit of respect for him. Loved him in Boomtown.

  18. So two reveals, Chloe and Drew?

  19. The baby and her husband are in New York with her...


    That is all. :)

  21. Carmen looks amazing when she's not dressing like a tart.

  22. I watched Drew on GMA yesterday and she is a very good actress as she was gushing about her baby and how happy she is ..I really dont think this is her. She seems to be all about enjoying the baby, not sweating the weight gain and pushing her cosmetic line ..:) But who am I, just someone who has had a girl crush on Drew since Bad Girls.

  23. Hmmm yes. Perhaps many reveals here.

  24. Those Mad Men pics are swoontastically glam. SWOON!

  25. Dagny, I love Neal McDonough as well. He was terrific in "Justified" last season. I also love him because he is from Boston and his mother from County Tipperary and his father from County Galway. A little shout out to the Irish readers:)

    1. Agent, Justified is a favorite in our home. He was amazing, as all on that show are.

    2. jel, Walter G. is my favorite. I am still waiting for Timothy O. to become successful enough $$$ to finish Deadwood:)

    3. Yay! Other Justified fans! I wish they filmed in Kentucky, I'd be stalking! :)

      Walter Goggins is my fave. I loved him on The Shield and his cameo on Sons last season (?) was great.

  26. Ewan McGregor, Jon Hamm and Gerard butler. what more could we ask for?

  27. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Love Mad Men can't wait hope there's less Megan this season and more Peggy and icy Betty. Glad to see Samaire doing better she had a really bad problem and has come a long way good for her!
    Afraid to say Chloe's name after yesterday geez!

  28. Both Chloe and Samaire look a little wonky-eyed. Could it be the flashes?

    Over Chloe's right shoulder, that isn't Jason Statham, is it? Please let it not be him.

  29. What was Samaire's really bad problem ??? She was the one who did a bunch of guest-writer posts a couple years back right?

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Drug problem supposedly meth her boyfriend at the time was Aaron Paul from Breaking Bad he apparently took some life experience to his role in the show. She went to rehab then disappeared then the next thing I heard she was pregnant. She looks healthy good for her

    2. I didn't know they dated?!? I remember when she was on Entourage, then just kinda disappeared.

    3. Wow thanks katydid. Found this quote he gave to Rolling Stone about it: Paul had a girlfriend who became a meth addict, an experience he draws on for the show. “It went from coke and then it escalated to meth. Meth is the one that grabbed, like, nails-deep into her soul and slowly just ripped it out. She was this beautiful being, turned to this hollow shell.”

    4. Wasn't she the blind about the girl Ent knows, who had been through a lot and works a regular job now?

    5. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Also if the guest writer spots that you're referring to were on here I think that was Dominique Swan. (DS)

    6. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Good one Jazzy you might be right I need to go back and read that one again. It kind of makes sense if she was though because even when she went to rehab Enty never posted anything about it and if you search her on the blog he's always pretty complimentary on his comments about her.

    7. @Jazzy, a regular job outside of Hollywood?

      @Katy, you're right it was Dominique Swain! She referred to Samaire as miss no pants when they auditioned for DSM, I remember now. Ohhh those trips down memory lane!

    8. Thanks @lotta, I found the article then saw the Emma Uh Oh blind (top suspect Samaire) and it made me nostalgic for Ted's crazy written blinds. And forget Toothy, I still wanna know who Brainfry Noodlestein is!!! :)

  30., it's not him. I know the actor but forgot his's another shot of him (DEF. NOT Stratham) LOL

  31. Is Betty going to be skinny this year? Will Peggy still have an unfortunate forehead?

  32. I can't believe Connor is only 18. He looks older. Gene Simmons has an abnormally large head in my opinion.

  33. Drew Barrymore stole my grandma's clothes! My poor abuelita is going to call any minute why someone would raid her closet and why didn't the lysol the shoe tracks after themselves. Damn, Drew do you know how hard it is to keep tile clean?

  34. The chick all up in Hamm's face looks like a 60's era Jersey Shore cast mate.

    1. That's his on-screen wife, annoying Megan. I love Sally rolling her eyes in the background.

  35. Can't wait for Mad Men!! Hope Megan goes away this season.

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Me too! I'm curious to see Sally grow up too

    2. @katydid, that episode with Sally and Betty's mother in law last season was funny.

  36. Guys, help me out - I'm tired, and can't remember what BI Drew was suspected for. Refresh my memory, anyone??

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Frufra, the one where the new mum hadn't taken to motherhood like she thought she would sometime in the last two weeks

    2. Thank you, katydid. Our girl dog is named Katie, and we all her Katidid all the time :-).

  37. seaward have you seen Stephen on Graham Norton? that's when I fell in love.

  38. Samaire Armstrong looks good. I hope she has kicked the (supposed) habit.

    Isabella Cruise reminds me of Lena Dunham or something. I guess she and Connor are not from the same birth parents.

  39. Dying for Mad Men to start. I really want more Betty. January Jones is fabulous in that role. And the daughter is so awesome. The women of Mad Men rule.

  40. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Susan I agree as much as January is hated in real life I love her as Betty I miss her story lines. I would love to see Don get back together with her they were perfect he the dapper man she the perfect trophy wife

  41. Reveal on Eva as the person who has ditched all her friends? BI a couple of months ago

  42. @curlyhair - we are huge Justified fans too and lost our MINDS at Goggins' cameo on Sons of Anarchy last season - absolutely HILARIOUS.

  43. Still can't believe Shannon actually married Gene, but at least she knows/knew about his cheating so I guess that is something.

  44. Those black and white photos are terrible! Dark, muddy, and the only white is their shirt collars. The shots themselves are fine, but whoever sent those out should be ashamed.
