Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Definitely a new look for Benedict Cumberbatch who is making a movie about the WikiLeaks founder.
Bradley Cooper in Manchester.
Beyonce recording the National Anthem.
Charlize Theron was invited to World Economic Forum. Angelina Jolie was probably ticked off that she did not get her usual invite.
Carrie Underwood celebrating Halloween 10 months early.
Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen hug it out.
Diane Kruger goes for the Swiss boarding school look.
Demi Moore leaving a friend's house.
Elisabetta Canalis showed off her new lingerie line.
Hilary Duff keeps working out. Every single day.


  1. Charlize is so stunning. Short hair long hair no hair. I will never get over the fact someone cast Kristen Dunst to be "fairer" than her. Nobody is fairer than her.

  2. I wish I had the good fortune of being able to excercise everyday with a husband and kid at home.

  3. Why is Charlize Theron at The World Economic Forum? Serious question. {Yes, too lazy to research)

  4. Charlize you are stunning inside and out!

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Ummm is that a rip in the crotch of her pants?!?!

  6. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Elisabettas pants that is!

  7. I cannot stand carries hair. Ever.

    1. Carrie serves as her own hair/makeup stylist, that's why she always looks cheap. Oh, and she chooses her own prom dresses for every occasion

  8. There was a blind that a former tweeners hubby wasn't happy that she hadn't lost the baby weight with Hilary Dufff being the popular guess. How you like them apples Mike?

    Maybe Beyonce should've chosen a look like the one in that pic for her grand performance. Simple yet weather appropriate.

    @Kaltes, I think you meant Kristen Stewart although Kirsten Dunst ain't got nothin on Charlize either.

    1. I'd tell Comrie to lose the extra 5 pounds of jaw

  9. I can't help thinking Elisabetta Canalis was born a man. Something about her eyes/jaw ratio is so damn masculine...

  10. Good for Hillary. I like her

  11. Angie couldn't make it she's recovering from a lot of cosmetic surgery...what else could keep her away

  12. Forget Elizabetta! What is happening in Bradley's pants? It's like a sideways cameltoe

  13. I can almost hear Bradley Cooper saying "you go girl!" lol

  14. Diane looks so fucking cute

  15. I love Carrie's skirt, I just would have worn it with a black shirt. She has fabulous legs.

    Mike Comrie is fug as hell.

  16. Charlize <3 Beautiful

  17. Usually I think B Coop looks good in his pics, but something looks off in that one.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I think that is Demi's 'not wearing a bra' scarf.

  20. Angelina has not even gone to that World Economic Forum since 2006, 7 years ago! So how is that a usual invite?
    Even when she is not seen for months people can't stop talking about her.

  21. Elisabetta Canalis is so trashy looking.

    Charlize is perfection, as always.

    Beyonce = barf.

    Benedict Cumberwhatever looks like a creepy 80s Sting in that getup.

  22. Anonymous1:18 PM

    charlize is effin beautiful
    and even though she is thin, she still has that full face. love it

  23. Random thought: It's probably just personal preference that Bradley Cooper didn't shorten his name up to Brad but can you imagine if we called Brad Pitt by Bradley Pitt? Or better yet by his first name William? Will Pitt just doesn't have that same ring to it.

  24. My beloved Benjamin looks like a serial killer. Which Assange resembles too so I guess this look works in some respects.

    BCoop looks like he's playing the role of Adrian Brody

    Charlize <3

    I just can't with Carrie.. Something about her makes my pheromones run the other way as if they were on fire

    Hilary is doing her thing. I worked out a ton after my son turned about five months old. I lost the baby weight and then some very quickly .. Best way to get your endorphins back after such a shocking change to your body

    Demi needs that huge ass sweater because the poor things probably freezing.. That's what happens when you starve your body of food nutrients

  25. To me, Elisabetta looks a LOT like Cindy Crawford...weirdly so...

    1. @Silly Girl - I always thought that too! In fact, I thought that was Cindy in the pic not Elisabetta until I read the caption.

    2. @Silly Girl & misspeg86, I think Elisabetta looks a lot like Cindy Crawford in this pic too. Must have been weird since George Clooney is BFFs with Cindy's hubby.

  26. @skimpymist - Amen. They always make it sound sooo hard for those poor celebs.

  27. @Lotta - That is probably why Cooper goes by Bradley. He didn't want to get confused with another 'Brad' so this is his way of separating himself. I can imagine Bradley Pitt, but not Will Pitt. It sounds kind of gross actually.

    1. @mistang- "I Will Pitt these olives....."
      Very funky indeed.

  28. You know, reading this blog makes me feel like I've really got my finger on the sphincter of hollywood.

    Thanks, enty!

    1. Most of these actors prefer at least two fingers

  29. I'm trying to figure out why Demi is wearing capri yoga pants with cowboy booties. Would not have been my first footwear choice with that getup.

  30. Brad didn't want to be confused with William Pitt who gave his name to Pittsburgh, you Know what a hottie He was. lol

  31. Carrie Underwood has some fantastic legs, keep it up girl! But everything else about you sucks a big donkey.

    ITA Charlize can do no wrong, it is almost unfair that someone can be that beautiful.

    I used to be a big Hillary fan, but after the nasty first hand experiences I have heard from others make me really dislike her now.

  32. Hmmm, that's the first where I've thought Charlize doesn't look that stunning.
    I also think Elizabetta looks mannish. Why does she get her own lingerie line?

  33. I'm so tired of BCoop. I don't get the appeal.

  34. What! Yall talking bad about my Carrie!? Oh no! (taking off earrings ans shoes) Them fighting words!
    I like Carrie but the color of that outfit, no.

  35. I'm not a fan of Charlize with short hair. There, I said it.

    Carrie bugs me for some reason. And usually her legs look great, but not in this pic, maybe it's the shoes?

    Elizabeth Olsen is cute.

    Elisabetta does look manly, why does she have a lingerie line?

  36. Charlize would look stunning bald in a gunny sack.

    Humans come with all mixtures of chromosomes. Maybe Canalis has the same as Jamie Lee Curtis, and most supermodels - Second Type Woman. Both are stunning, even if they look a bit androgynous, with great female bods, so how weird is that?

    Duff is looking great. Her blah hubby can suck it if that blind is about them. He's lucky to have her.

  37. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Off topic I just read this story on CB about Lindsay tweeting about Heath Ledgers death. I usually couldn't be bothered with her but this is insane. She tweeted that he will always be in her and " matty's" heart. Matty being his daughter. What a insensitive, stupid, offensive thing to do! someone in the comments said she heard from a friend of Naomi Watts that Lindsay was harassing his parents to attend the funeral and they had to send a lawyer's letter to get her to back off. They should put her away for a long time, between this and the New York Times article it's confirmed she belongs away from society, she was not built for. any kind of fame.

    1. @Katydid: GTFO! LIHO is one delusional beeyotch.

  38. Benedict seems to like to make it really difficult for cumberbitches to explain the appeal..

  39. Not sure about Carrie's outfit... I like the color and it matches well, but doesn't quite go with her complexion. And the shoes defn should've been black.

    Dakota & Elizabeth look like tweens.

    Is that really Demi?

    Good for Hilary - she seems like she's got a good head on her shoulders.

  40. @katydid

    That is unbelievable. Something like trying to crash a funeral is such a classic narcissistic thing to have done. It doesn't get much lower than that.

  41. Oh my dear sweet Benny, what have they done to you? Yikes.

  42. Oh my dear sweet Benny, what have they done to you? Yikes.

  43. I thought I was seeing a picture of Allen Cummings before I read that it was Bradley Cooper.

  44. Bradley...uh...this pose is so not helping you fight those (ahem) rumors. I'm half expecting him to whip out a cigarette with one of those long black filters attached on it and an ascot.

  45. Jesus, could cooper look any gayer?
    My crush on Charlize ended after Monster, she scares me now. Some math: Diane+Duff=hot, Carrie=legs, Demi+boots=doable, Lez+C(anal)is=prostitute?

  46. Not sure what the Dakota Fanning blind is, but I am really thinking she is a lesbian/bi. I haven't even heard any rumors of such things, but she only seems flirtatious or affectionate with women. Am I nuts or does anyone else see it?

  47. Maybe this is where the whole George/Randy Gerber love thing came from: Elisabetta looks just like Cindy Crawford. I can't give you the logistics, but it's in there somewhere!

  48. Just to clarify, I have a soft spot and a great deal of respect for Dakota. If she is really a lesbian, I would be very proud of her if she came out, especially since I don't think it would ruin her career in the least. If anyone can fill me on the blind,I would appreciate it.

  49. Millie there was one a while ago where Dakota and Kristen were the popular guess for being in a relationship or hooking on set and Dakota being upset Kristen wouldn't commit. Something like that, I can't remember exactly.

  50. Oh I love how Beyonce is bringing her delusion to a whole new level of 2.0 grandeur, an alternate reality that actually exists!

    Here, she would like you to casually think:
    "Beyonce, spy extraordinaire in training!" or "Beyonce is joining the resistance!" or "Beyonce on the front line, in a bunker at the White House!"

    Exibit A: she's fiercly wearing a beanie, has 4 sets of headphones and a bunch of technical transmission instruments in an one meter radius AND is seriously holding a pen (who uses those anymore!)

    What more can you ask?!

  51. Charlize is beautiful but this is just a no. The dress is very unflattering.

  52. @JSierra - Hilary has been a known bitch since her Disney days. Glad you know it now!

  53. Anonymous8:35 AM

    When I worked out every day I was in the best shape of my life!!! Your body will be BANGIN if you work out every day. Mental note, excercise in some way every day.
    Not that there's anything wrong with that, really, isn't Dakota Fanning rumored to be a lesbian? Didn't she get super duper close with K Stew on their last project together?

  54. Anonymous8:35 AM

    here here Katydid!

  55. Yay a Cumberbatch picture!!! Now a little less Assange and a little more John Harrison...
