Monday, January 21, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

An amazing man. Martin Luther King Jr.
Jessica Chastain should be smiling. Number one and two at the US box office this weekend.
Britney Spears out and about this weekend.
Courtney Love at Sundance.
David Beckham and his son sledding in London. 80 degrees yesterday in Los Angeles Dave.
Speaking of snow, Jennifer Hudson is enjoying some at Sundance.
Jillian Michaels gives her daughter a ride.
Kate Bosworth just happens to show off her ring to the photographers.
Kristen Bell surrounded by men with Uggs.
Kevin Costner and Ne-Yo in Paris.
Katy Perry and John Mayer in Washington DC.
Curtis Stone and Lindsay Price in a rare pap photo.
Sunday is shirt optional in Liev Schreiber's world.


  1. Is it just me or is Courtney looking really good?

  2. Mr. Costner...........

  3. I bet NeYo's show was very "neat".

  4. Courtney still looks good!

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I second that Agent It. Courtney looks still sober, but sad. Gawd that family pics are cute! David Beckham doesn't look old enough to have a son that grown. I hate Katy Perry with Mayer, you in danger girl.

  6. What's going on with Brittany's dress? Looks like her breast is about to fall out.

    1. @Audrey, I'm guessing you missed the whole post enty did about her dress from Sunday. He considers it a sign of Crazy Britneymaking a comeback. Lets hope not.

  7. I didn't know Curtis and Lindsay were together

  8. Anonymous12:39 PM

    the family, I'm tired today

  9. Ugh to all of the above except Liev. Long live Liev!

  10. Happy MLK Day. I think it's just perfect that Obama's inauguration and MLK's holiday coincide. I hope he can look down and embrace this moment knowing his sacrifice was not in vain.

    My favorite MLK day moment was on the L in Chicago. A man got on the quiet packed morning train and started singing Stevie Wonder's version of Happy Birthday. That man had a powerful voice! I was smiling all day :)

  11. Indeed, Costner reveal

    MLK is an inspiration. He is a perfect example of the power of one person changing (albeit slowly) the way people think/deal with one another.

    John Mayer kind of looks like a young Charlie Sheen there.
    (Think Platoon) He and Katy do seem happy. I hope he doesn't break her heart.

    Jennifer Hudson is beautiful. She simply glows

  12. I'm sick of Britney.

    Seeing Jennifer Hudson dressed like a normal human makes me realize just how gorgeous she is. Damn.

    Kate Bosworth looks weak.

  13. I know she's off the deep end, but I will never not love CLove.

    My BF and I had the pleasure of seeing The Mountaintop w/Sam Jackson & Angela Bassett last year and it was beyond amazing and SO powerful. Thank you, Dr. King.

  14. @Puggle! HAHA! I still think of "neat" every time I see him with performers.

  15. Curtis Stone wearing his baby in that Ergo carrier is Mom Porn

  16. Does Brit know her boob is making an appearance? Love her, but don't need to see the nip.

    Wow, Kate Bosworth, I beg you to eat. Skin and bones is not attractive. I hope her fiance is encouraging her to get help for her eating disorder.

  17. The I Have A Dream speech gives me chills. What an amazing man.

    I'm also sick of Britney.

    I will never not like Courtney Love. Hole is one of my favorite bands.

    I can't stand Jillian Michaels.

    Some of us like it cold!

  18. Part Two - no snark allowed in conjunction with MLK so needed a second post...

    Dear Jillian Michaels - I love Biggest Loser and have watched from the beginning. My BF even auditioned for the first round of contestants years ago (now he is too skinny). I have watched you get more dramatic and more angry with every season. What happened? You used to be the loveable hardass and now its just plain mean. This is the most painful season to watch bc your behavior is painful to watch. I just have ??? for you. This is coming from a unbiased fan who wonders why you went back bc it seems clear (at least to me) that your heart isn't in it anymore. Either that or you pissed off all the editors.

    So go enjoy that cute baby friend and revel in being a mom! They grow so fast and you shouldn't waste a minute of that precious time (by yelling at people in a magic gym on TV).

    1. ITA. Jillian is just out and out mean this season. I did used to like her in the beginning, but now I just can't with her.

      I'm glad to see a fellow BL watcher! I thought I was the only one left.

      I'm glad that Dolvett is still on. He seems nice and competent, and is very easy on the eyes.

    2. Dolvett is HOT! If I was a contestant now I think I'd want to be Team Dolvett. Bob's forehead is freaking me out these days. Sorry Bob. Still want to do yoga with you.

      My BF and I watch together. He has a huge crush on Alison Sweeney and I like to tease him about it. I love watching the transformation. Hard work does pay off!

    3. I would definitely be on Team Dolvett! Bob's hipster glasses look so dumb!

      Mr Green Mountain had a huge crush on the contestant Tara when she was on. We also watch the show together, usually eating pizza while doing so. So bad! But I also love watching the transformations. It's amazing.

  19. @Redd. Liev will always be Cotton Wary From Scream. 100 % cotton.

  20. Dr. King was so amazing. It's so sad he didn't live to see President Obama in office.

    I can see a big resemblance between Kate Bosworth and Edie Sedgwick in that photo.

  21. Yeah.....Courtney looks.....clean?? And her skin looks good, too. Shocking.

    I wonder way too much about Kate Bosworth. Like does she really look back at herself in Blue Crush and think "wow, I looked awful, so glad I weigh half that now, with thinning hair and a bony face." Yuck.

  22. I wish Jhud nothing but happiness after such personal tragedies..
    Kate B is proof thinner isn't better!
    And Curtis Stone!! Loved him since that show in oz when he and the other guy drove around in their camper van..

  23. I wish Jhud nothing but happiness after such personal tragedies..
    Kate B is proof thinner isn't better!
    And Curtis Stone!! Loved him since that show in oz when he and the other guy drove around in their camper van..

  24. Happy Birthday to MLK! Such an inspiration! The I Have a Dream speech still makes me cry.

    John Mayer looks almost clean. Special occasion?

    I've never liked Kevin Costner. Another one who gave me the creeps, much like Tom Crud.

    I, too, love Courtney Love and I hope she is or gets well.

  25. @Dia, I agree about MLK and Obama, what a wonderful coincidence and glad to see you posting, I feel like you haven't been posting as much.

    Poor Kate Bosworth, I think she looks sickly and pale. And her hair looks so thin.

    1. Thanks @all about eve! Real life is interfering with my gossip time. I haven't been able to keep up with both. And, frankly it's a leaving a huge whole in my ... Just kidding ;)

      Like that OctoP*ssy thread yesterday! That was a gem that keeps on giving and giving and giving.

    2. Hope all is well in real life and always happy to see your great comments :)

  26. I didn't know today was the President's inaugural and it's MLK's b/day?! Oh, people, that just put a big ol' smile on my face!! Thank you!

    (I've been avoiding the news for the last few weeks; it's a self-preservation thing for a sensitive chick like me.)

  27. Jessica Chastain just seems very much like this decade's Hillary Swank. She'll probably win at least two Oscars -- Hollywood loves her, and she's in some movies with huge box office -- but as for the public no one really seems to care.

  28. Amy, I care about what jessica Chastain does. She's this generations Meryl..I swear that's how I believe her career will play out. No offense to Meryl of course.

    Yeah totally awesome that Barack is sworn in on the MLK holiday! I remember being in the 3rd grade when he was killed and it was a very sad day. Our school put the flag at half staff. What wonderful things he could have done had he had the chance. Shame, shame.

  29. Bet you $100 that Kevin Costner has no idea who Ne-Yo is.

    I can't believe Katy Perry and John Mayer are still together.

  30. I do not like C Love. At all. She's trash.
    I also hope John doesn't break Katy's heart, but I feel like he's bound too. :(
    Kate B is just so sick with an eating disorder it's sad.
    @Dia and @green
    I watch TBL as well and I just don't see Jillian being meaner? Didn't she go all soft in the second epi and let them tell her what they could tolerate or not? What'd I miss?

  31. Jon & Katy, get out of my city before you infect us all with the plague.

  32. Man if Courtney can get it together, anyone can. I don't like her but i hope she stays sober.

    Britney needs a bra.

  33. RIP, MLK.

    Like Chastain's red dress and camel coat - nice!

    Did CLove raid Bieber's closet?

    Jennifer H looks good. Great smile!

    Schreiber can be shirt-optional any day of the week.

  34. At least Courtney has a coat at Sundance. Does anyone else remember years ago she tried to usher in the "outside in freezing weather without a coat" chic? That fad lasted about a cold minute.

  35. Martin Luther King - A Knock at Midnight.

    Youtube this immediately.

  36. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Jennifer lacefronts kill me
    Kate is funny looking

  37. Agent! Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem. Wow!

  38. Replies
    1. prolixe, thanks for fancy link:)

  39. Hi Dia, miss your posts :) Hope all is well!

  40. That poem genuinely moved me. I love that poetry is part of the inaugurations. - Kelley

  41. That poem genuinely moved me. I love that poetry is part of the inaugurations. - Kelley

  42. Thank you, Agent, for sharing that! Beautiful!

  43. He' s the sixth poet to have the honor. It began with JFK and poet Robert Frost.


  45. Britney, put a harness on those chichi balls already! And for someone so wealthy, there is no excuse for that Mickey Rourke hairline. Get your hair did!!

  46. Bosworth looks ... Oh, I don't even know this lady. I'm gonna let her be, with her teeth-gritting, fist-clenching, shaking, euphoric I'm-sure-totally-healthy thing going on over there.

  47. Courtney Love looks great, but I wish she could have pulled herself together more for her daughter when she was growing up. Hopefully they can begin to build a trusting relationship now.

  48. Courtney looks like she's had a lot of good plastic surgery. I almost didn't recognize her - certainly wouldn't if she passed on the street. For a weird perspective, she's got a small role in "Sid & Nancy" as Nancy's junkie friend in NYC. She looks like an entirely different person, not just a younger version of CoLo.

  49. It's funny that Lindsay Price popped up today- it was only last night that I was reading about how her parents are adopted siblings

  50. It's funny that Lindsay Price popped up today- it was only last night that I was reading about how her parents are adopted siblings

  51. Mala Propism - I read somewhere, like 100 years ago, that Courtney Love tried out for the Nancy role. It's too bad she went out and lived it -- sans the stabby part, thank goodness!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Kate Bosworth looks GROSS. Girl - please start eating! You look like you're about to literally die!
