Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Anna Kendrick's tweet about Ryan Gosling gets the top spot because it is the funniest thing I have read in awhile.
Amanda Bynes shows off her new cheek piercing. She is in the back seat of the car I hope and not driving.
If there is one person who knows what it is like to get over a cheating scandal, Bill Clinton is probably the person Kobe and Vanessa can turn to. And then Bill had her turn from him and then back to him again.
Brandi Glanville and Lisa Vanderpump hanging out last night.
Speaking of Kobe Bryant, apparently he actually knows who Chelsea Handler is which probably shocked them both.
And he can walk. Charlize Theron does not have to carry her son all the time now.
Speaking of walking, Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan take a walk and make sure to hold hands for the camera.
Long time no see Daisy Fuentes.
The first post-pregnancy announcement photo of Evan Rachel Wood.
Apparently Geri Halliwell likes recording in her bra. Probably why the Spice Girls broke up.
Jessica Chastain still riding that Golden Globe high.


  1. Geri Halliwell may be ridiculous, but damn! I wish I had those abs.

    What's going on with Channing and Jenna???? Sounds like a reveal.

    Lisa and Brandi look great.

    Charlize's son is adorable.

    Chelsea Handler always looks rode hard to me.

    1. Dude, i always find myself nodding in agreement at your posts! Right on Homey :)

  2. That Anna tweet is hilarious. Look at how many retweets!

    Amanda Bynes is the new old Britney.

    Daisy Fuentes hasn't aged!

    I'm pretty sure someone on here called it the other day that ERW looked preggers before they announced...

  3. Geri looks amazing

  4. As a general rule... cheek piercings look ridic.

    1. And really, one looks stupider than two!!!

  5. That isn't a piercing in Bynes' cheek, it is a jizz drain.

    1. Anonymous9:54 PM

      @count agreed :/

  6. Daisy Fuentes looks the same-ish as she did 25 years ago.

    I'm sure there are people here that might have them and to them I apologize but facial studs like Amanda's I find fairly unattractive. It looks like a steel pimple that's ready to pop.

  7. I don't know what's worst with amanda bynes, the stripperesque cheek piercing or that hideous shirt that probably cost more than $100

  8. Yeah,it's The Celebrity President !

  9. Amanda Bynes looks like Ashley Olsen with a 'stache.

  10. @greenmountaingal Thought the same. Channing & Jenna comment a reveal?

  11. People are getting their cheeks pierced now? Well, that'll help her get that role in the next Chekov production.

  12. There is nothing wrong with channing and jenna Reaching it.unless the blind is the one when she was cheating with her assistant is true. lol

    Amanda looks good lately

  13. Anna Kendrick just went up a notch in my book.

    The body language/facial expressions in the Kobe/Bill Clinton shot... hmmmm.

    Jesus Brandi G. is tall! And Chelsea is short! And yeah, Daisy Fuentes looks exactly the same.

    I like how Evan Rachel Wood denied her pregnancy after some magazine announced it, and then found out she really was pregnant. That's how I heard it, anyway. If true, it's a cute story.

  14. ^Well, she was bragging about being high and smoking pot a couple of weeks ago, so guess she really didn't know she was preggers. Or she was posing as a druggie, who knows.

  15. Charlize Goethe reveal? Bah.. I'm not buying it..

    I had a gf with those cheek simple piercings and hers were really cute. She didn't have chipmunk cheeks though. It only works for skinny faces..

    As unattracted as I am to Channing, I really like him and his wife together ..

    Chelsea looks like my future if I would've continued drinking every day the way I used to! So glad I decided to get my Excercise fix on instead!

  16. Aww, Conrad Bain aka Mr. Drummond from Diff'rent Strokes died...

  17. "Charlize Theron does not have to carry her son all the time no"... interesting.. reveal?

  18. Just the very sight of Chelsea Handler annoys me.

  19. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Mmmm...Anna Kendrick masturbating...

  20. I'm a lurker, not a commenter but @SusanB - THANK YOU for name checking Chekhov!

  21. Kobe/Vanessa/Bill for the blind about someone sitting on a celeb's lap & smooching at a GG afterparty?

    Cheek piercings - Portlandia, y'all!

    I really like ERW's jeans & scarf. Puffy jacket, not so much.

  22. Anna K always bugged me for some reason before. This coupled with the kindness reveal sealed it. I officially love her hard!

  23. I thought Kobe's wife was a Kartrashian. She looks very much like them.

  24. I read that people are taking Anna's tweet seriously. Good lord, people need to get a sense of humor. Ryan makes a lot of us loco lusty, but not that loco!

    I don't find Channing attractive (not my type) but with his face tucked down I see what the body obsession is about. I love me a big tall man

  25. I was one of those retweets, that chick is funny.

    I got a monroe piercing two years ago and that thing got caught on my teeth all the time. When I was chewing, drinking, talking, just moving my mouth around. Finally one day I was eating on campus and it came out and I just said "fuck it" and tossed it all away.

  26. I think the Charlize comment is more a dig at Katie Holmes..and maybe Asslee Simpson too.

  27. Can we talk about Manti Teo????

    Here's the original article:

    USA Today has a summary too

    1. UPL, here is his response:

    2. I saw it. I'm not sure I'm buying it though... Didn't he talk about how they met and in the deadspin article his dad talks about how she would go to Hawaii but he never met her? (I read it on my phone while at work so I might have read it wrong)

    3. Send it to Enty, maybe he will make a post about it:)

  28. Jeez they could have edited out a lot from that Deadspin article and been totally fine.

    That is one elaborate hoax and I totally believe he was in on it.
    Before watching Catfish I would never have thought someone could/would devote such a huge amount of time to being this fake person.
    But now I totally believe these kids concocted this scheme and decided to go all or nothing in order to insure Te'o ultimate success. I can just imagine them giving each other high fives and saying

    "Alright bro, Heisman here we come yea bra yea! Lets drink some Natty Ice and play Nintendo 360 bro Yeah *fist bump*!"

    1. Completely agree. I just can't think of a scenario where he wasn't in on it. I'm not buying his "I was tricked, I'm so embarrassed" story.

      You're a red raider, right? Do you still live in Texas? I'm in the Houston burbs

  29. I know nothing about the Notre Dame kid, but I believe it was a PR stunt. I also get the baseless feeling that it was done to either help get chicks or, uh.... avoid chicks.

  30. If Chelsea is really as old as she claims to be, she must have done a shit-ton of drugs to look that wrecked.

  31. I can't stand the Lakers.I only pulled for Kobe one time:during that rape bullshit.But dude is hella arrogant.Reading his print interviews,he finds himself so amazing,its comical.

  32. Loved the Anna Kendrick tweet. Wonder what her boy toy Edgar Wright thinks about that?

    He should cast Gosling in his next movie as a joke. Hmm with RG's indie past of half nelson and lars, that would we awesome.

    Of course Kobe knows Chelsea, she is that comment that has a craving for the dark meat. Sounds like a match made in heaven.

  33. I've been reading about the football player all afternoon. I'm leaning towards he was in on it just 'cuz I always think someone's guilty, but being a Mormon has me leaning the other way. Anything's possible.

  34. Him being a Mormon, not me....anymore.

  35. Re: ND I want to believe Manti and that he was duped. My mom is a huge ND fan and she really loved Manti, she's so upset now. First they lose and then this. Momma CB is not happy.

    Amanda Bynes is an idiot. Have fun getting surgery to remove that in a few months. I work with a girl who has that done and I think It looks dumb. One day that 'diamond' is gonna fall out and it'll look even more stupid.

  36. If I had Geri Haliwell's body, I'd be walking around in my underwear all the damn time.

  37. Bynes looks like an Amy Sedaris character.
