Monday, January 14, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

David Beckham always looks like he just walked off a photoshoot.
Jessie J conquers her fear of heights at this infinity pool in Singapore.
Justin Theroux in Milan.
Kristen Stewart making her way to LAX this weekend.
Melanie Griffith after a workout.
Molly Ringwald at LAX.
Also at LAX was Nicolas Cage and his youngest son.
Rihanna heads out for another night of partying.
More LAX. Nick & Vanessa Lachey and their baby.


  1. Someone needs to hide Justin Theroux's eyebrow pencil.

  2. Enty, it's January. I'm broke, cold and overweight after Christmas. I'm not going to throw fucking Jessie J a party for getting over her vertigo in an infinity pool in Singapore.

    Rant over : )

    1. I'll second that @mynerva

    2. mynerva, what! No compassion? :)

    3. Lol - no! But as I remarked on another thread, I think I have my Internet period today ; )

    4. This thread - I'm such a dumbass.

  3. Does Justin Theroux have jaundice?

  4. I don't know what it is about Justin Theroux sometimes he is super sexy and other times I feel he has people locked up in his home.

  5. I've noticed it too many times now for it to be a coincidence. Justin Theroux has the same eyebrow action habit going on in his expression as Ian Somerhalder does.

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Agree with the Theroux comments, enough with the man tan and the I'm so avante garde strange eyebrow lift. I understand that you're bored to tears living with Yawniston, but don't spend all your time in the mirror trying witty eyebrow lifting. Boring, he looks like he's slowly losing himself and his identity in the fame vaccuum. Rihanna and Nic Cage's outfits prove you can't buy style.

  7. @lizjaxe -- he looks too much like Ted Bundy for my comfort. (He's probably a normal sort of guy... still...)

  8. Nice muffiny hat, Molly.

  9. Between the fading plastic surgery and those horrible glasses Melanie G has some serious Jack-Nicholson-as-Joker action going on there.

  10. Oh, and damn Beckham looks good there. I would settle for being one-tenth that hot.

  11. Ha ha ha, was just coming to comment on Justin Theroux's "John Black from Days of Our Lives" eyebrow situation. Nice to know I am not alone in my snark.

    1. Hey! Don't drag John into this-I'll think you're on the Pheonix's payroll!

    2. LMAO! Nice!!! :)

  12. Who is this Jessie J person?

    David Beckham...hubba hubba.

    Kristen Stewart really doesn't need to be famous. She sucks.

    I do agree that Justin Theroux has a serial killer quality.

  13. i'm getting swoony over beckham comning home to THAT.

    molly ringwald looks great in a beret!

  14. Too funny. I was actually going to say Justin looks Hot!

  15. JA really has redone Justin into a the male equivalent of her. Tan, groomed, oh so cool. It's a shame. I really don't get what he's doing with her, he's a Theroux so has to have those super smart genes, whereas JA strikes me as very superficial.

    I love Molly RIngwald. Now there's a girl who didn't get sucked in. I wonder if there's a story behind that.

  16. @MK omg, I can't even watch Days because of those brows.

    @Mari lol.

  17. @green - she's an English singer, one of the judges on the UK Voice. She's actually pretty ok. I think I just have my blog period.

  18. For a second, I thought the Kristen Stewart photo was Lohan coming home.

    I swear I saw a Chris Brown/Rihanna tweet a couple of days ago about "tatting."

  19. Yeah, Justin looks good here and other times not so sure.

    Oh Melanie...the face is so awful with the over doing it. Grow old gracefully.

  20. Love Molly! I just watched Pretty in Pink yesterday.

  21. Msgirl - Molly Ringwald did an "Ask Me Anything" post on In it, she talks about fame and all that stuff, pretty interesting.

  22. LOL @ John Black eyebrow references!

  23. @Lucas, I was just going to say that the shape of those sunglasses on Melanie is doing her plastic surgery no favors.

    Justin Theroux reminds me of a less squinty Eddie Cibran.

    Vanessa is beautiful...they seem happy.

  24. Molly was perfect on Reddit, love her and love her airport look.

  25. i love molly but she kinda looks like a homeless airport squatter in that pic. still my fave 80s idol tho.

    i wish beckham would be walking off the set of our next years xmas card photoshoot. xxxSWOONxxx. he makes my ladybits all sparkly.

  26. Molly is still very pretty to me. I wanted to be her back in the 80's.

  27. Anonymous9:25 PM

    i think justin is extremely smokin hot, my lawd! he gives me goosebumps lol

    why does rihanna always wear the most painful looking heels?

    molly is gorgeous wow

  28. Justin looks so scrawny.... Eat something dude. I loved him in six feet under. Best thing about him is he's related to Louis Theroux, I have a super crush on Louis.

  29. If Kristen Stewart brushed her hair and tucked in her shirt she could probably walk through LAX undetected.

  30. I finally forced myself to watch Snow White...Huntsman... Kristen was horrible ... one facial expression throughout...her "pained" expression...though I didn't notice any lip-biting. There was one scene though where she smiled and I thought her face would break...she looked like she was in pain. Liam was okay and Charlize was really good as usual...I continued to watch just because of her. I also tried to watch "on the road" and the movie was least for me (and not because of Kristen)
