Friday, January 11, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Ellen Barkin sitting on the ground in NYC while wearing a fur and yelling at someone on the phone. How can that not be the top photo?
Adele sneaks through the paps at LAX.
Blue Ivy tries to carry Beyonce on her shoulders.
Guy Ritchie and a very umm pumped up David Beckham.
Elizabeth Banks filming Walk of Shame.
Elisha Cuthbert looks the best I have seen her.
Hello Alyssa Milano.
Gemma Arterton and Jeremy Renner promoting their movie.
The Goopster shows off her kids.
Jamie Foxx in London.
Kristen Bell showing off her baby bump while she shops.


  1. Is it bad that I just want to know Adeles baby name!!

  2. That Ellen Barkin picture makes me sad. Someone told me I remind them of her a couple weeks ago! :/

    1. Ellen Barkin is hot. That's an unfortunate photo.

    2. Amber, somebody told my sister in law's sister that she looked like somebody from Mob Wives:)

    3. That is a COMPLIMENT! I think she's stunning. I got "You could be Celine Dion's Sister!" And I nearly hung myself.

    4. I still think that's a compliment. I love Ellen B. I even love her in that photo. Sometimes you just need to cuss someone out while sitting on the stoop in your fur!

      Go sassy Ellen!

    5. And she's wearing blue nail polish! Ellen B you're even sassier!!!

    6. Anonymous7:56 AM

      @amber ellen was smokin HOT in Operation: Endgame! that's all i've seen her in lol

  3. Jamie Foxx vs David Beckham.... French Girl, thinking of you :)

  4. Helloooooo David Beckham!

    I think I'm the only person who's sick of Adele.

    For some reason, Elizabeth Banks annoys me. No idea why, though.

    That's a cute picture of Gwyneth and her kids.

    Elisha Cuthbert looks gorgeous.

    I'm convinced that Beyonce is really a dude.

  5. Jamie Foxx, leave the purple satin to Elisha Cuthbert.

    Beyonce's tummy looks exactly the way it did pre-Blue Ivy.

    @Amber I'm sure they didn't have that picture in mind! She was pretty hot in Oceans's 13.

  6. Nothing against the kids but yow - apple needs braces...

  7. OT - does anyone remember the blind about the a lister hitting on his costar who had a BF? many guesses were b cooper and j lawrence.

    DM is reporting the JL broke up with NH and may now be dating BC.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      @tiger omg no!! i hope that last part isn't true :/

  8. @Amber, a friend's mom told me that I looked like Bethany Frankel once. I tried to thank her nicely, but inside I was horrified.

  9. Anonymous12:44 PM

    all the ladies look amazeballs!

  10. @*karen* LOL for the record you are 100000x prettier. This is how I feel when people tell me I look like Margaret Cho. 'Cause you know, all Asians look the same.

  11. @JSierra - holycrap I think your avatar is the best thing ever!

  12. Uhmmmm, Hello David!!!

  13. That pic of Ellen Barkin reminds me of Larry King.

  14. I know that we give Goop a lot of crap on here, but at least she actually spends time with her kids.

    Sara Evans, the country singer, once posted a picture on Facebook of the door frame in a rental she was staying in that Goop had lived in while filming Country Strong. It had Apple's and Moses' height marks written on it (with their names labeled). Probably should have covered that up in a rental, but I thought it was cute.

  15. Why is Becks hanging around Guy Richie with his package proudly on display? Or I could say it another way.. why is he parading around in his panties?

  16. Ellen looks like Dan Akroyd in Trading Places (homeless fur coat). Is this for a movie?

    First we get Jon Hammbone and now David "Packing" Beckham. Wow!

    Alyssa Milano looks like she's wearing one of those "towel sheets." She's rather pretty, color would look good on her.

    Don't care whether or not he bats for the other time, I really like Jeremy Renner. He *made* Hurt Locker for me.

    @JSara, I'm sure as soon as organic, metal- and manufactured-product-free artisan braces come out, Goop will spring for them. And blog about it. Only $1.4 million!

    I can't look at Jamie Foxx anymore without thinking Prince Albert!

    Wearing a giant bulky sweater over leggings is "showing off" your pregnancy belly? Who knew?

  17. Guy Ritchie is directing Beckham's new H&M ad.

  18. I am convinced Blue Ivy must look exactly like her father...I have yet to see that child's face and I want to know why.

  19. It seems like these blue ivy holiday snaps are more about showing off the location

  20. I'm so glad Adele emerged from her crash in her 4 x 4 unscathed.

    She was Rolling in the Jeep.

    Sorry, started drinking early today.

  21. I saw a clip of Adele and a zoo of paps in her face, cameras with flashes going, disgusting. With a baby no less.

    That said, I really didn't care for her Skyfall song. She does have an amazing voice, I'll give her that. AND seems to be trying to live as normal a live as possible.

  22. Oh and Elisha looks wonderful! I have a soft spot for her, she had go through some of the most ridiculous plots ever on 24.

    If JL is dating BC I'll lose respect for her, please no.

  23. Apple is going to be the spitting image of gwyneth.

    Yowza, Becks. You could poke someone's eye out with that.

    1. Please, please, please let it be mine

  24. @Agent - that's just cruel. LOL

  25. @msgirl - yes. unfortunately people and us are reporting same. sigh.

    i got a weird vibe off her speech comment about him taking her breath away. shizz.

  26. Tigercat - oh for shizz is right. I can't believe how much this makes me sad....

  27. At first, I thought Gemma and Jeremy were wearing bunny slippers in that picture.

    1. @Robert, so did I... WTF is that stuff?

  28. male genitalia isn't shaped like that. me thinks Becks stuffs!

  29. Oh man, I thought Lawrence was the coolest but getting with Coops? Come on, J.

  30. one of the et shows had JL in the back of a car crying on a phone and it looked like she was saying I'm so ya breakup?:

  31. Beyonce's body looks nothing like that magazine cover that is making the rounds. It is a fantastic body but certainly not as skinny as it was photoshopped to be.

    Apple has Gwyneth's old nose.

  32. J.L & B.C must be PR for the awards...she said he creeped her out. Personally I think he's a shit.

  33. she had go through some of the most ridiculous plots ever on 24

    That is a fact.

    She looks a lot better than she has in the past on the red carpet, but...too mature, I think? I could easily see someone ten, fifteen years older pulling that look off, maybe twenty or more, even, if they hit the same genetic jackpot Helen Mirren did.

    Still, big improvements from her lately, style-wise. Definitely suspect she's got a new stylist these days.

  34. Ha @Ms Cool That's what I was gonna say about Beyonce's body not looking at all like the body on that cover!

  35. Alyssa Milano would look fantastic in Elisha Cuthbert's dress.

    @SingBlue, it had to be said, may as well by you.

    Love Ellen Barkin. And I would walk with her through anywhere in NYC at 3pm unafraid.

  36. Ellen B., what an embarrassing picture, poor woman...

    I love seeing the celebrity kids - Gwyneth's kids look so happy and Ivy Blue is so doted upon. Beyonce just has a 6-pack. If she didn't, people would probably complain that she's fat.


    Good one, SingBlue, I loved your joke.

  37. @Amber, take it as a compliment, that's just a bad picture.

    I really want to see Blue Ivys face!

  38. Poor Beyonce's hair looks like the business end of a rubbermaid commercial mop.

  39. @msgirl @MISCH @AllaboutEve

    confirmation is that JL and NH broke up.

    but only DM is implying that JL and BC are together as they were seen out to dinner after the award show last night.

    i think MISCH is onto something with the PR angle. at least, that's what i'm going to hope is happening.

    i second the feelings of sad disappointment if they are actually dating for reals.

    first mila k now possibly this? my poor gossipy heart ... ;)

    1. I still have a little bit of hope that it's not true, I really like JLaw! And ditto about Mila too.

  40. A friend of mine worked on a film with Alyssa and said she is a very considerate person. She likes to use her fame as much as she can to help other people. She seems very genuine. And she does look gorgeous here!

  41. Liz and Dick comes on at 8/7central tonight on Lifetime Movie Network for those of us who missed it the first time around!

  42. @candibugbug I actually think her hair looks nice, very similar to how mine looks when it isnt straightened. Natural curls are beautiful! (Although hers is probably a weave:-)

    Alyssa milano looks gorg!

    Gwynnie's kiddies are cuuuute

  43. I love Elizabeth Banks!! She ways makes me laugh. Poor thing looks like she's freezing!

    Serious girl crush on Alyssa! Can we please hang? I promise I won't spend the whole time talking about Charmed and your stellar abs. *was that last part a bit too much?*

  44. Jeremy, the Goopster AND Kristen?


  45. Oh please no on the JLaw + BCoop hook up. Just please. No.

  46. Not gonna lie - I was studying Alissa's hair this morning in the DM. Whenever I get gussied up, I like to do a Bohemian braid somewhere in my hair.

    Yup, Elisha looks sensational. That dress needs to be in my closet!

    People always tell me I look like somebody, whether it's an actress or their freakin college roommate (I'm often asked to speak to a friend because I sound like them too. Weird). I'll never forget when my comparison went from a 20 something to a 40 something literally overnight. I was about to throw on a black Sicilian mourning dress, eat some bran and see if the Lawrence Welk Resort would live up to my expectations

  47. @Amber, I find Ellen Barkin very quick witted and spunky (good attributes in my book!), I would take it as a compliment. The shit she's done to her face sort of sucks though. She was gorgeous.

    I should have gone on here earlier, I would have seen JSierra's comment. I missed Liz and Dick again! I know it will suck, but I really want to see it!

  48. Ugh, I'd hope JLaw would be smarter than to get involved with that tool. Channel your inner Katniss, girl!

  49. I j'adore Elizabeth Banks!!! How awesome we're here Pitch Perfect cameos?!

  50. Anonymous10:33 PM

    *Karen*, just know that you are infinitely better looking than Bethenny freaking Frankel! That's an odd comparison, from your pic you look nothing like her.

  51. Adele's baby is most definitely not in a car seat ...

  52. Sorry, every time I see Jeremy Renner all I can think of is how much he annoyed me in National Lampoon's Senior Trip. I never knew weed and a 40oz could give you flashbacks years later.

  53. LOL Sorry - E Barkin is fantastic. My comment was half-joking in response to this picture specifically. And believe me, there are plenty of times when I look unacceptably rough!

    The "Rolling in the Jeep" comment made me giggle!

  54. BB cream/tinted moisturiser and a new hair color for Ellen Barkin and she d look 10 times better!

  55. Kimberly Drummond representin' here. I posted her mug shot as my profile pic on Facebook for celebrity doppelganger week. My own sister called me pissed because she thought I had a clean record. lmao

  56. Thanks, Amber - my husband is an Adele fan and that joke cracked him up this morning. :)

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. @amber - I am loving her on the New Normal. She has been MIA for too long. And I love that show too. They challenge all the stereotypes that need to be challenged with old fashioned Satire! Good for them!

  59. About Blue Ivy; i think he has something (as in a handicap that is visible) or she is ugly (sorry, no other way to put it besides Jay-Z looking xD).
    If Beyonce just wanted to hide the kid for the sake of privacy, why do show pics of her, but only from weird angles so u can't see her face? She still tries to get the attention, so think there is something wrong with the kid; you either show her completely, or you do not show her at all.

  60. I don't really like Beyonce, but I understand keeping the child's face out of pictures. If you didn't show the kid at all, people would freak out with crazy theories, at least this way, they have some amount of privacy.

    I must be the only one that thinks Beckham is creepy. He always looks dirty.

  61. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Loling at Beckhams pillow bulge. Jamie Foxx feels comfortable in a purple suit? Re: the magnificent brassy Ellen Barkin: I usually bitch about older women overdoing it with the plastic surgery, but a little, well done is fine. Sorry, but looks like Barkin needs a good facelift right away. They're so tastefully done now. Wasn't she married to the maybelline heir? And she auctioned off all her jewels? What I'm saying is she's got PLENTY of cash so there's no need to be squatting on the street looking like that! Even in a nice fur.
