Monday, January 28, 2013

Random Photos Part Three - SAG Awards Part Two

At this point I don't know if I would believe you if you said Claire Danes just gave birth. She looks thinner than before she was pregnant and that is saying something because I don't think she ever ate.
Some more Homeland love.
Ben Affleck and Hugh Jackman love on each other.
Justin Timberlake and James Marsden hug it out.
Anne Hathaway in funeral attire.
Sofia Vergara said that she looked like a hooker in this outfit. I don't see it.
Nicole Kidman
Naya Rivera
Anne Hathaway gets groped by her husband.
Amanda Seyfried and Isla Fisher.


  1. when Amanda Seyfried speaks, it trips me out. she is such a 'slow talker'.

    1. She had definitely popped some pills last night? Every interview was just strange beyond words.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I like the Hathaway and Hubby pic why not?, and the Seyfried and Fisher one, although Seyfried doesn't look so happy.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Amanda looks great in that dress.

  4. Everyone looks fab here except Naya. I just can't get behind that outfit.

    I actually thought Sofia looked a lot more understated, and famous, than normal.

    1. Grr...not "famous"...she looked fabulous.

  5. Claire Danes made a wonderful reference to spanx when she won.

    Amanda Sey was really kooky on the red carpet.

    Anne getting "groped" but her husband's shadow is clearly showing up on her arm. If it were on her boob how could there be shadow?

  6. I agree Lola. I think Sophia toned down her makeup. She looks way prettier with less makeup.

    Isla is adorable.

  7. I love Justin Timberlake's personal style. Wish I could see that suit from the front.

  8. I really hate this whole thing where we decide that a woman lost her baby weight too fast or she kept it for too long or looked as if she was never pregnant. Drives me crazy.

    Naya Rivera is gorgeous, when I see her all I can think about is how hilarious she was as little Richie's gf on Family Matters!

    Anne and her hubby are adorable :-)

    1. TGIF! I loved all those shows. Didn't realize she was on it.

    2. Lol yes!! I loved that show. She was soo sassy and cute. Check the link.

    3. @ S Joy, I had no idea that was Naya Rivera!! She was so cute! And now I feel old lol

    4., adorable! I was dying over her little faux fur coat. She was sassy!

    5. @S.Joy, it's not healthy to lose weight that fast, especially if you choose to breast feed. I think a lot of the new mothers either do extreme diet/exercise, or get a few nip tucks. You DO NOT lose that amount by just "running around after the kids". I work with kids, running after them just makes you tired, it doesn't take 10lbs off of your frame.

      Also, Full House pwned all of the other TGIF shows. Maybe not Boy Meets World, but you get the gist.

  9. Affleck and Jackman look like Super Clone Bros. AfflJack?

  10. I think the hooker comment came from her openeing statement that some of the actors made about becoming an actor. Sofia said her father would think she's a hooker if she becomes an actress to which she replied that because of the boobs she got from his mother they already think that. So something very close to that.

  11. Speaking of funeral attire, would anyone know where I could get a hat like the one the dowager countess wore last night on Downton Abbey (or at least the lace)? And would it be wrong that I want to wear it with my wedding gown?

  12. Shave, Hugh, we deserve your gorgeous mug!

    I kind of like Anne's dress. She bucked the "strapless & sparkly" trend.

    Sofia looks lovely.

    Oh, dear, Nicole. It looks she was auditioning for a part on a remake of The Birds. And her face froze.

    Naya is gorgeous.

    Amanda S - every time I see her, I think of her character on Mean Girls.

    Gretchen, I'm sorry I laughed at you that time you got diarrhea at Barnes & Nobles.
    And I'm sorry for telling everyone about it.
    And I'm sorry for repeating it now.

  13. Isla Fisher always makes me smile.

  14. Nicole Kidman looks foxy. Love her dress.

    Claire Danes looks great.

    AnnE needs to eat a double patty melt & a Friendly's ice cream sundae.

    Charo Part 2 is so annoying. Everytime I changed the channel last night, her stupid Pepsi commercial was on. Ugh!

  15. Worst hair of the night
    #1-January Jones
    #2-Nicole Kidman
    #3-Kayley Cuoco
    #4-Hugh Jackman's beard

    1. @sherry, add Frieda Pinto to that last.

    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Agreed it made her look so much older than she is, how is it that we all see the bad hair but no one getting paid by these stars does? There's some things that are a matter of taste others that are just bad. I don't get it

    3. Yes she had helmet head!

  16. Sofia is beautiful but I am ready for a new look, like *gasp* dare a say, an updo?

  17. LOL Sherry - HJ's beard! Who is playing that role these days? Just kidding!

  18. Sherry- you forgot Alec Baldwin!

  19. Love anne hathaway. Claire danes has always been thin. Im not surprised, and since there are billions of women in the world who give birth, there isnt any prototype as to how a woman shld look after doing so.

  20. Claire Danes did not gain much weight in her pregnancy. She looks like a slim friend of mine who swam until two days before her baby was born. Her tummy was out of shape but the rest of her looked the same.

  21. I was very active during both pregnancies and was thinner than before after both. Being a new mom takes a lot of energy! If your metabolism is in a good place it's not unheard of. Wish I was now the size I wore after having my youngest!

  22. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I really like Claire's dress.

  23. Funeral attire!

    Anne hair style in this pic looks exactly like my sister in-law's.

    This is not a compliment.

  24. Amanda was...high!!!on the fun of the evening. o_O

  25. Hello Ben & Hugh! Damn they are both smoking hot! I love men with nicely groomed facial hair. Add a suit and hell yeah!

    Love the Homeland group!

    Isla is adorable, love her.

    I'm a little pissed that I missed the show last night? Grrr.

  26. @ prolixe - diarrhea? Barnes and Noble? What??

    Claire looks great but I don't care for her dress.

    Nicole Kidman and Kaley Cuoco must have both had their hair done by Cousin It's stylist.

    Isla Fisher is frickin' adorable !!

  27. @Mango - I can't find the clip, but Amanda played Karen the ditz in Mean Girls - she was hilarious. Here she is asking how Lilo can be a white person from Africa.

  28. OMG! I didn't know that Naya R. was that little girl on Family Matters! She has grown to be a beautiful woman!

  29. There's a 30 percent chance that it's already raining.

  30. If you're from Africa, why are you so white?

    "Mean Girls" quotes to live by!

  31. Anne! You can be annoying at times, but dammit, you still have a great body! You have a body that can pull off so many great looks, that others can't. Find a spectacular dress for the Oscars, and rock it. Your last few choices have been disappointments!

  32. Anne's husband groping her is a depth issue. You can see by the shadow, he's probably reaching to touch her arm, but they shot it when his hand was passing her breasts.

    On the other hand, if I was dating Anne Hathaway, I'd probably be groping her too.

    I think Sofia Vegara looking like a hooker is more about the feeling then the actual look.

  33. TGIF! Did anyone else sing "TGIF" as they typed it?

    That was the highlight of my childhood, waiting until all my brothers and sister went to bed and then getting to stay up and watch Sabrina, Boy Meets World, So Little Time. Man, those were the days.

    Sorry for the hijack, I got a little carried away there.

    I can't help it if I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina!

  34. Anonymous7:55 PM


  35. @fancyscreenname


  36. That's another quote from Mean Girls you guys!

    I don't think @JSierra would really tell us about her personal vaginal issues.

  37. Well I guess not everyone has seen Mean Girls.

  38. Omg @Jsierra, I can't believe they actually think you meant that about yourself! Lol just like Mariah Carey, I could quote that movie all day long.

  39. Lotta it's like you have ESPN or something. There's a 30% chance that *grabs boob* no one will get that reference.

  40. Haha but I did because I have a fifth sense.

  41. ITA, RocketQueen. Justin Timber looks GREAT. I sent pics of his suit/shirt/tie up close to my husband this a.m. And then looked up the price of his Tom Ford suit (only $4200!). He was my best dressed last night. ;)

    I'm loving all the Mean Girls quotes. One of my favs was "Four for you, Glen Coco! You go, Glen Coco!"

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. And so it goes, and so it goes.

  44. Do you even go to school here? Get out! Lmao

  45. LOL'ing! Love that movie!

  46. I honestly think Amanda Seyfried is just a strange bird because in every interview I've seen of her, she seems drunk or high or "over it." She's a definite weirdo! Good thing she's SO pretty.

  47. I really don't care for Sofia V., can't stand the way she talks find it very annoying. Also very tired of her mermaid type dresses.
