Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Pamela Anderson drunk as a skunk last night.
Rosario Dawson and her boyfriend Danny Boyle. Rosario got out of this top shortly after this photo was taken and yes, there are photos out there.
Reese Witherspoon back to the workout grind after her vacation in Hawaii.
Sally Field looking great at the NY Film Critics Awards where
Matthew M showed off his weight gain and
Rachel Weisz picked up an award for best actress while Daniel Craig looked on.
Salma Hayek and her wild hair at LAX.
Sarah Jessica Parker takes the twins out for a walk.
Taylor Swift goes home alone after her fight with Harry Styles.


  1. I had no idea Rosario was dating Danny Boyle.

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I am taking malicious pleasure in the Taylor Swift picture.

  3. I revise my former comment .. JT and Pammy ( in my Chris Farley voice ) GOT IT ON

  4. Looks like lots of blind reveals here!

    I've always thought that Rosario Dawson was fug and I can't believe she dated Smith Jerrod.

    Salma and Rachel Weisz are gorgeous. So is Daniel Craig.

    I hope Squinty Swift The Creeper sails into oblivion.

  5. My husband would trade me in in heartbeat for Salma. He thinks she's so sexy.

  6. I'm guessing Pam's teenage sons are pretty proud...

  7. What is going on with Pam's stockings? Doesn't she have Hep C? Drinking not good.

    Sally Field looks terrific!

    I love Matthew's suit - glad to see he's gaining weight.

    Taylor looks super sad & lonely. Girl, take a break!

  8. Nothing sadder than having to take the boat ride home of shame

  9. @Syko, me, too. I'm awful :(

  10. Rosario and Danny Boyle... Whaaat?

    Matthew, please keep gaining!

    I think Salma's daughter looks like her mini-me.

  11. The pic of Taylor made me LOL

  12. Ohh Taylor. I can only imagine the heartbreak medley that she is probably belting at the top of her lungs while flinging herself dramatically around the back of the boat, only pausing to offer a sad hand to the sunset as it too runs away from her.

  13. Don't you mean "drunk as a skank" Enty?

  14. @DBZee, if she's the answer to one of yesterday's blind items, she lied about having Hep C to gain public sympathy. So she can drink to good health!

  15. Salmas daughter looks just like her dad in that pic

  16. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Agree@ *Karen* drink up Pammy!! To your health, lying ho. This guys and gals is another of many confirmations through the daily pics confirming the day before's blinds!

  17. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Taylow Swift is such a frickin stalker. Granted we were all boycrazy from 15 to 17, but once you actually do get to date, go out, then go out to bars, guys start losing that forbidden allure and quickly just become gross, annoying, douchey, or any of the other myriad stereotypes that can describe lame members of the male species. My point is, that Taylor Swift is 23, isn't it time for her to outgrow writing Mrs. Taylor_____ fill in the blank on her trapper keeper? There are other things in life besides boys and high school crushes.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she has some pretty serious mental issues. She IS a grown woman, people forget that because she looks 17.

  18. Rosario Dawson fug? pleassse.

  19. Those three little girls are so damn cute!
    Wait, I'm so confused. If Pam lied about having hep why would someone say Kid Rock got it from her and then hit her for it?

  20. I guess I'm going to hell too because I laughed at Taylor all alone on the that boat. Sorry Tay, but leave the fellas alone for a while.

  21. oh poor Tay Tay write us a song won't you?

  22. Timebob you are ON today..

    Poor poor Pammy...nothing to do but hook and party. No wonder you like it better than acting..Probably an easier gig for you.

  23. Does anyone know who makes that little puffer jacket of the friend/trainer of Reese Witherspoon? A non-puffy puffer. I must have it

    1. @Sunny, almost positive it is by Patagonia. A friend has one from Patagonia that looks exactly like that, plus the tag in front looks like their logo. Super cute in person, btw.

    2. That is really cute, I found a green puffer by Patagonia on www.backcountry.com, wish I could justify the purchase but it's 50 degrees here this week! ;)

  24. Throw me on the pile that got a chuckle out of Taylor Swift's somber boat ride of single doom.

    Her *millions* will help ease the pain of unrequited teenage pony love, Im sure.

    Those girls of SJPs are so cherubic!

    I really don't like that Rachel Weisz lady...she seems sinister.

  25. Yeah E Gee Be! I know they are expensive, but it will live on in my closet 4evah!

    1. Uniqlo.com has a version of it too, not quite as well made, but more affordable, all the trendy youngsters I know are obsessed with Uniqlo!

  26. Daniel Craig, gorgeous as ever! Matthew McConacraycray, however, looks like a museum exhibit.

  27. I think that's Carrie Bradshaw with SJP's twins. I actually think it's a really cute pic.

  28. That lady in the photo with Reese is the one she's photographed giving a very intimate looking kiss a few years back!
    Looks like they're still as close as ever.

  29. wait, are we starting to believe that Swiftee and 3rd guy to the right, are more than a publicity hook up? When did that happen? I figure her publicity people Need to keep her dating otherwise her "done me wrong" songs will seem obsessive and not just the one trick this pony knows. She's a "Method" songwriter...

  30. Pam has a really huge forehead.

  31. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Taylor has to leave the boys alone. Stop chasing. Spend your millions, travel. She seems smothering. Like the image she wants is happily ever after . Not real life if u haven't lived yet and a person doesn't have anything abt u to love

  32. Boat ride home of shame....yea, because we've all been there. Well, not the boat ride part. Or the hipster English popstar dude. Or as public as she is. Ok, maybe just the 'shame' part. I've had my share, that's for sure!

  33. @greenmountaingal

    I know that the word 'squinty' is going to offend some people in the forum.

    1. Really? How so? I certainly don't mean it to offend anyone. It's just my descriptor of Swifty.

    2. Squinty as in needs glasses.. I get it and wouldn't infer it any other way

  34. Salma looks like a hobbit here with tiny hands

  35. Wow, I still remember when MM was hot. I wonder if he'll ever return to that. His Adam's apple is creeping me out!

    Nothing Pam A does surprises me. I see a sick, sad person who self-medicates to get through.

    Taylor seems to self-medicate with men. Sad that she's so needy. She seems very affected by young fame. I hope she gets therapy.

    Love Sally Field! She looks awesome! Interesting dress!

  36. I'm not sure MM can return to any sort of hotness. I think he just lost it all completely. Partly thanks to that HUGE adams apple. It's just gross.
    @Tuxedo, did you see the last episode of Last Man Standing? In reference to your 'squinty may offend some' comment. Not a dig, but it was sort of a funny episode.

  37. Rosario Dawson has really let herself go

  38. @Silly Girl

    No, I haven't seen it -- what happened? BTW, I hope you are getting over your shock a bit.

  39. @greenmountaingal

    It's a racist term, not common, but there.

  40. @tuxedo, the youngest daughter calls a kid named 'Jay', 'Gay' as a joke and she gets suspended. The joke itself wasn't funny, it was more Tim Allen's reaction to all of it. Sort of goes with @greenmountaingal not meaning it as a racist term, but noting that Swifts eyes are 'slanty'. Turns out (spoiler alert for a stupid show) the boy likes her, so he called her names first, but she didn't want to tell on him, because she liked him. Sophomoric humor, but it's better than shoot 'em ups when it's time to wind down for bed!

  41. @Silly Girl

    Thanks, Silly Girl for taking the time to respond!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. @Alicia

    My point was, the girl can't help how her eyes look.

  44. I should have elaborated. I'm not trying to be a bitch, but I know for a fact there are people on the forum who have visual impairments.

  45. I have terrible eyesight - if you called me squinty-eyed in the morning between the time I stumble out of bed, try to find my glasses, then stumble to the bathroom to squintily put my contacts in... I would say you are quite correct in your assessment.

    Haven't seen "squinty eyes" as a racial slur for some time, but who knows what makes an insulting comeback. Currently hating how the word "retard" is passed around like it's funny.

    Squinty-eyes isn't how I see her, more like creepy eyes. (No offense to creepers.)

  46. The word 'squinty' has come up before, with respect to another celebrity. It wasn't me that mentioned it, so there are obviously other people that it bothers.

    @DZBee I know, 'retard' bothers me, too. My first husband was a psychologist at a facility for the mentally handicapped, so I have known many clients through him.

    Sorry, everyone to be so off-topic, I didn't mean this to go on so long. I could have said it in one post instead of four -- multi-tasking, I guess.
