Monday, January 28, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Justin Timberlake might be goofing around, but lets face it, he doesn't want Jay-Z to get wet and leave Justin's music video.
Snooki gets lost in a crowd doesn't she? Apparently Jwoww is very proud of her breasts.
I think Miley Cyrus forgot her top.
Meanwhile her possible future brother in law vacationed with Miley and
Liam and another Hemsworth brother and their dad in Costa Rica.
Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr at LAX.
Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer take out the twins.
Ryan Lochte would like you to look at him please.
Sharon Stone walks the mean streets of Beverly Hills.
Meanwhile Zac Efron is filming a movie. One of these days he is bound to be in a successful one.


  1. Amazing how fast Ryan Lochte became a has-been.

  2. I totally forgot about Anna & Stephen having those twins.
    J.woww is fucking nasty.
    Looks like being ripped is a thing in the Hemsworth family.

  3. These Jersey people and their stupid names. And shoes. Enough.

    DM has an article with Mylie talking about she never toed the Disney line. You know, it is possible to go from goody-two-shoes to Playboy candidate. I love Miley, just wish she'd tone down the "I'm so edgy!" moves.

    {sigh} Thor. Sun & surf. {sigh}

    Orlando/Miranda for the breakup? Who doesn't love Legolas?

  4. Ugh, that "It's ______, bitch(es)." thing needs to go away.

    Would it kill you to eat a little pussy, Sharon Stone!? Start with Ryan Lochte's.

  5. Miranda is so out of touch on how to be a mom, she's barely figured out how to carry her kid properly and orlando still looks really good. He needs to leave that floozy.

  6. Miley's teef are taking over that whole picture not her breasts!

  7. Timberlake is ridiculous

    Jersey Shore are so stupid..

    I am tired of Miley. Don't care and don't like her.

    I thought Bloom and Kerr were already divorced or separated??

  8. just saw 'the paperboy'. zac cannot act.

  9. Holy reveals, batman.

  10. Justin Timberlake is SO ANNOYING!

    Seeing the Hemsworth fam makes me wish there were waves here today.

    I really like Miley. She hasn't really turned out that bad considering we were all saying she was going to be the next Britney. She only really had that bong scandal, but she's young and it was probably only weed.

  11. Umm, I would not be posing in underwear, if I were Ryan Lochte. Shirtless - yes, in briefs - Never!

  12. Jwowwwww looks totally ridiculous. She also looks like she's in her 50s.

    I know she's crazy, but I like Sharon Stone. She's a hot bitch.

    Ryan Lochte is a complete tool, but that body!

    Man, would I love to be Thor's surfboard.

  13. Chris is what i call fione. Liam can get it too.

  14. Imagine being the ugly Hemsworth brother!

    1. Hilarious! That's exactly what I thought when I saw the stocky one

  15. Miley looks smokin' hot in that Cosmo cover.

    Where are Lochte's man bits? Why would you put out a photo that says "Who's got two thumbs and an extra pinkie? This guy."

  16. It's still killing me that there are no details on the Paquin/Moyer twins! argh! The Jersey circus should pack up and leave town- show is over!

  17. I thought the 15 minutes were up for the Jersey crew. Why do they keep hanging on?

    Nacer: I was thinking about watching "The Paperboy" on pay per view. How's the rest of the movie?

  18. Hubba hubba!! Zac Efron AND Liam shirtless in one photo set? Today must be my lucky day.

    If you will excuse me ladies and gentlemen...

  19. Anonymous1:53 PM

    @skimpymist - I thought I was the only one who noticed how Miranda is carrying her son. I have seen lots of celebrities, Goopy included, carrying their children this way. It looks so uncomfortable for the child.

  20. Re: How Miranda is carrying her son...It does look pretty uncomfortable for the child but I wonder if he was squirming around before that picture was taken. I remember having to carry my son out of the grocery store one day while pushing a full cart. He was having an epic meltdown so pushing him in the cart was not an option. Anyways, between pushing the heavy cart and carrying my holy terror I heard some giggles as people passed me in the parking lot. In my son's attempt to break free, he had squirmed down to where it looked like I was carrying him out in a head lock! I was so focused on getting him to the car that I didn't even realize it. Their laughter at the sight of an overwrought mother, a wild baby, and a full cart had me laughing at my own situation!

  21. That Jwoww reeks of desperation.

  22. Anonymous2:27 PM

    J wow ....just stop it

    I like mileys cover.

    Ok've got my attention. ;^)

  23. I hope Miley isn't dissing Disney. She made millions off of them. That said, she needs to stop trying so hard to be edgy. We get it: You're not Hannah Montana! *eyeroll*

    Wow, popular opinion sure has turned on Miranda.

  24. I just watched Zac Efron in Liberal Arts. He just had a tiny roll, but he was really good. Even my BF commented on it. He was like "it that the pretty boy?" wow!"

    @patricia - I was thinking the same thing! Poor guy. He's the short least attractive Hemsworth brother. Maybe he's the funny one?

  25. BTW - I feel for Miranda Kerr much the same, as everyone else here feels about AnnE Hathaway. She just rubs me the wrong way. AND it has nothing to do with her stealing my man Legolas! Nothing. At. All.


  26. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Sharon, hot. JWow not. Ryan, dumb. Miranda, scum ( if she really is screwing around on hubby and wrecking her family)

  27. I wanna go to Costa Rica!!!!!!!!! And see Thor surfing!

  28. I think Justin is pulling a Robin Thicke.

  29. Ryan, get your Jaysus pants on. Who does he think he is, David Beckham?

  30. Rocket Queen said
    "Holy reveals, batman"

    12:35 PM

    Where? Where?

  31. You know, in a goofy kind of way, I like that Zack Efron. My 10 year old daughter thinks he is a hot babe ;)

  32. I find Ryan Lochte to be so unattractive. Idiocy makes even the best looking guy seem gross to me.

  33. @bunnyhoney whats thats suppose to mean? Elaborate please! :)

  34. I feel like Miranda and Orlando's son has been a baby forever. Like he should be starting school soon or something by now.

  35. Chris Hemsworth, yes, yes, yes. I love a bit of Huntsman.

  36. I forgot to say ...


    Where is EmEyeKay, you ask? *camera pans to Dia locking Em in a closet* NOW THOR IS MINE!!! *insert evil cackle here*

  37. What happened to Ryan's penis..where is it?

  38. Anonymous8:54 PM

    justin, chris, liam, and zac in one post? my heart can't take it!

  39. I don't understand what is going on in the 2nd picture. Why is one of JWow's breasts larger than Snookie's head??

    I don't watch the Olympics, so I really know little about Ryan Lochte other than I now only hear Seth McFarlane's impression of him on SNL when I see/hear anything about him.

    I think Zac is so hot. I feel like such a dirty old lady for saying that.

  40. I think Miley, while taking a long time to "find herself," is a pretty girl. But those TEETH are so distracting it's hard to look at anything else!
