Friday, January 25, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Matthew M in W Magazine right at the peak of his weight loss.
Jennifer Lawrence and
Kristen Stewart are also featured.
Nikki Reed and her feet footwear.
I'm sure Manhattan Jungle Book is giving his dad a life lesson. Or explaining to him what a Sith is.
If Rihanna had her arm down you would see way more of Rihanna then you probably want to. Her dress was completely see thru.
Speaking of going sexy. Have you noticed that since Harry Styles dumped Taylor Swift for being asexual that she has gone out of her way to look sexual?
This is not Harry Styles, but he is mobbed everyday by people who think he is. Looks exactly like him.
Victoria Beckham in London.


  1. Every time I see MM lately, I think it's John Holmes.

  2. Swifty got a new look. And new bewbs.

    I hope that kid doesn't actually wear his hair like that all the time. Attention seekerrrr.

  3. See-through dress = desperate for attention!

  4. Pete looks like such a great dad.

    Jennifer Lawrence makes me question my sexuality.

    I hope Kristen Stewart is on her way out. She looks like a corpse.

  5. Why is Kristen Stewart being feautured in anything? She's such an ungrateful bore.

    Rihanna, the slut act is getting old. Next.

    Squinty Swift will never look sexy to me. I don't even think she's pretty. I see she's trying with new titty balls, but that's not going to work. She's still a creeper.

    VB looks great.

    Remember when Matthew M was hot? That ship has unfortunately sailed.

    1. @gmg - "trying with new titty balls" - oh my God, I'm rolling over here!!

  6. Actually enty Swifty probably just wants to show off those boobs she paid for. Once you invest, you must share the pair!

    Skinny Matthew or Marc Anthony.... Who would you rather ladies? I vote Matt.

    1. Definitely MM. Skeletor is just so skeevy

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM

      MM too the other choice would have to be Jabba the Hutt to make me choose skeletor.

  7. I caught a bit of EdTV the other day. Golly MM was so attractive.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      @jessie his voice is insanely sexy, i hope he's back to his normal weight soon :/

  8. Anonymous12:15 PM

    @lotta....definitely Matt

  9. @Lotta, Matt. Marc looks rapey. Matt just looks hungry

  10. Matthew M. looks like my grandfather.

  11. what did they do to my gorgeous jennifer l? kinda a weird pic. kstew looks horrid as usual, i just don't get the appeal - i think she's a one note actress, not attractive, and always looks in need of a good bath and some decent clothes.

  12. My oldest boy has friends that look like Bieber and Styles. They say they hate it but actually I think they are lapping up the extra attention. Taylor finally is starting to dress like a young woman! I love the hair too. Jennifer Lawrence looks beautiful in that simple type of style. She looks like a rose.

  13. Jennifer Lawrence + that tan = No bueno.

  14. Say what you will about Swifty, but that girl can rock a dress!

  15. I think J.Law is gorg, but this pic doesn't really capture her beauty. The hair looks so wiggy.

    Kstew look dry and bored, as usual.

    Nikki's shoes are hilarious! My dad bought a pair for mom and she was like "what the heck are these?!" They're supposed to be really comfortable though.

    I love Rihanna's shoes.

    The Harry Styles lookalike has such annoying hair. Ugh.

  16. That picture of Matt just makes me want to cry. But unlike poor Ron Woodruff, at least he gets to survive the ordeal and get healthy again. Naked bongos over control freak skeletor every day of the week.

  17. What did they do to JLaws hair? Looks odd.

    Definitely MM. Skeletor is ugly!

    If that kid cut his hair he wouldn't be mobbed by girls. He needs a Dellilah to take away his power.

    KStew always looks like her hair needs a shampoo and she's built like a boy. Hardly anything makes her look zexy.

  18. I have a pair of Vibram 5 finger shoes. I use them for Martial Arts. They are fantastic. I love them! Mine are all black though- no crazy colors, they are funny looking enough without loud colors.

  19. So...W magazine went out of their way to make the actors look awful? That wig on Jennifer Lawrence! Kristen Stewart cleans up nice, why style her to look like a strung out junkie?

    Who are the photographers/stylist there? You're fired!

    I don't "get" teenage boy hair. But then, I didn't "get" it when I was a teenager and all the boys had Blondissima yellow Kurt Cobain hair either.

  20. Jennifer Lawrence looks like she's doing a shoot as Heroes-era Hayden Ppaannettiierreeeeeeeeee.

    I get mobbed by people who think I'm Walter Matthau on Chemo.

  21. How is Nicki wearing socks with those shoes???

  22. Dayum - Matt M better seriously *own* the role.

    Jennifer Lawrence is gorgeous, smart and funny. Take that stupid wig off of her beautiful head.

    ....and give it to Kristen S, to complete her Courtney Love impression.

    Brook is telling his dad that just because you have a Metallica shirt doesn't mean you need to wear lumberjack plaid.

    Ah, Taylor Swift AND blunt bang trend! The dynamic duo!

    I feel bad for that kid's future grandchildren. They will laugh him out of the house for that.

    Hi, Victoria! <3

  23. Enty, you're kind of a bully constantly teasing Bronx about his name. Make fun of the parents, they can defend themselves. Not fair to pick on the kid.

  24. KPeony, they make special socks for the shoes. They have individual toes. I have socks for mine, I love them.

  25. Vibrams! Love them!
    Damn you guys, I am just not seeing Swifty's bewbs as implants or any bigger. What am I missing? They just look taped up.

  26. I don't think Taylor got implants. That's such a stupid thing. What she went from an A cup to a B. sure.

    1. I think she would, if one of the 500 loves of her life said she needed to get them to ensure their undying love or the end of the month.

  27. Wow...actors will do anything for an Oscar. MM look like doodoo. It's disgusting that he did that to his body.He looks so unhealthy. No role is worth your health...because if you don't have your have nothing.

  28. CONCRETE proof Taylor Swift has breast implants.... J/K! It's from a trashy magazine and her boobs are just perfectly rounder now. Too perfect IMO.

  29. Anonymous1:22 PM

    horrible look for jennifer lawrence i like her dark and sultry

    kstew looks like a good old fashion calvin klein crack whore ad

    taylor swift will NEVER be thought of as SEXY and she has nobody to blame but herself that old "aw shucks " me routine

  30. The reason Kristen looks underwhelming is it is a shot of her without any makeup. Several stars like Naomi and Nicole did it in the same issue.

  31. I just want to hold down that Styles look-alike and shave his head.

  32. Here's the W Magazine slide show and it has some pretty cool picture.

    Warning: Slide 31 has some bare tittays.

    1. @disco, I noticed that JLaw's pic wasn't in that batch. They included Tom Cruise but no JLaw?!

      Also I learned Rebel Wilson has siblings named Liberty, Anarchy & Riot. For reals.

  33. MM is sexy...not when he weighs 10 lbs, though.

    Kristen Stewart looks stoned in that picture. She is a horrible actress, IMO..Snow White was absolutely awful.

    Love Victoria B. (I guess the coat over the shoulders is a new trend).

    1. Ugh, Kristen ruined that movie! I thought everyone else was great and the movie was beautifully shot.

  34. Cindy, I'm pretty sure Bronx Mowgli can't read this blog and pretty sure that Pete does and won't tell him about the name plays. Same for Beyonce and Blue Ivy.

  35. That tan is gawd awful, but atleast she's blonde again. I don't dig her as a brunette.

    McConaughey is missing out on doing a Faces Of Meth calendar.

  36. Ugh, agree that Lawrence's hair looks like an ill-fitting wig.

    Stewart and MM both look heroin chic...not a good thing.

  37. Those top three pics have left me traumatized.

    Scratch that, the top four.

  38. How did they make Jennifer Lawrence look so bad?

    I admit it -- I get Kristen Stewarts appeal. She is the rebel girl I would crush on, then realize that the rebelliousness was actually unattractive up close. But I totally see the hotness, and hate myself just a little for it.

  39. Taylor wants to show off her new tittays. I don't like you, but I do like your boobies, they look great!

    RiRi is such a great role model! Thank god for her, otherwise who would the young ladies of the world look up to?

  40. Lotta put me down for Matthew. Skeletor just skeeves me out.

    When I taught in the Dominican Republic he was EVERYWHERE. It was like the grim reaper was following me, I seriously thought my life would end on that trip just because everywhere I looked, death in the form of MA was staring in my face.

    1. @JSierra, you saw skeletor in person???

  41. Remind me never to pose for W magazine. All three of those stars look horrible, in their own way.

  42. J-Law appears to be a victim of styling.

    Toe shoes creep me out big time.

  43. Wow, I looked at those photographs and about 3/4 of the actors look absolutely awful. Keira Knightly looks really beautiful, however. Strange shoot.

  44. @Jsierra - where/what/when did you teach in the DR? I taught ESL there in the 70s.

  45. Lotta nooo he was just on every single TV, they love him there for reasons I cannot understand.

    Betsy I taught at O&M Hostos in Santiago for one summer two years ago. My class was 4th grade and the kids were so much fun. The people there are so beautiful, the land is beautiful, I absolutely loved it. Where were you teaching? I wish I could have been in Puerto Plata the entire time, what a view!

  46. hahah Kristen Stewart looks like Carrie in that episode of SATC with Bradley Cooper where they shot her hungover for The New

  47. @Lotta, I will take MM, at least he was hot once upon a time, Marc was never that.

    @J Sierra, they love him in DR and a lot of other Spanish countries because the man can sing and he sings beautiful songs in Spanish, I can't stand the English songs he signs, not that impressive.

    Taylor looks nice but I don't see the implants.

    That Harry Styles look alike needs to get a life, he will be embarrassed about this in a year or two.

    Victoria B always looks great.

  48. My mother has the toeshoes hers are green, making her teeny feet look like a tree frogs. Ugh! She has toe socks she wears with hers. I don't like things between my toes, besides the flip-flops. Whatever your used to, I guess.
    I don't think Swifty got a boob job, if she did, she got screwed, because they're no different. Too bad you can't get a personality implant. Kristen looks high, or like she's been crying.

  49. All About Eve I actually liked his "ayyyiyi let it rain (or is it reign?) over me song, I might need to give his Spanish stuff a listen because in all honesty I just tuned it out whenever I heard him. Sometimes I can be bad about turning stuff down before I try it out.

  50. I subscribe to W and some of the shoots are so scary, I keep it away from my little girl.
    I don't like looking at Swift, but I really like that dress.

  51. @JSierra, ohhh yeah he's everywhere in the Latin community. As creepy crawly as he is, that voice is godsend.

    Survey says:
    9 for Matthew McConaughey
    0 for Marc Anthony

  52. Lotta, he is hugely popular in MiamiDade . He does have a beautiful voice, unlike his ex:)

  53. Kstew should be skankstew. Man she is skivvey!!

  54. If I were to get boobs like Taylor supposedly did, I would've gotten my money's worth and made them a little bigger.

  55. It’s too late for Taylor. The word is out that she is a p&#$k tease. No manor of dressing with offset having cobwebs between her legs.
