Thursday, January 24, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Michael Cera goes boom on the red carpet.
Michael Fassbender filming in Ireland. Rainy. Looks like LA today.
Also in Ireland is Maggie Gyllenhaal and also filming a movie.
Not in Ireland or filming a movie is Mila Kunis. She did just eat sushi though.
Trying to hide out from the press on a beach did not work for Sheryl Crow.
Taylor Swift as Rapunzel.
Beyonce as Alice In Wonderland, but what about Lyle Lovett and Oliver Platt? Gold my friends.
Tori Spelling spends some time with her son.


  1. Let's get a count on who would be interested in a Taylor Swift free February.

  2. Is Maggie Gyllenhaal filming a Dumb And Dumber sequel?

  3. At first glance and before I read the caption, I thought Tori was dressed as the Cheshire Cat! LOL

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Hahaha so did I!

  4. Omg! Ingrid made me blow coffee put my nose. so funny. I think tori should give up the fake blonde. She looks much.....less ugly as a brunette.

  5. Taylor Swift looks good as Rapunzel.
    Sheryl Crow's sons are adorable.

  6. Ireland: Councilmen in Kerry, southwest Ireland, passed a motion this week asking the government to create a permit that would allow isolated farmers the ability to drink a few pints and then return home in their car, or on their tractor, without fear of being busted.

    I love my Irish heritage:)

    1. The councilman who came up with this is a publican, and is getting absolutely villified here for this. And the council has no power to make this law, so it's pretty much a publicity grab. The guy is a moron and comes from a long and distinguished line of morons, so, you know.

      Not ranting at you, please don't take it that way. This story just further the worst possible stereotypes of us and I wanted to fill in some of the details.

    2. mynerva, no, I love it ! We were laughing last night that this has zero chance of getting through. What we loved was the tractor reference and we are all Irish (married to Italians, so we are diluted):) Always appreciate clarification, doubt that the USA papers will follow up, but 'we' will do it for you .

    3. Everything mynerva said. Morans is too polite a description for that family!

    4. ^morons even. Stupid phone :)

    5. @agent- my dads side of the family is from County Kerry and I'm named after it. I've been getting lots of comments recently (and I don't even live in Ireland!)

    6. Fellow irish girl here, shout out to all my cousins across the pond the healy-rae's are crazy. Thankfully everyone know's it!

  7. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Fassbender. Hot damn.

  8. Redd I second that.

    I watched penis in Shame last night. Oops I mean Micheal Fassbender. He and Jon Hamm should start a long dong club.

  9. Also the look on Ceras face is freakin priceless. Have you ever been so drunk you just like topple over and your like wtf??? I once flipped over in.a lawn chair twice I'm the span of 5 minutes at a party. My face looked the same.....both times.

    1. @H, I think he "fell" on purpose. Or so it looks like it in the daily mail.

  10. What are these creepy Disney character pictures from? Are they photoshopped for laughs?

    @VIP hahaha she does look like it!

    "Michael Fassbender (the f is silent)"- Michael K

    1. Disney photos = how far Annie Leibowitz has fallen.

  11. Who did the pictures? Very nice but the Rapunzel is photoshopped like mad.

    Sheryl Crow looks like a good mommy as does Tori.

    I just saw that picture of Michael Cera on DM.

  12. @Redd count me in for a Swifty free February. Add Beyonce and the Kartrashians to that list.

    I like Maggie G, but that hair! Eek.

    I don't get the whole Fassbender is hot thing.

    Sheryl Crow looks happy.

  13. greenmountaingal - If you've never seen it watch Hex, an old UK show Fassbender was in. He played a demon and was HOT. I loved him back then.

  14. Anonymous12:30 PM

    No blogger should have to censor their content just because we readers don't know how to skip over stories that bore/annoy us. I know Enty asked us, but my opinion stands: write about what you want and if I'm not interested, I'm grown up enough to ignore that post.

    The Disney pics are part of the Disney World ad campaign. They have been featured in magazines for several years. The Beyonce pic is a few years old. The Swifty pic looks new.

  15. @Pini, loved Hex and thanks for reminding me. I have the series on my PC and will have to marathon it some rainy day.

  16. I love the Annie Liebovitz Disney photos. But, I'm also a huge WDW there you go. My favorite (from one of my favorite rides) is the Jack Black, Will Ferrell, and Jason Segel Haunted Mansion one.

  17. I'm with you, Layna Day. I skip over every single Bachelor or Real Housewives post...why waste my time opening the comments to declare how much I dislike or am bored by the post? Yes yes, I'll just complain about free content when I voraciously read the other 95%. NO SENSE, I tell ya.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Roman, Great food, drinking and singing goes on in my house :)

  20. Skip the Bachelor/ette ones, too, and most of the reality ones... I only recognize them from Enty's posts.

    Michael C looks exactly the way my brother looked when I beat the crap out of him (in the big sister way, of course, meaning no visible bruises).

    Oh good graceland, more Taylor Swift, now she's a fairy tale. Can we make her SLEEPING Beauty? Like for a year?

    I want to dislike Tori's "pram" and shirt and awful hair, but a mommy smile is a mommy smile and she gets a total pass here.

  21. MonstersInc, no I am glad for your reference and the info on "Councillor Danny Healy-Rae" . Glad you take the time to share. I have now bookmarked, thank you :)

  22. Maggie and Fassbender are filming the same film, not seperate projects.

  23. Sheryl is another one that doesn't seem to age.

  24. I love Oliver Platt. LOVE HIM. Him and Jon Hamm are the only names on my list and if OP ever schedules a cameo on Mad Men I am on the.first.plane to Freakyville. Word.

  25. You just know Beyonce's Super Bowl performance with be lip-synced also...

  26. @agent - thanks for sticking up for us ; )

    @chriso & @monstersinc - it could have been worse- imagine if it was Jackie that was being beamed around the world?

  27. Actually, @agent - you should google image Jackie Healy Rae for a laugh.

    1. mynerva, OMG, I have lost my dinner appetite.

    2. Agent, he's the patriarch. That's who all the rest of his family want to be like. Great huh?!

  28. Oh god. My winter vomiting bug is back after that.

  29. Love, love, love Lyle Lovett and Oliver Platt, Beyonce could go down the rabbit hole and stay there.

  30. Ah the Irish chat on this thread is making me miss home so much - keep it comin'

    And Jaysus is right, yer man Danny Healy-Rae looks quare inbred, does not does Kerry people any favours at all!

    1. Nothing does those feckers any favours. Biased cork woman here!

      As far as I'm concerned the only thing Kerry people have going for them is they're not from Kilkenny.

    2. Mynerva that made me lol. As a Dub there's no love lost between us and the Cats either :)

    3. Wee S. safety in numbers . What country are you in now?

    4. Chris, ye've taking a bit of a pasting alright the last few years. It'd be great to see the dubs getting a Leinster.

    5. Mynerva, we can live in hope!

  31. I'm taking *online hypnosis courses, so let me give this a try . . .
    Give your jacket to Sunnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyy

    I lie

  32. I'll take you up on that Redd!

  33. Lyle Lovett and Oliver Platt - Fabulous. However did such a nice guy end up with the horrific Julia is a story I'd love to know.

    Ginnifer's gray room is gorgeous.

  34. Jackie Healy Rae looks like a giant bowl of tapioca pudding.

  35. @JSierra - what did tapioca ever do to you?!!

  36. I thought the Taylor Rapunzel photo is really cute. That was always my favorite fairy tale.

  37. Heh mynerva! Or from Tyrone - biased Armagh woman here :)

    1. I figured you were Tyrone or Armagh but I wasn't brave enough to call it - I'd be crucified for getting it wrong : )

  38. Who the hell is Lyle Lovette supposed to be?
    Beyonce's "innocent" face is more like " The vibrations make me tingly in my Queenly parts"

  39. Mynerva nothing! I llove it! Well at least I used too, after looking at that fine fellow I don't think I like it so much anymore.

    Oh that was mean, he is an alright looking fellow.

    If it's any consolation, my nickname is Pud because when I was a baby I was so fat I looked like a bowl of pudding. It stuck and my parents still call me that, 23 years later and all I am is pudding to them.

    1. It totally wasn't mean. If anything that was a flattering photo! He's AWFUL.

  40. You'll be grand! I've survived 10 years here, just remember a bit of the insanity from the west!

  41. Oh you'll be grand!! We're very nice here I promise :)

  42. Eh, Michael Cera is like the un-talented version of Jesse Eisenberg.

  43. Why is Maggie trying to bring back the Dorothy Hamill? It was an ugly hairstyle on everyone but Dorothy, and only good on her when she did those triple whatsits. The Disney pics do nothing for me.

  44. Poor Tori Spelling looks more and more like Janice from the Muppets.

  45. @Jenn said...
    "Why is Maggie trying to bring back the Dorothy Hamill?"

    She is in character for the movie and the director has made this decision?

  46. For those who complain that Lena Dunham would be given no grief if she was a guy...I give you Michael Cera. Feeeeehhhh. :P

    (I feel the same about the Gyllenhaals for that matter, of either gender.)

  47. Yup mynerva, even typing the T-county's name makes me shudder. Am partial to abit of Donegal though ;) Monster I might be heading to Dub for a wee night out in a few weeks, yeo!

    Agent I'm living in the West Midlands in England training to be a History teacher - I have been assigned to devise a lesson on the impact of terrorism on the relationship between Britain and Ireland....yay.
