Monday, January 21, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Quentin Tarantino on a boat in Mexico with his
girlfriend who has never had more footrubs in her life.
Robbie Williams brings his dog to Chateau Marmont.
Sharon Osbourne bringing home food to the family.
Keith Richards, James Brown and John Belushi at Studio 54.
Steve Rubell, Michael Jackson and Steven Tyler.
Woody Allen & Michael Jackson.
Halston feeding Elizabeth Taylor.
Teri Hatcher and her dog seem to have similar facial expressions.


  1. Damn, Michael was such a cutie back then.

    1. He was a handsome young brother.A shame what he did to himself:-(

  2. Aww Michaels old nose.
    So wish I could have gone to Studio 54. That would have been awesome!
    Not a flattering picture of Quentin and doesn't his girlfriend remind you of Uma? Just a little?

  3. QT is an A-list would think he'll be with some euro model.

    1. Most models and actresses know better than to date QT. most A List directors don't even want to collaborate with him. He's a walking time bomb of an addict.

  4. Ah - the glamorous people from the 70's, love it! It was exclusive but still eclectic.

    Love how Steve Rubell would have totally been denied entrance to his own club had he not owned it.

  5. I should date QT. I need a pedicure.

    @just curious - models probably don't have the greatest feet from all the crazy heels they have to wear - bunions, and such.

  6. Quentin what have you been Eating.

    1. Who, and how many? He is a pale whale. Ish.

  7. Quentin looks like he's about to master the big belly flop.

  8. Wow that side view of Quentin is...not kind.
    I agree jc, it's pretty cool that he's with a 'normal' looking woman (normal by Hollywood standards, she's very pretty) and it looks like they are having a blast.

    Odd that Steven Tyler looks older than Keith Richards in the photos and that of all captured, those 2 are still alive. Great pictures!

  9. Keith Richards is like a cockroach.

  10. *Waves to Agent*
    RAVENS! Gonna be an interesting SB

    On topic, what kind of pup is that? I adore the (dog) expression, looks like a smile. Teri just looks dazed

  11. Lol Sherry she DOES look like Uma!

    Those old school pics are great.

  12. "Quentin Tarantino, the star of all of my sexual nightmares" -Tina Fey.

  13. Twinkies
    Keith Richards
    Spam (in a can)

    You're right Puggle! Thanks for the laugh :)

  14. Looks like an American Bulldog...

  15. Thanks MBK!
    Beautiful dog

  16. Twinkies: Dead.
    Spam: Deleted.
    Cockroaches: Defenestratable.

    Keef: Alive, kicking ass, and earning big. (Hope they're going to tour again (crosses fingers).)

    It's both scary and fascinating that the only two people out of the Studio 54 photos that are still alive are the hard-livin' mass-illegal-substance-taking rockers, e.g., Keef and Steven Tyler.

    1. Keith has said publicly that the reason he thinks he outlived the others was that he could afford and was willing to pay for better quality drugs. Makes sense when you find out all the poison "normal" street drugs are cut with.

    2. Keith has said publicly that the reason he thinks he outlived the others was that he could afford and was willing to pay for better quality drugs. Makes sense when you find out all the poison "normal" street drugs are cut with.

  17. <3 Agent
    Anything that knocks Brady down a peg or 2 is a win in my book, but now I'm even more happy about my Flacco jersey Christmas gift.

    Hoping Ent does a Superbowl thread that day

    1. Congrats to the Ravens! So glad they beat Belidick and the Pats. What an ass for not giving a post game interview, ugh!!

      I've been a Niners fan for many years, so I'll be rooting for them but it will be a good game and I'm thrilled for both Harbaugh's!

    2. I hope Enty does a superbowl food my turn. I am from New England so we will never mention my cheering for the Ravens in mixed company:)

  18. I was thinking that QT's girlfriend looked like Zoe Bell. It's not her, though, is it?

  19. My sister has an American Bulldog. He has the sweetest demeanor, a giant baby. Lots of allergies though. Teri Hatcher is looking rough. I will never understand why people destroy their beautiful faces in the quest to look younger.

  20. I would date QT. I hear he's really smart and life would never be dull I'm sure.

    A family friend was in the entertainment industry back in the 70's-early 80's and damn does she tell good stories.

    1. @Peony--I've always though QT was just GENIUS. Between how incredible his movies are how well spoken and interesting he is in interviews. I may not date him but I'd kill to hang out with him. He's always been fascinating to me, with or without the foot fetish...

  21. I first noticed quentin t's weight gain on award show, now here. Hope it isnt cause of any medications for a health reason, altho he looks very healthy and happy.

  22. KPeony, can you share some secondhand? I love hearing pre-internet gossip.

  23. I so did not need to see Quentin Tarantino topless.

    I love those old photos. MJ was such a cutie. I miss John Belushi. Does anyone else think that Steven Tyler looks like Carly Simon?

  24. Tyler and Simon could be twins
    (you aren't alone gma)

  25. QT may not be doing much coke or heroin anymore, if he's gaining such weight. Maybe? I dunno if you can do those and be heavy, any one feel free to enlighten me.

    I would date him too, looks be damned. I'm into anyone with such a mind.
    His g/f is cute enough, young enough--but not so cute & young that it's all it would seem she has to offer, KWIM?
    Nice that she has real boobs too. Refreshing even.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Libby, yes you can be heavy and a drug user. Remember The Davis kid not greasy bear but gummy bear he was huge with those nasty abseses from shooting heroin also John Belushi and Chris Farley. I have also known coke users that are obese. If you binge then the next day eat heavy hangover food then start again. It makes it very dangerous when they're fat and using. The heart is much weaker

  26. Steven Tyler looked more drag queenish in the 70s than he does now if that is possible. I am so sorry that I can never unsee QT and that belly. Vitligo did what happened to Michael Jackson- he just couldn't cope with it and nobody could tell him no, so he kept on with the bleaching and the surgeries. But gosh, he was a great looking teenager back in the day.

  27. LOL I think Tyler looks like the French woman from Lost there.

  28. Robbie Williams is getting even HOTTER with age. Has anybody seen his video for the song Candy? Oh my!!! Also, I have the shies he's wearing in the clip. Just sayin'. Coz they're cool.

    1. *shoes!!! I don't know what shies are!!!

  29. OMG, Is that Lindsay Lohan in that photo with Halston?!?!

    Oh, no, wait--It's a lady. An actress.

  30. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I'm with Libs on the QT interest, so what if he's got a belly, it's QT ffs! And yes, his girl totes looks like Uma. Although the icky drunk reveal Enty did about him being in the Eastern bloc, absolutely stinking blind drunk, had to be rescued.

  31. Anonymous12:59 PM

    tamps down the interest considerably

  32. I'm not sure if I should give too much away or not but I was surprised to hear some of the people that we lost in the above photos weren't nearly as into party substances as their famous friends that are still here today that you would never suspect of anything too debaucherous. (the ones here today are not pictured).

    Also, Danny DeVito is a really down to earth, sweet and funny from what I heard.

  33. Thanks for the retro photos, I love them. Halston was so gorgeous . -- Wow I certainly didn't recognize Teri Hatcher!

  34. Wow QT's girlfriend looks way different then she did at the Globes. Girl looks really good either way. They seem to be as good match. Her name is Lianne Spiderbaby and she's a big Fangoria writer and other horror stuff and does lots of gory pictures that I saw. I hope they are both happy. I like Quentin.

  35. So sad that the majority of people in those Studio 54 photos have passed.

  36. Quentin...Oh well. He doesn't really need the looks, does he? He already has the 'famous director' thing. His girlfriend does look like Uma!

    Awww that smile on MJ! So sad he himself couldn't see how good he really looked.

    Isn't Robbie's dog a labradoodle? looks like one.

  37. The Studio 54 pics should have been on top. Oh, to have been a fly on the wall!

    @ Amber - you would get more than just a pedicure if you dated QT, I'm sure. You'd get your toes sucked and possibly fondled by some of his, um, appendages. I said it as gently as I could.

  38. I think that's Lorna Luft between Halston and Elizabeth.

  39. Loving the old pictures!

    Quentin's girlfriend totally looks like Uma here lol!

  40. MJ was so damn cute! Why, oh, why, Micheal? :(

    Libby: one can be a heroin or coke addict and be fat. I never believed it until I met a dude in the early '90s who was a heroin addict. And, I've known chunky coke heads. It doesn't happen often but it does happen.

  41. Libby: ReesesPeace is right--Exhibit A: John Belushi. :-(

  42. I love retro photos of celebs. If the walls of studio 54 could talk.....

  43. @Mango! I, for one, thank you for your gentleness. o.O

    Looking down at toes and considers what I would be willing to do for a pedicure without leaving the house. Hmmmmm.

  44. Whoa, Quentin got FAT!

    I love the old pics!!

  45. I wonder what woody and mj had to talk about

  46. Seriously? That many of you would bang QT despite his hideous mug and the foot fetish? I mean, do know what guys with a serious foot fetish do to get off?

    Feh, he's got the Oscar noms and the money, but my Uma-lookalike girlfriend was thinner and had bigger tits, and my gut has never been that big.

  47. @Christopher C

    I haven't seen Robbie Williams' new video yet, but I'll look it up. I always have Rock DJ in my MP3 list. He seems really happy these days.

  48. I had such a crush on Michael Jackson when I was about 10. I always forget how attractive he was before he started to mess with his face.

  49. Beeezus that photo of QT is no flattering. Although, with a belly like that is any angle really flattering?

  50. Keith Richards has been pickled in alcohol and drugs....he's going to live FOREVER!!!!

  51. I love guys with foot fetishes. It's very sexy to me. QT however .. Shudder .. Nooooo .. But I'd take his lady any day of the week. Beautiful and a horror writer? Be still my heart!

  52. Tarantino's girlfriend was sitting next to him at the golden globes and I didn't realize it wasn't Uma thurman till today's pictures.

  53. Pics are from the Studio 54 auction? I would love to have them!

    Exhibit B: Jason Davis, fat addict.

  54. Holy Shit! QT looks like me.

    It must be nice to be a man in Hollywood.

  55. what I wouldn't give for a time machine and one remarkable night in Studio 54...

  56. Blech, feet are gross to me. I am fine with my husband's feet, baby feet are cute as well. Ick for the rest! I could never make a living giving pedicures. I dont find QT attractive, but a conversation with him would be awesome. It looks like the dog Robbie Williams has, is a labradoodle (go designer doggies, puggles ftw!).

  57. Love the studio 54 photos, wickedest place on earth in its day, I bet Calvin Klein could give us quite a few stories bout that club

  58. Since when is Quentin pregnant?
    Did I miss the whole 'gaining weight'thing. I always imagine him normal sized for some reason :O Or has he always been this big?

  59. I did my first line at studio 54. Good times.Dollar bill rolled up as I recall How unsanitary, now that I think of it...

    1. Good one Agent. Post it notes are much more sanitary :). I don't think they were invented back then

    2. astro, they were just coming out in the 80's but as office products. Mickey D straws cut in thirds were always readily available:)

  60. @ B Profane, could you please enlighten me?

  61. Yess B Profane I am intrigued about the darker side of foot fetishes. I personally do not like feet, something about feet and butt cracks just *shudders uncontrollably* yeah.

  62. Ah could you imagine the blind items from the Studio 54 days...

  63. I have an American Bulldog, and he looks a lot like Teri's dog. Mine is a giant baby and a world class idiot.

  64. I have an American Bulldog, and he looks a lot like Teri's dog. Mine is a giant baby and a world class idiot.

  65. This thread I found had some interesting info on guys with foot fetishes:

    ...but nothing too out of the ordinary to say about the actual fetish. I never realized one could perform a foot job, but now that I think about it, it makes sense.

  66. Especially if someone is wealthy, they could be heavy and be on heroin... it's having no money for food that causes the thinness. It also slows you down, you're not running around and hitting the dance floor, so you're not burning off your calories.

  67. From what I understand Ozzy Osbourne has been tested and they have very good DNA. Sharon Osbourne did the same test and then found out she has a breast cancer gene. After that she got her breasts removed.

    I am not completely sure of this, but I think I read Keith Richards did the same test and also has superior DNA, which makes him survive drugs more easy..
