Thursday, January 17, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Now that Twilight is over, Nikki Reed is probably going to have to get really good at the fake smile and earn a buck promoting stuff. Kelly Rutherford has it down pat.
One Direction has a back up plan. Sushi chefs.
Speaking of chefs,  Mark Wahlberg's other brother Paul is filming a reality show about opening a burger place with his more famous brothers.
Have to congratulate Rebel Wilson for getting out and exercising almost everyday.
Speaking of exercise, Sandra Bullock looks like she is about to die carrying her son.
Scott Disick before he grew up into a tool.
Sally Field holds on to Daniel Day Lewis in Spain.
Sienna Miller brings out the fur in London last night.
Taylor Swift is apparently up to song number five about Harry Styles. They went out for like 30 seconds.


  1. Don't let your silicone fun bags get in the way, Taylor!

    Jeez, no wonder Scott's such a dick. I would be too, if I had those covers following me for the rest of my life.

  2. Ahahahah! "Sienna (Sex Sells) Miller"

  3. Scott Disick ( the S is silent) looks like he's on the cover of a bad Christian music album. Kinda like Cartmans band in the " Christian Rock Hard" episode of South Park

  4. I didn't realize how short the OneDirection guys are.

    I actually used to read those Heartland books, I remember them fondly. Scott has really wised up though, he is a dick no more.

  5. Scott was born a tool. I look forward to the day of seeing someone shove money in his mouth to stop the doucheiness from spewing out....on another note swifty's probably writing a song on how bradley cooper turned her down and broke her fragile heart.

    1. In his defense, a large majority of his actions on the show are scripted to make him more dickish, and I still find him one of the least offensive things on there. Ugh on all of them.

  6. Taylor Swift is a tool.

    I know he's a douche, but I think Scott Disick is kinda hot. *hides*

    I think Nikki Reed is weird looking. I'm happy to see Megan Mancini, though!

    Marky Mark's bro is rough looking.

    Sandra Bullock looks like the girl my high school boyfriend cheated on me with. This is why I have never liked Sandra. And yes, I know I ended a sentence with a preposition, but I'm too lazy to change it.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Agreed Scott is my guilty love. Just off to google what a preposition is. What happened to my brain?

    2. My 5th grade teacher said a preposition is "anything a mouse can do to a chair" I don't remember his logic, but there you go!

  7. Sally looks really good .

  8. Sally looks really good .

  9. Go Rebel- do us fat chicks proud!!! Taylor Swift, if you're reading this, please fuck off. Start acting like a grown ass woman for once in your life. You're going to be TWENTY FOUR this year, not sixteen. Jesus Christ. I'M embarrassed for you, and I HATE you!

  10. I don't blame you Sally..

  11. greenmountaingal - I was an English major, a professional copy editor and editor and I've given up on ending a sentence with prepositions. Just too much trouble!

  12. And Louis looks like a big boy. My son was also huge, (weight and length over 100%) and by 2 I could no longer carry him around, but it's so sad cause they are still such babies and want to be carried! Poor Sandra, she's trying!

  13. Paul Wahlberg is a chef. He, Donnie and Mark own a burger place in Boston called, amazingly, Wahlburgers which is what the reality show is about.
    Donnie picture tomorrow please, Enty!

  14. Props to Sandra! My kids were big (marry a guy twice your size & that's what you get), and the youngest liked to play spider monkey. I had bruises all the time just from carrying him!

    I adore Sally Field, always have, always will.

    Aw, Taylor.

    At first I was afraid,
    Then I was petrified.
    Didn't how I could live without you by my side
    There was only one direction we could go and hide -

    Producer: CUT!

  15. Anonymous12:49 PM

    How do we know what Taylor is writing? Something tells me she isn't texting you, Enty.

    1. Exactly. I heard she was writing for Selena's album. UAlso even if she was writing songs about Harry I don't get why she would be bashed for it considering it is something nearly every artist A

    2. Ugh sorry my phone is a mess. * something nearly every artist does so she isn't exactly unique. Regarding her and Harry it remains to be seen whether they even broke up at all considering the rumors are all over the place.

  16. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Me too with the Sally Field love, man! She has aged sooooo well. Although I'd be beaming like that too if I was hanging on to Daniel Day Lewis. If our little corner of the universe hates Swifty so much, I imagine alot of other folk are sick of her shtick too. the whole Swifty break up song thing is so overdone, you'd think she'd realise she needs to chill and not overexpose herself so much. Based on her twitpics though, it seems like she's really lonely, taking pictures of herself vamping on her carpet with her cat on Xmas, kinda sad actually. If she just wasn't so Polly Fing Pocket all the damn time, she'd be alot more likable. Sienna Miller really struck out with that guy, he looks... I don't know a p.c way to say what he looks like so I'll borrow Michael K's phrase of he's got the herp derp face.( I think that's how he uses it anyways. ) And Disick looks like he is absolutely miserable, which would explain the douchiness we see today.

  17. That's a book cover? It looks like the mugshots of him as a teen.

  18. How about we have a Taylor Swift free Feb? I'm sick of her face. She needs to grow up.

  19. I think Taylor's "Shtick" is working just fine for her. She's laughing all the way to the bank and selling gazillions of her songs.
    I love that the hamburger joint is called that! Haha
    My boy was un-carry-able (that's not a word is it?) at 2 as well. He's 8 now and looks 12 height wise.

  20. Wonder if the Sandra caption might be hinting at a recent Blind Item about an actress with buyer's remorse over becoming a parent.

  21. Oh yeah, and I meant to say that hating Taylor is the new hating Kristen Stewart. Yawn.

    1. Pretty much. I don't get it but to each their own I guess.

  22. Nikki Reed has 4 films slated for release in 2013. I'm pretty certain she's going to be just fine.

  23. Louis! Ah the last time I frequented CDAN this much he was so WEE and definitely not able to walk....
    And remember how commenters (and Enty) used to always give Katie a hard time for not making Suri walk on her own? Doesn't seem to be a problem when it's Sandra doing the carrying.....ahem

  24. I hope Enty was snarking on Swifty and she really isn't going to write about her 5 second relationship with that gay dude, especially since she's bearded for and broken up with at least a half a dozen gay dudes that she's already written "breakup" songs about.

    Enty - can you make February a Swift-Free month? This kid is getting on my nerves.

  25. Sally Field looks just great these days.

  26. This is like being at an don't know which one to attack first...Sienna...yup...she'd be first...I wonder if she's ever had a nose job? ("Domino")

  27. @ chris...I swear you're a bunch of different people... every pic looks completely different...(I like the new one best)

    1. Aw, thanks- I just like to change up my hair every now and then ;)

  28. Louis Bullock is a baby with attitude. I love every picture!

    I wish someone like Carly Simon or Carole King would take Taylor in hand and help her get a grip on things. They know how this writing about your men thing is done.

  29. I was never a fan of Swift's music, so my opinion of her hasn't really changed. One thing she should know though is that as soon as you find a schtick that becomes huge and everyone becomes familiar with it, change it up immediately. By the time it becomes popular, you should be moving on because it is only a matter of time before people get sick of it. She just probably went too long on the whole "I'm Taylor Swift and I'm totally relatable to high school girls" deal. Move on already.

  30. @Christopher Cruz- Your comment totally cracked me up!!!

    I had no idea Taylor Swift was 24. I actually thought she was 18 or 19 years old and even THEN I thought she seemed immature.

  31. Taylor Swift is an asshole. Her schtick is pining over guys. When she finds, and marries her "Romeo", her only goal in life has been achieved. If it doesn't work out, it is the end of the world. I'm aware there are worse role models out there for teen girls, but she is also a horrible one.

    She is 22 going on 12.

    1. I guess she is 23, not 22. Still an asshole.

  32. Who would know by looking at Scott Disick back then that he would grow up to look like an oily riverboat gambler.

    I heard that DDL demands top billing or he won't do a film. He's pretty much A list anyway but has anyone else heard that? I wonder what happens if he does a movie with, say, Meryl Streep or Robert DeNiro?

    Word is that Taylor Swift is writing a song about Bradley Cooper, called "The Best Thing You Never Had". The chorus goes:

    You'll regret this!
    You'll regret this!
    You'll regret this!
    You'll sooooooo regret this!!!

    Okay, I made that up, but I'm probably half right.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. LMAO at all the Taylor Swift lyrics. And I second that she really is the new Kristen Stewart. But it is such fun to chuckle at them both.

    I so feel Sandra's child-hefting burden. But I say chasing my 2-year-old is my cardio and hauling his cute ass around is my strength-training/ab workout.

  35. I guess I'm the lone Taylor Swift fan here on CDAN. That's okay. *sigh* My 8-year-old adores her and that's just fine with me. She's a good role model for her, on the surface ... you know my daughter doesn't read the tabs LOL. Olivia even went as Taylor for Halloween last year. She's the lone blondie in a house full of brunettes and thinks it's cool as hell Taylor Swift has blonde curly hair just like her. ;-)

    1. No you are not. The hate she is getting is ridiculous .

    2. @chopchop - I like her, too. And at 23, I wasn't exactly always making the best decisions either and I can think of about 10 other celebs I'd rather rant about. I understand not liking her music, to each their own. When she does something really horrific, then ill start attacking her character. ;)

  36. Kristin Stewart always seems to treat her success and fame as a burden, despite the fact that she willingly stays in the entertainment industry. Swift comes across as grateful for what her fame has brought her. As much as I dislike Swift, I will say her attitude is far more tolerable than Stewarts.

  37. No @chopchop I am a fan too in a way. I think her songs are ridiculously catchy. She IS a good role model for youngins unlike Rhianna. I just find her dating ways weird, but she's not hurting anyone with it.

  38. Harry has Oompa Loompah hair there.

  39. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Sally Field saves this set of photos the rest are pretty boring. Taylor Swift annoys me and I wouldn't know a one direction song if I was stuck in an elevator with it and I intend on keeping it that way!

  40. Taylor's adorable. I'm not a fan of her music but she is making it for herself to be liked lately. Her behavior at that wedding when she was asked not to attend, the serial dating, the bitch-face at the Golden Globes. She seems like a rudderless boat. She's not on drugs, nor does she seem to have a troubling mental illness but I do wonder where her parents are. She's acting just flaky enough that I think she could use her parents or a handler around to give her a hand.

    1. Her parents? She's in her TWENTIES, Mango. Are people REALLY under the impression that she's a teenager? She's an immature, unstable WOMAN.

  41. ITA Mango. I didn't have an issue with her until recently. It's like her arrogance and assholiness just exploded over the summer and we have been non stop bombarded ever since, especially with the serial dating of high schoolers.

  42. Isn't taylor now dating some actor's son?

  43. As far as I'm concerned The Kardashians or anyone whose fame was sexually transmitted to them by The Kardasians can EAT A FAT DICK

  44. @ Christopher - I know she's in her 20's but how many readers have voiced surprise at her age and thought she was younger, still in her teens? Arrested development indeed! She's emotionally stuck at 16, with stuffed animals on her bed and pink bedroom curtains and immediate romantic attachments with a conga line of "cute boys". Where is she going with this? I think she'd be devastated if she knew she was being ridiculed.

  45. @Ingrid Superstar said...
    "As far as I'm concerned The Kardashians or anyone whose fame was sexually transmitted to them by The Kardasians can EAT A FAT DICK"

    Because sucking a dick is such a degrading thing?

  46. I don't think Swifty is much different from any other insecure 24 year old with an inclination to write about heartbreak. It's just that she has a record deal, so people actually hear her songs.

  47. Rebel Wilson is repulsive. Don't print that shit anymore, ENT - I fucking threw up my lunch. Asshole

  48. Rebel Wilson is repulsive. Don't print that shit anymore, ENT - I fucking threw up my lunch. Asshole

  49. Yes Tatyana Ali, literally, with a knife and fork, at the dinner table, very degrading, you lovely PC harridan you!
