Thursday, January 10, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Mariah Carey keeps trying to get that whole rock n roll finger thing down. She will get it one of these days.
LeAnn Rimes on errands to buy new makeup.
Mark Wahlberg now makes the weather.
Nicole Kidman at LAX.
Natalie Portman takes her son on a playdate. Seriously.
Rosie O'Donnell and her wife adopted a baby.
Reese and her two oldest kids doing some shopping.
Snooki now has her own fashion line because everyone wants to look like Snooki.
Tom Cruise arrives in South Korea.


  1. ruh roh, Tom looks manic again..

  2. Is this the same tom cruise pic from yesterday or is this his signature pose for this press tour.

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I don't get the Natalie Portman comment..

  4. Wow-Reese and her daughter look like sisters.

  5. Wow Ava is all grown up!

    Tom doesn't look like Tom anymore.

    I don't get the Natalie comment either. It's great she's planning play dates.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I feel like I've seen Mariahs dress before -on Jennifer Aniston !! And wow Ava looks exactly like Reese

  8. Wow Reese's daughter is like a clone LOL

    Gay Cruise looks slimmer his hair looks like a different color.

  9. Wow, Reese and her daughter. I love Nicole's skirt or dress.

  10. i like mariah regardless of her refusal to experiment beyond 90s bodycon dresses.

    reese's daughter has gorgeous hair! what a lovely young lady.

  11. Anonymous12:14 PM

    God Reese's kids have grown up quickly! I can't believe Ava looks like a teenager already. I feel old. I also don't see what the big is about Portman doing play dates, whatever stars can do to feel normal, I say more power to them. I can't imagine being papped, yelled at, speculated about, written about, followed, stalked, told I was the best thing ever, then the worst thing ever, etc. The money is not worth it. I don't know how stars do it, I really don't.

  12. Is Mariah slowly morphing into a chipmunk?

  13. It seems like Rosie adopts a new baby with every new relationship, how many is it now?

    1. My thoughts exactly!

    2. Exactly. Everybody should lay off of Cyrus's doggie adoptions. At least she doesn't have a child army...yet...

  14. I don't get the play date comment either. That's a good thing. Small children need to interact with other small children. That's how they learn to share and get along. Play dates are a good thing.

  15. Reese reminds me so much of my bestie (I hope you see this, little doll! love ya!) kinda freaks me out.

    I don't know why, but Snooki doesn't bother me, but then I've never watched her in action. lol

    Tom Crud bugs me, always has and always will.

  16. Ava looks like Reese and last time I say Decan? He looked like Ryan.

  17. LeAnn has some seriously squinted eyes there.

    Nicole is very thin. So why does her calf look like a so thick in that photo.

    I used to wonder who bought JLo's line (other Jennys from the block?). Now I REALLY want to know who is going to get in line to buy Snooki's line o' crap. Anyone have an idea?

  18. I don't get what's wrong with Portman taking her son to a play date. They say its good for speech development to start taking them to play dates at 4 months.

  19. Well if she has the day off, I'll say it for her
    "Tom Cruise looks great"

    1. Thank you sunny!!!! If it was me you were refering to.

      But... Le sigh.. He is handsome... But... The hair color is just not working for me. Either someone is overusing their flash or his stylist went a shade or 5 too light.

    2. Not you, silly!

    3. Sunny, ask her "Where's Shelly?"

  20. @Elly, and it's good for the moms to start having play dates as soon as they're born. My friend started taking her under 2-month old to play dates so she could have adult conversation with the other moms.

  21. It IS the same dress and neither wore it well

  22. Babies love babies! It's so cute to see those slobbering little blobs of cuteness bonding with each other.

  23. I think the comment about the playdate is meant as a positive. Like "Holy crap, someone in Hollyweird is actually a hands-on parent".

  24. Thanks Sunnny..I'm sure Steppy will be by any moment now. She's busy debunking all those stories Enty linked THR on COS.

    What is up with Mariah's bebs..Did she get them done again? They are up to her chin. Dayum! And it makes her look fat.

    LeAnn..Wow, not an attractive photo. Squinty McSquints there.

    1. That assumes there ever WAS an attractive photo......

  25. So aleph means a, his last name is millipied. a millipied!

  26. I know I'm one million three thousand to say this, but damn Ava looks exactly like Reese!

  27. snooki? a fashion line? where at? is it at hot topic, claire's, dollar tree, or at the truck stop next to the ginko-balboa, pirated harry potter dvds, plastic cowboy hats, and ephedra? even when i was a teenage girl (whose idea of fashion was kmart jaclyn smith), i could never imagine wanting anything "created" by a tatted-up smelly-looking oompa-loompa. (or a kardashian).

    what's next? a line of honey boo-boo style for kids at family dollar? or maybe mama june's health food line?

  28. Nicole Kidman looks like she's trying to secretly wear that famous chartreuse dress she wore to the '97 Oscars under that coat.

  29. I'm confused. A few days ago (I think) there was a Mariah bikini picture where she looked really thin. Here she looks much heavier. Was the bikini image that photoshopped? Or is it the dress?

  30. Anonymous1:43 PM

    its OVER for those jersey shore kids. Completely over. Hope they saved up and saw it coming.

    REESE daughter got SO big, damn im old i remember when she first was pregnant
    btw.. reeese never was pretty to me, she looks like gizmo

    mariah is crazy..that is all

  31. Natalie portman looks great. So does mariah carey

  32. ALEPH!! I never understood why people drooled over Hollywood babies (Nahla??? Pff) until Aleph. He is so cute.

  33. Reese and her daughter are indeed, TWINS! agree with you all.

    And is LeAnn coming from the gym? Holy heck, does she ever look different when not made up.

  34. i thought rosie's GF had that baby. i guess because she's wearing a bathrobe. do we know they adopted him/her?

  35. I can't believe more people aren't commenting on that thing LeAnn calls a face. The night before must have been filled with tears and booze. Time to hit the laxatives if those dang kids didn't eat em all up.

    wow. I feel bad for that but I am on hour three of an online traffic school and I'm feeling pretty nasty right now. Get thee an ice pack, b!

  36. I think Mariah is wearing the dress Kelly Taylor wore to prom. :)

    It's nice to see Natalie casually dressed doing the mom thing. I don't get that comment either.

    1. I will never, ever tire of a 9-0 reference @green wave gal

    2. Thank you for catching that! I knew someone would! :)

    3. Yes! The one she and Brenda Walsh wore to the Spring Fling!

    4. The bobsie twins! :)

  37. I took his Natalie comment to mean otherwise she isn't a very hands on mom. Hmm.

  38. Ahahahahahaha... Leann. You are not suppoused to be in the sun the day after a chemical peal. It is extremly bad for your skin. Thanks for the wretched photo. You could just maybe use some of that money for a home gym. Oh wait... Then you wouldn't have paps to call to take your picture.

    Sorry. It had to be said.

  39. Holy cow, I never realized before how much Reese daughter looks exactly like her. I've read your comments on it, but it just hit me. She could be her exact clone!

    I'm so glad my daughter is all grown up and no longer 3, or she'd want to dress like Snookie, too.

  40. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Yep I'm too late Reese's daughter is her twin for sure but might even end up more beautiful as she has her dumb as rocks but cute dad's genes too.
    Leann looks like shit, def puffy either crying the night before or on a bender I vote crying because the kind of bender to cause that puffiness keeps you on the couch the next day no way you're making it to the gym. Blown out!

  41. I can't imagine anyone wanting to see Rosie O'Donnell naked. Yuck.

    Snooki looks like she walked right out of Contempo Casuals.

    LeAnn is seriously fug.

  42. That is a very cute baby that Rosie and her wife have. They look so happy.

  43. leeanne is one ugly bitch.

    Aleph looks like a very young Darren Aranofsky.

  44. @H--I was thinking the same thing. No one is commenting on Leanne? She looks awful.

  45. Methinks the Natalie Portman comment is a BI clue.....

  46. Leeann looks like a mole coming out of the deeps of Mordor. Squinty ain't the word. She makes Renee Zellwegger look wide eyed. I'm pretty sure Mariah is throwing up some prissy girl version of gang sign at Nicki.

  47. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I don't get all the hate about LeeAnn's body. No wonder the girl has major self esteem issues. And it's not just on here. DM comments are viscous. She's certainly not physically ugly...can't vouch for her personality, but her ego seems to have been damaged early in her career when she was snarked on for being too heavy.

  48. I saw a clip of Wahlberg doing the weather - seems like a funny guy.

    Sunny looks like she was beaten with the ugly stick. Again.

    Cruise looks great, again.

    Sherry looks like her pimp beat her, again.

    There's a shadow on Kidman's leg. Sometimes it helps to open your eyes before you comment!

  49. Leanne, Jackie O shades are your friend. Please cover that shit.

  50. That's even a good picture of Snooki! Too bad sunny got the ugly stick again and again and again.

  51. Sunny...thanks! That was a hoot! ;)

  52. WOW...Reese's daughter just shot up like a bean pole. She's is Reese's Doppelganger.

  53. I think the Natalie comment is sarcastic and a BI clue, wasn't there a recent one on a new mom who wanted nothing to do with the new baby, or perhaps rejecting it b/c of a learning disability? It would certainly be a surprise given her goody goody image.... Hmmmm
