Monday, January 14, 2013

Random Photos Part One - Golden Globe Photos Part One

Six parts total today.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler who is looking about as sexy as she has ever looked.
Lea Michele
Claire Danes
Jennifer Garner
Taylor Swift
Naomi Watts
Jennifer Lawrence
Orlando Bloom & Miranda Kerr
Daniel Craig & Rachel Weisz
Nicole Kidman
Stacy Keibler
Jessica Chastain


  1. Amy looks like she is ready to start dating again.

  2. Oh Jennifer what were you thinking?

  3. The top portion of both Jennifer and Jessica's dresses are unfortunate.

    It pains me but Lea looks good.

  4. Divorce has been good for Amy I never thought of her as sexy until last night.

    Jessica Chastain is gorgeous that dress makes her bewbies look lumpy. Step it up stylists for the Oscars when she wins she needs to look fabulous for her dad Ron Howard so she can say FUCK YOU DADDY!

  5. Something is wrong here. That dress makes Swift look like she has a butt. Usually she looks like a gangly veal calf. Happy she passed on the tard bangs.

    Straight dudes out there: Poehler or Fey? Nothing against Tina, but I think I'd take Poehler.

  6. Taylor's dress is really wrinkled.

    Jennifer looked great even with the unfortunate cone boobs.

    Miranda Kerr looks like she's about to pull an Anne.

  7. Which Jennifer, Jennifer of the overflowing boobs or Jennifer of the pointy boobs ? Well, both need to reexamine their boob choices. Swift's boob was taped in place, how very nice of her !

  8. Garner looks so desperate with her bewbs pushed up that high. Maybe she tried to guarantee Ben's eyes stayed on her

  9. Naomi looked stunning, and Kidman's dress is to die for. Garner's dress is gorgeous in theory, but her boobs are oozing like they're filled with pudding and it's weirding me out. Danes looks fantastic considering she just pumped out a kidlet - the cut of the dress was very flattering on her & you can only see a bit of a belly if you stare.

  10. Anonymous12:13 PM


  11. Jennifer's top had little scoops in them that looked like she could keep Skittles or M&Ms in them for snacks later.

    I thought Nicole's hair looked perfect for her, very flattering, even if her eyebrows looked a bit scowly in the DM a couple days ago.

    I laughed so hard when Swift gave "the face" when Adele won.

  12. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Jennifer Garner just looks like she needs to yank that dress back up. Miranda...legs or tits, not both..and you are one dropped purse away from a cootchie shot. I like Lea's dress. I like the cut. For me I would go with a color though. I loved Claire Danes dress.

  13. @Count Jerkula - Fey. Although if the two of them wanted to make a MILF sandwich with me in the middle I wouldn't say no.

  14. What I want to know is WHO thought Jessica Chastain's hair looked good like that?? It looks thin on top, at the part, pulled back like that. And I would know; I have fine, thin hair, too, and it's the first thing I look at!

  15. Oh, and Mrs. James Bond's dress is unfortunate. But getting to stand that close to Daniel Craig makes everything a-ok.

  16. @Frufra - JC should be upset w/her colorist. Her regrowth was like a whole shade lighter than the rest of her hair, and it made her appear to be balding.

  17. YES---receding hairline & droop-drape boobs...i was SHOCKED.

    Also--her mom was there--- a redhead.
    You know whose longtime wife is also a redhead? Ron Howard's.

  18. Amber - I noticed in a picture taken later that night that the problem appeared to be fixed. I think someone got to her with some quick-fix spray on stuff or something.

  19. I'll say it....I like Orlando and Miranda together! This pic looks great. They look like they're having fun together! I hope all those rumors aren't true. I think he is very classically good looking. Yummy, actually. She, I could do without, but I do really like this pic!

  20. Amy looks decent, but her shoes look like something out of the Frederick's catalogue.

    Jen Garner's boobs...ouch!

    I feel kinda meh about Jen Lawrence.

    Claire Danes, Stacy Keibler and Nicole Kidman look fantastic. I said this yesterday, but I'd love to trade bodies with Stacy.

    Dress up Swifty all you want, but she's still a fugly slut (to quote Mean Girls).

  21. it makes me stabby when garner just phones it in. she's obviously a lovely girl, and while i know she's made a point of letting us all know that she's given up on life, i do appreciate when she makes an effort. that deep red is gorgeous on her. ok, so the fit wasn't the greatest but she tried, so points for that...but THEN...she resorts to soccer min-van mom everyday makeup. JESUS. it's an award show. would it kill you to slap on a coordinating shade of lipstick and do a little smokey eye?!?!

    swifty is gorge...loooved the open back. but i must admit, i preferred the eggshell ralph lauren from the people's choice awards to this little donna karan number, lovely as it may be.

    j-lawrence got it almost perfect had it not been for the shelf boobs.

    wth, rachel weisz? O_o

  22. Tina's dress was one my favorites - it's really different . -- Stacy K looks beautiful as usual.

    I know Jessica Chastain's dress is supposed to be like that, which makes it even more annoying.

    I can see why all the men in the photo of Orlando and Miranda are looking at her as if they hope she's available - it's because, apparently, she usually is available.

    I loved Taylor's gown - it's a great colour on her.

  23. Love JC but that dress made her look like she had boob FUPA.

  24. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I agree the boob situation with both Jennifers was not good. Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts both looked good, are they still friends?
    Claire Danes looked great for just having a baby but the fit of the dress was off. I can't explain why it made her look too masculine in the shoulders which is strange because she just had a baby she should be softer than usual

    Overall I was underwhelmed by the dresses, I liked. The color of J Albas but overall they were all ehh.

  25. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Woof! Chastain's dress, ugh, awful. Rachel Weisz look okay, Watts was awful, Garner should've pushed them down a little, Tina's dress needs to be shorter, say cut at the knee. And Pohler should have work her hair down. I like how Lea Michelle looks, not a try hard smile, just a happy to be here smile.

  26. Rachel is a worst dressed nominee for sure.

  27. I like Rachel's dress! I'll be over here now, by myself. Call me, Rachel!

  28. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Rachel's dress is a 90s flashback... I loved the 90s...

  29. The only nice thing i can say about Jessica is that color is beautiful on her.

    A ton of boob fails in this group of photos!

    Claire and Naomi are the best dressed in this group.

  30. Dear Jennifer Lawrence:

    Leave the headlight-boob dresses at home on Oscar night. **shudder**

  31. The only thing I could think when I saw Garner's boobs was that maybe it was time for a pump session!

  32. Everything about Tina Fey is awesome here - her hair, the dress, the shoes - gorgeous. I just wish she'd stand up straight (I have a thing about posture...).

    Lea Michelle does not look like herself here. The tan, the smile, the hair - she reminds me of another actor but I can't think of who right now. Angie Harmon?

    OUCH, Jennifer G!

    Not a Swift fan but that dress is gorgeous. My favorite color, too!

    Naomi looks great!

    I liked my girl JLaw's dress until she turned sideways and gave us scarlet cone boobs.

    DM had a bunch of shots of Orlando & Miranda. He's looking at her like, Honey, keep the curtains closed.

    I actually like Nicole's dress - it's a bit daring, but something only a tall, elegant woman could pull off.

    Oh, Jessica. Unfortunate color, unfortunate bustline, unfortunate hairline. She's a lovely woman, but this isn't working.

  33. Jen Garner's & Chastain's boobs look like hell.

  34. When I saw Chastain's dress and hair I just couldn't believe a professional stylist let her out of the house like that.

  35. Uuummm, Jessica Chastain looks like Kathy Griffin in that picture. I had to do a double take!

  36. Jessica Chastain and Jennifer Lawrence bustlines make them worst dressed for me. I hope Chastain fired her stylist.

    I thought Nicole Kidman looked the best I've seen her recently.

    Naomi's dress was just too heavy for me.

    Loved Tina Fey's look. Amy's shoes ruined her outfit.

    Claire Danes looked rushed, as if she got ready at the last minute and ran to the event. The gown didn't fit her properly.

    Rachel Weisz's dress was hideous.

    I keep hearing about Swift's reaction to Adele winning. I have to try and find it online.

  37. Loved Claire's dress and the color of Swifty's dress.

    Rachel Weisz: worst dressed nominee

    Naomi usually looks great, but I don't like this dress.

  38. Either Swifty had strategic filling in that dress, or she had a visit from the silicone fairy. She suddenly has curves where she had none just weeks ago.

    Strategic placement of that bag, Miranda. Maybe a tad less slit next time.

    Rachel is wearing curtains? That dress would have been fine without the gauze.

    Jennifer's dress looks painful.

    Claire Dane looks slightly manic.

  39. I actually really like Rachel's dress. I love the sheer with polka dots :)

  40. Jennifer Garner's dress looks like it's on backwards!

  41. You guys already said everything I felt about Jessica C hair. Gah.
    She does seem so sweet.

  42. Jessica Chastain looks like Ron Howard.

  43. Watching the network red carpet interviews outside, in that light Jessica C TOTALLY has Ron Howard's bone structure. I've never been a believer before, but the top 55% of her face is totally the same as his---

  44. Could be Clint Howard is her father and the mother could never stomach admitting to having sex with him.

    Sorry Clint.

  45. It's all in the hair re. Tina Fey

    Swifty has totes had her bewbs done.

    Did anyone else see Nic when they called her name out for the noms. She was clapping for everyone else and when they said her name she stopped and hid her hands. She's doing well at being human lately.

  46. Tina and Amy look fab except didn't love Amy's side hair.

    Lea Michelle looks amazing (love the dress!)

    Claire Danes looked great except for the eye makeup.

    Jen G. is a bust tailoring away from gorgeous.

    Taylor looks of my favorite dresses.

    JLaw looked beautiful but has she had a nose job? Her nose to face proportions looked odd last night...I've never thought that before.

    LOVE Miranda's dress (and how shes covering the fine china).

    Rachel, from the neck up is stunning. From the neck

    Love Nicole's dress. She looked beautiful.

    I want to be Stacy's bestie. She looks so darn nice.

    Oh, Jessica.

  47. I just don't see the JC/Ron Howard thing. Except for the coloring I don't see it at ALL.

  48. Honestly, do you think Jessica Chastain is Ron Howards daughter? I've heard the rumors (well, not really, just that she's his), but is there ANY truth to them? Is he married? As in, like, married for a long time, sort of thing?

  49. @Lola
    I am totally on CDaN/GG overload. When you said Rachel looks stunning from the neck up, I thought you were talking about Rachel Zoe!

  50. I love Claire Danes hair. Jessica Chastain is absolutely gorgeous, but that dress was hideous. I envy redheads, and adore her hair. Her hairstyle last night was fug. Her hairline reminds me of Gary Oldman's in Dracula. Hopefully she will make better choices for the Oscars,

  51. I actually loved Amy's shoes and that Stella McCartney suit fit her like a glove!

    Tina's hair looked the best I've ever seen it look, but I wasn't a big fan of her red carpet dress. The one she wore at the top of the show was stunning and really showed off her figure (she usually is great at picking dresses that do so).

    I think that from far away and from the front JLaw's dress looked great. But any close-up or side shot showed that weird boob action. I don't understand why anyone would make a dress like that, let alone wear it.

    Poor Jessica Chastain. Her boobs looked so saggy in that ill-fitting dress and her hairstyle was dreadful.
    Did anyone even interview Orlando and Miranda? I didn't even know they were there until I saw pictures afterwards.

    And the past 2 dresses T. Swift has worn have proven her boob job. Not that it looks bad, just that it's incredibly obvious.

    Lea Michele looks like she fell in a vat of self-tanner.

  52. Bryce Dallas Howard (Ron Howard's daughter) and Jessica Chastain, side by side.

    Doesn't prove or disprove, there's just a lot of speculation based on how much they alike and that Robin Williams funded JC's Julliard tuition.

    1. DBZee, Holy Shit! They're twins!

  53. *how much they look alike

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Jennifer Garner's boobs look like two cats fighting in a bag.

  56. @DZB, damn, do they look alike....SERIOUSLY....

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. @DBZee and Feraltart

    They even have chin clefts. Wow, I really was skeptical until I saw the photos side by side.

  59. To be fair, one could say something similar about the Isla Fisher/Amy Adams confusion, but the background on JC makes it a bit more plausible.

    Another one where they're actually side by side - smile creases and chins are almost identical.

    (Sorry about the wording on the first pic - JC is on the left, BDH on the right).

  60. Oh the duct taping that must've went on to make that awful incident on Jenn Garner's chest. That's just not right.

  61. Sunny...AHHHH! You made me look...that is all kinds of no, no, no. What the hell?

    I still don't think they look anymore similar than Isla Fisher and Amy Adams. Yes, they look similar but I think that first picture is just a good choice of pictures and the reality is more like the dissimilarities readily apparent in the second picture.

    Sure, maybe RH is her dad, but I still don't see it.

  62. Chastain earned a scholarship to Julliard. The Robin Williams Scholarship is funded privately by Robin. It is 60k per year, and it is a 2 year scholarship.She earned it.

  63. Jennifer G, please just go up a fucking size! Is there really a need for that?? I feel like freeing those poor babies.

    Taylor Swift might be crazy, but girl knows how to wear a frock.

  64. I like Rachel's dress. Would have been better a couple of inches shorter but it's still great.
    Garner, put them away. The height of tacky.

  65. I have to say - when I first saw The Help and hadn't really heard of Jessica Chastain, I kept remarking to myself how similar she and Bryce looked in the movie, even though Jessica had blonde hair and Bryce had red! When both have red hair (especially in pictures side by side) they look creepily similar! I wouldn't discredit the Ron Howard rumor...
