Monday, January 14, 2013

Random Photos Part Four - Golden Globe After Party Photos Part One

Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway play the new game that is sweeping the nation or at least their corner of the world. Golden Globe fight. One Golden Globe is stronger than all the rest.
Later, Anne hugged it out with Amanda Seyfried.
Megan Hilty & Brian Gallagher
Jack McBrayer & Amy Adams
Bill Murray and Kelly Lynch
Hugh Jackman and his wife.
Jane Lynch
The women from "Girls"
Heidi Klum
Ariel Winter


  1. Isla Fisher, not Amy Adams :)

  2. Isla Fischer, not Amy Adams. Stalker Mom Adams creeps me the F out, and she looks like a cross between Fairuza Balk & Nicole Kidman.

  3. Pretty sure that's Isla Fisher with Jack McBrayer.

  4. Isla Fisher!!
    Poor thing, she's said many times how she always gets mistaken for Amy Adams. And she looked SO much better than Amy did this time!

  5. isla fisher!!!!! not amy adams

  6. Who are Megan Hilty & Brian Gallagher?

    And is that Nathan Fillion holding onto Heidi Klum in the pic?

  7. Anne looks really pretty in that second pic.

    Did anyone see how grumpy Tommy Lee Jones looked during Will Farrell and Kristen Wiigs intro for Best Actress was? I thought it was funny but his face made it funnier.

    Amanda seemed a little annoyed on the red carpet when E! wanted to talk to Hugh Jackman while they were talking to her.

  8. Two more things...#1: I absolutely love how much Hugh Jackman adores his wife. #2: For anyone that watched the E! broadcast of the red carpet, did you notice how nice and gracious Chastain seems to be? Apparently when she was getting out of her car she yelled to Kelly & Ross that she LOVES them and loves Fashion Police. Then when Naomi Watts & Liev Schreiber were walking up to talk to Ryan Seacrest, she was raving to Naomi about how much of a fan she is. Super sweet.

    1. I agree on both points, I'm glad they both won! Haven't watched Les Mis yet, but Zero Dark Thirty was great!

  9. Ariel Winter was the prettiest girl there.

  10. Am I the only one that likes neither Lena Dunham or "Girls"? Maybe I'm just not hip(ster) enough.

    1. I don't watch it, but she looks better in that dress than previously. Ughh.

  11. Kelly Lynch looks horrible!!!!

    Heid Klum looks great, love the dress.

    Ugh, Girls. UGH.

    I could not believe when Hathaway hogged the mike again when Les Mis won. What an annoying asshole!

    1. ITA about Kelly, I wouldn't have recognized her!

  12. Anne should not wear strapless dresses with her hair that short, it makes her neck look incredibly long.

    Also, I don't understand why actresses insist on wearing dresses so close to their skin color (not picking on one actress, through the years I have noticed this). It doesn't make them stand out and I find it terribly unflattering but what do I know, I am not a style icon.

  13. Oh Jessica, don't get sucked into Anne's vortex of insufferability!

    Heidi Klum looks fab as always.

  14. oh ann-with-an-e, please grouw out your stupid hair. her features are so harsh w/ it. #fugtastic

    i just do not get doughy, pasty, droopy-shouldered lena dunham's appeal. all that money yet no gym membership, posture lessons, stylist, or bad tattoo removal in sight. #dnl

    heidi's still got it. wow on those legs!

  15. @MK for short I don't like her or Girls either. I watched the first episode barely made it 10 minutes.

  16. Just saw an interview of Lena with Charlie Rose. Not as articulate as I'd hoped for. I didn't know that she came from such a privileged background. So, good for her for triumphing over her privileged background!!

    1. Mwahahaaa!
      Well at least she's found her place in the world....

    2. Mwahahaaa!
      Well at least she's found her place in the world....

  17. Enty thats not amy adams lol

  18. I don't get the Lena Dunham hate. I think she's cute. Isn't her making a splash a good sign? Like Hollywood is beginning to value talent over looks? I for one think it is awesome that we are getting more people with relatable bodies out there.

    1. Thanks @Lucas! It's ok not to love Lena and her show but lets be happy that we're seeing talented girls getting well deserved recognition.

    2. Amen. I don't get all the Lena hate. I think it's great than an educated woman is successful in television, as opposed to say, porn star Kim K.

  19. I cant stand Lena Dunham. Never watched Girls so cant comment on it but watching her last night makes me not want to see it. My mom kept asking why is she so depressing.

  20. I watched the first episode of Girls last year and didn't like it. They made her look so humiliated. Her boyfriend treated her horribly, not Big horrible, we're talking really ick. If it's a better show, good on her but what I saw made me not want to watch Lena Dunham after that since she wrote it.

    I think it's sweet how Hugh Jackman loves his wife too but if I were her I would tell him I want veneers. She would look incredibly pretty with them and it's not like they can't afford it.

  21. Lena always makes comments that reek of stereotypes, especially against attractive people. You can either be smart and dumpy like her, or attractive and vapid.

    1. msgirl, you nailed why some of us don't find her funny. I just don't see the wit ?

  22. I just love how people absolutely SKEWER some celebs for working out hard and being very aware of their looks and bodies, and then when we get someone who does not care about looks or her body, she's doughy, slouchy, and pasty. I just don't get it I guess.

  23. Oh and what a difference in what Ariel Winter is wearing, I noticed right away she's not sexed up but very age appropriate! Ugly dress IMO, but still.

  24. What's wrong with her teeth? Maybe some people like having character, and not looking like a cookie cutter image of "pretty". The NERVE of her, leaving the house with a gap in her teeth!!!!

  25. I'm with you Jolene. Boggles the mind.

    I don't understand the Anne Hathaway hate -- I like her and I think she's incredibly talented especially compared to some of the so-called actresses out there. She's also very pretty and seems nice enough.

  26. I like Bill Murray's mustache. Lena Dunham should grow hers out like that.

  27. Dunham is one of those people who is going to talk about how awful HS was for the rest of her life, and none of the people who were so terrible will care. They'll just think it's weird she's still talking about it. Doing your own thing and not conforming is one thing. Announcing it is desperate and sad.

  28. Isn't that Jane Lynch's wife too?

  29. LOLOL @ Count. You're my fav.

  30. @MK for short: Girls wouldn't be so bad if the hot one ever got naked. I sat through a season waiting for that and they lost me. Only memorable occurrence was when Lena was taking it doggy and wouldn't shut up so the dude told her, "Lets play the quiet game."

  31. Anonymous1:15 PM

    polka dots? ouch. Poor Ariel Winter. Anne and Amanda look nice and friendly there, I'm glad to see it. I agree with Jolene, it's a weird double standard. I think it has to do with likability too. Lena talked alot of smack, and thus detracted from her likability. I don't think any of us would bag on Adele for being overweight.

  32. To be fair, there's nothing physically I dislike about Lena Dunham (except her posture), I think I just didn't like "Girls" as much as others and it somehow tainted my appeal of her.

  33. Bitch!! Get your body off Nathan Fillion's hands!!

  34. Last night I was watching TV and going through the onscreen guide. "Girls" was coming on, then another new show, and an old show.

    The juxtapositioning was funny, it was:
    Girls - Enlightened - The Three Stooges!

    (Stupid misfire, this landed in the wrong spot, first go-round!)

  35. @Count, I know right? Lena spent most of last nights episode naked and the one seen where Marnie hooks up with a guy her hair is perfectly placed over her boob and it looked so forced to try and hide her bits. I kinda liked girls last season, it took a few episodes to get into it, but you really just have to put yourself into the idea of being in your young 20's insecure and trying to figure out what you are willing to put up with in relationships or the stupid things you do and how they backfire on you. That said Lena Dunham annoyed me with her speech last night when the show won and she basically talked about herself.

  36. Damnit *scene* not seen.

  37. I don't get premium and haven't seen girls either. I'd like to see it. Apparently she gets naked quite a bit? Hey someone gave her the show she can do what she wants.

    Loved Hugh's speech. What I really like is how you hear their real accents. Christian Bale and Hugh sounded awesome.

  38. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Isla Fisher is soo pretty. Much prettier than AA. I think AnnE has a Girl Crush on Amanda Seiyfield. She cannot keep her hands off of Amanda. Did anyone else hear Kelly Osborne talking about Amanda's cute boobies though? I have imperfect teeth. Veners make them weaker and I am dental phobic anyway.

  39. Aw, Jane's got cone boobs on a beautiful dress, too! :/

    I've never or heard of Girls, but when they flashed on this Lena person, she had kind of a whatever look on her face. And that dress, lovely as the color may be, is not flattering on her frame. The gal to her right (the one not smiling) looks familiar.

    echoing Disco - LEAVE NATHAN ALONE, HARPY!

    Ariel Winter is adorable.

  40. I didn't realize Lena D. was from a privileged background. So *that's* what she's rebelling against. It explains a lot.

    Do the dress a favour next time and don't wear it. Or get a gown that has a little jacket and cover that tattoo. It looks skanky at an awards show.

  41. I have a problem where I turn on HBO at 9 on Sundays and don't change the channel. I do not really dig Treme, but I'm too lazy to flip the channels for 10 minutes after Boardwalk Empire. I watched the last season of Girls because it was after Game of Thrones. Laura Dern annoys me, so I'm saved from seeing Girls this season. Hopefully others feel the same way and the ratings tank.

    I miss the show that had Ted Danson smoking pot each week.

    What is going to be in the 10pm time slot after Game of Thrones? That starts in March, right?

    1. Bored th Death! Ugh, I miss that show! And yes, 3/31 GoT is back! Yay!!!!!!

  42. Look at Ariel Winter looking perfectly pretty and shockingly age appropriate!

  43. I for one don't mind Lena Dunham's appearance when she's in character, but for an awards show, she could step it up a bit. I agree with the people who explained why she's so exasperating. Her whole bit is 'I'm not attractive and people don't like me, but it's because they suck'. Not being conventionally attractive doesn't give you license to shit all over people who ARE. Also, in theory I like the idea of having non-perfect people in Hollywood, except then that has to be their entire personality. Melissa McCarthy is funny, but is always the butt of every joke, because its okay for a chubby girl to be the lead on TV as long as its acknowledged every two minutes that she's in fact chubby

  44. "Not being conventionally attractive doesn't give you license to shit all over people who ARE."

    Why not people who are attractive or think they are have been shitting on the unattractive for centuries. I know two wrongs don't make a right but....

    "Melissa McCarthy is funny, but is always the butt of every joke, because its okay for a chubby girl to be the lead on TV as long as its acknowledged every two minutes that she's in fact chubby"

    Not sure if I agree with you or not. Are you saying that it is only acceptable for a chubby girl to be a lead on a TV show as long as she makes herself the butt of the joke or that is what Hollywood is saying.

    And I could point out exceptions even in Hollywood thank god though long way to go.

    I personally applaud a show that gives a more realistic view of life for young single women particularly in NYC and still make it funny and bravo to Lena for creating that show. If it is depressing that is because IT IS. But if you look harder and deeper it isn't all depressing.

    And I had to laugh at her inability to wear high heels. This could have been me as it has happened in the past. Someone would have talked me into wearing high heels against my better judgment.

  45. Anne looks gorgeous. She may not be sexy, but damn is she beautiful.

    Girls was back on - Allison Williams stole the last episode as she so often does.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Tina--Butterkwup can reply for herself, but in case she doesn't, I'll just say that so many women who Lena assumes are attractive and stupid, aren't necessarily. 'Don't punish me for what others who LOOK like me have done', in other words.
    Stereotyping says more about the typer, than the type-ee.
    Stereotypes are for lazy, timid people who don't like to challenge their set assumptions.

    Btw, Butter is surely LAMENTING that MM's weight is always the joke or pointed out. We 'know' Butterkwup here; she's reasonable and nice.

    (Sorry if I stepped on your toes, Butter, i just didn't want it to look like you LIKED that MM is defined by her weight, 'cause that's not how I read it or you at all.)

    (deleted & edited for grammar)

  48. AND NATHAN FILLION!! It's nice to see ariel winter dressed like a 14 year old. She looks lovely! And I can never tell Amy from Isla...don't hate me.

  49. You know what @Tuxedo Cat a jacket or shell would have been a nice option for Lena. The dress wasn't bad but her body proportions weren't right for it. We all have to work within our shapes for the best cut or fit. I think a jacket would have made her more comfortable, because she looked like she felt awkward.

  50. Dunham irks me for all the reasons stated above. The thing that bothered me the most about her was her reaction to being questioned about the whiteness of her show. Fair enough, her show. But this person who grew up in Manhattan and lives in Brooklyn....ummmm....brown people are peripheral? It all just says a lot about the depth of her narcissism. Normal for her age, probably, but depressing to watch. And thanks to her success she is gonna get stuck this way. Ask Taylor Swift!

  51. I have the whole series of Girls from last season on my DVR and haven't watched yet. I'm still debating.

  52. Thanks @ Libby! Damn work gets in the way sometimes. I am definitely upset with the fact that Melissa is pigeonholed into roles where she is the butt of every joke and the average viewer response is going to be 'but at least she got a role!' This talented actress was on Gilmore Girls for 7 years and the role of Sookie wasn't dependent on the actress being overweight or scary, two things that since, in order to break out more, Melissa has been forced to do.

    Believe me, as a fellow chubby girl I'm never going to be saying I only want to see women as long as they are making fun of their own weight (which is the entire joke of 'Mike & Molly').

  53. Hipsters are a cancer on Brooklyn like McMansions are a cancer on rural areas throughout the North East.

    90% of Brooklyn's "brown people" are higher quality humans than the hipster scum that oozed over the bridges from Manhattan.

  54. I have no clue who Lena Dunham is or what her show is. I liked her dress/style fine (didn't love the huge back tattoo but, whatev). My only gripe with LD is with her shoe choice. If you can't frickin' walk in heels but someone convinced you to wear them anyway (or they became horribly uncomfortable)...take them off! The lurching around like Frankenstein was very unattractive (bare feet would have been much better).

    Ariel Winter looks cute.

    Really pretty pic of Amanda and Anne.

    Heidi looks amazing.

  55. @Count Jerkula

    What are "brown people"? I've never heard that term before.

  56. "Brown People" are what Selock used to describe the people that are never seen in the show Girls, 4 comments before mine.

    Since you never heard it before, I guess you didn't read Selock's comment. Are you just skipping to my comments to find something to piss and moan about? Good luck with that.

  57. @Count Jerkula

    Well thanks for your help, yes I saw his / her comment, and still don't know what they are talking about ... Sorry to have bothered you.

  58. Oh, Kelly. You were my first ever girl crush, even wondered if I was a lesbian. What happened?! Please don't say you 'grew up'. The hair HAS to go.

  59. @Lola - "lurching around like Frankenstein" I almost died laughing!

    I am a 20-something who finds Girls relatable; although I am successful, most of my friends were in the place these characters are in right after we graduated college. Lena created a show that is kind of an example of her life. Her best friends in real life may all be the white, so I don't see the point in putting in the "token black friend" to please viewers. That would just bring on a whole new onslaught of criticism. I don't see Lena as someone trying to be an icon for "chubby unattractive people." Have any of you ever seen her being interviewed? I just think that she is extremely misunderstood. Her wardrobe on the other hand? I'd love to dress her up for awards shows so we'd never have to see those awful monstrosities she chooses again.

  60. @MAC

    I know...If Lena didn't know how to walk in high heels, I couldn't think of a worse time to try them out - on a televised Awards Show? Once you learn to walk in them, it's just like riding a bike - you never forget. She was not confident in them though. She would have been better off in flats, even if the dress had to be taped.

    @Girls show I see now what you meant - about there being only White characters on the show. The show sounds kind of annoying anyhow. I love comedies and was thinking of taping it, but after hearing all this, I'll pass.

  61. lena d. reminds me of that ultra-hipster stripper chick who wrote juno then promptly fell off the planet. i cant even recall her name now. i do recall every tatted dita wannabe suddenly prattling off witty remarks thinking they were now the winning lotto ticket to the front of the velvet rope line.
    so grating.
    i'd happily invite melissa mcarthy - or even a so-called "attractive girl" to my fantasy slumber party anyday over lena d.
    its hard to hug someone with such a huge chip on their shoulder.

    ariel winter is so pretty! i wanna steal her shoes and clutch. or at least find a reasonably priced knockoff!

  62. Diablo Cody - I can't hate on her, she created United States of Tara.

  63. Sorry, that was meant for Kim - the chick who wrote Juno is Diablo Cody.

  64. @Tuxedo Cat: Well, if you can't figure it out on your own, you should try race baiting Selock to get an answer. Or maybe see if your computer has the Google and possibly it can help you with the meaning of "brown people".

    If you are successful, please share your findings with the rest of us, because knowing is half the battle.

  65. @dbz:thanx! couldnt recall her name. ive not seen us-of tara.
    fyi: i have no qualms with anyone with talent finding success no matter their looks/lifestyle/wtf-ever. my issue is just with those who open their box of private grudges to forcefeed us all a lifetime of preaching when all we desire is to enjoy the damned show! sorry daddy didnt get you a pony for xmas, and buffy down the street did get one, but let it go lena!

  66. @Count Jerkula

    Thanks, Count, and I'm glad that 90 percent of brown people in Brooklyn meet with your approval. I'm sure they can all sleep tonight knowing they pass your level of coolness test. I guess the other 10 percent are out of luck for now.

    I wonder if Gwyneth is a hipster.

  67. @Tuxedo Cat: Please don't attempt to put words in my mouth. Only about 2 dozen people in Brooklyn meet with my approval. I just said they were better than hipsters.

  68. Doesn't anyone else think Jessica Chastain looks JUST like Ron Howard from that angle? Isn't he supposed to be her father?

    1. That's an internet rumor only. She has denied it.

  69. I just love Anne Hathaways short hair. It makes a nice change from seeing the same old boring extensions that most girls have these days

  70. I *loved* the look on Tina Fey's face when Lena Dunham trotted out her acceptance speech and said that the other actresses in the category were women who inspired her deeply and comforted her "in the darkest moments of her life" and then said something about them getting her through anxiety, a host of other ailments as well as MIDDLE SCHOOL.

    Gee, Lena, way to call the other nominees OLD.

  71. @ Tuxedo - Hipster?? Goop likes to think she's badass and street. She raps! Fo' real!

    Actually, I think she's too homogenized and mainstream for hipster status.

  72. @Mango

    Oh yes, she raps. Hipsters don't get rap, that's right.

  73. @kerri... I like the short hair on her too...I never thought she was that attractive but I think it flatters her face

  74. Never thought I'd find a worksheet link here. Thanks! Looks good.

  75. Never thought I'd find a worksheet link here. Thanks! Looks good.
