Monday, January 14, 2013

Random Photos Part Five - Golden Globes After Party Photos Part Two

Kerry Washington & Quentin Tarantino canoodle
Jodie Foster. Use your words, not your fists.
Amy Adams
Robert Pattinson
Jennifer Lopez introduces Casper to her ex, Sean Combs.
Leonardo DiCaprio
Jonah Hill can't believe he is going to party with Leo and Bradley Cooper.
John Krasinski and Emily Blunt with Harvey Weinstein.
The Hough siblings with matching hair.
Damian Lewis and his wife.
Robert Downey Jr. & Susan Downey. Is that velvet?


  1. Pattinson is on the verge of having Sam The Eagle eyebrows.

    Imagine Quentin Tarantino having sweaty, thrusting sex.

  2. Himmmmm well done on into for Cecil B. award!!

  3. "Sean, this is my plaything, I mean, boyfriend, Casper"

    Who's Harvey Weinstein?

    1. HW is head of Miramax studio. MEGA powerful. Married to the Marchesa lady, which is why so many actresses wear the label.

    2. @mynerva - FORMER head of Miramax, now head of The Weinstein Company.

    3. Thanks, my bad! I get those damn companies mixed up all the time.

  4. That column in Daily Beast described Emily Blunt and John Krasinski as the dorky smart couple, which made me like them more. Apparently she kept adjusting her dress all night.

    Feeling bad for Leo.

    Julianne Hough is totally totally getting on my nerves. I have a feeling it won't be long before I really dislike her the way some here dislike Anne.

  5. I don't see QT having sweaty sex. After the lady described an evening with him I picture him obsessed and licking every woman's feet.

  6. Enty, I really, really hope that was a Coming To America reference.

    Julianne Hough bugs me. She is a dead-ringer for Ginger Rogers - even the voice. But when she opens her mouth it's just loads of idiot spewing out.

    1. It's beautiful , what is it, velvet?

  7. @White Lily - he is a very powerful producer in Hollywood.

  8. So jealous, what I would have given to swap places with jonah hill in that picture. I know leo is stinky but he is so cute.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I love how all of the nobodies thought they were somebodies and decided to do a costume change from the awards show to the after parties--JLo, Julianne Hough, Jessica Alba. Yet the actually stars who were nominated and won did no such thing. HA.

    I ask WHY WAS JESSICA ALBA THERE? What does she DO?

  11. There's something trashy about Amy Adams, at least to me. I'm not sure how to explain it. Does anyone else agree?

    I'm not gonna lie - I think it would be fun to hang out with Leo & Jonah Hill.

    As much of a douche as Diddy is, he probably thinks that Casper is a total loser & that JLo looks sad & desperate.

    The Houghs are annoying.

    1. Watch Amy in The Fighter, you'll be able to our your finger on it.
      I like her, but she always looks cheap on the red carpet.

  12. Thanks @SweetP and @Mynerva!! :D

  13. Yeah it is velvet ;) I think RDJ wore it well.

    1. Rdj can wear anything well.yum yum

    2. Anonymous9:40 PM

      @lotta and @literary cosign! he can wear dirty johnny depp clothes and still look extremely handsome

  14. I used to work for Miramax (way back when) and can tell you Harvey is a pig. But very smart and shrewd. Will step on anyone and anything to get what he wants.

  15. i hate the thought of lovely kerry washington so close to all those gross tarantino cooties. run, kerry, run!

    jodie looks so great in her armani.

    if dumbass little casper knew all the things jho did w/ p. doody...i swear he'd take the money and run as fast as he could. oh to be stupid and naive...

    poor jonah hill should never EVER stand next to dicaprio. EVER.

  16. When I sewn the Amy Adams red carpet interview she seemed RO have a lot of crazy going on. Very high strung.

  17. When I sewn the Amy Adams red carpet interview she seemed RO have a lot of crazy going on. Very high strung.

  18. @Jolene
    I'm glad you brought up the costume changes for the after parties. How does that work logistically? Do they have a dressing area for people to switch into their other gowns, or are they in the first class porta potties (those do exist!) trying not to fall out the door while bending over in that tiny space. I would love to really know this

    Poor Emily Blunt if all the things we guess about her are not true, but the married actress being Emily and the A++ celebrity being Harvey (And not Clinton)

    1. @Sunny--My guess is they all have rooms at the hotel or one nearby (the GGs were at the Bev Hilton) where they do their primping and changing. Celebs always seem to talk about getting ready in hotel rooms!

    2. Sunny there ARE super luxe porta potties - they are in portable trailers - with stalls, sinks, sitting areas...fancy shmancy!

  19. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I remember reading the leaked emails from Harvey I think it was from back in the miramax days. Shit I can't remember where I read them but they were BRUTAL. Talking about which actresses give the best blow jobs etc.
    Anyway RDJ looks great his wife looks very pretty too. Amy Adams looks ridiculous. Ditto JLo and her embarrassing boy toy but I will say the black dress was better than the lace dress she wore at the show.

  20. I need them emails, katydid! *off to GOOGLE*

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      I just tried to find them and can't. It might of been linked from lipstick alley. It was him emailing his staff at Sundance I think telling them how to get the best deals by screwing other people over and that they were there to work and not get bj's and hand jobs but if they did who was the best.
      It was like Ari Gold times 20. He's a real piece of work.

  21. SD & RDJ are definitely the best dressed couple. I love Susan's dress!

  22. Anonymous1:11 PM

    RDJ and Susan look fantastic! I LOVE velvet suits. LOVE. Everyone looks so cute and happy, except for Tarantino, he looks mean and drunk!

  23. I've never seen a man show age in his hands as much as Leo in that pic. Of course w/ all the trim he's bagging, he prolly don't use lotion as much as the rest of us.

  24. Yes RDJ is in velvet and I immediately thought of Enty when I noticed it last night :)

  25. haha that little fucker Jonah Hill hasn't figured out that Leo only keeps him around as the fat friend.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I noticed a trend of no ties last night.

    I never knew what RDJ's wife looked like. She is very lovely and she rocked the dress. Did you notice they match as he is in navy velvet? His shoes are horrid! Sorry but I always notice the shoes.

    Jessica Alba presented last night and it was the most boring presentation!

    Odd angle on the pic of Damien Lewis.

    Go Jodie! Nice speech. Loved it.

  28. Diddy saying "Step aside son, the grown-ups are talking..."

  29. @Jolene
    Oh - got it! I never watch award shows for more than 15 or 20 minutes so I assumed they were all held at the Nokia Theater. What a rookie!

  30. For a minute during Jodi's speech when they cut to Mel with his pop-eyes and open mouth I thought she was going to tell us he is the father of her 2 sons.

  31. I wish Amy Adams didn't feel she had to try so hard. There's my RDJ in his little velvet jacket! Mr. Handsome!

  32. Saying "Ewwww" to the thought of a Tarantino canoodle...

  33. Bradley Cooper's laughing at Jonah Hill's pledge of eternal devotion, Leo's scoping out a girl to get him out of there!

    Oh man, Harvey W is quite the ... um ... let's just say not nice person.

    RDJ looks hot, as usual, and his wife is lovely, too. Love the dress!

  34. I just threw up in my mouth looking at Harvey & thinking of all the nasty stories.

  35. Among many other things Weinstein has done: BADGERED cancer-stricken Sydney Pollack and the widow of another co-producer, Anthony Minghella, to rush them to finish the romantic drama "The Reader"before Pollack died.

  36. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Yes he's in a league of his own as far as filth goes. I wish I could find those emails again I'm going to keep looking and I'll link them if I do.

  37. Haha, I just remembered the head of the Hollywood Foreign Press telling Bradley Cooper to call her. The camera panned to him and I don't think he knew how to react.

    Harvey is disgusting, I can't even imagine all his shenanigans. Ewwwww.

  38. I like Julianne. She's a cutie. She's just trying to make it like everyone else.
    I really like John K. I hope they really are happy.
    Robert and Susan are such a handsome couple!

  39. I feel compelled to tell Quentin Tarantino to keep his filthy hands off Kerry Washington. Not sure why. Just am impulse I guess.

    1. Does it help if I tell you that she's a super vain beeyotch, IRL? All that pretty, but nasty attitude with her employees. :(

    2. @Bri
      Kerry has a eating disorder doesn't she? I remember her admitting she's had one in the past because she's a perfectionist. I actually really like her and thought she's always seemed very sweet. What kind of stuff has she said/done to her employees?

  40. After playing Gisele in Enchanted, Amy Adams will always be perfection (but I didn't like her styling last night).

  41. RDJ is so hot I am so jealous of his beautiful wife.

  42. @bri - RDJ's wife or Amy Adams?

  43. @DBZee: she meant Kerry. And just ugh on giving Weinstein a bj. Gross. Ick. Nast!

  44. Yummy!!! Leo and RDJ!! Oh and is it bad that I find Quentin kinda hot!! I like the freaks :)

  45. LOVE me some RDJ. Seriously, that man is the hottest EVER. Just yummy. Hope his wife is awesome, too. She'd have to be, right?!

  46. i wonder if j-lo had a dinner party, if she'd make her guests call him: casper the friendly host?
    he seems like such a little yappy puppy-play-fetch kinda boy.

    yes, when i read enty's line on rdj, i too totally heard the old jewish barber shop man voice from coming 2 america saying "vat is dat? vel-vet?? dat's bee-u-tyfull!!"

    i think only rdj and daniel craig can rock velvet, sneakers, or a red speedo weenie-kini and get away with it. knowing mrs. rdj had a baby and can wear that dress makes me even more jealous than i was. lovely couple tho.

    i get the shivers thinking of classy kerry washington auditioning for tarantino. toe-sucking and racial epithets are a vile combination. harvey miramax looks like bad b.o. and garlic-breath. like an ex-boss who used to invite me to play tickle the pickle during break time. ick, nast indeed.

  47. Saw a pic of Salma. She could make a potato sack look like haute couture. She is one bad mother. Salma is hot hot hot!!!

  48. Haven't read any blinds today, but my first thought when I saw Harvey and Emily .... was she one of Harvey's girls? GROSS!!! Emily just say NO! Poor John K.

    Same awful thought with Kerry W and QT! Again, VOM!

    OK. My man RDJ. Always the gentleman! And I love the velvet. But what's up with the shoes? You are always wearing trainers. Foot issues? Hmmm? Himmm? You and the wifey are so cute together!

  49. Aw, that gives me the sads. I really like her in Scandal.

    @Kim, ewwww at that visual!

  50. Has Amy moved on to Kristen Stewart?

    JLo is looking at Casper like PLEASE don't embarass me!!!

  51. I just saw Lucy Liu's dress -- I must have missed it...sorry, but it's just so beautiful.

    Golden Globes Fug or Fab Carpet: Lucy Liu Lucy Liu – Go Fug Yourself

  52. the Downeys look spectacular. Claire Danes was terrific. Jody Foster was so elegant, so lovely. and her kids are so darling! Tina and Amy killed it. That was quite a good show and the women didnt seem as mean spirited as rickey did. they still killed but not in a hostile way. and the spewing of quentin tarentino confirmed to me he is a vile narcissist. what a tool

  53. Leo looks old, and he's younger than me. He needs to put some lotion on his skin.
    Okay I realize I sound like Buffalo Bill, but honestly. Put it on there!

  54. @Jolene & @Sunny: I think the reason most of the "real" stars and winners didn't bother changing is because they probably had a ton of press to do right after the show. The wannabes, on the other hand, had no one to talk to or pose for so they had all the time in the world to primp for the party. As for changing, I believe that it's like at the Oscars where most attendees take a hotel room close by. That's how they all arrive looking relatively unwrinkled.

  55. Damien Lewis has the Botox shine happening on his forehead. Not a good look.

  56. I seem to recall rumors that Harvey used to chain women to radiators. I'm going back like fifteen years or so, maybe via The A List, way before he started Georgina Chapman's career.

  57. @lola, check out AA in Junebug. I don't understand all the hate she seems to inspire.

  58. regarding the changing of the clothes: some really are there for the PR, award and to mingle. Some are there for the party. I think the ones there for the party will change clothes and get comfortable so when they get hammered, they're not messing up some designers donated clothes.

  59. @ino
    Thanks for the scoop - that totally makes sense. It's the famous people version of me changing into flip flops at weddings once I have been photographed at least once, and other guests start to look hammered :)

    Trust! I have been in some fancy poopers! They had some at an ESPN gala, and I didn't want to leave (candles and everything!)

  60. Just out of curiousity....I have been a lurker for awhile and I wanted to ask some of the more seasoned vets on here....ANY GOSSIP ON KERRY WASHINGTON AND/OR TONY GOLDWYN?????
