Wednesday, January 23, 2013

People Vs Winter


  1. That was terrifying to me. I live in NC where school is cancelled for a 1/2" of snow.

    1. GoHeels: I loved it when I would wake up to snow in the morning cuz no matter how light the dusting school would be canceled. It was awesome!

    2. @goheels - I used to think I could handle more cold weather but the amount of snow we get here is A-ok with me. It's always fun to see people brace for a "big" snow here.

  2. Okay, the failed cow humping was pretty funny.

  3. The bull mounting and falling was hilarious. Was that Seattle where the bus was sliding down the hill? The reporter who got hit by a snowboarder, flipped in the air, landed and picked his mike right back up is a true professional.

  4. Lol!! I've had a few experiences with slippery ice myself.

  5. I am loving it here in NC after living most of my life in MI. Don't miss snow and don't miss extreme cold.

    goheels...that's ridiculous! One of my friends out by Raleigh said they closed schools last week for an inch of snow!

  6. This made my heart stop over and over again . . .

  7. I'm really confused about the guy with the banjo. Why was he just walking down the street w/a banjo?

    There's a little too much reality here for me. Hah. Although, we are hoping we get some good snow when it warms up in Feb. I want to take my BF who's from Cali sledding for his first time!

  8. That gtave me heart palpitations. I am A Person Who Often Falls Down. I felt their pain, man.

    1. I can relate Maja and Kerri. I fell just going to the bathroom last night. Damn cat dish tripped me.

  9. Me too Maja.... I'm always falling over so I was cringing through the entire thing

  10. I liked the guy at 2:08 who went headfirst into the drift. The cow was pretty funny too.

  11. After living in Las Vegas for 13 years I've become a total weather wimp. I can't abide the cold or the death defying antics that accompany snow and ice.
    My hat's off to those who can handle such weather!

  12. @Alicia..yes the bus sliding down the hill was indeed Seattle 2 or 3 years ago. A lot of this was fimed in WA state.

  13. As said above. A few of these were from seattle's "snomagedon or snowpocalips". I have been wanting snow!!! :( that year I was able to snowboard down our steep hill.

  14. Yay, Seattle, represent! I saw you, #43!

    Loved the newscaster's backflip. Perfect. Especially how he quickly picked the mic back up.

    1. " that was a bad idea " hahahaha

  15. In my old house, I could always tell if it snowed overnight by the sound of 18-wheeler trucks driving past my house. The main thoroughfare through the city would be closed and traffic diverted to my (parallel) street.

  16. Makes me grateful to live in South Florida. It's 72 right now, low will be 56 tonight.

  17. What's funny about this is that the slipping and sliding of cars would rarely happen in Chicago, even though there's probably more snow and cold weather than pretty much anywhere on earth. This is because 1. it's not hilly; and 2. while Chicago is crooked as fuck, the snow removal teams are absolute PROS. The speed of snow removal and salting is honestly better than anyone. This is why even though there's so much f'ing snow here, it has to be a blizzard or monstrous proportions for any kind of snow day/day off of school/work to happen. And then there's like a quarter of inch anywhere else and an entire town is out of commission.

    1. Jolene Jolene - I miss that about Chicago!!! That city never stopped. It's freakin 8 deg outside, snow to your waist, and everyone is still doing their thing. I moved to Portland and we had our own snowmagedon (when Seattle did). Damn, I think the city owns four snow plows. They never did plow my street and couldn't drive my car for two weeks. Insanity!

      And we are supposed to use chains bc no salt on the streets. People use chains on the freeway!!! It's crazy.

  18. *OF monstrous proportions...

  19. I showed this video to my coworker who is from India and has never seen snow in real life and she asked "why are they sliding? does it hurt when you fall?" LOL!

  20. I'm so sorry to those of you who fall and I hope no one was hurt too bad, but a person falling is always hilarious to me. I will usually wait to laugh to find out if a person is okay, but I am dying to let it out. That bus one was freaky. Some people were walking all casual around it. I'd be running.

  21. I can just say here in Stockholm we have about -17 celsius and 70 cm of snow.

    And yes.. even though we have the best snow removal teams.. I have fell down right on my ass when I was walking down my schools stairs :D

  22. I flinched at the guy trying to jump into that water and hitting the ice

  23. Thanks tracinator! The landscape mixed with Capitol Hill kinda clued me in but I wasn't sure. Snow in the NW is pretty crazy. We only get it every few years in Portland but when we do the city shuts down!

  24. I grew up outside of Chicago and vowed to never live in snow again. That's why I'm in Texas. I remember those days...and they weren't fun.

    That being said, this video is hilarious...maybe because its 73 here in January and I don't have to go outside and shovel anything...

  25. @Jolene Jolene,

    Yeah, but then we get all cocky about it, and this happens.

    I miss snow. We've had almost none since that epic whomping. :(

  26. Here on the Virginia shoreline, we too close the schools for more than an inch, because we don't know How to drive on snow. Snow around here is treated as either A. a holiday or B. a Golan/Globus disaster. Those scenes made me proud of humanity, each of those slips were the epitome of "who me?I'm Fine' nonchalance. Except the banjo guy and...the bull. :)

  27. It was minus 25 (with no wind) here today. You can usually hear skidoos whining this weather, but it's too cold tonight.

    That was a great video. My favorite part was the bus, and the snowplow tipping over was funny too. That's something you don't see too often.

  28. I don't usually get into these sorts of videos, but I laughed my ass off. I also fell on my ass the other night while taking my dog out to pee at 3am. The wet fog laid a nice sheet of ice on my back patio.

    It's amazing how those sliding cars and buses didn't hit anything major.

  29. @Maja - I fall down a lot too. I understand what you mean, but I was still laughing hysterically.

    I'm glad it's not me - this time!

  30. This gives me flashbacks to my freshman year of college and the first time I ever drove on ice.

    The shittiest part was Lubbock has NO drainage system so when it snowed and then melted and turned into black ice, it would cover the entire road because there was nowhere for the melted snow to run off. Thank the flying spaghetti monster Katy is hot as hell year round

  31. BTW keep warm my Northern friends!! And be safe, don't get all crazy and try to re-enact any of these stunts! Just kidding, I know y'all wouldn't do that.

    But really, I hope everyone is safe and comfy during this ice age!

  32. It was 6 below when I left for work this morning.

    Has since warmed up to 5 above.

    Heat wave.
