Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Paparazzo Dies Trying To Get Photo Of Justin Bieber's Ferrari

Police pulled over Justin Bieber's Ferrari yesterday. The singer was not inside the car, but a paparazzo wanted photos of whoever was inside the car and ended up paying with his life. The photographer had been told by police to go back to his car twice and when he returned to his car the last time, he was hit by an oncoming car and killed. Even if it had been a Victoria's Secret model or Justin's dad wearing lingerie and singing Liza Minelli songs, no photo is worth your life.


  1. Darwin award for this guy.

    1. ^^^ exactly. There are too many real victims in the world for me to give one moment of sadness to this idiot.

  2. So Justin's dad wears lingerie and sings Liza Minelli songs?

  3. I'm sad for his family and that it happened at all.

  4. How awful for the family, and the Bieber family too. Justin's still a kid in many ways and will blame himself.

  5. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Theguy risked his life to get a shot of a celebrity car, sans celebrity.
    Darwin award indeed......

  6. @FSP - I know that's what I'm going to tell people.

  7. @Amber - It would explain a lot.

  8. Tux, I highly doubt bieber wld spare this a second thought. He isnt what u call 'deep'. Easy to feel sorry for family, very hard to feel sorry for idiotic photog.

  9. DM has the Bieber quote:

    'While I was not present nor directly involved with this tragic accident, my thoughts and prayers are with the family of the victim.'Hopefully this tragedy will finally inspire meaningful legislation and whatever other necessary steps to protect the lives and safety of celebrities, police officers, innocent public bystanders, and the photographers themselves.'

    1. @ Lotta: insensitive PR people. Dude was trying to make a living. With all the celebs calling paps to take impromptu photos, it's hard for me to be 100% mad or hand out a Darwin Award.

  10. @Lotta - Well if that isn't a backhanded sentiment! It's a little too soon to be making that point, IMO.

  11. That sounds like lawyer/manager-speak to me...He's probably curled up somewhere balling his eyes out - anyone would be.

  12. We all know he didn't write that up, Scooter put that out for sure. And you are right about that Amber!

  13. As much as the kid annoys me, I don't doubt he's devastated by this--just the thought that you're involved at all with someone's death, even though you weren't on the scene and wouldn't have wanted the photographer to do all that in the first place, has to be terribly upsetting. I agree that the press release sounds like lawyer/manager-speak, probably put out ASAP to try and deflect any potential litigation. (Yes, litigation--I wouldn't be surprised to be this guy's family and/or employers try to sue Biebs by claiming he's somehow responsible for the situation in the first place. Never underestimate the potential for moneygrubbing in a case like this.) I do feel bad for the deceased, even though to a large degree it was his own damn fault--the cops apparently kept telling him to get out of the way before he got hit, and the woman who hit him (w/her 2 little kids in the back) pulled over immediately to try and help and was very upset herself--and speaking as someone who's been involved w/photography, trying to get shots of a celebrity's car just isn't worth dying over. *sigh*

  14. I think anyone with a heart would be devastated to be indirectly involved with someone's death so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt but that statement was not the best thing they could've put out.

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  16. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I feel worst for the random driver who hit the guy!! As for the photog, I have to join the Darwin Award crowd.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      I was going to comment the same, but read the thread first. I feel terrible for the person who hit him. That is another life drastically changed forever. Very sad for him and the family of the deceased.

  17. Somehow I don't think Biebs gave this a second thought.

  18. Those poor kids are probably traumatized for life. Horrible.

  19. This is horrible. So much wrong with this story, I don't have the energy to address it.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Can't be sad for an idiot who was repeatedly told to go back to his car. You play, you pay. I saw a documentary about these fools, and they showed a pap in his car driving IN THE OPPOSITE LANE attempting to get a photo of J Lo. Arnold Schwarzenegger was forced off the road by a pap attempting to get a photo of him,, his wife and small son. They get what they deserve.

  22. I've gotta say, most of my sympathy goes to the innocent woman with her kids who hit this guy. That is an image they are probably never going to get out of their heads.
    While I wouldn't wish death on anyone, there is no one to blame but himself. Darwin award indeed.

  23. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I'm more surprised this type of accident doesn't happen more often with the extremes the papparazzi go to ya know?!

  24. I feel bad for the woman who hit the photog and the photog's family--the dumbass wanted those pics really bad, and now an innocent driver will have to live with the fact that she took a life even though it wasn't her fault. I have NO sympathy for the paparazzi---they put themselves and other people in danger all the time and for what??? Some lousy pictures? Often blurry? If a few more got killed maybe then the rest of the jackals will back the fuck off of people.

  25. Traumatic for the women that hit him, the paps man didn't exactly die a courageous death. Wonder how much $$ he would have gotten for the photo he was seeking. Seriously, I always wondered how that worked.

  26. This happened down the street from my apartment. The paps are ridiculous in LA.

  27. There really needs to be laws limiting pap behavior. They do very dangerous things that not only put their own lives at risk, but also the lives of the celebrities they are stalking along with the innocent bystanders at risk. Seriously, it's gotten WAAAAAAY out of hand.

  28. See: Princess Diana. :(

  29. I'm not a paparazzi photographer, I'm generally shooting people who have hired me. Even so, there have been times where I get so focused (lol) on what I'm shooting that I don't look around as much as I should. But I realize that, and am very, very careful whenever I have to shoot in the street.

    It's a terrible shame this guy got so caught up in "the story" that he forgot where he was... in the street.

    My heart goes out to the family, and especially the woman who hit him. Her kids were with her, I hope they are not traumatized.
