Friday, January 11, 2013

Osbournes v Lady GaGa

I think this would be a great time to get those people over at MTV to start spinning up the Celebrity Deathmatch clay figures again because now Sharon Osbourne is in the middle of this ridiculous Kelly Osbourne Lady GaGa fight. Kelly said GaGa was pregnant because GaGa had gained weight. The next thing you know Kelly is getting death threats from GaGa's Twitter followers and Sharon steps in and writes a letter to Vince Hebert. Yeah, Tamar's husband. Sharon says Vince needs to put a stop to it and he says he will but instead GaGa takes some shots at Kelly and says that her career is based on making people not feel good and comparing who is more beautiful. So, Sharon is upset now again and this just goes on endlessly and I think the only way to settle it is to revive the old MTV show.


  1. Why is anything Kelly has to say about anything relevant? Who on planet Earth cares what Kelly Osbourne thinks?

  2. Can you imagine if Kelly and Mom had to get real jobs?

  3. I though Kelly's career was based on having a famous father

  4. Ozzy should bite Lady GaGas head off.

  5. I'm not a fan of Gaga but I do like some of her songs. But where does Kelly think she has room to talk about anybody. She's nothing more than a low budget Paris Hilton/Kim K. famewhore. She has no talent and the only thing she does is that fashion show with Joan Rivers, which is right uo her alley of talking about people and their choice of clothes. Yet she is the one who is in her 30's still wearing purple hair. I'm not saying there is anythng wrong with her choice of hair color but she needs to look in the mirror before she critique's anyone else.

  6. @SusanB, you took the comment right out of my mouth.

  7. Kelly has spoken about the unpleasant comments she received about her weight and how hurtful they were. The pregnancy comment was unnecessary and was said only because she was on television. Not like she had any credible info.

    And Kelly's mama needs to STFU. This is Kelly's "problem" which Kelly created.

    Isn't mama the one who threw a ham in her neighbors yard? As well as bleach on their plants?

    Personally, my favorite Osborne is the daughter who didn't participate in the reality show and does not appear to be a fame whore.

  8. Really! Team Gaga for this. Kelly is just a mean-spirited fame whore do nothing riding on her last name

  9. Kelly has called plenty of people fat and/or ugly. She should look at her own behavior before she starts complaining about others.

  10. Right on, msgirl!

    I hate that Gaga wears fur, but at least she has some talent.

  11. In fairness to Sharon she does have a real job and works very hard as a manager and promoter in the music business.
    However, that doesn't make her any less of a C*nt. With a capital C.
    She is a selfish, self obsessed, horrible piece of work. Just look at what she did to Bill Ward, a founding member of Black Sabbath.
    She has a very long memory and can really hold a grudge, even if she was in the wrong in the 1st place.
    That is why Kelly can't ever see what she has done wrong.

  12. Gaga didn't have to do the "open" letter either.

    They are all fame whores but I'm Team Sharon on this one. Especially about Gaga wearing fur.

  13. I am not a fan of any of these people. Kelly does, in fact, have a "career" carping about other people's choice of clothing and perceived weight gain. And she's thin-skinned about any criticism of her own fashion choices and weight. Sharon is a loudmouth who needs to let her adult daughter deal with the messes she has has stirred up and not get involved. Lady Gaga is just not my cuppa in any way at all.

    On the other fistful of hands, bless her heart, Kelly is paid to make those comments. Sharon is a mother and we tend to get defensive of our children. And Gaga is, bless her, one of a kind.

    But death threats because some said something about a media star? Really? Now that's the real outrage to me. Grow up, whoever you are. Gaga does not need you to defend her. (Neither does Bieber or Britney or whoever else you want to defend. They can deal. Honest.)

  14. I would like Kelly Osbourne and her supersized calves to take a long walk of a short pier.

  15. According to TMZ, Sharon calls lady Gaga "a publicity seeking hypocrite and an attention seeker," which to me sounds pretty much like all parties involved. Anybody remember the picture of Jack and Lisa and their new baby--I mean, Sharon with Jack, Lisa and their new baby?
    And I think they should bring back Celebrity Death Match!

  16. Anonymous11:50 AM

    mind your business mom. Kelly is grown let her fight her own battles. she got into it herself, let her get out of it herself.

  17. Kelly should be embarrassed to have her mother fighting her self-induced battles for her. Team GaGa.

  18. Seriously what the hell is wrong when people feel the need to threaten death to public figures? SMH

  19. Everyone involved is behaving utterly ridiculously.

  20. These people do not have enough to do.

    Kelly annoys me no end--she is mentally about 15 years old and Sharon is one of the most selfish people I've ever seen. I don't know much about Gaga--but I've not seen her be intentionally mean or hurtful toward anyone that I can remember.

    This is just stupid of all of them.

  21. this started with gaga's followers shitting on Kelly...I think it was in Daily Mail...

  22. Kelly is in the wrong. It hurt her feelings when people called her fat. She needs to shut up. Where does she get the accent from anyway? Didn't she grow up in LA? I don't remember Jack having a accent. Her mom can rock the purple hair but Kelly looks like a bad color job...not purple but gray. Who's ass did she kiss to be on that fashion show anyway? Oh- and btw she has ugly tattoos!
    Sharon does need to shut up, no wonder Kelly has never learned to.

  23. Lady gaga just can't figure out how to dress.

  24. A former fat girl with cankles, a bat-eating daddy,bad taste in hair color(inherited from her mother) has no room to talk about anyone. When she does, she should be prepared for the inevitable backlash, not run and hide behind her mother's skirts. Shame on Kelly.

  25. Hmmm, the real story here is will Vince H. manage to keep Tamar's mouth out of this? She loves twitter beef, is no talent and needs constant attention. I think the fans inflamed this one; Sharon please, Kelly's job is to critique people not to make snarky rumor fuel comments. She wrote that check now let's see if that squared off ass can cash it.

  26. I think Kelly's kind of sweet - she had a lot of people criticize her when she was overweight. She has a beautiful complexion and I actually like the lavender hair - I don't think she will keep it long anyhow. I actually think they are just arguing for attention. Lady Gaga is used to having much more attention than she is getting right now.

  27. You guys are missing the big picture:

    Celebrity feuds are HILARIOUS!

    Reread this article with a valley girl voice and thank your lucky stars you're not famous and trapped in forever-highschool, aka Hollywood!

    (Unless you are famous. If so, can I have your autograph) :P

  28. I hate Kelly Osbourne, bitch loses some weight and now she thinks she can judge? And her fashion sense sucks I've never liked her, I like the entire family minus her and her lisp

  29. I think I want to see Sharon Osbourne and Kris Jenner in a deathmatch....

  30. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Kelly Osborne is only known because of her rich parents. So this means we should be looking up to her why? She's a spoiled princess, who's never worked a day in her life, who recently lost some weight. Who's publicly, viciously, once again picking on someone for their weight in the public eye who's made something of themselves because of their own talent, hard work, creativity and sacrifices. When she had a weight problem herself!!! Could she be any more obnoxious rude, petty, annoying, and shallow? Fuck OFF Kelly, go spend more of Daddy's money on your meaningless, shallow, empty, hollow life in Hollywood judging others. No one cares what you think, or what you have to say. Go work on losing more weight, fatty.
