Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Once Again Hulk Hogan Proves He Is Hot For His Daughter

Joe Simpson may have said some really blow your mind things about Jessica Simpson and Thora Birch's dad is another league when it comes to father creepiness, so you kind of have to exclude him, so the worst celebrity dad out there as far as creepiness goes is probably Hulk Hogan. A few years ago you had him rubbing suntan lotion in between her thighs and under Brooke Hogan's bikini bottoms. Yeah, then there was the time he got into it while she was on a stripper pole and he almost lost his s**t because he was so excited. Just when you think he is happy just having sex with his Brooke look-alike-wife and the world can move on he posted the photo above yesterday on his Twitter with the caption Brooke's legs. Probably wishing he could rub oil up under her skirt.


  1. God, I wish I could un-read this.

  2. Why is he posting pics of a hot dog with a wig?

  3. Ew.

    On another note, I found this sweet article on the history of the Hollywood PR game. Definitely worth a read.

    The Rules of the Game

    1. Lucas, that was a great link!!! Will be sharing, thank you.

    2. Wow, fascinating link!

    3. Great article, Lucas.

    4. @Lucas Finally got a chance to read this. Thanks for posting!!!! Love everything about the Hays code era in Hollywood (not for the rules, but for the flouting of said rules)

    5. Seriously excellent read, @Lucas- thanks for sharing!

  4. I think Hulk needs a new Demandment about not coveting his own daughter.

    He'll never be the gentleman that Bret Harte is.

  5. This is just beyond creepy & disgusting. I think I'm going to throw up all of the food I've eaten for the past week. Yuck.

    1. Ah! I like to call that "involuntary bulimia".

  6. If he didn't sexually abuse her, I would be highly shocked. This guy is more disgusting than Snookie and that is saying a LOT!!

    1. Aw, what did Snooki ever do to you?

      (I kinda like Snooki)

  7. @ethorne: Is it bad I laughed?

    OT: Does this creepazoid not know how freakin' inappropriate this is or does he just not give a rat's ass? I, too, wish I could un-see this. Ugh, ugh, ughhhhhh!!!

  8. Are they going to pull a Phillips and announce someday that they have been having a "consensual" sexual relationship? Because EWWW!

  9. Thank you Lucas! Slow day at work and I need some more reading material!!

  10. Ew. That is all.

  11. On another note she does have nice legs! HH has always been creepy to me

  12. VIPBlonde: I'm afraid to ask but the Nosy Nellie in me insists: what is 'pulling a Phillips' in reference to?

    1. John and Mackenzie Phillips. Google. (I can't fit the horror of their relationship into this tiny comment box)

  13. He and his skullet need to go away.

  14. @Reeses- you don't wanna know

  15. @ReesesPeace -I think Mackenzie Phillips said she had a sexual relationship with her dad (John Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas).

    I kept thinking the suntan lotion photo might have been overblown but yeah, there is some creepy stuff going on with this family.

  16. Ugh, thanks but I remember. Unfortunately.

  17. And a great big morning ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Beyond disgusting, all of the incest fathers vugh!

  18. Afraid to ask, but what's the stripper pole story with Brooke & HH?

  19. I don't think he wants to bang her. I think he is a legitimate idiot, and sees nothing wrong with this shit. Brooke is into wrestling now too. I saw this as a picture to show off her muscle tone. Still creepy, but again, Hogan is not smart enough to realize this. He is not an intelligent man.

  20. Hulk is a self promoter. You have to remember that at all times. They are likely laughing all the way to the bank.

  21. Great article, Lucas, thanks!

  22. excellent article, Lucas. I really enjoyed reading it... thanks for sharing!

  23. I took this pic as him being proud of her muscle tone as well. Her legs are fantastic, and unlike his son, she seems to be the one who inherited his prowess in building muscle mass (minus steroids, of course).

    That said, I saw the lotion pics and could see how people may find their closeness creepy. I don't think that his doing anything incestuous with her, they seem to have an different idea about appropriate father-daughter relationships.

    The Jessica and Joe Simpson stuff is, was and always will be overblown. He made a (true) comment about her humungo ta-tas and it wasn't tactful. Stop clutching the pearls and move on.

  24. I grew up watching Hogan so I have been trying so hard to see things as circumstantial, but EWWWW. The whole sitch is GROSS. There is no way a normal, healthy daughter is ok with all this stuff. There is no way that I believe this isn't going the way of the Phillips in a big bad way.

  25. GROSS!

    Great link Lucas!

  26. I saw Brooke about 6 months ago on one of the morning news shows (can't remember which one) in which she was promoting some boxing or wrestling show - she wasn't doing it herself, but was kind of like an announcer or something. Outside of people who really are trannies, I've NEVER seen a woman who looked so masculine. She just reeked of testosterone. And it seems the older she gets, the more masculine looking she gets. Does she date anyone?

    1. You are so right. Looks like a dude w/ a wig on!

  27. Even the way the picture was taken, like creepy, serial killer stalker mode. Definitely not a typical dad kinda picture.
    Yuck to the yuckity yuck!

  28. She looks like him, so it's not incesty that he's hot for her, it's just narcissistic.

  29. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I think he is just so slimey and looks at women as just sex objects and he's too stupid to not look at his daughter and feel the same feelings. I chalk it up to idiocy/single digit brain cells, and man ho ishness taken to the extreme. Sad..

  30. Jason ITA I think he is just over the moon that he got to see what he would look like as a woman. He isn't admiring her as his daughter the sex object, he is admiring her as "damn! I am one sexy bitch, check out my muscle tone! Oops I mean Brooke's".

  31. @SusanB: I noticed that too, and online there are so many questions about her sex.. She is just very boxy- and masculine-build. Broad shoulders and stuff. Buttttt, her mom has that too; very harsh mannish features in the face and a thick body. And of course her dad.. He is all muscle, haha

  32. Someone send out a search party, Tuxedo Cat has been kidnapped and her account hacked.

    That was funny, Tuxedo. Kudos.

    You got to think of the life he lived for 40 years as a wrestler. Locker room showers, shooting each other up w/ juice, rubbing salves/bronzers/baby oil on everyone, Ric Flair running around airplanes naked except for his ring robe. It don't make the Brooke stuff less creepy, but I don't think he's getting off it.

  33. CJ, the Ric Flair thing is quite the mental image - ha! I'm also thinking that ring robe didn't see the inside of a washing machine very frequently.

  34. I've never heard about the stripper pole thing. I think I'm glad about that.

  35. Are we sure that isn't his wife? I wonder if he ever mixes up their names.

  36. @ Lucas - thanks for the link

    I have no idea if Hulk actually wants to sleep with his daughter but thanks for that nasty imagery, Enty.

  37. @Sarah...Lol!!!

    When did he get horny looking at Brooke on a stripper pole? Did I miss something?

  38. Please tell me she's adopted or not biologically related to her.

  39. Ye Olde Pro Wrestling List Of Sleaze (Wrestling Gossip). And if anyone has time and wants to read about how comically awful wrestling can get, The Death Of WCW (In Quotes!)

  40. Makes me think about TV's other Hogan, i.e. Robert Crane of "Hogan's Heroes." He more or less invented the celebrity sex tape, traveling around the US and filming himself having sex with random women. And you know what? That's less gross than Hulk Hogan's Tweet!

    Rest in peace, Bob Crane!

  41. Reveal for Thora Birch/her dad in that awful awful blind a while back? http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2012/04/todays-blind-items-two-dads.html

  42. Ingrid, thanks for the Death of WCW link. I read the sleeze page before, but the WCW one brought back many memories of drinkin and gettin high w/ my friends watching the Monday night shows. WWE needs legit competition again in the worst way.

  43. Hot Rod and Piper's Pit. Good times.

  44. Ugh, just no. He's icky for so many other things, this takes the cake.

  45. Wonder what ever happened to the son?

  46. Hulk's son will never have a career as a celeb or entertainer after that car accident, so there is no reason to pimp him. Blew his dream of daddy funding a racing career too.

  47. Count I was wondering when you would pop by today.

    I forgot about that car accident, just like I always forget that Brandy and Rebecca Gayheart killed people and totally got away with it too.

  48. That was a fucked up deal, from the dipshit 1/2 brother calling and threatening the Hogans, to Linda trying to get out of any settlement money coming out of her potential divorce settlement money.
