Sunday, January 20, 2013

Octomom Is Stripping Again

Last year when there was some kind of strange demand for Octomom to perform at strip clubs, she was going to perform at T's in Palm Beach, FL. The staff rightfully made fun of the idea and Octo got her feelings hurt and canceled on the place and scheduled herself at a different venue. Well, the original place sued so Octo will be shaking whatever it is that she shakes on Valentine's Day weekend because nothing says sad like the stripper that has to work on Valentine's Day. Octo says this will be the last time she is going to strip and from now on she will just focus on trying to get more money from the State and federal governments to take care of her kids. The gig does pay $20K plus tips.


  1. Just when I thought my night terrors were over..

  2. I really hope those kids make it out ok, I can't imagine what that home will be like when there are 14 teenagers running around. It's going to be Lord of the Flies. And Octo will be pretending everything is GREAT JUST GREAT!!

  3. Not surprised. Poor kids

  4. those kids will forever be on the taxpayers dime. when is someone going to sue the dr and at least let his malpractice pay for some of it

  5. Oh god! Somebody! Anybody! Everybody! Make it stop!!!

    Who the fuque wants to see an Octopussy?! C'mon, male readers: 'Fess up! Would you pay to see...that? Would you watch if you were paid? Nosy Nellie here wants to know.

    On a serious note: those poor, poor children.

  6. I've seen hotter pre op trannies than this broad. What level of loser would head to a club to pay an inflated cover and hand this skeezer cash???

    Strip clubs can be very fun on V-Day. I went once with my ex to celebrate the holiday. 2/3 of the club was couples and the strippers said they enjoyed that, as the guys were better mannered than the usual crowd. All the civilian girls get flirted with by the strips. They are feeling great about themselves and are sexually super charged by the time you leave, which leads to a great end to the evening :) Just make sure you eat the extra fee and just pay to watch your girl get a lap dance. You want it to be about her, and not chance her being distracted w/ jealousy as you get one next to her.

  7. Count Jerkula...that was an almost...dare I say it?...thoughtful post there! ;)

    1. LOL Reese's: Our little perv has a tender side.

      Yeah how long before she needs to do this again? How far do you think she will make it on this $20k? Not far no doubt.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      My guess is 1-2 months. She would never invest any of it either. Not her style.

  8. Lol @ Reeses- Octopussy!

  9. This isn't the first time a mother has chosen to strip to support her kids. No big deal.

  10. I am slowly developing a crush on Count's jerk/gentleman persona. Maybe it's the mimosas.

    (BTW, thank you, CDaN for introducing me to mimosas. I'd never had one, so I treated myself on New Year's morning with a mimosa. Mama like!)

    Yuck, yuck and more yuck. It's bad enough that she's famous for pushing out kids, now she's making porn and stripping? Those poor children.

  11. count jerkula, that post reveals a whole new side to you that i never expected, i am rather impressed with that glimpse of sensitivity!

    octomom seems to be really trying to support those kids, even lowering herself to do porn and stripping. in my opinion, she probably should have gone ahead and let TLC or whatever channel do a show around them in the first place instead of saying she would never make money off the kids and thinking she could ever support that many kids by herself. i know people really dislike her, but she only wanted one more kid.....not eight. but, who knows, maybe she would be as hated if she 'only' had 7 kids instead of 14. again, in my opinion, i think a daily dose of ritalin, some therapy, plus her being a stay at home mom, might be more beneficial to her and the kids than all this drama and porn jobs.

    in the end, it is about the kids and their being raised to be productive, well adjusted adults with good morals. as anything other than a mother, her value is pretty much nil so she should concentrate on that and just get the kids raised with minimal disruptions in their little lives.

    1. @Kasus I think she had an insane amount of embryos implanted, the Dr. that did it was even investigated for it, if I'm remembering it right. I think she wanted more than 1 more. She already had 6 kids, I have no idea what was going through her head to try for any more.

    2. @ksus - the story I'd read somewhere long ago was that she couldn't handle the thought of destroying the extra fertilized eggs (embryos? - clearly not my area of specialty) so she just had them all implanted.

      Such bad, bad malpractice by the doc. I'm not a big fan of suing, especially when it's your dumbass that got you in the predicament, but really that might be one case I could get behind.

  12. If you want to get crazy @prolixe try a Bellini it's Champagne & Peach juice. I actually prefer the Bellini to the Mimosa.

  13. I live in West Palm Beach. If going to a strip club didn't go against all that I believe in I would go just to say I saw Octomom. On a side note I passed T's on the way to the library last Sunday after Church. I believe it is right across the street from Trump International Golf Course in the "classy" part of town. And by classy I totally mean dumpy. Looks like Octomom should fit right in. Instead of being on welfare and sucking the money from taxpayers Octomom should take a field trip to Palm Beach Island, visit Billionaire's row and find a sugar daddy willing to pay her for her services. She could take the LiLo / Tara Reid Route, maybe her and her 14 kids would get put up in one of the many houses on sugar daddy's estate and we'll never have to hear about her again.

  14. erika, i think it is a big deal when any woman had to resort to selling her body to support her kids. it is a major fault in our society when a woman has to resort to doing something our society thinks is morally reprehensible in order to support her kids. she might make the money to provide for her children but instead of applauding her for being independent, society ostracises her and the kids. it is better for them to take money from the state to live......the children are not punished as much by their peers as they would be if it was known their mom was a stripper or porn actress.

    we need to either take the stigma away from being a sex worker or we need to stop passing negative opinions about mothers who need state money to raise their kids. maybe we need to also adopt the views of some other countries and really concentrate on making sure an education is important so mothers can get better paying jobs to support their families.

  15. What she did was obviously wrong in having 14 kids, but I think we all knew she would eventually receive assistance. That being said, there are people on welfare that keep having children to increase their benefits so really, what is another few mouths to feed?

  16. lalaland, please explain your religion to me. you go to church, will not go to a strip club because it "goes against all you believe in" then proceed to post that you think a woman you don't even know should become a whore to support her kids......just so you didn't have to hear about them again.
    unfortunately, you have just comfirmed my theory that the people who can't wait to tell you how they go to church/are christian are usually the ugliest people inside.

    1. It's called sarcasm. I actually think Nadya is doing whatever she can to support her family and there is no shame in that. The problem with your post is you do not know me nor my writing style. You immediately jump on the make assumptions against Christians bandwagon but next time before you do that I suggest you ask. I'm actually one of the most open minded kindest loving people around and would never put someone down for trying to provide for their family. It's hard with the Internet to sense sarcasm and for that I apologize but honestly I hope you also look at what you have typed to me and think about that as well.

  17. I think @ksus has some excellent points.

  18. Well, ksus. That's just mean and totally stereotypical.

  19. Total stereotyping, my damn phone!

  20. Well, ksus. That's just mean and totally stereotypical.

  21. Amen ksus

    We don't want Octo on government cheese but we clown on her for stripping. Not that I support this broad or her crazy ways, but one of the least crazy things she's done is take a 20k paycheck for maybe ten hours of work. Regardless if the work entailed her being nude.

    And Count Jerkula .. That strip club game can work both ways. A lady can take her fella in, have the ladies get him all hot and bothered, treat him to a lap dance.. A few beers and voílá ... Your mans putty in your hands later..

    1. Alicia -

      We don't want Octo on government cheese but we clown on her for stripping.

      Excellent sentence there - A+. You painted an image in my mind :-).

  22. As I have previously stated when it was alluded to that I am not a "nice guy" I love to be coarse, but I know how to treat a lady.

    Some ladies like american cheese, with its bland boringness and some enjoy pepperjack cause the lil bits of fire here and there perk em up and get the juices flowing. Others enjoy swiss so they can exploit the empty holes. I thing that is/was the Cox/Arquette dynamic.

  23. lalaland did NOT say that church had anything to do with whether or not she liked strip clubs. If she'd said 'going to the grocery store' would it have been more palatable? Some Christians don't have any problems with strip clubs and some atheists DO. But nice try at turning this into a religious debate. All that was being said was that she needs to find a man to support her family since she clearly isn't doing a great job on her own.

    Also, I find I'm mostly sympathizing with all the strippers who work on V-Day and don't make 20K, they're actually professionals and they're getting screwed here just because they didn't birth a whole litter.

  24. I would rather that she strips then rely on the public to pay for her heathens. I can't even pay for myself right now, let alone 14 children some crazy decided to birth.

    Ksus you can go ahead and cover my share of her child support since you are so against stripping to make money to support your family.

    She made this bed for herself and I can't understand why so many don't think she should lie in it. Not to mention, WTF happened to all that porn money she already made?

    Not only am I subjected to this cunt diddling her stretched out skittle on camera, but now you are telling me I have to pay for her because some people don't want her wrapping her loose floppy vag lips around a pole to pay for herself? Bull shit.

  25. Count, don't make me have a crush on you.

  26. Now every time I eat pepper jack cheese I am going to feel like I am eating Count.

  27. With all these ladies talking about crushes, I might have to set up a gmail account for y'all to send pics and set something up. I'm in the Northeast, but maybe we can split travel costs.

    @JSierra: Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

  28. Count- thank you for the laughs. :)

  29. Anonymous1:12 PM

    She's like a freak show.

    Why didn't she just stay on TV? As a single mother of 14 you're gonna end up whoring yourself one way or another to make ends meet.........

    Sad, but true.

  30. Wait Ksus are you pro or anti stripper? I'm confused. Yes I'm against sex work shaming but I'm pro strippers all the way. In my city there are more strip clubs per capita then anywhere else in the US. If you're a good looking girl in Portland,OR it's ASSUMED you're a stripper .. It's pretty annoying. That being said, the strippers here are rad .. Many are moms, students, activists, artists and performers. I've been lucky to work with many very talented ladies who happen to be strippers and can proudly count a few as my friends. They have no beef with what they do, and I find it difficult there are those who judge them and say the work they do is " sad ". Sad is working with starving kids not healthy adults making bank. Not every woman ( I'm looking at you DR Drew ) has some traumatic abuse in her past which makes her " turn " to Sex work.

    1. *than* anywhere else in the US ... Stupid auto correct

      And I should've said " I find it difficult ( to understand why ) ... "

      And that concludes my self edit for this post :P

  31. parents set an example for their children. if she (or any mother) strays outside the morality held by most of our society the children find out one way or the other. which usually means that the child has a schewed (sp?) idea of for what reasons and how far it is acceptable to their own conscience to stay within those societal rules when they reach puberty or aduthood. so how many of them decide it is ok to steal or even worse?
    God forbid that any of those kids grow up and spend their lives in jails or prisons because they thought that hanging around seedy strip joints and selling crack was an acceptable way to support their own kids.
    i realize i am reaching here and apologize, but just as octomom did not think about the consequences of having a large family, we really should maybe think about how being raised without a clear set of morals will affect the minds of kids. if you think the government will be spending a lot of money to get them raised, think about how much it will spend prosecuting them and housing them in jail or prison. the 14 kids have done nothing wrong, they should not be punished for their mother's mistakes.
    and i think she has some very clear emotional problems so to what extent can we hold her responsible for having 14 children?

    i also apoliogize for the remarks i made about Christians being ugly inside. we all have our ugly days, no matter what, if any, religion we are.

    and that, you will all be thankful to know, is the end of my lecturing for the day. i am going to sit quietly now and picture count jerkula as a huge block of pepper jack cheese and see just what i think of that image.

    1. I'm confused ..

      Are you comparing stripping to selling crack?
      I don't mean this as a smart ass question .. I'm honestly curious.. Also you mentioned stealing.. ? As in if your parent strips you will probably grow up to be a thief and a drug dealer? What part of parent communication goes in to this rational? Are all sex workers poop parents and bad examples?

    2. Lol poor not poop although that word could be used in this context

  32. alicia, good question. i had to stop and think about that. i am neutral. i really try not to judge other people by the standards i try to live by. i think each person has the right to set their own standards for themselves.
    for myself.....if i was a young single woman with no children and saw nothing wrong with it, then i would have no problem with stripping.
    if i had young children, then i (remember this is just my standards for myself!)would not strip.
    what i do object to is any woman either being forced to strip or feeling she has no other choice......even though it is not something she is comfortable with.

    when i was younger (and thinner) i was a nude model for several years for college classes. it was a job and was about as exciting to me as factory work but i was fairly good at it and i had no qualms about doing it. nudity is not an issue to me......exploitation is.

    1. That's a fair reply. I don't think anyone should be forced in to a profession that makes them feel vulnerable and exploited. Ever. And it's an intelligent and well thought out response which I totally appreciate.

  33. Anonymous1:40 PM

    She will have those kids taken away by years end

  34. I think I just threw up a lil' bit in my mouth

  35. it is possible stripping could be a 'gateway'? not always, and not with well adjusted children probably. but i would find it difficult to believe that these 14 kids are well adjusted. :(

    nudibelle, i thought they would be taken away before she got them home from the hospital. one person cannot fufill the emotional needs of 14 kids full time.

  36. We all continue to hope all those kids are taken away. It never happens. Not even when their back yard was their toilet. Just go ahead and get all the girls on the pole and all the boys warehoused and be done with it before other humans are hurt. Enough damage has been done.

  37. My comment has two parts-

    Man-parts: Jerkula still counted as a jerkula over here. His post wasn't so much about the ladies, but how to go to strip club and not screw yourself out of getting laid at the end of the night. Still a pig. Never change Jerky; it obviously freaks us out.

    Lady-parts: The octovag would be normal as all babies were c-section, right? (Why?!! Why am I spending brain power thinking about is?)

  38. In correlating pervert activities to drugs, Stripping is more like Cocaine and Lap Dances more like Crack, same thing, little different, and one is way more addicting.

    Slap Mags = Weed, Escorts = Heroin. Internet Porn is along the lines of Meth, because its like there is seemingly no end to it.

  39. @ksus...

    Alicia has already said just about everything I was thinking, including being appreciative that you further explained your position.

    There is nothing inherently evil or bad about stripping (or for that matter porn or hooking) as long as it is a choice free of influence of any kind. If a woman (or man) can go out and make hundreds or thousands for a few hours work...and they are perfectly comfortable doing so...more power to them imo.

  40. I've had two ex girlfriends who were strippers. With both of them I didn't know until after we started going out since to be honest, I've never been inside a strip club (and I'm 36). Both of them bragged to their co-workers about how I was the best boyfriend either could have because I don't see stripping as the women being exploited but see them as exploiting the men that go see them.

    The women stand on stage thinking about what they need from the grocery store or what they are going to watch when they get home. Whereas the men pull out most of the cash they make from their 40 hour work week and hand it over to see a woman naked while fantasies of the woman falling in love with them play through their heads (both of them). In reality, I would go and pick up my girlfriend at 12 or 1 with those mens money in her purse and she'd occasionally (when new things came out I was into) would say stuff like "Let's go get that PS3 that just came out" or "I want you to order that comic you were wanting" (those comics being classics from the 60's or 70's, including the first Wolverine apearances in Hulk and The Night Gwen Stacy Died in Amazing Spider-man #'s 121 and 122. Yeah, I'm a geek but I'm the cute geek that can get the hot women if I want, not that a judge a woman solely on looks mind you.)

    Also, to those saying that what she is doing is wrong based on societies outlook on it I give you this question: If a person had a family starving and stole a loaf of bread are they in wrong because theft is looked down upon?

  41. I hope she keeps shaking her ass for money because I don't want to pay for her stupidity anymore. Welfare isn't forever either. There is a five year limit, so she must be at the end of it.


  42. Is stripping something you would want your son or daughter doing for a living? Your mother, your sister?

    @Count Jerkula

    I think a relationship is probably in trouble if you have to take your date to a strip club in order to get aroused enough to complete your evening!

  43. Well spoken Count. Your comparisons actually really make a twisted way.

  44. Tuxedo Cat = American Cheese. Prolly not even Yellow American. Certainly not Velveeta.

  45. @Count Jerkula

    Hey now, I'm Canadian, and you guys are all doing very nasty things to cheese in this poor thread.

  46. Anonymous3:55 PM

    What straight woman would enjoy Valentine's Day at a strip joint? Count Jerk, that date WAS more about u.

    Count Jerk = blue cheese. Aged, moldy and tart.

  47. Lalaland, I think most of us got the humor,especially liked the Trump reference:)

  48. Considering the popularity of 50 Shades of Meh, one would imagine more women would be interested in such dates than previously thought.

    I know a lady who is very salt of the earth, committed to her family, every Sunday church-going, etc., who *loves* 50 Shades and told me one of her favorite parts. (I won't elaborate, but let's just say it wasn't a scene I'd picture my mom-jeans-wearing friend getting a tickle out of!)

    I don't judge her for reading erotica, but I did mention that a former English teacher should surely have been appalled at the writing and grammar.

    Double crap!

  49. Tuxedo Cat: Canadian explains everything. My condolences.

    fancyscreenname = Limburger. Mushy & stinky, best served w/ onions and beer, lots of beer.

  50. Anonymous4:21 PM

    .....said the man who NEEDS a rubberband like vagina cause he's small.

    Oh yeah......I remember that post.


  51. @Count Jerkula

    I don't know what the hell you meant by that, but there are lots of Canadians who post here.

  52. Hahahahahahsahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Aw crap, ya got me. And not only me, but these ladies and their crushes will quickly fade once your comment is read :'(

    Of course maybe some of the other ladies aren't so focused on the cock as you are. Could be that a stellar personality and a tongue with tremendous stamina can make up for areas wear I'm...uh, lacking. We can't all be hung like Wesley Pipes or Shorty Mac.

    Have fun with the Google.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      @ jerk....(YAWN)


  53. I picture Count Jerkula as the guy in my avatar

  54. @Count Jerkula

    Your tongue must be constantly worn out then.

    Once again, I totally see why nice guys get so frustrated.

  55. !!lmao!! Andy Cane, thanks for making me snort coffee!

    Who knew an Octopussy post would set it off?!

    I'm not ragging on the gal for doing what she can to *support* her brood. She clearly has a lot of issues and seems not...very bright.

    Re: strippers. I've had friends who were strippers and you never would've known that's what they did for a living. Some of them were very shady, some kinda shady and yet, some were just trying to make a living. I will not shame anyone doing what they can to survive and do the best for their families. They're not all drug addict whores. Of course, no one WANTS their daughter/sister/mother doing this, but get off your moral high horses. I'm sure some of you have given the significant other *extra attention* in order to get what you wanted...that's a form of whoring, no? Just my 2 cents. I'm sure that last comment will piss some of you off.

  56. Anonymous6:29 PM


  57. @ Andy: I been keepin away from whitey tighties for a long time now. All my briefs are gray, black, blue and green. Also, I never had a mullet.

    @ Grumpy Ladies: Keep on h8n. I'ma try and do a Babe Ruth and call my shot. I'ma go for some cheap heat tomorrow and see if you can help but feed the troll.

  58. No one should judge on what couples may use to add spice to their lives. I love the Opster but am not opposed to trying something interesting from time to time even if it means a lap dance for either of us.

  59. Any time someone mentions a celeb cock I immediately feel the urge to look it up and not rest until I have found the pictures.

    Count you are a naughty fellow, my friend.

  60. As an anonymous lady, is Shorty's junk enticing or frightening?

  61. It's ok Count no reason to be ashamed I currently have one of my 25 cats licking the lint out of the crevices of my back boobs. I ain't skeered to admit it.

  62. I would run away and never look back.

  63. And @Reeses I sure hope you are currently on the other side of globe because coffee at this time of night is not a good sign

  64. I sleep during the day; been a night owl since I was 13. I'm cool! ;)

  65. And...I am NOT gonna google Shorty Mac. I have a squicky feeling about that...especially after JSierra's last response!

  66. I feel yer pain. And after JSierra's response I had to and I threw up in my mouth again.

  67. o_O Nope, not gonna do it! I'm highly bored and can't seem to get into my word games, but I am not gonna google it!!

    1. Do you play Words With Friends?

  68. Chris Noth ruined celeb cooks for me. >:<

  69. I play WWF, Scrabble, Lexulous, Word Scraper and Word Battle. lol I try to keep my mind busy; it sucks being (currently) disabled and I'm not able to get out and about as I would like. Plus side is I LOVE word games and I'm a pretty decent player, if I do say so! Do you play?

    1. I do. I'm trying to figure out how to find my username on it to play with you

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Drunk me gives out too much information on a random website

  70. Hahaa! I'm sorry. That cracked me up. Go ahead and delete your comment. I do not have any openings in WWF and it will not let me start another game. :/ Lexulous is very similar to Scrabble: just a few differences in point values but not much. Look for Meanie. ;) I will *host* a table.

    1. I don't know how to delete on my phone and I'm to lazy to hop on the laptop, so it stays. :)

    2. I added the app and am trying to find you but it says to add exact username or email. I'm confused

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ha ha! After I googled and could see what you can find after mine, I've decided to pull out the laptop and do the same

  72. OMG how dare you guys hijack this important thread. For once, I would love if the comments acutally had something to do with the post. UGH.

    Anywho Shorty Mac's penis is painful to look at, but definitely a sight to behold if you believe in mythical creatures such as Big Foot and Nessie. Actually, I think Shorty Mac may have the first photographic evidence of the Loch Ness monster if ya catch my drift ;)

    1. pure gold right there!

  73. Omfg!! JSierra! You had to say that, didn't you?! Holy Flying Penises! That thing is...monstrous!!!!! I'm not easily impressed, but holy mother of gawd! lmao

  74. I don't think I am understanding your comment correctly Andy, but did you just whip out your laptop to further inspect the python Shorty Mac keeps tethered inside his pants? If so, you are a brave soul. My nether regions are cringing just thinking about the girth.

  75. I know Reeses! Thank Count, he is the one who suggested it. He knows our dirty minds so well.

  76. No I whipped out my laptop to delete a comment previously posted.
    I have already seen the wonder known as Shorty Mac's penis shortly after one of your comments from earlier.

  77. And I hurt afterwards very badly just by looking at it.

  78. PS Reeses I'm still having issues. If you are interested just look from name posted earlier above, which is hopefully, gone now from this said blog. Nothing happened hear everybody just look away

  79. Yeah, I saw that and instinctively CLOSED my legs. I'm tensing up just thinking about it. Ugh. There IS such a thing as too big, fellas!!!!

  80. Yep, both of your identities are safe. But none of our eyes will ever be the same after this night.

  81. I'm 50 and I've seen some doozies! Legs still crossed! lol

  82. I can't start a game w/ you, Andy Cane: apparently you're limited to only 20 games on WWF? :(

  83. Well, that's just sad and lame.

  84. I kinda love how there is just 3 people awake on CDAN. (Sorry I'm inebriated and looking more beer and friends)

  85. Yeah, it is funny and y'all know people are gonna bitch about how we hijacked a thread about the Octopussy! That is the thread, right? We've gone from Octopussy to cheese to monster penises to word games and all the way around! Love CDaN!

  86. Ha ha ha. I wish I could see the faces when y'all take your first glimpse of him. :)

  87. I used to love word games! Until I lost all the timez. :(

  88. Good news, I found more beer. And Sir Count Jerkula the Third I have seen 2 Girls One Cup, so nothing can really shock me passed that. BUT I will give you, that that is one ginormous penile extension of a body part. Thank you Octomom, for the late night entertainment.

  89. I have a tough time trying to describe that dude's apparatus to others. Maybe a Foster's can w/ a head on it?

  90. @Reeses I feel bad for the person with your said username cuz I've started a couple of games

  91. @Smash yer picture is purdy.

  92. Sorry once again I'm drunk and pretending to watch life of pi

  93. Hahaaa! I hosted a game on Lexulous and I've got about 7 games going there now! I guess I'm not so bored now, am I? And, plus, talking about monster dicks and Octopussy and cheese...what a "morning" it's been so far! lol

    Psst...I hope you're kicking ass!

  94. Ok now you're just making me jealous

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Unless your danny (name previously stated above. ) and your rocking some awesome Justin Bieber hair and a pair of great blinding white pecs, I'm too dense to find you right now, which is disappointing. (because I secretly wish you have great Justin Bieber hair)

  97. rofl! Nooo, I am most definitely not rockin' a Beeber 'do! Funny, my friend just did the search and it came up with me, but now it doesn't? Grrr, Fb!

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. I don't know how to do that damn clinky link thing

  100. Omg, guys really go for that look?! I'm seriously cackling and scaring the beejeebus out of my kitties! Pull up yer britches, ya fool! Get that hair out of your face! Omg, I've turned into my G'ma!!

    So, no. That is not me!! There has to be a way for people to connect on here, right? Without giving out too much info. Don't ask me about clicky links. I'm hopelessly blonde. =)

    1. Reeses, I think you forgot you advertised your blog? A little click on it...and you have your meeting place. Although speaking just for me, I laughed my butt off and enjoyed the read this am:)

  101. No you aren't cuz I'm only hitting thirty and thinking the same thing. Unless that means I'm getting old too.

  102. Since this Octomom post, I have received a random WWF game. So I warn whom ever you shall be (starting with a JD) I will take advantage of you and your new born pack of puppies. With that, I will call it a night and pass out. Peace out CDAN bitche!

  103. (Inserts retainer and goes back to the wall, where she belongs)

  104. Ahhh darn I fell asleep, but ohh my what a night.

    Andy life of pi rocks, good movie selection my friend.

  105. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Wow guys! This is an epic thread. The cheese analogies, the Canadian hating, the rise and fall of Jerkula, this was a good one. Andy's post about one of her 25 cats is currently licking the lint out of one of her back rolls had me dying at work. red face, tears rolling dying. Jerkula isn't actually a jerk, he's just pervy and inflammatory, and likes the attention. And I too think that your relationship is missing something if you have to go to a strip club to shake things up. But that's just me. I don't get the big deal about women stripping for money, I wouldn't do it, but I also don't judge. If you've got the body and the personality then that's fine. But what man would feel comfortable with that? Men are usually so cavemannish and posessive of women they really care about.

  106. I have to feel sorry for Nadya S., because she's really gotten herself in a bad situation financially - nothing like stating the obvious, but her choices are so limited at this point. Going out to work at an office job would be pointless, going back to school with 14 kids? I don't think the public would like that either. Twenty thousand dollars is a lot of money for someone in her situation, and she feels, unfortunately, that she doesn't have a choice.

    I worked at a restaurant for a year when I was a student. There was a strip club in the basement. The girls were entitled to free meals if they wished, so I got to know a few of them in passing. You never knew who would be coming back though, as there was a combination of high turnover and varied scheduling. It still isn't something I'd want a son or daughter doing, though. Easy money is rarely easy in the long run. There's usually a price to be paid somewhere along the line.

  107. Is WwF FB only? I played a couple of times until my idiot brother & my equally idiotic cousin both bragged about how they found the workaround (cheat!) to win every round - right before they sent me requests. Yeah, I'll get right on that, brain trust.

  108. I wonder if she dances as fast as she talks?

  109. I live in California and definitely do not want my tax dollars to go to this insane joke of a woman (because believe me, it won't go to her kids but instead to plastic surgeons and hairdressers).

    Those children need to be removed from her custody and adopted out. A single woman having eight children after already having six is surely a sign that she is seriously unbalanced. The state has already had to pay for the births and neonatal hospital care of the octuplets (which probably added up to millions in the end - my nephew was a preemie and his final hospital bill was $350K in 1996!) and now she wants it to pay for their everyday upkeep? NO. Forget the stripping or the porn - this woman is a loony. Child services should take these children away from her for their own safety and well-being.
